How to CREATE 100s OF PATTERNS for Clothes and Other Products on Print on Demand with Repper

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In this video I wanted to share with you an app  that I just started using and that is Repper.   It is an app that you can create patterns,  with thousands of patterns on there. You can   create your own and create just hundreds and  thousands of different patterns with colors   and everything. I'm going to show you how  to upload your own designs to it and make   even more patterns and how to download it and  use it on Redbubble and Amazon merch on demand   and I'll show you what the products look  like with these patterns on it. Let's go!! Hey everyone, it's Juna with Detour Shirts. In  this video I wanted to talk about Repper, the   app that you can create patterns with. I shared a  little bit about it in this video right here when   I talked about the 20 different apps that you  can use for print on demand. This one is super   powerful I wanted to dedicate a whole video to it.  I've been playing around recently and it just does   so many things but I'm going to show you exactly  how to use it all the different styles that you   can do how to upload your own designs on there and  how to use it for print on demand and I'm going to   do the full tutorial beginning to end and you're  gonna see how powerful this thing is and stay till   the end because I'm gonna give you a discount code  if you want to start using it as well so let's get   into wrapper right now and I'll show you how to  use it alright so here we are on Repper. It's and you can see the first  page is really helpful so you can watch a video   what it does you can see that there's a pattern  collection look you can take this pattern and make   this many other patterns and more from it which is  really crazy um I would watch this as real this is   really cool the pattern app so you can see all  these kinds of different patterns are made in   Repper just super simple they also have a 3D thing  I'm going to show you that like here it says no   limits for commercial use so you can literally  make hundreds of patterns and put them on these   and more they didn't this merch by Amazon or  Amazon merch on demand here as well as some other   ones but look at saying Zazzle Redbubble and I'm  going to show you how to put it on some Redbubble   products and what it looks like works with bitmap  and Vector look at these patterns that people have   made with clothes it's just pretty cool and one  thing is really cool is right here notice they're   making coloring books so if you're in the KDP  space which I'm not I really want to get into   it now that I know I can make these coloring  books super simple you just make patterns and   like you can make hundreds of patterns right so  you can make hundreds of coloring books like this   um just super simple so uh and bed coverings duvet  covers pillowcases all print shirts cards if you   want to do cards wall art like patterns are used  on a lot of stuff on print on Demand right so I   don't have to tell you all of those okay uh  let's see yeah that's everything so scroll   down that page I went really quickly but let's get  into what it does so what you have to do is just   come in here start the app um there's a 14 day  trial let me go to the top so you can see try it   for free if you don't want to pay for it right  away and want to try you can do that there's   also pricing I'll get up to that later so let's  start the app here and when you get into it you   can see I've been playing around with it you'll  have this demo project right here but I made my   own project we can do that or do this either one  would work and you can just hit view collection and you can see all the ones these are  from the demo actually so I'm gonna do   current collection here and click on it  and these are the ones from just from this   pattern right here this image and we're  going to change it but you can see I can   move this around and make that's a pattern  that's a pattern that's a pattern that's   right so literally hundreds and seconds and  they've already saved some of these here so I   can come in here and click on any one of these  and these are different patterns as well just   already in there right so let me show you the  basics first so first pattern let's talk about   pattern this is these are all the different ways  that they're using this image so we start with an   image first right here this this one will probably  be your base image but you can change that image   by going here change image and I've picked a  bunch of them I even picked this one from my   library when I did the games a lotto let me show  you how to find it so you can pick from my library   or you can upload or you can do image search so  when you do image search it just brings it to here   and you can pick any one of these so let's just  pick this one for example and you can see now   it's going to change to different colors so I can  make this bigger since the colors are different and I can move it around now you don't have  to just do this you can also use the tiling   so let's come up here to tiling and I got  all these different ones that are preset   and if you don't want to hover over  each of them you can close this and   just click this box and I'll show  all the patterns just like this and that's just for the section that I did so  these can move too so you can see like that's   a different style that's a different style it's  just taking that little section of that picture   and doing it all in here now there's also a really  fun way to see all the different patterns and that   is what this right here it's called dream so if  you click on dream let's do this and it's going   to speed through the different things you can  see how slow that is but I can make it faster and it's kind of nice it just  moves it through it you can do   tiling variations too if you want  to do all the different tilings   and so and it will do your different images  too if you want to do that now when you see   one that you like you can just hit stop and it  will stop there or you can just play around with   this as well right and then you can rotate  it see that and you can blend the images   or edges you can see how that changes there's  a blend I kind of like it not having the blend   because it gets kind of blurry but that's just me  and then you can select a tile up here so check it   out I'm going to hit tile and this one tile will  tile on Redbubble so I'm going to download one of   these uh in a little bit and this one is surface  which is the one we're on so it does the full   thing so you can see it it is tiling but when you  hit tile it's just taking that section that will   just tile one thing so this square right and then  