Easy Leonardo.AI Tutorial - 5 Print on Demand Products To Create Designs for Using Remix

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In this video I wanted to share with  you five different product types that   you can make designs for using AI. More  specifically using Leonardo AI. Let's go!! Hey everyone, it's Juna with Detour Shirts. In  this video I wanted to show you how you can use AI   to help you design for different products on print  on demand. So in this video I'm going to show you   five different product types that you can design  for using Ai and you can use any AI I'm going to   use Leonardo AI but I'm sure you can do this with  mid-journey you can use it so it's blue willow or   whatever your AI choices are I'm going to show  you the prompts that I use in Leonardo hopefully   you can use the same prompts in whatever AI you  are using and I'm also going to show you what   you can do after you get the design what kind of  steps to take to make it big enough and make it   work for these products so I'm going to show you  everything all the workflow for all five different   products and where you can sell these on as well  in print on demand so lots to show you in this   video I'm going to go to Leonardo AI first and  then show you how to get the designs alright so   here we are on Leonardo Ai and the first product  that I'm going to show you how to do is t-shirt   since this is detour shirts and I've already done  a video you for t-shirts it's this one right here   you can check this out but I'm going to do it  in a different way so I'm going to do all of   these the same way and that is with remix so you  I don't know if I showed you this before but first   thing you're going to do is just find one that you  really like so for t-shirts I really like this one   right here I'm on the home page and this homepage  is gonna change but you can scroll down and find   anything that you like right so if you find one  that you like for a t-shirt I would say make sure   that it has a background like a solid background  so that we can remove it let's see if there's   another one this one would be a good t-shirt as  well I'm just looking for a t-shirt design that   can just be put on a shirt without any words  right last time I showed you with words I think   this one's going to be just super simple without  words I would stay away from Cars just because   some cars can be copyrighted if this looks like  an actual brand right like this one's a Chevy I   would stay away from that and but there's some  nice stuff on here right so I'm going to show   you that first one up there of course you don't  have to use that well we have this one right here   this is a nice one right but I'm going to scroll  up and just use that one so let's say we want   to use this one I'll click on it you can see  here's the prompt now you can use this prompt in   mid-journey or any other AI one see if that works  I'm just going to remix this problem so you can   see with remix this will copy The Prompt and all  the generation settings and over to AI generation   tool so you can just remix it so it won't be  exactly this but it'd be something similar to   this so I'm going to click on remix it's going to  bring it here you can see up here is the prompt   and the style it's using Leonardo diffusion  and so on and we're just going to generate and there you go pretty nice design right here  very similar to the one that we saw in the front   not exactly the same but I think this would  make a really good t-shirt it would also make   some really good other products but we're going  to do t-shirts first now if you want more color   look for one with more color or you can you know  change the prompt to say different things up here   all right so that's product number one is t-shirts  lots of different t-shirt designs and I'm going   to show you after I show you all the different  prompts what to do with this we're going to take   it and vectorize it and then put it on a t-shirt  but second one let's go back to the home page uh   the second product that you can make is stickers  so there's lots of cool stickers there's this one   look at that sticker these are stickers these are  stickers I'm going to use the same kind of thing   uh maybe I want a dog sticker like this one I'm  gonna hit remix same thing super simple uh you can   see right there just do that and hit generate same  thing I'm just doing one image at a time because   I think it will do pretty good so there you go  nice sticker of a dog looks like a dog doesn't   have any problems with it it has two eyes one  knows and it's it's great looks like a dog to me   so that'll make a great sticker and it already has  the white outline on so I'm going to show you how   to take out this background in Affinity designer  and it'll be great for a sticker all right next   thing moving right along so we got t-shirts  we got stickers let's do a pattern now there's   lots of different things you can put patterns  on you can put it on phone cases pillows bags   um leggings blankets shower curtains on Redbubble  so let's look for patterns here's one right here   patterns are always on the top but I mean there's  more patterns in that let's see if we scroll down   um you know that's a cool pattern let's see that's  a pattern that's a pattern so it doesn't have to   be flowers but usually flowers are one of the top  patterns right but you got a pattern here with uh   planets here so lots of cool stuff so I'm just  going to go back up and pick the one at the top   this flower one click on it same thing remix  look how fast this is generate so we