Remove Grayscale CRAZY FAST From Midjourney Coloring Pages for KDP

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I made this video a few days back where I shared a real simple method for removing simple grayscale from your coloring pages I then share that video within my free Facebook group and a member of the group shared a much more simpler efficient and easier way for removing grayscape I then tried the method and I got my coloring pages going from looking like this to looking like this so what I'm going to do in today's video is share with you that real simple and efficient method for removing a grayscape now quick side note if you want to know how I'm currently creating my coloring pages using mid-journey then come and check out the ultimate coloring page prompt generator this is a bunch of information that we feed to chat tpt4 and then we can ask it to create prompts highly detailed prompts on almost anything that you want now if you want to check this out I will leave a link for this down in the description below so let's go ahead and run through the process this is so simple to actually do it's really quick and it's really easy so what we're going to do is take this image just here now if you don't know about this just here this is a new Chrome extension which I've been playing around with now I actually made a video about this as well a few days back that's this video just here I'll link it down in the description and I highly recommend going through and checking it out because this little Chrome extension just here will save you so much time now what we want to do is actually download this image so we're going to click download just here we're then going to go over and use now this is still currently free at the moment but in the near future they will be starting to charge users to use this service now let's take this PNG we're just going to plug it in there then we're just going to let it do its thing for two seconds then once it's done that it's turned the PNG to a vector image we're going to click download now there's a couple of settings that you want to know about we want to make sure that the group buy is color and we want to make sure that the Gap filler fill gaps just here is unchecked now once you've done that we just go to download now we have the SVG file we're now going to come over to here which is photo p and with this software this is also free to use as well now we're going to take the SVG we're going to drag and then we're just going to drop and now what it's actually done is opened all of the layers here of the SVG file now what we're going to do is just close all of these folders like so just do every single one so that they're all closed like that we're going to go to layer up here in the left hand corner we're going to go to new and then new layer now with this new layer which just going to drag down to the bottom because we want this at the back of all of this imagery then we're going to go to this little circle down here we're going to go to color fill click on white and then we're going to click ok so now we have a layer a white layer at the back of all of this and now we can go through each of the layers or each of the folders and checking them so that it takes away all of that grayscale and just leaves white so as we can see once we start going through we now have all of that image and with none of the grayscale and that's how quick it is and then we can just go to file go to export PNG go to save and now we have our coloring page now if we click on this to open it it's going to look like this so again a very very simple method now is this going to work with every single coloring page probably not I've tested it a few times and it doesn't work with every single color and page but the good thing about using svgs you can then just go into that layer which isn't working let's click on that you can actually go in and edit it really really easy but again that's the method now let's go through this one last time so so that you can see it one more time so I have another image just here we're going to do this one with this one this has a little bit more gray scale in as well but the method works extremely well so we're going to click on download we're going to go over to vectorizer we're going to drag that image in then we're just going to give it a second to do its thing now once that it's turned the PNG into an SVG we're going to click download we want to make sure that the group by is by color and we want to make sure the Gap filler fill gaps is unchecked we then click download then go over to photo P we drag that file into photo P we give it a second we close all of the folders like this which is really simple to do we go to layer add new layer we drag this down to the bottom to put it at the back we go onto this circle go to color fill we make sure that is on white we click OK and then we can go through and tick in and hide in all of that grayscale and there we go literally done within two seconds then we can go to file export PNG save and now we have the coloring page as well now if we move these over we can see both of these and they look extremely good so come through give it a go cos vectorizer at the minute is currently free photo P has always been free as well but it's really going to help you clean up your images so you can go from looking like that to looking like this and as you can see it just looks so much better and it's more suitable for actually coloring in now remember like I said this isn't going to work perfectly on every single coloring page but the great thing about svgs because they're all in layers you can just go through and easily clean up these images as well now I'm not going to get into that in today's video because I'll make a separate video all about that now if you want to see that video don't forget to drop a comment down below letting me know now if you like this video don't forget to give me a thumbs up also go hit subscribe and hit that little bell icon so you can be notified for any future videos and if you want to watch more of my content click right here and watch this video thank you
Channel: StackinProfit
Views: 14,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney coloring book, ai coloring book, kdp, kindle direct publishing, low content books, create coloring books, create coloring books for amazon, amazon, remove grayscale, photopea, photopea tutorial, vectorizer, stackin profit
Id: JT2o1Lxn9n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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