First Load of 2024!

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good afternoon everybody it is a beautiful April 15th 20° and uh it's go time we are loading up the trucks and we're loading up the drills so right now we're just loading up some uh midr blend nitrogen sulfur it's a little chunky coming out as you can clearly tell see little chunky but then we also have a f screen up top for any of the chunks that make it up it'll actually roll right out and right off the truck it won't go in the truck it just rolls on the ground then we'll clean it all that up later it's a lot better to deal with this stuff now than it is to deal with it later basically later means at the drill not fun to do with this stuff at the drill we're just finished loading now we're going to head off over to a drill popping our truck here every body's got an auger or conveyor of some sort we'll just we'll just cut the gut hereo par here and then uh we got to go fire up uh the case tractor hey we just uh moved the tractor here we fired it up up um we put new batteries in it the batteries were leaking acid so I'm assuming that they froze or something not sure but anyway those batteries were shot so put some brand new batteries in hopefully we don't have any more issues we're do we're going to engage our [Music] Hydraulics one two those two Hydraulics are engaged I'm just idling it it's all I need and uh we're going to run out there and throw this conveyor out all right hit fill oh I guess I'm going to have to go out it up a little bit there's not enough Hydraulics hold the phone this is for our fertilizer just a little extra oh I got to eat more all right I'll see the people I'll see the peeps oh oh oh oh gosh I got to eat more guys I got to eat more It's always important to hit every button but the right button everyone but the right button and away we go whoa sorry about that this our fast and again that orange looking stuff these big chunks that's pot a the rest is [Music] 1152 and just like that we're done all right now every button but the right one every button but the right one I'm going to run down there real quick here now we're on to the mrb blend nitrogen [Music] sulfur looks more like this [Music] nitrogen right there I pce of solver a little Crystal maybe they didn't give me my sulfer oh man all right guys so uh we just got finished loading this cart we now need to calibrate and normally I put my conveyor away and pack my pales up I'm far too uh too old for that now so we're just going to leave the conveyor down and I'll just use the conveyor to take my pales up so I guess first thing we got to do is we got to run back to the Tractor and prep our monitor for calibration I'm just going to hang this scale here okay hold on here gosh dang it this is what you don't want to do okay good good good good didn't break anything says Brian on the back apparently I have his scale and maybe he has mine I don't know all right let's run up to the Tractor you want to hit this little wrench here oh right there I guess we want to do a multi-tank calibration uh automatic calibration and yes we want to begin those are our targets all right okay so we have got nitrogen in tank one we've got wheat in tank two wheat in tank four and some fast and tank three and that's kind of an odd setup but we don't have any more wheat to seed other than what's in this cart so I just packed her all in here and we'll seed one tank out shut it off seed the other tank out shut it off empty it out clean it out load with Duram cuz all the other drills are on Duram I'm the only lone guy here trying some different wheat and I got to grow some seed so that means we're going to have to we have four meters and we're going to have to calibrate all four meters so first things first so we got to pulled off these typically these things I should I should go around the other side and there's one right here okay get this thing out of the way stick it in here right like that and then you place your bucket underneath always important to do everything the hard way first there we go done we've done this one this is number two note sorry when I say number two is is the second one I've done this is actually tank number four also really important to note that tank number four was on fertilizer last year up at the North Farm and the fertilizer and since this is going to be seed it's going to be very important not to screw this up and you got to put this back on top of this blank right here okay and then you take that blank and you cap off this cuz each tank there's four tanks plus a plus a flex tank that go either direction uh there's four meters you can meter all four in the fertilizer if you'd like meter all four in the seed or three and two and two and three and two and four and five and seven whatever you want to do just make sure you're doing it right me how I know seed down the mid R bander and fertilizer down the seed row doesn't work very good just ask me how I know when you're all done and you have four tanks to meter it's really important that you lose a bucket I have no idea where where that bucket went I I I don't know if we lost it on the move move being from the North Farm to the South Farm or if somebody just really needed a bucket and came and grabbed one either way we'll make do so before we can actually properly calibrate we got to Prime them we got to prime those augers so we'll just do one at a time turn on tank one which is this one has nitrogen uh I can't remember I think it's this one nope this one no I think it is this one why isn't anything coming out here oh I know why have our remote and we got to change it to Cal there it is you know the first time of the first load of the Year you'll be surprised how much you forgetting yeah and that's probably good for a c that's probably good shut that off Beauty then we're going to do that with the rest of these once you have done all that since we're short buckets we just combined a little bit of nitrogen with some Foss don't matter and our wheat we combined our wheat if