This is The Craziest Leonardo.Ai Setting...NOBODY TALKS ABOUT!

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hey guys welcome to a new video I wanted to make this video because in my opinion this is probably the craziest Leonardo AI feature that I've ever seen and I've never seen any AI tool other than this one that could actually do this now before we begin I just want to say I don't get paid to do this so it's not like I'm here promoting Leonardo AI they're just genuinely an amazing software and to be honest they're in my opinion better than mid-journey alright so if you learn how to use an AI properly and I'm still learning I'm no genius I'm still learning but uh you can create some really really cool stuff so anyways I want to show you what I'm talking about and how I actually came to discover this so I was just sitting here creating some designs as you could see and I was creating this design where I wanted to create three different style of designs kind of like the one that you're seeing here with a picture of a wolf and like a moon in the background you know with some with some extra details so I was using my normal prompt and I typed in Wolf Moon and from the first shot of prompts it kind of understood what I was asking it for It produced this this this and this right and then I asked it to do another round of designs which is this one this one and this one and at that time I would say this one and this one were the closest ones then I asked it to produce Another Round And It produced these now at first I thought this one was perfect and this was the original composition right I thought it was perfect but when I upscaled it I then paid attention to how the mouth looked like on the wolf which for me is not ideal and I could go into a paint app and fix this and do some drawings on it or even use it in the um in the section here where you can use the AI canvas beta in Leonardo AI but I wanted to find if there was a different way so either way I asked it to produce another set of results I use this on an image to image translation here and then I see here more results I ended up you know kept con playing with the settings and I ended up going with this one which is I would say the closest to what I was looking for where I have the moon I have the picture of the wolf the wolf to me is not as good as the other one but the mouth looks better so I went with this and then what I said is what if I could do this with a tiger design and I did the same thing with a tiger design and you can see here I started creating and it caught on very quickly to what I was looking for I thought this one was a great composition and then I just decided to have it create more and it created this which is to me is even better okay after that I wanted to create a lion design so wolf lion and tiger but it just couldn't understand what I was looking for when I did the line it came up with this it came up with this it came up with this and that's where I discovered what I'm about to show you right now the closest thing was this but this is not this didn't come normally what I did was I downloaded both of my wolf and tiger design and then I uploaded them in both into Leonardo at the exact same time now you might be confused as to what I'm talking about that's why I'm going to show you what I'm talking about so here in Leonardo AI there's a section called tiling and the normal thing that we're used to is using the imaged image which is perfectly fine image to image is just you know if you want your one image to be similar to another plus using your initial prompt and all that kind of data it'll be fine but here we have image prompt which where you can add more than one image to get the idea of what you're looking for okay and that's where it's really cool so you can add more than one image to provide more data to the machine now the reason why this is so crazy is because you get closer and closer closer results to what you're looking for so let's go ahead and do this live and see what kind of styles of images we can have here so I'm going to go ahead and download this right here and I'm going to go ahead and download that wolf design as well I'm just gonna head over here to my upscale designs by going back to my personal feed let me go ahead and get rid of this go ahead and head to my personal feed so I can show you what I'm talking about I'll hit upscaled right here and download this um tiger design here and click right click save as and download it now I'm gonna head back to um the actual AI image generation and I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about so I can take this design go to image prompt and just copy and paste it effectively right which the first one is down here and then I'm going to go to the second one and go right there so now I have two images that I prefer I even like this image I'm just curious as to what it will produce with what I'm looking for so I'm gonna go ahead and click here and hit save and you guys can do this for any kind of generations of images that you like that have a good style to them the style that you like you can work with this while using a fine tune model so this increases your results a lot so here I'm going to decrease the image weight slightly uh just because I'm playing with the testing and creative scale I'm going to increase the creativity or actually I'll keep them the same I'll keep them neutral okay right dab in the middle and I have my prompt and I'm just gonna go here of moon lion something like that and then I'm gonna hit generate and let's see what it comes up with okay I'm really not sure what it can come up with now FYI for anybody who's watching this when you upload these designs to the image prompt section where you can upload more than one image you have an upload maximum up to five megabytes and I think the reason why Leonardo is so successful they went from like zero to like sixty thousand users the first few months and then from sixty thousand to like 300 000 users in a matter of days is because of features like this they're doing things that other AIS are not doing and they're providing essentially better results for people that you know let's be honest that other softwares can't produce but that's not a bad thing I mean I'm just a promoter of man just amazing technology and this is some amazing technology wow look at this so these are these are the artworks that came out of this you know now that we have a sample set of artworks based on the data we have let's go ahead and play around with these images so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the image away and boost it all the way to the right hand side and now what I'm going to do is hit generate so that you guys