CRAZY SJW lecturer threatens student... BACKFIRES SPECTACULARLY!

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"Im so oppressed that I only come from $20 million and go to an Ivy League school!"

omfg these people are embarrassing black people so badly.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
now Jonathan Butler the son of a multimillionaire studying at an American University there was a lot about the oppression of black people in America that the media just completely demonizes them with completely unfounded lies and slur we see more of local media it's it's more of these brash headline statements with black students either being angry with their fists in the air or looking angry let me say that now Jonathan I wonder where the media could possibly get such a unfair an unfounded belief so maybe just maybe there was a hint of redemption for American universities after all please everyone knows 20th century colleges were basically expensive day care centers this week Melissa clique was fired and for those who don't remember what a beautiful social justice warrior Melissa clique was this was Melissa click no you need to get out you need to get out I don't you need to get out I actually don't all right and for this she was charged with the degree assault which is about right because she was calling for the violent removal most notably of the press from a public open demonstration oh why because the black son of a multi-millionaire had been screaming at the top of his lungs that we have nothing to lose but our chains I mean it's almost surreal that someone could have such a lack of self-awareness I mean the only change that this car would be worried about losing a made of gold there's a horrific act of racism he was hit by the president of the university's car well actually technically he was only nudged wet after he jumped out in front of it [Music] for these crybabies this led for them to cool for the president resignation we demand that the University of Missouri system President Tim Wolfe writes a handwritten apology to the concerned student one nine five old demonstrators and hold a press conference and the Mizzou Student Center reading the letter in the letter and the press conference Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege recognized that systems of oppression exist and provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling concern students of 1950s demands we want him off to admit his gross negligence allowing his driver to eat what are the demonstrators consenting to the physical violence of by standards and literally refusing to intervene when Columbia Police Department use excessive force with demonstrators [Applause] and of course melisa click was there so she could tell the police officers to get their fucking hands off we decided to have the demonstration not shut down the parade would have a demonstration where we could have a almost dialogue if you will directly with Tim now sure I've seen some pretty unforgivable police behavior but honestly the behavior of these guys was pretty much exemplary in handling this protest and let's be honest here this was about rich privileged students whipping themselves up into a frenzy of oh my god aren't we horribly oppressed since that they can all cry and have a big emotional hug together oh sure maybe the police officers conduct was related to a fact they were wearing cameras but whatever their behavior was exemplary and the video footage shows that and Melissa click is there shouting at them to get their fucking hands off her anyway it's so incensed by this deeply racially motivated hate act the black son of a multi-millionaire decided to go on hunger strike seriously he was gonna go on hunger strike and their first demand was that the president apologized for hitting him with his car and the excessive violence used by the police and of course because they're not rich spoiled privileged brat at all hell why not why not the resignation of the university president - so any night they set up a tent city in the middle of campus and then they decided that they needed some privacy for their public protest I mean seriously they wanted privacy in a public protest so they being progressive students just decided that the First Amendment could be revoked by that written in crayon and stuck on the grass and when that failed they decided they were gonna strongarm the press out which led to Melissa click showing how much she as a member of the bloody media faculty at this university respects the First Amendment by calling for some muscle to get a student journalist thrown out from covering a public demonstration you need to get out your need to get out how's Melissa click because she understands how the First Amendment works the First Amendment she's the one that was at pointa campus chem site and she won her love is careful it's protected us and here all he's done to none yeah none of y'all did so I stand for her because she's the one that actually stood up first and actually said something I actually did something could up them tense for us actually came there whisked up for us told us what we should do and what to progress of this movement so thank you miss Melissa clip for doing words for what you did yeah a member of the university faculty directly calling for physical violence against a student on a university campus is the sort of thing that can and should get you fired free speech does not include incitement to physical assault that's a crime and that's what she was charged with I demonstrate that's a disciplinary offence for faculty now you might say well wasn't this woman a a scholar only just screwing over some great research program by firing this genius well hardly oh yeah she was a and qualified with her PhD on the whiteness of Martha Stewart and she was expertly qualified to be a communications professor with her grant to go to a white light conference test study Twilight fans and her job for which he was getting paid almost $60,000 a year until writing on such lofty heavyweight subjects as Twilight Martha Stewart Lady Gaga and food and individual responsibility in u.s. reality TV yam priority guys I mean here needs to do oh I know Cancer Research or something when you're gonna be university faculty member studying the whiteness of Martha Stewart but hey I guess in the end everyone was happy Melyssa click got exactly what she was protesting for she wanted a higher fraction of black faculty at Mizzou and now they're fired one privileged white woman guess what there now is a higher fraction of black faculty at Mizzou Bravo Melissa click
Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 2,372,121
Rating: 4.8849092 out of 5
Keywords: melissa, click, blacklivesmatter, black, lives, matter, race, racism, racist, dumb, stupid, fired, university, mizzou, concernedstudents1950, social, justice, warriors, sjw, karma, pwn, win, fail, hunger, strike, news, twitter, facebook, youtube, Phil Mason, Thunderf00t, feminist, feminism, millionaire, clash, protest, demonstration, fight, communications, media, futurama, safe space, safe, space, butler, jonathan, Mark Schierbecker, mark, bbc, nbc, fox
Id: XWnOes3wQiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2016
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