Create a Character for Amazon KDP Children's books using Midjourney

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hi everyone and welcome back thank you so much for joining me here today my name's Claire and Lisa is Mrs D so today we are going to be following on from our AI children's storybook and today I'm going to be taking you through how you can use mid-journey to do your character development now something that is really crucial to know is that you must pay for the membership in order to be able to resell these images so it's just eight pound a month so if you think about the income that you could generate with your storybook is to drop in the ocean but it is really important to know that so you can create any images that you like on mid-journey but you must have the membership in order to be able to resell now today make sure you do stick through to the end because what you'll see me do is basically start off with some really basic prompts and then over time we're kind of building building and building until I get that character development spot on so if this is the kind of content that you enjoy it then please do not forget to like comment and subscribe I love hearing from you guys and yeah but let's stop waffling on let's jump over onto the computer right now so here we go over on Mid Journey so this is the first prompt that I've used which was little boy character multiple poses and expressions children's book illustration style simple full color Safari outfit mid-length blonde wispy hair no outline and the images that have come back are pretty good so let me just make this a little bit bigger so that you can see all of the pictures just a bit closer up so really the reason that I'm not overly Keen is they're kind of just a bit too cartoony for me so what I'm going to do is I'm going to modify my prompt so I'm going to copy this one here and paste it in but first of all putting in the Imagine forward slash imagine and that's how you get your text to image now I'm just going to amend the text slightly so I'm just popping in here an age lip slightly more specific and basically when you're coming up with your images you just kind of you need to keep playing about with it so I've added in the age and also the watercolor so now that will be generating some new images as you can see that's pulling through right now and then we can start to see if any of these are a bit more appropriate yes they're really sweet but perhaps yeah still not quite right I mean this one is possibly the better one for my aesthetic but it's it's not quite there just yet so I'm gonna try again so again forward slash Imagine The Prompt comes up now I'm going to pop that in so I'm just going to take out the wispy hair I'm going to put in the Safari outfit including a hat and rucksack making that a bit more specific I'm going to add it in here blue eyes cute small and see how this translates [Music] it really is just trial and error and you just need to kind of keep reworking until you get something that you are really happy with but I really like this way of asking for multiple poses and expressions this way it's going to give us something a little bit more so again it's still not quite there I mean the bottom one's kind of a bit anime the other ones I mean that yeah they're just not right for the aesthetic of my book which is absolutely fine I just need to keep working on these prompts a little bit more and it's fine you know these are the characters that you're going to be having in your book so you need to make sure that it is right for you and your style okay so still not being too happy with what's done I'm going to do forward slash imagine copy and pasting that prompt in again I'm going to try and make it even more descriptive so I'm going to add in here khaki green rucksack the brown hats I want to also add in something around maybe walking boots as well and of course add in Safari for the Hat okay so let's push enter and let's see how this one translates and let's see what this gives me I feel so I'm definitely being a lot more specific oh gosh let's see see what comes up oh okay so this one here is slightly more interesting I would say so of all of these ones I probably like this bottom one here the most I think he's quite a cute character but it hasn't given me much to go on think um the character itself is good but the and even maybe the walking away picture is pretty good but the other two not great for me so on reflection I think I'm going to upscale these two images so the first and the third one so they're the two on the left hand side I think they were the best out of all of them and then I can see if I can kind of amend and adjust them from there put them in some different scenes different poses and see how we get along so here you go you can see the first group of images that's come up and here are the second ones so these are now upscaled and I can now save these across onto my desktop and actually I think these ones have come out so much better than I initially thought now that I can see them being upscaled there are definitely a few images there that I may potentially use I really like the outfit I kind of feel like it's a bit more modern little boy makeshift Safari so I'm going to hit there make variations and see what that brings me up with as yeah I'm really liking that one here we go oh wow so as you can see so many more options and it's given me so many different kind of characters different poses which is really going to help me out which is just absolutely brilliant and as you can see it's a pretty consistent character which I'm super happy about I think this is gonna yeah really really make such a huge difference to the book so now what I really want to do is really start to focus on kind of using this character and trying to make him a little bit more animated so I'm popping in here another prompt but now I'm adding again keeping the multiple images but asking for a dynamic running pose excited expression just to see what comes up here so first class I'm not entirely sure that these are excited expressions or they look pretty terrified really to me but there might be a couple of back shots here that I can use so yeah I'm I'm not totally disregarding them but it may have been hoping for slightly more but there are some back shot running ones that may be quite good just there it would be the top right image that I think would possibly be most suitable for the back shots and now I think I will go on and focus on a different scene that I would like to create so I'm thinking that I'd like the main character kind of sat down on the floor and yeah so I'm gonna copy across that exact same prompt but firstly I'm going to take out the dynamic running pose I'm just going to replace that with sitting down on the floor and see what that brings us up with okay so here come these images so actually there are a few here that I may potentially be able to use the Big Image in the second one I'm gonna wrap scale that I really like that and I can see that definitely working with the other characters that I have chosen to use so this is the upscaled image so in particular this middle one I really really like and potentially the small image the top right corner I also really like so now these are the dynamic running poses that have just come through and actually again better than I kind of thought so