MIDJOURNEY CAN'T DO THIS! AI Tshirt Designs with TEXT! Full Tutorial -Ideogram for Print on Demand

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So recently I did a video about AI and I mentioned  that I'm not worried about AI because you can't   even do text very well. If you go to mid-journey  and Leonardo and you type in a word it has like   scrambled words. But not long after that I  learned about this AI app called Ideogram and   it does text really well. Surprisingly well...and  I've shared it on one of my posts here on YouTube   as well as Twitter and the work that it does  is incredible and it's just starting off and   I'm sure it's going to get better and better.  So in this video I want to show you this AI   app called Ideogram and what it does and how  you can use it for print on demand. Let's go!! Hey everyone, thanks for joining me on this video.  My name is Juna with Detour Shirts. In this video   we're going to talk about a new uh text to image  AI program application on the internet and that   is ideogram we're gonna go there uh things keep  changing keeps getting better for uh text to image   I said this just a few weeks ago that it doesn't  do uh AI doesn't do text to image well well I was   proven wrong very quickly there is an app now  and I think it's just going to keep getting   better and better it's not perfect but it's um as  far as text it's Leaps and Bounds ahead of things   like mid-journey and Leonardo if you're looking  to design text designs or typography designs   there's actually a thing on there where you click  typography and it does it so I'll show you all the   different tips and tricks on there we're going  to actually do a prompt on there so I'll show   you exactly how it works it doesn't take a lot of  prompts on there to get something good I'm going   to show you the Discord how to get there where  you can ask questions I'm going to find out if we   can use this for commercial rights if we can use  it for print on demand and I'm going to show you   how to upscale this and use it and take away the  background and all of that so all your questions   answered for this new app hopefully let's go there  now and I'll show you where it is and what it does   all right so first things first here we are  ideogram.ai you can see at first it has we'd   landed on trending but there's different things on  here recent trending following top we're going to   go through all of that and there's also different  sizes so you can do Square you can do this I think   10 by 16 16 by 30 so you can see the tall portrait  or the wide or you got the square right so any of   those and you can see right away like some of the  trending ones have text on here right look at that   text you can actually read it let's get smashed  life is beautiful and they're not just the same   fonts that's what's really cool is like this is a  rounded font this is a Sans serif font there's a   script font another script font we scroll down  you can actually read these unlike some of the   times you put it on mid-journey or a Leonardo any  of those you can't actually read when they when   you type in here so look at this keep calm  and browse on it's right here and here like   it knows how to how to write all of these things  it's pretty cool sometimes it doesn't get it all   like oh maybe that's a different language that  could be a different language but you can see   um it's really cool okay so let's use  it I'm going to go back to the top   um let's do well let's do these things first  so let's see recent of course which just means   um these are the ones that were just made a  few seconds ago a minute ago trending uh the   ones that people are voting up right and then  following I'm not following anybody but you can   you can go in there and follow people and then top  I guess this is the the one with the most Hearts   trending I guess has the most Hearts quickest I  guess so um people are liking it quicker so not   necessarily the most but it is trending okay  and then you can see different sizes this is   where you're gonna pick that and I think for  print on demand we want the tall rectangle so I   would say this one 10 by 16 but the square would  work as well I think you probably don't want the   long one or the wide one which is like you can  see most people don't do that one either so I'm   going to do the tall rectangle and then we're  gonna go to um just do typography and let's   just type something so we can do anything we want  it can be very simple prompt like uh do your best and you don't even have to type quotes  around it or anything you can just say   do your best and maybe in a script  font let's see if do fancy script   font boom okay let's hit generate  and let's see what happens   ah well you can see sometimes it doesn't  get it right so maybe I'm gonna do quotes   do your best let's try that typography oh  let's do poster too uh motivational let's do a motivational poster in a fancy  script phone okay let's try that ah okay so when you do poster it it puts in and  these are this one is nice but it doesn't look   like a do your best Okay um let's try let's not  do poster let's just do motivation you know sing and this one says poster so let's take that out uh  photo cinematic painting fashion no I think that's   good okay kind of cool right all right uh let me  show you some other things that I found so let's   go um let's go find something and there's also  a remix just like there's a remix on Leonardo   um we can do this so let's find like that  Cottage Adventure right let's say we wanted   something like this this person did it always  does four this is the best one we can hit remix   and it just copies the same prompt and it  will do something similar so let's try it   look at that pretty cool right and  then you can change the text too   so let's say instead of cottage  Adventure we let's say outdoor Outdoor Adventure Outdoor font whoops all right let's try that and you can see it's not perfect so it didn't do  the r for here maybe it didn't understand that   so it's still hit and miss but it's still pretty  good with the adventure let's try something else   um let's do a back to school so let's say  a vector t-shirt let's say a vector design   with books and the words back to school yeah I think illustration and typography  let's take that out and on a black background and let's not do Square let's see the top  rectangle and see what this look at that   pretty good right back to school again with some  books and stuff so you don't have to just do text   it can do artwork with the text and you can  find things that other people have done too   let me show you you can see on here on my we have  it saves all the things that you've done on here   and you can look at some of the things that  I did here this is my prom a simple Vector   art design that says I love the fall it's a  fantasy script and the shape of a heart with   colorful lead like look at that that's  pretty cool that f may be better um but   there's one that f is good and and so on  so you just got to keep playing with it   um this one in October we wear pink look at that  that's pretty cool right and and then let's see   another one oh this is the one that I shared the  trick or treat so these are all the different   trick or treats ones that came in right so they'll  all be saved here and you can remix your own stuff   and you can do different things like that so okay  so I think we went through all of these you can   use any of these you can scroll down through  these so next thing I want to show you is