there's this cool thing called 3D check this out   you'll make it so that you can see it on  different products so kind of a preview so   maybe you want it more like that on that one and  there's a bunch of them too so you got scarves   you got stocks uh let's see mugs are cool right  because Redbubble does mugs and this is just a   preview of What kinds of things what kinds of  products you could put it on a blanket Isn't   that cool just from that pattern now you can make  the pattern bigger or smaller just to kind of get   a feel for it all right let's go back to surface I  forgot to talk about these effects like this thing   does so many things right color adjustments so I  can come in here and let's say I want it brighter   or I want the contrast brighter or saturation down  or up like it like that I can also do it in black   and white I can do it and this does the contrast  as well look at that I just made so many different   patterns here I can do dual tone so you can pick  the colors let's say you want a different color   you know pick your color slider and pick the  other color here not cool and that just saves   this duotone once you turn it off it's back to  the original border it will add a border a white   border or if you want to pick a different color  order that would work too we got the tile border   right you can also play with the width of that  if you want it bigger or smaller or if you want   a rounder you got these surface effects too so  metamorphosis is really cool which means you have   a different version here than over here and you  can do it horizontally you can see it's changing or you could do it vertically like that yeah cool so one side is one way  and one's the other way this would be great   for coloring books too so you start one way  and the other way but also like I can see this   um for a phone case too just you  know having a different pattern   and then let's see we got surface border  so we can put a black border on it if you   want the whole thing with a black border  on it for some reason you could do that   um and that would be great for a coloring book  if you want inside and vignette that's kind of   the color on the outside right you can make a  dark vignette or you could do a white vignette   kind of cool that way um you can do a gradient on  top of it here's the gradient or half tone this   half tone pattern is kind of cool you can make it  really big or small and that that's a cool pattern   right there just a half tone pattern all right and  then let's see anything else um before I export   the last thing would be export here oh rotate  we did an edge blend I think we did too okay   um I wanted to show you what you would use for  like coloring books though so obviously this   is in color but for coloring books you might want  black and white so you can come in here and change   the image again so I'm going to pick this one  which is black and white I have a bunch here um   and then I'm gonna do look at all of these  I can and look at that I could make this   could be a coloring book I think this one  works really well as a coloring book right   and then I'm going to go to effects and do that  metamorphosis that could be a good coloring book   you know make different things here like  that and then maybe I do the um surface   border here and there you go oh and then let's  do black and white with the contrast really high   and that a cool cool coloring book you could just  export that and do different ones for different   pages you can actually use the same thing though  that could be a coloring book we could turn off   the metamorphosis and just try different things  there's a coloring page there's a coloring page   there's a coloring page like your  whole thing could be just this thing   with different versions of it right not cool and  then when you find one of these you can actually   save it too so let's say I really like this I'm  going to come here down and say save snapshot   so now when I come down here it's already saved  so I don't have to when I play around with it   again you know I don't have to worry about losing  it and you can see I've saved this one here from   games of Lotto look at this this is something I  imported from a design I make so you can import   any of your t-shirt designs and just put it  in here and look this doesn't look anything   like this but it's really cool and of course I can  change this up again too there's a pattern there's   a pattern there's a pattern right so you get the  idea you can make literally hundreds of thousands   of patterns just with one design here and you can  import as many designs as you want so let me show   you how easy it is to export all right so let's  say I wanted this pattern here where let's go to   export we can do surface or 3D or tile so let's  do surface first and I'm going to do custom and   I'm going to do 3200 by 3200 because that's the  size of the phone cases it's 32 100 tall on Amazon   merch on demand so we're going to use it there  and I think it works on some other ones we're also   going to do at the tile so that we can tile things  on Redbubble so first this one PNG and then export   and then we're going to call this one  or let's just call it pink pattern all right so we also want the tile one so  let's do tile and this one we're going to   use on Redbubble for bigger stuff like  duvet covers shower curtains things like   that so this one I'm going to export  and I'm going to do pink pattern tile good okay so now that we got both of these I'm  going to go to First Amazon merch on demand we're   gonna upload it there so that you can see what  it looks like on some of the things on there the   phone cases the um bags and things and then  after that we're going to Redbubble and I'm   going to upload it there uh the tile one so you  can see it on all the other products as well so   here we are on Amazon merch on demand you can see  I dragged it in here it's 3200 by 3200 so it's too   small for these t-shirts and we don't want it  for t-shirts anyway but it's the right size for   all of these products so I'm gonna go here to pop  sockets I'm gonna drag it up to the corner like   this and then scale it until you reach the bottom  look at that nice pop socket you can make it even   bigger if you want and do that or kind of Center  it could hit Center here too there you go that's   pretty cool all right so for phone cases same  thing drag it up to the top corner and then just   it should be a hundred percent because it's 3200  there and you can kind of Center it if you want   right and let's look what it looks like on the  product look at that that is a cool design now   remember what I said if you did the metamorphosis  you would have a pattern at the top and kind of   transition to a pattern on the