Honest Review of 13 Print on Demand Websites

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today I'm going to discuss the pros and the cons of 13 different print-on-demand marketplaces to help you make a better choice when you open your next store and on top of that I will also give you a bit of a guide as to what to expect in terms of monthly profits for each of these platforms or what the potential is I should say and bear in mind this is based on my own opinion and my own experiences so your results might not be the same you might be making more or less it just depends on what sorts of designs you're uploading how much you're uploading and what niches you're entering so everyone's experience is going to be slightly different the first marker place I want to talk about is Amazon Merch this is one of the biggest names in the print on a man space and for good reason one of the biggest Pros is that they just have a massive amount of organic traffic so Amazon gets billions and billions of visitors every single month and people go to Amazon to spend money they're prepared to buy something the combination of these things just makes it very very likely that you can make a lot of sales on this platform now that's something we'll talk about later when it comes to the potential but yeah traffic is a massive benefit here secondly you actually get access to the Amazon ads console when you reach a certain tier within the Amazon merge program and the access to their ads console is definitely another Pro because you get a lot of control right here and when you're running your ads over the bid amount over the Search terms that you target this just makes it even easier to drive even more traffic to your listings on top of the organic traffic next up a short little Pro is that the account is free you don't have to pay anything for it like a monthly fee that's definitely really good because the Amazon Seller Central account which I'll also mention later on does have a monthly fee attached to it but Amazon merch is free we've also got Prime shipping which you might have never thought about but the Amazon merge catalog gets sold with prime shipping attached to it now this is a big benefit because customers who have an Amazon Prime subscription don't have to pay for shipping for these products that makes the conversion rate even higher secondly the products get shipped very very quickly they're sometimes there literally two days after you order them this is really beneficial especially for the holiday season when a lot of people are shopping very very late for Christmas Amazon is literally one of the platforms that you will get sales on for the longest time leading up to Christmas I think last year it didn't last that long their cutoff was quite early for some reason but usually you can still get a lot of sales just a few few days before Christmas other platforms they can't do that they can fulfill their products or get them shipped out that quickly to customers once again big Pro right here the tier system I wanted to mention it as a pro because it kind of is but it is also a downside which I'll mention in a little bit here the good thing about the tier system is that it sort of gamifies the experience for the sellers and something that is gamified often is more motivating it's more fun it's not as dry it just gets people to invest more time into it the good thing about the tier system as well is once you are in the higher levels and you can upload more stuff yet like your daily limit is really high that really pushes you to to post a lot of designs onto the platform and fill out those slots to get up to the next tier right this is an example of people spending more time to upload more designs to put more work into the platform because of this tier system if you just had an unlimited amount of slots from the start you wouldn't really have that motivation moving on to the con to the downsides of Amazon merch there is a few unfortunately so first of all we've got the outdated interface this is not a massive downside because there is things like pretty merge and product from Amazon which make life a lot easier but if you if you start out and you don't really know about these then managing your designs and analyzing your sales history is all quite difficult because their interface is just so outdated not very user friendly it's not a big issue because there is so many tools to help you out but it's definitely a bit embarrassing for such a big massive platform next up we've got the terrible Seller Support I definitely had to mention this because unfortunately anyone who reaches out to the merch by Amazon support team usually in probably 99 of the cases gets a response that is just templated everyone has seen these before it's literally the same copy and paste email that they send to everyone as well and the goal of the support isn't really to help you out with your question it's just to send you a reply that's what it seems like now there are some rare instances where you will get a personalized response but it is very rare and it's very hard to get them and it's not sure how to get them if you ever have a problem with like a rejection or you're not sure about their policies it is hard to actually get an answer from the Amazon side of things and that's why we're sort of living in the dark with many of the the questions and issues related to Amazon next up we've got the application process in case you didn't know to get into the Amazon merch program you have to send an application and that is on their home page it walks you through the steps and it is quite hard to get accepted I believe more people get rejected than they get accepted with this that is quite a shame they also don't make it very clear what the requirements are we can only just draw some sort of common consensus that it might have to do with the location you live in it might be easier to get accepted if you're from the US yeah you might be better off if you send a portfolio there is some things that can help you out we think but you know never know for sure and it is quite hard to actually get into Amazon merch then there's also the fact that once you get accepted you start off