already   know that that works right oh and one more  thing tiling make sure you have tiling on   here so that we can tile it in Redbubble  oh that's pretty neat so let's look at that   yeah it's a it's a darker pattern but it's nice  it doesn't even look like the other pattern that   we did a remix of so I think it'll be fine and  we can put this on lots of different things so   patterns we got the next thing that it does  really well is posters so this one that I did   could be a poster I think and a t-shirt with that  background we could have just left that background   as is uh not knock it out and make a big great  poster but let's see what else we could do we   could do posters like this we could do posted  that that would be a really cool poster that   um Fox there um make sure to stay away from  these that look like celebrity so this one   says Tom Cruise I would not make that a poster  but these are really cool these like these ones   right here I think this one would make a great  poster let me just click on here I'll do remix   and generate and see how this could make a good  poster so again we're going to have to scale this   up but look at that really cool poster right I  can do that have some white space I could even   maybe put clouds up here too so I could crop it  and different things I think this would make a   great poster and if you don't like this you can  hit it again and generate it again so let me show   you what happens when we hit generate again it's  not going to be exactly the same because every   time it's going to be different so let's see what  if I hit it again what it looks like well there   you go there's some clouds right there I could mix  the two or I could use this one instead or this   one instead so I got options I could do this all  day and hit generate until my tokens run out of   course right all right last thing so we got that  was number four number five is coloring books so   um we might have to search for this one let  me see when we scroll down it's gonna have   to be black and white so we're looking for a  certain type of design that we can color into   um no that's too much that's black and white but  it's too much I'm gonna scroll down some more   this would be cool but I think there's too many  dark lines this one would be cool for a coloring   page so there are some coloring places flower  one vehicle coloring page so there's a bunch   down here you can scroll faster with just holding  this scroll wheel so we can go there that flowers   might be a cool one um oh this dog this dog's  pretty cool too let's see if there's any others I think the flowers was the best  one so let's go back flowers   it's gonna make a really cool coloring page and  I think it might say yeah it says right here in   the prompt coloring book so I'll do a remix  here and hit generate and see what comes up   well there you go this is really nice could  be a nice coloring page it kind of made this   um lighter here and it's got some gray in there um  so and I think that'll still be okay for coloring   pages so let's do that I'm gonna upscale this  one just to see if it knocks that out or makes it   um lighter so how you can upscale it is do this  Crips upscale I think that would be good so what   we're going to do is we're going to download all  these five and then I'm going to vectorize all   of them with vectorize AI and then show you in  Affinity designer how to get them ready for the   different products so I'm going to scroll down  here I'll show you how to download one of them   so let's do this one you hit download right here  and it's going to open it up in a new image and   this you can download so right click like this and  you can say save image as and I'll save it to your   desktop or you can just grab it and drag it to  your desktop like that now it's not going to be   very big it's going to be exactly the same size  as this right here which is what we saved it as   so this is um you know usually 768 1024 that's  what I had it saved as the highest it would be   would be 10 24 by 1024 so it's still pretty small  I'm gonna pull all of these into vectorize Ai and   have it vectorized so that we can scale it in  Affinity designer so here I am in with vectorize   DOT AI you can see vectorize.ai it's free right  now because it's in beta so hopefully when you're   watching this it's still free if not you may have  to find another one online so I'm going to drag in   all those five different designs one at a time  I'm going to show you the one with the forest   that we did first uh this one right here that we  found for the T-shirt design in Leonardo so you   can see really quickly it did it that's real time  and you can see the vectorize results pretty cool   right so now I can just download it right here and  it by default it says SVG but you can download in   any of these formats we're just going to do SVG  SVG and I'm going to hit download now once it's   a SVG it's going to save it to my downloads folder  I'm going to do the other four and then I'm going   to open these up in Affinity designer and I'll  show you how to use Affinity designer to kind of   remove the backgrounds and things that we need to  do so there's something that happened to me while   I did the upscale design and I wanted to show you  that real quick so here's the upscale design of   the flower that I got so let me show you I'll drag  it in and right away it says that it's too big so   you may have this happen to you so what I did was  I didn't use the upscaled version I just used the   regular version and you can see right away it just  does it really quickly so sometimes