you're wondering about this wheat M it's not treated you're 100% right because I was not about to mess around with like 500 bushels of trying to treat that it's getting seated untreated and wheat is not a concern in fact I'm going to be doing a bunch of Trials this year of just some stuff not getting treated uh so stay tuned for that against stuff that has been treated I know a lot of guys that don't treat anything I know a lot of guys that treat everything we've been the guys have treated everything so now we're going to just try a little of testing I guess anyways as I was saying we're going to hit this refresh button it should refresh it on the monitor there it goes it flashed green now we should be good to calibrate so we're just do one at a time and uh grab our one empty bucket here let's do our nitrogen tank one first ouch It's always important to hit your head at least three times turn on tank one turn it on now you want to fill this up at least 2/3 3/4 full the Fuller it is the more it weighs the more it weighs the more accurate it is and then you'll probably have to repeat that step at least [Music] twice and that's probably good turn it off turn off that tank normally guys when we have all the pales empty and I'm not recording you can do them all at the same time and then of course some are metering faster than others some fill up quicker and then you're just right here you turn off that tank you turn off that tank it fills up you turn off that tank fills up turn off that tank and you finish it a little harder to do if we're going to record so that's why I'm going to try not to make too big of a mess and I just do at a time turn your scale on and you weigh your bucket empty so it has a negative weight 2.9 and you should put your bucket on here there it should zero with your bucket okay just showing you guys that as an example then we're going actually going to grab our Full Bucket hit my head again it's actually I think it's probably more important to hit your head at least seven times okay 37.3 37.3 that's the number we're going to go with okay guys remember that oh sorry we just did tank one right that's the reason why there's no registers on the other ones it was 37.3 very close 36.2 is what it actually figures it was we're going to say yes continue then we're going to hit edit put in what we actually calculated 7 I think it was 37.3 then we're going to hit yes continue then it going to be like it was off 2.9% yes I would like to save that bing bang chilada that one I won't have to do again cuz it was only off 2.9% this time if they're off a greater number then chances are you got to do it do it again but anyways let's go now I'm just going to grab all the buckets empty them and I'm going to do the last three together we have three buckets and we're going to get this done I'm out of shape you guys we're going to do two three and four and we're going to hit on oh right I got to go back to the Tractor cuz I forgot to hit the the uh automatic calibration stuff again back I go round two all right we should be good oh yeah wheat fast wheat which one's going to fill [Music] first I think four is going to fill first yeah better to get ready oh no maybe twoo who's going to feel first two's feeling first then four okay now we're just waiting on the boss woo and this is what you do guys now this is on a 7,000 series cart the new n the new 9,000 Series Boro carts maybe don't have to do any of this that would be nice but then I guess where would I ever get my workout I will fill her up a little bit more here Fuller it is the more accurate it [Music] is anyone know any good songs I sure don't okay that's good that's good shut her down Mike shut her down all right then we'll just turn this tank off okay now we got to weigh all those turn our scale back on it's got a short lifespan all right let's do tank two don't spill any yes 40 hey hey hey hey hey stop moving 40 okay 40 for number two now you got to write this down I just weighed up all these now we're going to run back to the Tractor let's go all right I just punch punched them in we're out 12% 19% 20% I'm going to have to do all these again this time I'm not going to forget to do this first time this time I'm going to do this and I will see you when we're done I'm much faster when I'm not recording all right so I just did it again now we're down to 100% 2.2 3.4 which is fine I like to be under 5% when I do my last save that means we're pretty much going to be right on the money honey we're ready to rock and roll we just packed stuff up we're done we're calibrated we're loaded one done no I'm we got one more do we got to do Donovan's drill here yet um the other guys are all working on their drills Brian just flew by he's way over there see if I can zoom in on him there he is he's in his little peddle jumper Brian's got a few planes he's got uh he he loves planes so his hanger is full of planes this little puddle jumper he can land pretty much in a field if you wanted to the tires are so dang big on the dang thing but uh he just had to go out and pick up one of the sprayer operators that was about I don't know really wasn't that far away maybe 20 mi and he just went and picked them up now he's coming back with him so that's the dealio guys um next video hopefully it be us rolling out so so stay tuned guys we're go set Donovan's drill calibrate Donovan's drill and we'll be Off to the Races here see if I can zoom in on him there he comes in his uh his strip is paved he's not Landing in the field in case you're wondering he is not Landing in the field he has a paided Runway All right guys I'll catch you on the flipper
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 81,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Mitchell, Faith Hope Farms, Saskatchewan, Canada, South Farm, Spring 2024, Plant 2024, First Load of the season, First Load of 2024, Let seeding begin, Bourgault, Loading the drill
Id: _nmjUQcdjcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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