in the lowest tier called tier 10 where you can only upload 10 designs and that is quite a hard Prospect because with 10 designs you then need to reach 10 sales to be eligible for the next tier which is tier 25 and the process carries on like this you keep reaching higher and higher tiers if you hit the sales Target and then you can publish more designs now the downside here is that it's very very hard to get out of the lower tiers because you have such a limited amount of designs to upload and it is hard to get sales if you're completely new and you can only upload a very small amount so that is quite annoying it is a downside again the tier system is good in some ways but it is obviously bad for the people at the bottom and the last point I wanted to mention is this strict policy so Amazon merch is one of the strictest platforms when it comes to actually enforcing their content policy c meaning you know trademarks and offensive content stuff like this they are very very strict and will often give you rejections for listings that seem to be okay and will be fine on most other platforms but Amazon doesn't like them so be really really careful with what you upload make sure that you read and understand the content policy and also educate yourself on trademarks and find some good tools to help you check for trademarks because Amazon will give you rejections very quickly and if you get too many rejections then your account might be banned so that is one of the downsides that they're quite strict in this area if you're wondering what to actually sell on this platform then for most people standard t-shirts actually sell best by far usually way more than all the other products and from my experience the second best seller is usually hoodies when it comes to the potential for Amazon merch sellers now it is not rare that people make over a thousand dollars a month in profit there is a lot of people who do five figure profits as well and that is also relatively achievable when it comes to something like December now I'm not saying that everyone's going to get there in three months that's not the idea I'm saying this is the potential with the platform and it is a reachable amount to get for figure sales or four figure profit I should say every single month the second Marketplace we're going to talk about is Etsy one of the pros here is once again a huge organic traffic now compared to Amazon directly it looks like they're not getting a lot of traffic but that's just because Amazon isn't really a fair comparison in the print and demand space Etsy is still one of the biggest options when it comes to traffic they literally dwarf some of the other names like Zazzle for example which I'm also going to talk about later but essentially that was one of the big Pros then we've got the ability to to have a personal shop with personal branding and everything that you can run traffic to etsy's got quite a good name so that is definitely a good benefit of it as well then you get quite a lot of control with Etsy which is definitely really good you can control the pricing you can control the mock-ups the shipping like where you're setting to you can offer more customized packaging with certain production Partners there's like way more options than with almost all of the other printed a man companies I'm going to mention so Etsy definitely is your best bet if you you want to have a lot of control and you want to have quite a personalized shop that meets your needs so moving on to the cons we've got one downside definitely is that it is not free to have an Etsy shop so first of all you've got the listing fees every time you want to list a new product it costs you 20 cents per listing and these listings expire after four months so if you didn't get a sale you will have to re-list otherwise it won't be shot anymore on the marketplace so that is one downside you also have to pay for the production partner for the for the pieces to get printed that is something that happens before you get paid and this will turn a lot of people off but essentially if an auto is placed if one of your design cells you pay printify printful my designs however you pay them up front to print and ship out the product and then later on after the customer has received it Etsy pays you what the customer has paid minus their fees so you have to sort of have an upfront investment here before you get your profit or your Revenue so that might turn some people off it's a bit of a con but it's not that bad once you get going you get used to it then another downside to Etsy is that they are known for just randomly Banning accounts it's especially common with very new shops and you can usually get your new shop back but they also do this to establish sellers sometimes you hear some horror stories where big shops just suddenly get shut down no idea why and the support is like very hard to reach and and yeah I mean that's definitely a scary thing and etsy's notoriously known for this so big downside there unfortunately Etsy is definitely more work than most of these other platforms because you have to you have to sort out customer service so if something gets lost in the mail if someone wants a refund you have to actually communicate with the customers which is usually managed by the print on demand marketplaces for you and another downside is that it is quite a hard platform to get set up with as a complete beginner because there's like the shipping settings you have to configure various different other things that you know the mock herbs are a bit part of getting sales with Etsy and that can be quite time consuming there's just a lot of things to it which can be quite difficult to wrap your head around if you're just starting out with printer demand that's why I would usually recommend starting up with a different platform something along the lines of spreadshirt which is very straightforward I'll mention some red shirt as the next platform actually but yeah Etsy harder to get started it's not as beginner friendly and that is definitely a con in my opinion if you're wondering what to sell on Etsy from my personal experience I mostly sell t-shirts mugs and digital downloads there's also