the upscaled   version might be too much for the vectorizer AI  and so that's one of the problems you may have   with it so after you vectorize them you want to  open them up individually in Affinity designer so   you can drag that into Affinity designer and open  it up and you can see here I have it and these are   vectors so I can click on these and color them or  delete them the different things what I'm gonna do   for this one for the T-shirt design is I'm going  to delete the background so you can see here I   can just select the background and hit delete and  everything is great and I can change this so what   I would do here is change the size so come here  hit this button right here this is the artboard   selector I'm going to insert artboard and you can  see there's my artboard one now I can transform   that you can see it's not the right size so I'm  going to change my artboard here to 4500 to 5400 boom now I'm going to zoom out click on my Black Arrow here and I can  scale this now so I'm going to scale this um I can hold down shift to make sure that  the proportions are constrained and then   I can just move it in the center like this now  we can see what this would look like on a black   T-shirt you can see it looks like that it looks  really cool and if you want to change some of   the colors here you can or you can change to see  what color it would look like or what it would   look like on different color t-shirts so let's  say instead of black we wanted a red t-shirt   or green t-shirt sorry and  there's green we can do red here   as well that's what it would look like on red so  I think I'm happy with this I think it will look   good on t-shirts so there you go that's how you do  a t-shirt one I'm going to export it make sure the   background is nothing here and I'm gonna click  file export and then PNG and then do selection   only and Export and then this will be ready for  print on demand at that size so there's t-shirts   pretty easy to do with Leonardo so here's the dog  sticker we did in Leonardo but because I did it   through vectorize AI you can see that it's more of  a vector artwork and you can see if if you don't   like that style I would pick a vector version of a  sticker so you don't have this more realistic one   the the vectorizer tool doesn't it vectorizes it  so it's not smooth you can see it's kind of more   like a paint by numbers gonna look right so if  you like that style that's fine if you want it   to be more flat and kind of not have all those  colors mixed together then you're gonna have to   put that in your prompts when you do Leonardo just  say Vector style so um same thing you're going to   come in here click the background boom we don't  want the background so because it had that let   me show you I'll scroll in here you'll see it it  did that gradient in different colors so we can   come in here and just click on all of them and  make sure we get rid of that gray we also want   to get rid of the white too so any of that right  there can do that so come in here it may take a   little while you can you can kind of hover over  some of these here and take out some big ones   if you want to go like that you know you'll  get somebody make sure not to take out these   you can see if you scroll over you don't want to  take out the main thing so it's easier to just   kind of click like this and kind of go around and  see if you're missing anything right all right so   I took away the background here one way to check  is to add a background myself but first let's do   the artboard thing we're going to do the artboard  tool insert artboard and then we can kind of put a   background color and check so I'm going to come  in here um and kind of zoom in here let's do a   zoom in and you can see I missed a few because I  I didn't see it so I can click on here this one now Redbubble is going to automatically  put a white outline around it so this   is what we want of course but without the  background like that and then we're going   to make this big too so since it's a vector I  can scale it so if you're making stickers for   Redbubble the biggest size you need is 2800  by 2800 let's see how big this artboard is   you say it's 60 640 by 832 so let's do 2800 to  2800 and see how much we need to scale it up   and we do so let's grab here hold down  shift to constrain proportions and [Music]   this dog is big enough there you go so the  third one was the pattern so you can see here   there's the pattern I'm going to do the same  thing we don't have to remove the background   so I'm just going to use the art uh artboard  tool click on here insert artboard and then   we're gonna change the size though so let's  do this uh transform I'm gonna do 4500 by 5400 one thing you may notice with the pattern though  is let's select the whole thing and I'll show   you what I mean I'm going to select this all I'm  going to group it and I'm going to move it here   and it's supposed to be tiling  and if you put it right next to it   like that it looks really good  from far away but as we zoom in   you know some of these may not look as great  look at that it doesn't really connect so from   far away it looks great but for some reason  Leonardo sometimes doesn't do that so you may   or may not get this chances are you will get this  and so just take a look if it if it is or not you   can come in here because it's vector and you can  kind of fix it if you want to like make sure that   these things connect you know I could I could  come in here and double click on this and just   make sure that this line is right up to the edge  so there is some tweaking if