Create a 30-Page Coloring Book in 60 Minutes with Midjourney AI

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the coloring book Niche on KDP is highly competitive and the books themselves are pretty time consuming to create and expensive to Outsource but today I'm going to show you how you can start using an amazing image generating AI called mid-journey to create a unique professional quality coloring book interior you can then sell on Amazon in under 60 Minutes this AI is a game changer not just for anyone creating low content books in the coloring book Niche but for anyone wanting to create custom images for their book covers or any other part of their book with the concept of low content publishing is new to you and you want to find out how you can start generating passive income creating and selling low content books on the Kindle Direct publishing platform download my free guide three steps to publishing your first low content book in less than a day down in the description below to get started you're going to head over to and sign up for a free account and you're also going to need to sign up for a free account over at Discord which is a chat app once you've signed in to Mid Journey this is going to be what your gallery looks like so these are all of the different things that I've created so far using mid-journey I've been doing a lot of exploration around the coloring book idea which we're going to get to but it's not just black and white images these are some of the images I've also created this obviously isn't something that I use in a coloring book but this is just a really good example of how amazing the images are that you can create with this AI so I wanted to create something that looked kind of like my dog I've got this this French Bulldog um if you hover over you can see the prompt so I just entered in adorable all black French bulldog puppy lying in a green Tartan dog bed in front of a fireplace and this is what it came up with um this one this one as well honestly I don't want to get too far off track here but I just want to show you uh the incredible capability that this AI actually has some more different examples down here now there's a free version one thing to keep in mind with the free version first off you can create 25 free jobs and we'll get into what constitutes a job in a moment but when you're creating these free jobs you're not going to actually own these assets so you won't be able to use them commercially you do actually have to sign up for a paid subscription and the basic one is eight dollars a month and that will give you 3.3 hours a month each one of these jobs takes about a minute so you can do the math as to how many jobs you'll actually be able to to get out of that there's also a standard and a Pro Plan we're not going to get into that and you can check that out yourself when you check out mid-journey but all of the paid plans include commercial usage rights so firstly you want to make sure that you find a decent Niche I always like using a publisher rocket to do my Niche and keyword research for this example I'm just going to be doing like a cute dog coloring book so you can see I've kind of already gotten started here this is one of my first coloring pages that I created using the um using mid-journey and you can see this is a pretty high quality coloring page that would have taken God knows how long to draw on my own if ever because I'm certainly not the world's best artist something like this would probably take me all day and this took one minute to create so let's go ahead and take a look at how you actually create these images so as I said you'll have to get a Discord account and this is just a free chat app so this is the mid Journey server and I know it looks a little bit complicated and there's lots of stuff going on here but don't worry about it it's actually going to be a lot easier than you think so you can see here all of your work is just going to be created in the same feed that everyone else is creating their work in so you can see these are all just different pieces of artwork that other people are creating right now and I mean you can see just how amazingly detailed and intricate some of these are all right so we'll scroll down to the end you're going to be sending it a message so you're basically going to be sending the mid Journey chatbot a message and when you're in Discord make sure that you're in the mid Journey server and then you're gonna have to find one of these newbies channels so it doesn't really matter which one just click into one of them and then you're good to go now you're going to use a command here you're going to go in to the message and you're going to type forward slash and then you should get a bunch of commands pop up here you're going to use imagine so that's going to Auto populate prompt in here and then you're going to give this thing a prompt so for this example we're working on coloring books so let's just go back here and I'm going to kind of keep using some of the prompts that I've already used so in order to get decent coloring pages you're going to want to use keywords like black and white coloring page for kids line drawing cartoon style just to let it know what the actual style is of the image you want to create so I am going to just copy and paste that that seems to be working pretty well to get this coloring book Style so again black and white coloring page for kids cartoon style and then whatever I want the drawing to be so this is all about cute puppies so let's go ahead we'll type in you know cute or adorable whatever descriptor you can think of and let's just try golden retriever puppy and we'll do catching a frisbee