various other products and niches that you can move into lots of people do well in these or with these products like wall art is another big one I just personally haven't had much success or haven't put really much time into selling wall art myself and in terms of potential for Etsy it's definitely not rare to get multiple four figures a month in profit I've done it before lots of other people do it once again it's not something you want to reach sadly in your first few months of setting on the platform if you keep improving your skills and expanding your design portfolio a thousand dollars per month in profit is very achievable next up we've got spreadshirt this is a Marketplace that I've been sitting on for many many years now it was one of my first I think three platforms I started on and some of the pros for spreadshirt are first of all it's free to start so you don't need to apply it to the platform you don't have to pay any fees they also have a very easy upload interface now it does take a little bit of time to set up your templates initially but once you've done that it's really really quick it's very easy and straightforward and it's very intuitive so in my opinion spreadsheet is very beginner friendly so if you're completely new to print the demand and you just want to you know get used to the whole process spreadshirt is one of those platforms that I would recommend to you another thing you can actually have a YouTube integrated shop with spreadshirt which is quite interesting for any creators out there and another Pro is that they have quite decent Seller Support where you will actually get personalized answers to your specific questions which is always a good bonus now moving on to for the cons there is a couple here first of all you cannot upload scaled designs or templated designs usually so scale designs meaning you have like one bit that always stays the same and then just one word changes and that's something I've talked about a lot in the past they don't really like those they reject them they prefer original designs that you have created yourself for the most part or if you've used pre-med Graphics then you've altered them to make them your own so that's typically what they like to see on the marketplace and they will usually reject everything else and by the way here the rejections are not the same as with Amazon where if you get too many your account gets closed it's just they like to weed out some of the designs that they don't want to have on their Marketplace another thing that's a bit annoying here is that spreadshirt has actually two separate websites so if you want to sell in the EU you would have to go to for example scratchshirt.co.uk and open a shop there but the designs that you list on dot co.uk only get shown in Europe if you want to sell to the us as well and I think Canada Australia are included in this then you need to open a shop on spreadshirt.com as well and upload your designs there separately so that is a little bit annoying that it's not sort of international you have to open two shops on two different domains but yeah not a massive con it's just something worth noting the last thing I wanted to mention is that you can't control the pricing although the margins I should say typically whatever product sells spreadshirt has a preset margin or royalty that you get and you can't increase that or decrease it if you want to make it a sale more likely looking through my sales history most of the products I've sold for me are either t-shirts stickers or hoodies so fairly normal there and in terms of potential I would say for most people you can expect to be landing around maybe a hundred dollars to 300 a month with spreadshirt I do know someone who's gotten over over a thousand dollars a month with spreadshirt more regularly but I believe that is quite rare so the potential in my opinion here for most people is around the you know 100 or a few hundred dollars a month Mac Marketplace number four on my list is Zazzle and Zazzle is also free to start you don't need an application which is always good for beginners especially then you can set your own margins that's a big Pro in my opinion because if you're getting started you can have your margins set quite low to help get those first few sales and then say you've got a product or a design that keeps selling regularly you can go back into it and increase the margin for that product and yeah just having that control in general is always quite nice they've also got a very large product portfolio which is obviously good so I'm pretty sure there's hundreds and hundreds of different products to choose from that you can sell and that way you can try out various different products second of all I'm pretty sure there's some products there which have less search results or less people selling them so you're giving yourself a bit of an edge by offering a product that is not as commonly sold and if someone's looking for that product there's only a handful of designs offered that could definitely be in about Advantage an interesting thing to look into I've also noticed that quite a wide range of different designs sell so I've got designs for probably hundreds of niches at this point and I find that you could get sales in various different niches on Zazzle it's not not so limited as in some other platforms where you will only notice like the same sort of niches selling regularly but everything else gets kind of ignored by the marketplace on Zazzle there seems to be quite a lot of diversity in terms of what ends up selling in terms of cons the interface the upload interface is quite outdated in my opinion it is really slow to upload things manually unless they fix their template system which used to work quite well at one point but then they reverted back to the old you know upload one product at a time thing which is really horrible they also unfortunately blocked upload automation which is how I uploaded the bulk of my designs to Zazzle that worked quite well but they implemented some capture blocks they're not really Google captures anymore but they're so so strict they're almost impossible to pass essentially even if you do it yourself it's like a lot a