I Tried Selling AI Art Prints On Etsy For 30 Days

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Realistic_Seesaw7788 📅︎︎ May 30 2023 🗫︎ replies
I'm gonna try to sell physical AI art prints for 30 days I'll be covering the entire process from generating to printing to advertising with people reportedly making hundreds of dollars a day let's see how much money I can make with my prints the first step is to find an AI art generator I'll be mainly using mid-journ night Cafe and stable diffusion which can generate unlimited images for free let's generate a chicken wing oil painting that looks finger looking good the plan is to sell my AR art on Etsy it is an online Marketplace that focuses on arts and crafts while buyers on Etsy love art they don't just buy any art I'm not sure how many of them would hang chicken wings in the living room other than this guy what I need to do is research art niches that are searched often on Etsy and sell art in those niches I scoured Etsy search suggestions and used e-rec which is an Etsy keyword research tool to find popular art niches some I found include mid-century modern abstract art and flowers the idea is to generate and sell across various niches in hopes that I find success in at least one of them on Etsy most artists sold as digital prints essentially the digital file of the artboard they're mainly for customers who want to save money by printing out the artwork themselves I don't want those customers I want customers who are willing to pay to not deal with printing I've chosen to sell physical prints over digital prints because they typically sell for more and can generate more profit per sale now the selling physical prints mean I have to pull out a printer nope not if I use print on demand print on demand is a process where you get a company to print custom art and products for you only when an order is made there's no need to handle the printing packaging or shipping they do it all for you the print-on-demand service I'll be using is printful they offer a variety of wall art products to print on including canvases metal prints frame posters you name it I'll be selling my air on their enhanced matte paper poster in multiple sizes from 5x7 inches which is the size of this to 24 by 36 inches which is about the size of that listing a printful product on Etsy is simple all you got to do is connect your accounts together and add a new product you choose your sizes upload your AI art and oh right most AI art generators output images at low resolutions around 500 to 1000 pixels wide if I want to print my images big I'm going to need to upscale them there are a ton of paid and free AI image upscalers out there I'll be using gigapixel AI it can upscale images up to six times its original resolution by using AI to fill in the missing details my AR is ready to be uploaded to printful and boom it's listed as a draft on Etsy printful makes things incredibly easy and I'm excited to say that they're today's video sponsor you can check them out at the link in the description envelope with my draft listing up it's time to edit it to prepare it for sale there are five important elements that need to be done right in order for a product to sell on Etsy the first is the photos they should be professional looking mock-ups designed to attract customers I searched on Google and found several free mock-ups to use with Photoshop I added my art to them and my listing is now looking fresh next the title its main purpose is to help people find the listing through Etsy search and etsy's algorithm I'm going to fill it up with keywords that people search for in my artworks Niche I'll be doing the same with tags which is the third element and serves a similar purpose to the title the fourth element is shipping people love free shipping and Etsy even prioritizes listings that happen so I'm going to offer it to customers in the US and Canada speaking of which pricing it is the last important element as I'm offering my prints in a range of sizes I've priced each size differently I fiddled around with the e-rank profit calculator taking into account all my costs to give me prices with a profit margin of around 30 to 45 percent the exception is with the smallest size I offer 5x7 inches which only gives me a profit margin of about 25 percent I intentionally set it lower because it is the lowest price in your listing that is shown in Etsy search and on your profile one last tactic I'm going to do to make my listing more attractive is to put it on sale I'm going to bump up my listings prices by 15 then put the listing on sale for 15 off this gives customers the perception of a good deal without affecting the bottom line and here we are our first listing is done and Live Now to repeat this process for all the other AI art that I've generated let's hope we make some sales over these next 30 days it's day two and I'm already in trouble my account got suspended is Etsy cracking down on AI art I did some digging and apparently random suspensions happen all the time especially with new Etsy stores so I'm not too worried I'm just going to pause the counter until I get my account back if I get it back one week later so I got an email from Etsy this morning and it didn't say much it didn't say why I was suspended but it did say that I am now unsuspended we back baby over the next two weeks I worked on generating air prints and created 36 listings it was looking good on my storefront now there are two main ways to have your listing seen on Etsy the first is through search showing up isn't guaranteed though which brings us to the second way Etsy app you can pay to show up I think my listings are good enough to get organic search traffic so I don't think I'll need ads or so I thought it's day 15 and let me break it to you things aren't going well my listings are barely getting any views or visits and because of that I've made no sales either it's strange because my art photos titles tags they're all pretty good even my prices are cheaper than other listings my guess is that my listings aren't Niche enough for example I have a listing under mid-century modern wall art and if I search that keyword up I can see over 60 000 results yeah my listing will never show up here I think I need to generate AI art that targets smaller niches and use keywords that have less than 10 000 search results keywords like the names of specific locations or animals or aliens hopefully this will make my listing stand up holy what is going on my listings are blowing up most of these visits are from the direct and other traffic channel that doesn't make sense I'm not sharing my Etsy Shop anywhere I'm reading on Google that visits from that channel are most likely Bots that is crazy that means only six real people have visited my listings so far six real people over the last 18 days what are you kidding me I don't even know if I'll be able to even sell one print by day 30. I am honestly worried now by Day 26 I created 24 more listings for a total of 60. yet I still had no sales I was feeling stressed and getting desperate with five days left in the challenge I had no choice but to make a last-ditch attempt to make sales that I'd been avoiding since the start of the challenge I'm gonna run Etsy at I was really hoping to keep everything organic but I don't think I'll have a chance to make a sale otherwise I'm going to spend one dollar a day on ads and I don't know if it's going to do anything at this point it can't get any worse I'll see you on day three it's the end of the challenge and what a roller coaster it was so gonna end this challenge with a sale I did Etsy ads actually did something after running it for five days it needed me 1 765 views 16 clicks and one sale we sold one AI art print of a purple peacock you can't get any more Niche than that oh my God we just got an order do you see that let's add that to the total right now with two air prints sold one in the five by inch size and one in the 16 by 20 inch size I earned a total revenue of 45.98 for my expenses printing costs 17.50 shipping costs 9.98 and Etsy ads cost 3.56 Etsy also charged me 299 in transaction fees 199 in processing fees 225 in tax on seller fees and 20 cents per listing in listing fees I had 60 listings so that cost me 12 in total my net income for this challenge is negative 4.29 yep I lost money but I wouldn't immediately call this an outright flaw my listings were only up for 30 days some even less and I only ran ads for five days with a bit more time I probably would be able to sell one more art print and be in the green and actually if I count the free 40 Etsy listings that you can get by using my link in the description below I would have saved eight dollars and made a profit of 4.29 regardless my takeaway from this challenge is that selling AI art prints on Etsy is definitely not easy if you enjoyed this video be sure to like it subscribe if you haven't already and peace
Channel: Jensen Tung
Views: 444,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jensen tung, ai, ai art, a.i., a.i. art, print on demand, chatgpt, midjourney, mid journey, nightcafe, night cafe, stable diffusion
Id: rsdzvXe6IEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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