you want to do that   or another suggestion is that you can just use  the one so what I mean by that is on some like a   phone case I'll just use that as the phone case  so I'm gonna zoom out here if you don't want to   go through all that trouble and make it exactly  I'm gonna go like this I'm gonna hold down shift whoops and scale it and we're just going to use  that so let's instead of the artboard being that   wide I'm just going to do that wide here and  then this will make a nice pattern on a phone   case or a pillow or and I'll show you on Amazon  merch on demand I'm going to take this and I'll   show you what it this looks like on the different  products so the next one is posters and you can   see the same thing happened this was a watercolor  and I did the vectorize tool and you can see it   doesn't have the same feeling so you may want to  do a poster that's actually a vector if you're   going to use the vectorizer tool otherwise you  may have to try and upscale this somehow so that   it has the same look and feel that it had before  so it kind of changed the look of the watercolor   if you like this as a poster I think it still  looks good as a poster but it doesn't have that   same feel as the original but let me show you  how to do this in Affinity designer we don't   need to remove the background we're going to  do the artboard tool again insert artboard   and this time the artboard should be for posters  on this plate should be 2900 by 40 60. and then   we're going to scale it up to fit so there's  the poster size and we can scale this thing   make sure it's edge to edge and you know we can  make sure that the bottom is there like that and we may want to make it taller and so we can play around with it   and then we can make sure that it looks that size  so just play around with it see what you want   inside of the poster and you can see that that  makes a pretty cool poster already like that and   of course you can add words to it if you want but  you can do it with any poster on there just make   sure that it's the right size you don't have to  worry about the background and we can just export   this one as well so the last thing is the coloring  book you can see it turned out pretty great here   um and if we don't want these colors on here we  can make we can make them white so let's say we   don't want it like that we can make come in  here and change these to White and make it   even better coloring book than before right  okay so once you have that I'm going to change   this to a size two you can make this as a  digital download to color or you can put it   in KDP and make a whole book of all of them  but uh insert artboard again make sure that   this is this one's probably going to be eight  and a half by eleven if that's the size you're   going to make your coloring book or pages  so you can put 8.5 inches uh by 11 inches boom and this one's actually bigger so we can  squeeze it to fit in here boom there you go and if   you want it smaller and don't want to get it edge  to edge you could you know just cut it like that   and make sure your background is just White there  you go so it doesn't go edge to edge there that's   the last one so those are your five products you  got t-shirts of course stickers anything with a   pattern so phone cases up to shower curtains duvet  covers any of those posters and coloring books so   there you go that's how you can adjust things in  Affinity designer for all those different products   now once you do that export them as pngs to the  right size remember like I did with the T-shirt   some of them need backgrounds and others don't  so if it doesn't need a background make sure to   do it the way that I did with the T-shirt but  if it can use a background then you don't have   to worry about doing that selection and this is  what they look like on the different products   so here's your T-shirt your sticker pattern on a  phone case and posters and a coloring book page   now you may need more pages to actually make a  coloring book but I think those can do really   well on digital downloads if you have a Etsy or  on your own website as well that that could be   really cool so lots of products that you can do  with AI these are just five of my favorites and   you can see it's really built for that I didn't  have to scroll very long to see those kinds of   designs on the aronado and I'm sure there's the  same thing on other other AI products so hopefully   this video is really helpful for you you can see  the power of AI and all the different products   that you can do with it if you want to see a full  tutorial of Leonardo I have this video right here   I'll put that there I'll go through how to do it  and how to do different things I also have other   videos for patterns and t-shirts as well so I go  through that so have fun with this thanks again   for watching and as always guys keep creating and  keep learning I'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 15,574
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Keywords: print on demand, how to, selling tshirts, selling online, side hustle, print on demand tshirt business, print on demand 2023, Leonardo AI, leonardoai, ai for print on demand, leonardo ai prompts, leonardo ai print on demand, leonardo ai prompts guide, leonardo ai t shirt design, leonardo ai t shirt, leonardo ai patterns, leonardo ai stickers, leonardo ai sticker prompt, leonardo ai poster, leonardo ai coloring pages, leonardo ai coloring book, leonardo ai tutorial
Id: W9Nj4Ff2u6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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