lot of hassle so that's why they blocked upload Automation and let's make that pretty much impossible so you have to do that annoying manual process which makes it less attractive of a platform to sell on in my opinion but if you're still interested in Zazzle I found from my experience that greeting cards definitely sell best and that is also one of the products that they advertise on their home page that's often a good indicator as to what's selling on a website is what do they show on their home page besides greeting cards well postcards as well that's sort of the same thing but they have different names on there different types of cards shirts is my next bestseller after that and then mugs as well and mugs to be doing quite well the potential for Zazzle now I've classed this as about 200 to 300 a month is what you can maybe expect to work up to on an average I'm pretty sure four figures is possible depending on what you sell because there's so many products and so much potential but as a normal printed a man seller who doesn't really focus on Zazzle as much my main focus is on Amazon that is I think the potential or the expectations you might be able to have I don't know a lot of people that sell on Zazzle and I don't know anyone's numbers really so I might be wrong here maybe it is possible to make quite a lot of money more easily but this is just my experience foreign next up We've Got Tea public this used to be one of my favorite print on a mountain marketplaces it has gone downhill a bit over the past year unfortunately but nevertheless let's talk about the public so Pros it is free to start no fees to run the account actually there is sort of now with the tier system but we'll get into that with the cons next up easy and quick uploads the upload interface is one of the easiest out there I think and it just it takes like one minute to upload a new design very very good for manual uploading it's also overall a very beginner friendly website doesn't take long to set up doesn't take long to to get going get some designs out it's always a platform that I've recommended for beginners to start out on they also have a referral program which a lot of people never really talk about but it's quite cool I've used it before where you just share a link to I don't know friends or your followers if you've got a page and if someone opens a shop through your link and gets a sale then you get a dollar for that sale oil and this carries on for the first 1000 sales they get so essentially you can make a thousand dollars per person that you refer if they actually start to make some sales and I've done that before with a friend and it worked that's an interesting different way to make money through T public even if you're not even getting sales yourself you just share that link get other people to sign up and make sales and make you money in the process by the way they don't lose out on on any of their profits T public just sends you the referral amount like unrelated to what your friend is earning in terms of the cons unfortunately new shops get shut down quite often like for no reason you used to be able to get those shops back very easily through just contacting support but now the The Seller Support has gotten really really bad this is one of the the next cons where you can contact them multiple times via email and you will never get a response sometimes you do but a lot of the time you don't especially with new shops if you haven't really done anything wrong sometimes you don't even have to upload design and they'll shut you down so it's a little bit confusing very frustrating but yeah this this used to be better now it's gotten quite bad maybe it has to do with the fact that Red Rubber bought tea public so maybe that's just a bad influence besides that another con is that designs don't show up in the search some of the time this is especially common for new shops once again so if you search the primary keyword sometimes you design what even show in the T public search now I will mention here that just because it doesn't show in search for you that doesn't mean that other people don't see it it has been proven that even though designs don't shown search they can still get sales June has done tests about this and he's gotten sales for designs that don't even show up and search I'm pretty sure I've had some people in the print-on-demand community say the same thing so don't like obsess over the fact whether your designs are actually showing up they can still get sales are still possible besides that they just recently introduced a tier system so if your shop gets classified as apprentice which is the lower of the suit tiers then your margins are lower which is quite annoying so you either get three dollars for a t-shirt at the normal price or if T public is running sale you only get one dollar so the margins are quite low especially if you're in the lower tiers which is just a recent thing unfortunately in terms of what sells on T public from my experience and I've gotten a lot of sales over the past few years I do sell mostly t-shirts but also a ton of stickers and pins and especially recently that's just gone up a lot and hoodies so quite often for me too and the potential for two public this is one of the reasons why I would always recommend the public to beginners because I find it has quite a bit more potential than something like Redbubble or spreadshirt because I would say the potential for most people can be between 200 and 500 seems to be more easy to get sales with a wide variety of designs more quickly a wide variety of niches as well and four figure months like a thousand dollar profit per month is also possible I've done it many times into your public and I'm pretty sure there is quite a few of the people who have as well whilst that's obviously a bit harder to achieve and going to take you longer it does seem to be more achievable and less rare than with spreadshirt or Redbubble for example so that's a positive to T public and that the potential there on average is quite a bit higher Juno always backs this up as well by the way he he keeps saying that T public does better for him than Redbubble and it might have been different