and we'll just hit enter now depending on the time of day sometimes this feed like it's really not moving right now but often time this thing is just moving so fast because there's so many people on it so you might actually kind of just like get lost in here as this moving but what you can do is just go up here to your inbox and you can actually type out the command in your inbox as well you can just start a new direct message but this is you can just open this up and you can see that this is where it is now creating this for me so you can see just in the time it took me to create that sentence it has created these four different options now if we're happy with those options we can choose one of them and use it or we can ask for another set of four now one thing I forgot to mention so we're going to go back to this prompt and get it to generate again if you're doing you'll notice here that this aspect ratio is just like a one-to-one aspect ratio we don't want that unless you are planning on doing a totally Square coloring book then that's fine but most likely you're going to be doing one that's in a portrait aspect ratio so you can specify that in your prompt so I'm gonna just copy and paste this prompt again so you can click on this button actually you can just um do the forward slash imagine then I'm going to copy that prompt now to change the aspect ratio I'm going to do a double hyphen AR and then four five that's going to give us that portrait aspect ratio and I'll give you a little bit of a brief rundown of all the different parameters that you can add to the ends of prompts in a second but this is going to give us that rectangular landscape aspect ratio so I'll go ahead and click enter again and it's just at the top now waiting to start and you can see this this is real time creating this from scratch and you can see the different the different phases how it goes from something very rough to something a lot more refined and again it takes about a minute to generate four different options now keep in mind the more detailed the prompt you give it the better the image is going to be so now I'm going to hit this button it says jump that's just going to jump to my image in the feed here and now we can decide what we want to do with this now if you're not happy with any of these you can hit the re-roll button and it's going to generate four additional options using the exact same exact same prompt that you already gave it these buttons under here this U1 to u4 is going to generate a larger version of whichever this is one two three four so if I click one of these it's going to generate a larger upscaled version of whichever one we we click and then the v1234 that is going to create a slight variation of whichever of these selected grid images you select and it takes that and it creates another four variations of that image so I think for me I think this one is probably the best option so I'm gonna that's one two three so I'm gonna upscale that one so I've clicked that now I can either scroll down try and find it in the feed or I'm just going to go back up here because it's just easier to keep track of where I am now that that's done there's a few other options as well so you can either make some variations if I click that it's going to generate a new grid of images based on this image using light upscale redo or beta upscale redo that's just going to generate a new upscaled image and then I can rate the images just to let this AI know if it's on the right track if it's doing a good job or not and this is how it learns so I think this is getting there but it's not quite exactly what I wanted so let's just take a look at the make variations we'll see what else it can come up with okay let's check those out some minor variations the central image is more or less the same it's just you know like I said slight variations but you kind of get the gist now of what it can do now going back over to the gallery here you can check out the documentation and it'll just show you you know how to work with the upscalers the different commands the different parameters so the most important one I think is probably aspect ratio because the default aspect ratio is going to be a square there's also a few other ones that you can add on the end of your prompt this chaos this one creates more varied and unusual options lots of other things you can check out here all right so at this point I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to attempt to create 30 different decent looking coloring book pages all in this dog theme and I'm going to try and do it all under 60 minutes so we can get that 30 page coloring book in under an hour so I will see you back here shortly all right we are back and I've got my 30 coloring book pages now full disclosure this is actually a week after I shot the first half of this video I ran out of time I had to go pick up my kids from daycare so right before I left I probably had about five minutes left in that 60 minutes that I was going to take to create the coloring book couldn't wait any longer though I had to leave and then I reopened this back up this morning and it took me roughly about well about five minutes actually to create the last couple of these pages so I'll show you what I have come up with here lots of different variations now I used essentially the exact same prompt for every single one of these except all I did was swap out the dog breed so we'll just hover over this one here so again black and white coloring page for kids cartoon style adorable Alaskan Malamute puppy playing in flowers so everything you're seeing here exact same prompt but I had gone to Google just to get a list of dog breeds