bottom I think that  would be really really cool too so you try that   out when you try out wrapper same thing here take  it to the top do full huh that one's done look at   that preview that's pretty cool and then tote bag  this one doesn't can be a hundred percent as well   and this one hundred percent boom really easy  check out that pillow so again you could really   scale this on print on demand imagine uploading  hundreds and hundreds of designs for different   patterns different colors right and and things so  you could do a pink version and then come in with   a different uh color design on there and just  so many cool things so let's go into Redbubble   and I'll show you all the products that you can  use with this one on Redbubble alright so here   we are on Redbubble I uploaded the pattern the  3200 by 3200 pattern you can see it works on a   lot of things uh we don't want it on t-shirts on  on these anyway looks kind of cool on the hats   um it fits kinda on this one but not really so  what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit replace   image and use the tile version now all right  so let's load that in you're gonna see that   at the very first it doesn't look like it's  anything but if we choose regular grid now   you see what's happening over here right it's  pretty cool so same thing with any of these you   can come in and do it I'm gonna go down here you  can see it fits on the phone case with the 3200 in   fact you still could you could scale it up if you  wanted to uh stickers I wouldn't do a sticker of   this it's kind of weird for a sticker a-line  dress again I would come in here do the tile so here we go and then we go tile regular  grid and you can see you can make it bigger   or smaller I probably would do something  like that look at that that's a cool cool   one pillows works okay I wanted to show you  one more thing the shower curtain which is   Big here we're going to tile this oh we  gotta replace the image first tile right cool and then regular grid boom so it works on so you can see that  shower curtain works really well and any of   these any of these that you want to pattern  scarves the mugs that we saw the 3D of it   you know works really good um let's see what else bags journals covers these  are great again if it doesn't fit through the tile   thing I wouldn't do The Coasters throw blankets  of course so patterns works on so many different   things on Redbubble and this is just Redbubble  again there was Etsy you can use printful you can   use and tons of products on print on demand and  of course KDP I can show you that but not enough   time on this video if you want to see that video I  can I can make that but there are videos on there   on YouTube how to use it for KDP as well so you  would come in here click all of these click that   and save your work and you can see it on different  products and of course make sure to put your title   tags and all of that but see tons of products  so let's go back to the wrapper app I'm going   to show you how much it costs and what else you  can do on there all right so here we are on the   wrapper app again pricing and look uh  unlimited commercial use that every pattern you   use on here is for commercial use that's what they  built it for and all these other things unlimited   collections you can download as many different  files as you want and use it you saw how easy it   was to make just with one file my games a lot  I made hundreds I could have made hundreds of   patterns just with that right and then of course  these patterns too look really good on coloring   books so let me show you right here so monthly  it's you can do it's 12.99 a month and I'm on   the yearly plan so it's 9.99 per month for a year  and yeah if you have any questions about it you   can look at it there but um I think it's like you  can make hundreds of the potential of this making   hundreds of patterns just made sense to me because  uh like 10 bucks uh how much is that that's maybe   hopefully I sell two or three of these uh in a  month uh paid for it right there right so if I   can put hundreds it's a numbers game right and  you can just put a lot of patterns on there so   my discount for you guys uh is put in the discount  code detour 20 for 20 off um of either the yearly   or the monthly whichever one you want to try  again there's a free 14-day trial too so don't   forget about that try it out for 14 days see if  it works for you try out all these things that we   talked about and upload it to different products  and and see if it looks good to you and then if it   does work if you want to do the yearly plan or the  monthly plan you can use my discount detour 20 and   it'll give you 20 off of the yearly plan or 20 off  of the monthly plan whichever one you it works for   either one so works good there so have fun with  this play around with it see if you like it see if   it's the patterns work for you if you're in KDP as  well try it out for coloring books again there's a   YouTube video uh for the coloring books but if you  want me to do a KDP coloring book with Repper and   show you step by step on how to do it let me know  in the comments so there you go that was Repper I   was absolutely Blown Away of how many different  patterns you can make just with one design let   alone you have unlimited designs on there and  you can bring in your own designs just the the   scale of this is huge so you can make hundreds  of thousands of patterns literally and put it on   different print on demand products on different  print on demand sites on Amazon on Redbubble and   Etsy and KDP and just like the potential of this  is huge so hopefully this works really well for   you try it out 14 day tryout again and use my  discount code if you decide you want to do it   no pressure but I did want to get some savings  for you if you do want to try it so thanks again   for watching and if you haven't seen the 20  apps that I did the video that I did with the   20 different apps including Repper was one of  them I watched that video there thanks again   for watching and as always guys keep creating  and keep learning I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 10,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, online entrepreneurship, passive income, selling tshirts, selling online, side hustle, merch by amazon, t-shirt business, print on demand patterns, repper, patterns with repper, how to create patterns for clothes, how to create patterns, creating patterns in art, creating patterns for clothing, 100 patterns, 100 pattern challenge, easy patterns, patterns app, an app to create patterns, print on demand tool, make money online
Id: KxBesbwrqJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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