in the past but now he says his T public is his second best print on demand Marketplace in front of Redbubble moving on from that we've got displayed this is a very unique Marketplace that I really like because they have a unique product and that is metal wall art I'm literally just looking at some on my wall in front of me I made a dedicated video to how to sell on displayed where I show you what a displayed actually looks like as well so a unique product very very cool Marketplace and some of the pros here are that the upload is very quick and easy you can only upload 10 designs per day but you can knock those out in literally like 10 minutes if you're doing it manually as well then the seller support is very good from my experience I'm pretty sure this plate is located in Poland but even though there's a bit of a language barrier sometimes or with their documents you might have some things in Polish or I've had it in the past nevertheless that they're really helpful and they actually want to try and help you which is what you would expect or hope for Seller Support to be like then the margins are quite decent if you sell some of the bigger display sizes and especially if you drive your own traffic so if you've got an audience if you drive ads too displayed and they buy your product or your design then displayed actually increases the margin or the royalty is quite significantly which is I think a big bonus because a lot of marketplaces out there they'll say you're not just run some traffic to your shop to get extra sales but they don't give you any benefits for that so it almost feels a bit like a waste when here this plate really encourages people to drive more traffic which is good and another Pro that I've found is that some print on a man niches don't really have that much competition on displayed because it is not the most commonly known Marketplace when it comes to printer demand and it also requires an application now which makes it a bit less accessible and therefore a niche that might be really saturated on Amazon for example could be less saturated and displayed therefore you can enter it more easily with your own designs so that's it in terms of Pros the cons one I just touched upon it requires an application it didn't used to back in the day when I started but unfortunately they've introduced application processes and I'm pretty sure they're looking for good design skills they want really nice designs on the marketplace and if you look through their home page you will see what sort of stuff sells and it is quite artistic and they also sell a lot of motivational quotes which is more text-based stuff and that's the sort of things that I sell as well so that's something you could potentially put into your application or your portfolio which is what they want you to attach but yeah it's not as easy to get in I've heard of a lot of people getting rejected but it is still possible Juno got in just a few months ago and I have heard in my Discord community that there is a few people as well who managed to get accepted so it's not impossible it's just a bit more difficult like with Amazon merge essentially another downside here is that the format of the files is different to most of the other Predator man sites out there first of all you have a specific set of Dimensions that you have to stick to and it has to be a JPEG and usually we upload PNG files so you would have to convert everything and also add a background color to your designs so that can be quite time consuming if you're doing it manually with upload automation that is made a bit easier but nevertheless that is one thing to consider and that could be a bit annoying now in terms of what actually sells and displayed it is just posters that's all they sell but in terms of the designs like I said usually quite artistic motivational quotes intricate designs and photography as well so you can upload photography to these posters and also get sales that way looking at the potential from my experience it is quite achievable to get to say 300 to 500 per month on this blade and four figure months or a thousand dollars profit in a month is also possible I just reached that during last Q4 got a lot more sales than I expected and I also know of some of the people who are making a lot of sales on display so it is achievable the potential is there to make a lot more money than on some of the other printed demand platforms out there it is just unfortunately harder to get into display Marketplace number seven is Amazon Seller Central this is Amazon just like with Amazon merge however you're using a different strategy this is one that I've not really talked about much on this channel and I'll explain why because of the cons Amazon Seller Central is an account that you you can purchase with a monthly fee and then you can link that up to printful for example and publish printful products to the Amazon Marketplace so you're essentially doing fbm which stands for fulfillment by Merchant and this is good in a sense because once again you're accessing Amazon's huge organic traffic so there is a lot of potential here another good thing or a pro of this strategy is that you can offer Niche products what do I mean by this so we know that Amazon merch offers t-shirts they offer pop sockets phone cases a lot of other clothing as well but they don't offer mugs for example or they don't offer stickers well if you actually connect printful to Amazon Seller Central you can publish stickers and mugs to Amazon and therefore have sort of a niche that is not yet offered with Amazon merge and carve out some of those sales for yourself another thing that people did back in the day when Amazon shut down for a month during Rona a lot of people that were listing t-shirts through Amazon Seller Central got a massive boost in sales because suddenly all of the Amazon merch shirts were unavailable so everyone went to the fbn listings the downside here is that with listing printful products to Amazon you're going to have longer delivery times and Amazon customers don't really like long delivery times you probably know it yourself if you shop on Amazon if you see anything that's longer than a day or