can see the difference and then in the next experiment I'm going to decrease the image weight slightly and increase the creativity and see what it comes up with just so you guys can get an understanding of what comes up here and a little trick for you guys is if you're using the um the fine tune models depending on the fine tune model the results can be better if you decrease the uh not decrease excuse me you don't necessarily need to increase the step count a lot of people think that the step count always produces better results and that's not actually always the case okay just that's a little FYI I mean if I increase the step count on something like this it's not going to make a dramatic difference but it will cost you significantly more tokens that they will double triple quadruple the amount of tokens that will cost you to produce that's a little tip but uh look at this so when I increased the image weight It produced a different set of results now you tell me which set of results you like better do you like these results right or do you like these results okay they're all phenomenal in their own way but um it's amazing it's amazing to me let's go ahead and do one more where we decrease uh where we increase the creativity scale and actually we'll do two more so we'll do all the way increase both of them increased and then after that we might as well do this now where we keep the creativity scale where it is but we decrease the image weight to about half right there and then hit generate and I'm curious to see what the difference is so this one is both all the way Image Weight all the way image uh creative scale and this one obviously is half the image weight and all the weight creative scale so the probably this one is going to be furthest than what we're looking for I'm sure it will turn out great but this is probably who knows what this is going to turn out I'm super excited to see but it's almost like this is you know honestly this reminds me of just like Christmas seeing what surprise you're gonna get what present you're going to be unwrapping um and I think one of the most effective ways to make money from AI art right now is to create a clothing line it's just or that that's one of them or sell the files digitally so look at this guys these are the results produced from increasing the image weight all the way to Max but also increasing the creative scale I think out of all these my favorite one is the third one let me know out of all these compositions which one's your favorite for me the third one is the best the second one is the best uh second best um and I would say hmm I think I like this one over this one uh for the fun of it I'm gonna upscale this real quick and we're still waiting on this results I mean who knows what's gonna happen but pretty pretty insane the things that you could do with this kind of stuff and back to what I was saying so um the first way that you can increase you know make money off this is straight up just selling doing a clothing line you know creating some art and creating a clothing line and creating your own shop uh which by the way if you're new to this channel I am going to be releasing a free Shopify course here on this YouTube channel very very soon uh before I do that I'm releasing a free Redbubble course very very soon as well um so there's a lot of content we want to add to this and the Redbubble course is coming out in a few days okay um and let's see what the results are boom so these are some incredible results as well uh I don't know if I would necessarily go with them but they're pretty cool I mean this is one of my favorites I would say this had a really cool concept but it's just not centerized and this one is pretty cool as well let's go ahead and click on this this is the upskilled model the upskilled version and this would go perfect on a t-shirt right just removing the background keeping it the way it is but I think also another good way to make money like I said is selling the digital files and creating a store on that I created a YouTube video almost like a free course guide on my YouTube channel if you guys want to see it just go to YouTube Type in auto pilot passive income just type in that and then go to my channel and then scroll down here let me show you where it is scroll down to I believe this video actually no this is not the video sorry just bear with me here guys it's the it's the video where is it oh my God I'm sorry guys this is embarrassing um but here it is this is the video okay how to create a virtual art gallery and sell your digital art so you if you guys want to come to my channel and check it out go ahead um but I'm Gonna Leave a link in the description just so you can take you right there and uh selling your digital art is probably a good cash cow that's starting um I don't know too many people doing it in the AI space in the Art Space uh in fact in I don't know anybody that's doing it but it's going to be really really powerful in the next coming years because you got to think of it a lot of people are literally depending on these big companies to sell their products for them like Redbubble Zazzle Etc but if you create your own digital art website the digital art gets directly delivered to the customer they don't have to worry about you know you don't have to worry about getting uh you know a chargeback or whatever because they know exactly what they're getting also it's gonna be cheaper for the customer than going to a website like Getty Images and all these kind of crazy photos I mean Getty Images charges like 400 for a photo 300 200 for a photo um so it's gonna be insane and I'm actually thinking of putting some guides together to show you exactly how to do that if you're interested subscribe to the channel guys you know you're gonna get a lot of free content here that's gonna help you start your business get running on your business and make some money off this AI stuff all right at the end of the day with the AI you're either gonna get lost without using it and you're gonna get left behind or you're gonna have a chance to actually compete and I know me personally I'm not taking a chance I'm going to compete I'm going to make money with this stuff I'm not gonna take a risk you know I'm not gonna sit back and wait till something happens to me I'm gonna make it happen so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video I'll talk to you guys later thank you for watching peace out bye
Channel: Autopilot Passive Income
Views: 36,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, leonardo ai feature, Leonardo ai image generation
Id: 9KoSgwMIlUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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