I've got a couple of back shot ones there which are really good I won't be using that large image but also the bottom right corner is pretty good as well but I'm gonna see if I can get anything else so I'm copying that across and I'm going to have a look and again change the expression to happy expression and I also am kind of imagining that the main character in one of the scenes might be jumping so I want to just see what that's going to bring up for me as you can see I'm just kind of constantly playing around but the characters because I'm keeping everything else the same I'm only really changing the pose it's um yeah it's kind of really working for me so let's take a look at these images just to say yeah they kind of haven't worked so well so there's this refresh button here so if you're not happy with any of the images you can hit that and that will um bring you up four more images so you have to remember that I'm producing multiple images at a time which is a really really crucial part of it um still not entirely happy so I'm going to try a slightly different prompt I'm going to take out the dynamic leave it as jumping jumping in the air and see how that kind of delivers here we go they're just coming up now I feel like a real sense of anticipation when you can kind of start to see like the outlines and things that you just don't know what's coming up hmm I mean some of these ones in the bottom potentially when they're upscale the bottom left might be okay and what I would say is I do think there is a big difference between the preview image and the upscaled image so do bear that in mind as well so as I said I've really got quite clear aesthetic of what I wanted but what I want to just kind of show you now is how we can kind of keep some of the keywords the same but kind of work on some of the other characters and just see how they come up so you can see here I've kept the children's book illustration style watercolor simple full color black color and then I'm putting in here scene in the jungle heard of the elephants surrounded by hyenas so that would be a an image that I would like within the book so I thought we'd kind of start with that and see how it comes up whether or not that would kind of fit with the character that I've developed and there are people that are managing to incorporate characters that they're creating within mid-journey into these scenes I would definitely say that I am not Advanced enough you know this is this is still a real learning curve and I'm hoping that by you watching this that you're also learning at the same time so I'm none of these are really fitting the aesthetic that I want to go for although they are very beautiful so I think with my knowledge of canva I kind of know that I can get something a bit closer to what it is that I want for this but I am going to have a look and see if we can create an elephant character using similar prompts so that I can kind of see if I can maybe use something yeah along at these lines but equally I've already seen a few images within canva that I have got earmarked so these would have to be pretty special in order to you know keep up with that so let's take a look and see what they're giving me oh see these are all kind of a bit sickly sweet and maybe it's because I've editing character actually um yeah and they're not the style that I would want for the book at all I will just try one more thing I'm just going to take put in realistic and see if that kind of amends it or not I just um yeah I don't want it to be too cartoony at all like I want it to feel as though it is a real elephant that has kind of been Illustrated and yeah I mean these are just not working for me at all I know the ones in canva that I would like to use and go before so I think I will definitely be sticking with that in this situation but of course you could you know think of how long I've spent doing my prompts for my main character if you keep working on the other characters you can absolutely get to exactly what it is you want but if I kind of kept going like this this video would literally never end I have actually had to edit out so much um I think it took me about maybe a good four or five hours of kind of new prompts and changing so this here is kind of the elephant images that I will be using so as you can see like they're really beautiful watercolor elephants they are flat they've got no outline like they're just to me that is the aesthetic of my book and these kind of creatures and animals that you can see in the recommended are definitely what I'll be using here we've got the hyenas as well and it just kind of all matches in and ties in so I'm not at all concerned about not using the mid-journey prints for that obviously with canva you do need to either have the pro membership if you want to use ones with the little crowns so for example these hyenas have all got the crowns by them but I do have a link in my description below if you would like to check that out that will give you 30 days for free and here these are just some of the characters that I have transported in so I can start to see and play around with what it is I want now last week's video I did release the full illustration it has how I went through and kind of developed and did the book I had to break this down into several parts otherwise it would have just gone on for days but so you can kind of go through and see that I'll put a link to that video down in the description and also at the end I will have it as an end screen so all you need to do is simply click onto that one so as I absolutely promised you that video was just so filled with absolutely everything there is so much to cover this is just a drop in the ocean the more and more you use these different AI tools the better that you become it using them I think they are so intuitive that I kind of remember when computers first came out and do you remember how they used to like jam a lot and your teacher would say oh whoa it must be something that you've done it wasn't it was that the computers couldn't keep up with what we were doing back then well I kind of feel like mid-journey chat GPT is almost a bit of a similar thing like you keep feeding it information and you get better and better back when you're a kid and your first starting out to use the computer you're kind of blah blah blah blah blah and then it gets easier and suddenly the computer starts to work for you because you understand it and it is exactly the same thing so just think about your earning potential with Chachi PT mid-journey this is just a teeniest Drop in the Ocean I cannot stress it enough really hope you've enjoyed today's video I cannot wait to see you all next time see you soon bye
Channel: Mrs De
Views: 1,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, amazon kdp, ai, children's book illustration, chatgpt, midjourney ai, midjourney ai tutorial, illustration, artificial intelligence, children's book, make money online, characters, how to publish a childrens book, how to write a childrens picture book, kdp childrens book, midjourney prompts, midjourney tutorial, consistent, kdp amazon step by step, character, mrs de, side hustles for 2023, childrens story book, consistent characters, amazon kdp publishing tutorial
Id: zzFuYN2cCE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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