two you're usually turned off quite quickly another con is that the monthly fee of I think it's about forty dollars is quite Hefty in terms of printer demand like for for other FBA sellers that's not very much but if you're starting out with printer demand 40 a month just for that account quite a lot and so it's not really that beginner friendly another con and this is why I've never really talked about this on my channel is that this setup to Amazon Seller Central and to connect printful to Amazon Seller Central is really complicated and tedious it took me a long time it's a it's a while ago now so I can't really remember what even happened but it was quite confusing I kept messing things up or not doing them correctly I don't know and you also have to be in touch with the Amazon support which we know is not the greatest it's quite a difficult thing to put into a video and make quite easy if you struggle with it yourself so complicated setup the support is quite bad as usual with Amazon if you have any questions as a seller they're not very good at giving you concrete answers you usually you just get templated responses and the interface of Amazon Seller Central is quite outdated if you want to make changes to your products to your pricing all of that stuff especially if you have a large product portfolio it's very very difficult it's possible but you know it's just old-fashioned we've also got a very tedious manual upload if you don't use upload automation it's going to take you quite a while to upload your designs through printful or whoever production partner you're using I'm just using printful as an example because I'm not sure if it works with printify to be honest I don't think it does if you want to sell t-shirts or popsockets phone cases then you are competing with Amazon merge products which is obviously quite a hard thing to compete with because they have Prime shipping so that was one negative here but obviously for those Niche products it's quite interesting that merch doesn't offer in terms of what to sell from my experience stickers do really well mugs and hats I've sold quite a few hats as well which if you're selling embroidered hats be aware that your design files have to be in a specific way like you can't have too many colors or too many details they will get lost in the embroidery so make sure that your designs are good from braided hats the potential here is definitely possible to make a few hundred dollars to a thousand dollars a month or more it is Amazon so the potential is huge I personally have never made thousands a month it just doesn't seem to work as well for me than some of the other platforms out there but I do know people get a thousand dollars plus profit with Amazon Seller centrals but it is possible it's just quite difficult to get it set up and running next up we've got KDP which stands for Kindle Direct publishing and in case you didn't know this is just another way to sell on Amazon it used to be for authors or that was the intention I think to more easily publish their books without having to go through a separate company and having to get them printed up front and all of that stuff but you can sell stuff through KDP even if you're not an author and you don't have a story so I'll mentioned some of those ideas later on but essentially some of the pros are that it is free to start and you don't need to send an application so if you compare this to Amazon merge it's a lot easier to get in and you get access to Amazon's Marketplace that's the the next Pro huge organic traffic right I don't have to go over that again it's just what comes with Amazon then also once again you get access to Amazon ads you can advertise your listings and drive extra traffic to them to increase your sales and your success so those are definitely some massive pros and some of the cons to mention right here are that the manual upload is quite tedious long and boring anyone who's ever had to do it can probably agree with that and compared to other print and demand sides it definitely takes quite a long while to upload your designs so that is a downside there is upload automation but obviously for people who don't like it this would be a reason to put you off the interface is quite old and buggy from my experience the the sales statistics never seem to load which is super annoying if you want to see what's sold KDP is also known for randomly closing accounts and not really giving any reasons or reasons that don't make sense so that is a big downside in my opinion and The Seller Support no surprise with Amazon is quite terrible so templated responses are also the norm here and it is rare to speak to an actual person in terms of what to sell on KDP I'm personally not an expert I've only ever done kdps of on the side not paid much attention to it so coloring books is what often come comes up on YouTube and what people mention that is definitely a popular Niche within KDP and things like planners I believe can also do well so take a look into that with YouTubers who know what they're talking about I'm not huge on KDP in terms of the potential I do know that like multiple thousands of dollars a month in profit are definitely achievable lots of people do it and whilst once again you won't get that instantly it is not hard because you've got Amazon's massive organic traffic to help you out so if you find the right kinds of niches and you get some momentum going you get a large portfolio of designs you can achieve decent income four figures a month very effectively with something like KDP so definitely good bonus and super interesting for a Marketplace that you can easily join and that also doesn't cost you anything as a monthly fee whatever Marketplace number nine is tostadora this is not very well known but it's still a decent print on a man Marketplace at least from my experience in my opinion because I do get daily sales on this platform and the first pro and this is the biggest Pro ever is that tostadora is Spanish for toaster so if you want to tell people that you make money on a website called toaster then start selling on tostadora but all jokes aside it is free to start the seller support is amazing I've had some