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you know over the last two years we've looked at a lot of crazy feminists on this channel I came out of my face stop stalking me right don't ever stop me again yeah about what don't ever stalk me again I get dressed in the morning I trigger I take a shower and trigger I give the car but today even after seeing all of those clips that I just showed you I think we might have a new winner we might have found the new craziest feminist ever I can't even really explain it it's better if you just see it first and then we talk about it because in all honesty the clip speaks for itself so let's go ahead and play the clip be on YouTube don't [ __ ] say hello to me [ __ ] don't [ __ ] say hello I'm gonna play I sexual harassment [ __ ] let me get your address good job [ __ ] you say I had a strange wanna get all no [ __ ] alright hold on before we get any further into this video let's all just take one moment to process what the [ __ ] she just said she is apparently triggered because this guy and I mean this literally said hello to her and I guess that's somehow now considered sexual harassment I'm not really sure how I mean [ __ ] I guess I'm going to jail because I'm definitely guilty of this crime I guess you can't be saying hello to people I don't know now as absurd as that is right because we're gonna discuss this more in detail because there's a lot more to see I just want to get that out of the way just another thing I wanted to point out if you noticed in the very beginning of the clip she starts it off with this is gonna be on YouTube why is it with all of these videos they always say something like that they're like yeah I'm gonna upload this to YouTube and just show the world what a disgusting human being you are like I can't believe you said hello to me wow you're just a terrible person so now I'm gonna expose you like wait hold on the only one getting exposed here is you how you're exposing yourself [ __ ] should have been sexually aroused to me I could call the cops on you for that good [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you don't [ __ ] say hello to me no [ __ ] I should be here why the [ __ ] you gonna say I shouldn't be here what you're not you're saying I don't [ __ ] say hello to me I'm gonna go [ __ ] do what the [ __ ] you want to do [ __ ] drunk she's gonna call the cops on me for what are you gonna call the cops on me for that was her question I don't know I mean that is a pretty good question I can't really think of a reason other than the fact that you're [ __ ] crazy but you know I don't know if that's a good enough reason it's certainly not as offensive as saying hello to someone but I like how she said that this dude is apparently harassing her because he said hello but in the meantime she is literally screaming at him calling him fat drunk and a [ __ ] so I guess that's not considered as harassment to her you know it's it's certainly not as offensive as saying hello so I guess that gives you a pretty good representation of how stupid this lady actually is but it gets even better don't say [ __ ] to be [ __ ] [ __ ] weirdo yeah you all [ __ ] weird I'll call you on your sexual regimen [ __ ] oh wait hold on this isn't adding up apparently in this situation out of these two individuals the guy is the weirdo not her she's completely normal but the other guy is the [ __ ] weirdo here that is what is so crazy about these videos they don't even realize how insane they actually are this lady is living on another [ __ ] dimension all right she lives in a completely different world from the rest of us and I don't know how she got there but she really thinks that this guy is somehow some sort of [ __ ] weirdo like I don't understand what [ __ ] world you're living in this is just not adding up no [ __ ] you were [ __ ] crazy you went crazy yeah you called me crazy [ __ ] got me a [ __ ] too while you add it oh I don't give a [ __ ] you don't say hello to me you thought oh she acute low black shake I'm gonna say I don't [ __ ] say [ __ ] to me [ __ ] wait hold on man how did this now turn into some sort of race issue what the hell first of all I like how she just automatically assumed that she was cute you thought oh she got you low black I'm gonna say I like hold on [ __ ] who told you you were cute I don't understand let me go ahead and see a picture of what you're looking like first and I'll be the judge of that all right you can't just be going around assuming that you're cute all right we need to go ahead and see some evidence here tired of these [ __ ] females lying man I'm tired of these false claims let me see the picture I mean you are a feminist and you're insane as well so the chances that you don't resemble some sort of sea creature maybe a manatee for example are pretty low so I don't know now second of all I like how she then somehow automatically assumed this guy was racist or something I don't know I guess in her mind he only said hello to her because she was black it isn't that like the opposite like I'm confused here if he was racist wouldn't he not say hello to you like am I missing something here is he not allowed to say hello to black Pete I don't understand what's going on here you know I just this is not adding up I need some help all right so if someone could explain what her logic is here that would be much appreciated cuz I just don't understand [ __ ] you gonna call them all for still bail he's call the cops [ __ ] whips collar can't call the cops call the cops [ __ ] I got your license plate all right so this is really just the perfect ending to this video right let's all just take a second to notice what happened there that guy was telling like some lady across the street or something to call the police so I guess she went to go do that and then once this psychopath saw that she's like oh wait hold on the cops are coming I gotta get the [ __ ] out of here because she then gets in her car and drives away she's like oh I'm calling the cops all right time for me to go but wait a minute hold on does that mean that she realizes that she's [ __ ] insane because if she was truly insane she wouldn't think there was anything wrong she'd be happy that the cops were coming cuz then she could tell him how this guy sexually harassed her apparently but the fact that she's like oh [ __ ] the cops are coming I gotta go that makes me think that she might actually realize that she's [ __ ] insane and she just likes behaving like this this is just how she wants to behave and unless you get like the police involved or something she's just gonna carry on acting like that that's [ __ ] crazy that's a whole new level of crazy because I think she's a little bit self-aware and she just doesn't give a [ __ ] like that that is just some psycho [ __ ] right there I guess she you know she's just one of those people that looks to be offended by things you know what I mean like people that just look for something to get triggered by even if it's really not even a big deal or half the time it's not even a deal at all like it's literally a neutral thing sometimes all right it's like a tiny thing and they try to blow it out of proportion but half the time it's literally not even an issue at all that you know they're just looking to be offended but anyways I guess that's the end of the video as she drove away and then upload this to YouTube because you know she wanted to show the world how she was wrongfully treated by this man I guess you accomplished your mission there lady um I guess our lesson for today is never say hello to a feminist because apparently in 2016 that is sexual harassment so that's pretty interesting I never knew that you know I learn something new every day so anyways thank you guys all for watching be sure leave a like rating if you enjoyed subscribe if you're not already follow me on Twitter links in description down below of and that have a good day and peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 13,385,477
Rating: 4.652554 out of 5
Keywords: omgitsbirdman
Id: Y1LMu8V8ZlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2016
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