and I just swapped out the dog breed so you can do that too if you're playing around with uh you know if you want the same theme running throughout the entire coloring book so this one I actually did want it to be kind of a floral theme if you don't want to theme down like that that's fine you can swap up the prompts but I just wanted to point out that this is the exact same prompt for every single one of these now once you've got images that you're happy with you can just hover over and there's these three little dots here and you just hit save image and that will download it to your computer you can also create collections if you want that can be handy if you're working on multiple books and you can start saving them to different collections so let's go ahead I've downloaded all of the images that I want to use and we'll just go through and I ended up I think there might be 32 or 33 here and you'll see why in a minute but we'll just go through them all one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Twenty One 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 that's the last one so you might have noticed flipping through here a few of these kind of feel like they don't belong with the rest it's kind of like a slightly different style so for example this one that kind of looks like a slightly different style than this one it's got thicker lines and it looks a little bit more cartoony so keep that in mind you want to make sure everything looks cohesive there's a couple more here as well that kind of just feel like they don't quite fit into the style another couple of things here uh where did that go like this one's kind of got like a a hard line on the very left here this one's got some weird writing on the bottom so pay attention to those things you're going to want to remove anything like that this one's got a square here so again that might make it feel a little bit out of out of place same with that one weird writing along the bottom like these two they feel very different styles right so just again pay attention to that these two as well it just it feels like a different style so something to pay attention to you want to make sure everything that you're using feels like it's belonging it belongs together and that it's cohesive now at this point I would take all of these interior pages and I would put them into a program either like canva or Adobe InDesign or Affinity publisher and that is how I would compile these into an interior I would then add my copyright page in the beginning and of course like I said you're going to want to remove any weird things like like writing on the bottom or like weird you know Borders or anything like that so once you've done with those edits you'll just compile them so again canva Adobe InDesign Affinity publisher anything like that and then of course you're going to want to create your book cover now I'll link to a few different videos down below just on you know how you can compile this in one of those programs how you can create a book cover in one of those programs as well so I'll link to those down below so once you've got that compiled interior and your cover file you can upload those files to KDP and within about 72 hours that book will then be available and for sale on Amazon now I wish this would have existed when I first got started with low content publishing like six years ago this would have been a game changer as of now I haven't really published any dedicated coloring books because I have just found the work to be too much first off I can draw but I'm not that good at drawing not good enough to create and compile a coloring book by myself and even if I could it would take hours and hours and hours to have hand-drawn all of these images and of course if I'd paid someone else to do it it would have been really costly so this is an absolute Game Changer if this had been available five or six years ago I 100 would have gotten into the coloring book Niche immediately now one thing I just want to note here a lot of people get concerned about things like copyright when using Ai and I think that's totally valid so one thing you can do to keep your mind at ease go to a reverse image search so that could be tin I I think maybe Google has one as well and you can upload each one of these images and it will come back and tell you if there is a version of this anywhere else on the web and if it comes back with no matches that means that this image does not exist anywhere so that I think is a good idea just for some peace of mind this really shouldn't be pulling whole images like this really shouldn't be a concern but I think just for peace of mind it is a good idea to do a reverse image search on all of these just so you know for yourself that these images do not exist anywhere else online and you're not infringing on anyone's copyright thank you so much for watching if you like this video please hit the like button subscribe and share with anyone that you think might find it useful and watch this video next to see how one woman makes 11k a month on KDP creating and selling low content books just like the ones I showed you how to make in this video see you next week
Channel: Rachel Harrison-Sund
Views: 86,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online with ai art, make money online 2023, low content publishing, low content book publishing, kdp low content books, kdp low content books tutorial, midjourney ai tutorial for beginners, kindle direct publishing low content, kindle direct publishing, rachel harrison sund, low content profits academy
Id: 5ufKYgXfCAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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