issues with them in terms of payouts being incorrect numbers and they did compensate me for it and worked everything out very very kind support the competition is not as high so let me explain that basically there is some niches that are once again highly competitive won't say Amazon Redbubble but on this website because it's less known not as many people sell on it there are some niches that just barely have any results yes there is less traffic which I'll get to in a minute but that doesn't mean you can get sales another Pro is that you have control over your margins so while you're uploading you can control how much you want to charge on the t-shirts Etc and then you get more profit per sale if you so wish you can also go in later on and edit the profit per product if something is selling for you on a regular basis in terms of cons the interface to be honest is quite old-fashioned it is fairly straightforward and sort of self-explanatory what you have to do for the mouse pad but it does look outdated and it's not always very intuitive another downside is that there isn't a lot of traffic now I will mention though traffic is not everything because I am getting daily sales on this platform and I'm definitely getting more sales than on Redbubble for example whereas Redbubble has a ton of traffic don't always just focus on traffic is what I'm trying to say because sometimes less traffic can be good if the competition is lower another thing and this could be a downside is that they mainly sell to Spanish customers so I know this because you can actually see this city of West someone purchased you design from when you get an order and also if you look at similar web and you look for the for the traffic for each domain then this Spanish domain of the website definitely gets the most traffic that is a bit of a downside if you have a lot of English designs or say American flag style designs that wouldn't really be interesting to Spanish people but if you do have designs that are more graphic based or simple English stuff then they can definitely do well on this website still I hardly have any designs that would be specifically aimed at Spanish people but I'm still getting a lot of sales so it is a bit of a con but it is not something to take too seriously if you have designs that would be easily understood by European nations you can get sales on tostadora in terms of what to sell I had a look through my own sales history and it's mainly t-shirts that sell for me hoodies and occasionally some wall art too the potential here in my opinion it's definitely achievable to build up to say around two hundred dollars to maybe 400 a month average a thousand dollar a month I don't think it's happened to me before it may be possible but it's probably very rare so yeah a few hundred dollars a month is more realistic and achievable foreign next up we've got Society6 this is a very old school president Marketplace and I don't really have too much to say about it but essentially the pros uh it's free to start no application that's where it ends I don't have any pros for this one now the cons it's a very old interface very out of date and it also has the slowest ever upload if you manually upload something to this platform and I did it back in the day when I started I don't know why it takes you 20 minutes per design easily maybe 15 if you fast so it's absolutely horrible do not recommend to upload manually I would only really do it if you have to upload automation that can can upload to Society6 then the margins are also pretty poor I don't think you have control over them no you don't and you get like two dollars for a t-shirt for example very very low same goes for mugs and all the other stuff so in terms of what sells I did have a look through my sales history it's a lot of wall art they do definitely push wall art as well as like all over prints so patterns can do quite well in Society6 they do sell a lot of patterns if you look through the home page once again you'll get an idea as to what sells I also sell a lot of travel mugs weirdly enough and t-shirts of course and the potential here though this is why I usually don't recommend this to people the potential I think is below 100 a month you can make more I have made more sometimes occasionally but for the most part you're not going to make a lot of money on Society6 in my opinion and from my experience maybe it's just because my designs don't really fit the target audience but most of the time my payouts are below 100 I don't recommend putting a lot of time into this especially if you're just uploading manually yeah next up we've got Fine Art America this is not a very well known print on demand Marketplace and for good reason there's not too much potential but I still wanted to show it to you so the pros are it's free to start the seller support is quite decent you actually get a quick response people try and help you out and you can control your own margins so pricing you can increase decrease however you want cons so you can't upload an unlimited amount of designs for free I don't remember what the limit actually is but after a certain amount they ask you to pay an annual fee if you want to publish more designs and the annual fee is I think thirty dollars a year which is obviously a bit annoying you can make that thirty dollars back like it's not impossible most marketplaces don't do this so it's quite a strange tactic the interface is quite old on this website which is another downside so it's not very intuitive it looks very old-fashioned it's hard to find where to click to see certain things and the manual upload is also quite teeny videos so if you want to manually upload a lot of designs I would not really recommend this site products that sell on here from my experience are t-shirts greeting cards and mugs that's what sells the most for me at least and the potential is very low I've got a lot of designs on Fine Art America but still only make less than 100 a month I don't know I haven't ever checked their traffic I don't know if they get a lot of traffic but nevertheless yeah the potential not very high is probably not the Right audience for sort of typical print on demand designs