the   Discord and I'm gonna have to remove myself here  and this is where you find the Discord so you go   here and then Discord and I'll bring  myself back I'll accept ideogram all right so you can see I'm in the Discord here   and one thing we can search  on here is for commercial let's see if anybody talked about commercial  licensing I asked the question here but if   we jumped down here this person asked it or got  an answer here and says basically however users   should carefully consider and determine whether  they wish to utilize output images for commercial   purposes and what permissions they have from  third parties in order to do so and they're   going to update their TOS so basically this person  was asking if you could use it and this person   answered it and says yes but you just have to be  careful where you use it and I think that's for   everything some some places don't want you to use  AI art and so they they just don't want you to get   in trouble with that they're not just they're  saying that you can use it but they're not the   ones in charge of the places that you're going  to use it at right so that's this look forward   to more terms of service as far as commercial  use on there you can keep checking on here but   this is pretty recent this was today this morning  at 9 45 that this person answered it all right so   now we know how to use it what kind of prompts to  use of course you can follow all the prompts that   are on here so if you like this you can use like  learn from this prompt right here uh if you like   you know something else like you see like this  one's pretty cool it I think this could really   work uh on a T-shirt and so on okay so let's go  to one of my things that I like here and let's see   how to download this and use it for a t-shirt  removing the background so I'm going to use   um let's just use that trick or treat one  I'm gonna go here and this is where you can   download it just use this icon and now it's  going to download it to my site so it's going   to download it it's 1024 by 1024 so it's not as  big as it needs to be so we're going to upscale   it with vectorizer AI since this is a Victor  and you can see this one just typed in trick   or treat typography in fact I didn't type in  typography I clicked that typography all I   did was trick or treat so um sometimes you can  use very simple prompts and sometimes you need   some longer prompts all right so here I am on  vectorizer AI and another AI app on the internet   I'm gonna just drag in that one that I did here  the trick or treat and it's going to process it and there you go looks like that  and then I'm going to download this   and just hit download boom so I wanted to show  you another free resource online on the internet   and this is called figma.com so we're going to  use figma as our graphic design app where we can   go in here and remove all the colors from the SVG  so first we're going to need to make a artboard   or frame or just go here see that frame and we're  going to drag it and then we're just going to go   here to width 4500 tab 5400 right all right so  let's zoom out now since we're bigger okay so   this Frame here 4500 by 5400 good so we're going  to drag in the SVG now that we did with ideogram   there you go and we're gonna size it up so it's  a vector file it's fine that we size it up we're   just going to make sure that it's the size that  we want in the T-shirt size right so you can see   right there and we can Center it and so on now we  can actually go on here and select the different   spots you can see everything here is a vector on  this side and we can actually delete those things   so we can come in here and delete any color that  we want on here so let's double click on there   delete that double click on there and so on right  if we don't want these and we want these to show   through we can right and just go through on here  delete all the holes here it doesn't take too long   and you can delete anything else and  you can also draw on here so if you   wanted to change the color as well  so I can come on here and I can go   fill and I think my eyedropper is under  here let me move this yeah there it is   can click on my eyedropper click this color  and then you can see it changed to that color   all right so very easy very easy to learn and use  I could do a tutorial on this if you want to but   just for time's sake we're going to go here  and we're going to export this so we click on   frame exports right here at the bottom I'm  going to click that and move my face again and I'm going to export frame one this whole  thing as a PNG it's transparent because we   move the background right there's no  background on here so let's do that   export frame one boom it's saving it to my  downloads now let's just check if it did it   right so I'm going to go there nope it didn't do  it right you can see there's a white background so   you don't want a white background You Want TO  gray so let's check back on frame and I think   automatically it added the FFF the white here so  I'm gonna do that show an exports no oh you can   actually check that and say show and Export so  let's go back I'm going to do undo's command Z   and just leave it white but you say show and  exports I'm going to uncheck it there we go let's   see if that works so let's export this again go  in here export you can actually do a preview too   so there you go if I did the preview I would have  seen that it's actually knocked out so very cool   yeah so that's how easy it is to use ideogram  vectorizer Ai and figma all free and you can   do as many of these as you want so there you go  everything you needed to know about this new app   called ideogram you can watch this again and kind  of go through it again if you see something there   you can remix it or if you want to learn from  their prompts you can see the prompts already   there again it's not perfect some of the letters  don't turn out great every time but at least you   can read it now and so a lot of times it does  work and a lot of times it does I think that's   just with AI as it learns and it learns and it  gets better it's just going to get better over   time so hopefully this is this tutorial is really  helpful for you you can see that they're going to   update their terms of service to talk about more  clearly if we can use this for commercial use and   you can see how easy it is to download scale it  with SVG and use it in figma and other apps like   that to remove the color of the background  so that you can use it as a transparent PNG   so again hopefully this video is really helpful  for you if you want to see another video on what   to design for how to find that right Niche  I put this video right here I made recently   um you can see that now that you know that you  can use this app the next step is to actually   know what to design and what kinds of prompts to  use so hopefully that's helpful too thanks again   for watching and as always guys keep creating and  keep learning I'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 136,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, online entrepreneurship, passive income, selling tshirts, selling online, side hustle, t-shirt business, ideogram, ideogram.ai, ideogram ai, ai, artificial intellegence, t-shirt design using ai, ai tshirt design with text, better than midjourney, text designs with ai, midjourney alternative, graphic designer, ai art
Id: q3cmNtIYzlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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