I would guess so if you sell more artistic stuff because Fine Art is in the name you might do a lot better here from my experience the potential is not very high yeah and Marketplace number 12 is Redbubble the pros of Redbubble are it's free to start the upload interface is quite easy and beginner friendly in my opinion in that sense it's good for beginners but for some other reasons it's not so wait for the cons and the margin control is really good so you can you can control how much profit you're making per product per sale and the brand Partnerships as well are quite interesting so oftentimes you can create sort of fan designs for specific brands or TV shows and sell them through repubal if they get approved and they have to go through an approval process first I did use this before when they were partnered up with Rick and Morty back in the day but this partnership ended and now those designs aren't eligible for sale anymore for redbuddles so that's one downside of the partner program to bear in mind but it's still an interesting benefit cons so first of all they've got a tier system that they recently introduced with horrendous fees if you're in the lower tiers or in the lower tier I think only the bottom it has these fees up to like 45 percent of your earnings can be taken depending on how much you earn so that's definitely a big downside and for anyone in the lower tiers and then they also randomly just spend shops once again very common with new shops but even longer time sellers sometimes get their shops taken down for like weird or unexplainable reasons and then the seller support is quite bad don't respond to you very well and don't tell you why the shop was closed so that's a big downside the shirt quality the the print quality on their shirts on their clothing is also really bad shimmy Morris has done multiple tests on this so whilst they're really highly priced which is another downside the print quality is really really poor and will wash off after like two or three washes this might differ depending on where you live by the way and what print facility they use in the area so I have heard some people say they've ordered shirts and it's been all right but a lot of people also say yes they've ordered stuff and it's quickly washed off so that's one downside item that the customer experience might not be so good in terms of what sales on Redbubble mainly stickers I think most people can say that that stickers is one of their top selling products t-shirts also is what sells quite a lot for me on top of stickers now the potential with Redbubble in my opinion and from my experience also talking to other people is not very high yes Redbubble gets quite a lot of traffic but in most cases I think you'll be making maybe a hundred dollars a month to 200 a month more is going to be rare four figures a month is very very rare unreadable in terms of my knowledge and what I've heard from other people so that sums up Redbubble lots and lots of issues bad tier system they're not very well liked at the moment I still have some designs up there don't get that many sales I'm probably yeah I am in the lower tier as well so I am going to have like probably half of my earnings taken away from me but that's just how it is Redbubble has gone down a lot over the last few years and lastly we've got Teespring which is an interesting Marketplace the pros here are it is free to start no application you can control your margins and how much you're making per order also they have quite an interesting feature which is a YouTube integration and this seems to work quite well I've seen it being used multiple times on bigger channels as well where they will you know showcase their Teespring listings underneath the YouTube video to drive sales so that is quite unique the cons and this is quite a bit con there's no organic traffic so if you just upload designs and expect them to sell that is rarely going to happen you will usually get no views whatsoever on your listings however I get sales every now and then and the reason that is is because I have driven ads to Teespring in the past and I also think I sold some products to friends who wanted stuff designing through Teespring and since then Teespring has given me some organic traffic on some listings or some of my designs and therefore I occasionally get some sales and I had had periods where I had higher sales but that was also while I was driving traffic to it so you can kind of see there that teespringer rewards you with traffic if you Market your products if you don't then you don't get any traffic which is quite annoying so that's a bit cons most people don't want to pay for ads or don't have traffic to drive to their websites in terms of what sells from my experience mainly t-shirts and mugs and the potential here I kind of alluded to it it's very low or close to zero unless you have ads I don't know how high the potential can be if if you get a lot of traffic to this site can be really good because some of the margins can be quite High I have found them for hoodies especially you can easily make like 15 a sale depending on how you price but yeah overall for most people without traffic the the potential here will be very low sub 100 a month so that just about sums up all of the print and amount marketplaces that I currently sell on unless I've forgotten one but I don't think so and in case you're wondering how I managed to sell all of my design lines on so many platforms at once I can tell you it's mainly thanks to upload Automation and if you want to learn how to get started with that make sure to check out this video next where I introduce you to Flying upload and show you how to use it foreign
Channel: Philip Anders
Views: 12,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: merch by amazon, print on demand, mba, t-shirt business, t-shirt, design, tutorial, increase sales, teepublic, redbubble, graphic designer, zazzle, etsy, teespring, spreadshirt, amazon merch on demand, amazon merch, merch on demand, on demand, tier 10, teir 10, tier 25, low tier, passive income
Id: xyHdQO7W-x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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