Get Ready For Some Excitement: Aaron Has Brought Us A New Customer!

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morning man behind the scenes morning look awful comfortable there I do I got my John Deere you got your John Deere I got bad news for you buddy oh no my there is bigger than yours it is it is shed season when's it going to lose the rack well I hope it don't lose well that one loses the rack we got this video is going to go a whole different direction than intended [Music] yeah let's take off today this is the part of the video where you can't actually unload oh I can on it is an absolutely gorgeous day a it yeah it's like it's got a cam in it yeah it does now don't you be hurting my excavator ni been there it is the lengths you'll go through to save a trip all right we be Dam I don't know if you guys can tell from the camera but it is an absolutely gorgeous day gorgeous day and we're going to try to get a good start on a nice little job we got going this is actually far actually for Aaron's cousin we got a few short runs of uh come on few short runs of field to to put in for and then we're going to fix some pretty mure drainage issues they have over here along the county road so get the 120 off here we need to get the top car hooked up to the 950 five and we got to get to the other side of this field I don't know if you guys can tell there's a c road to runs up through there and uh we are on the back side of a small little town here called folda so kind of limited on where we can unload at you guys see the trucking video getting in here that's how we ended up on this side of the field but we need to be on the other side of the field so we have to do a little tracky tracky relocate e I love that made sense you guys know oh you guys know what I'm trying to say you guys hear that our spoon like a like a wind chime up there blowing around all right we do something first thing we probably ought to do throw a little fuel this thing we don't need no uh we ran out of fuel video today that's still our goal for today that'll help full thing'll be one thing we got some work ahead of there's a random Quest let me pull up back up l pull the p out there's your problem I do have a backup that's a good thing remember that one you said do we need this I said no we need that one but I'm not going to run all the way back dir we we need the other tog it's got a bigger hole in it perfect oh yeah we didn't use that one yeah that would have were hey our double hitch work setup has worked out good though yes really good all right oh your L all right we're off [Music] folks thought there was a cover here but looks like it's just a rock bottom hopefully that don't mean we're plowing through Rock all the way up through [Music] there made it yep that's some tile right there folks look like this is the bottom side of the Roll so swing around this [Music] [Music] [Applause] way [Applause] [Music] you'd think as much pipe as we put in we wouldn't have to think about that but it still messes this up and it still makes a big difference so what we're talking about for you guys that don't know put it on this way this pipe feeds off the bottom and this whole roll just kind of sags down and I don't know it just feeds better yeah versus if that's up the top then it gets it just gets out of control we'll call that just out don't control all right one piece down I can see him over there this Field's not that big but it looks like a long way is over there for some reason all right chauffeur all right hold next piece race yeah I'll race title for title yeah here's the thing though you have to go through the ditch the same I do huh no don't cheat I'll take the long way that gives you an advantage I'll race you title for title the title of this truck or the title of that 120 that does you know good cuz you don't own the title any I know so I losing ain't no big deal and I'll still drive this truck around see you on the other side all right all right here we [Music] go I had to hook my thumb back up cuz it was disconnected from messing with the limb saw so now we should be able to grab there we go grab our extra bucket take it with us way we go crossing the D the good news is for this job we got this awesome ditch right here to outlet all of our tiles which is going to be perfect the bad news is it's a solid rock po up through there so hopefully we got enough dirt on top of that rock we can get a to the ground bum again this the spot I guess it a lot of rock down there yeah yeah can you see that oh I can see that yeah I don't think I even have to zoom in for them to see that yeah you brought the rock plow right yeah you know what I just realized what's that we haven't used that plow since our last round of uh repairs and upgrades we haven't we have not used it so yeah we don't need another one of those videos no we don't all right well I guess let's go get the top plow [Music] yep we better put a little diesel in this one before we go too far she's on the big OE yeah big Oe all right let's go ahead and get her fired up let her get warmed up a little bit we'll get this one tracked across the field Al We Off full of fuel and you're ready to plow baby all right we finally got everything moved over here into place think we're going to try to put some tile in the ground that's exciting so there's a telephone pole way up there that is our goal basically the I'll show you guys when we get up there with the road road ditch does not continue on through that hump it actually drains down through this field causing this massive wash out down through here so we're going to run one tile all the way up create a kind of a catch Basin up there catch all the water coming off the neighbor field across the road and the water coming down the ditch right there get it in the ground get it down here then we're going to come over here and do a second tile going up and put actually a little retention Dam or dry Dam in there halfway up so these runs will both be 8 in first thing we need to do is get our start hole dug we did set the laser up we got plenty of fall up through there the question's going to be how much Rock we going to hit in the first 100 ft oh that's encouraging that's what we got a plow through all the way up there we'll be a pretty good check out right on that rock but that's all right hey there's Dirt On Top of the Rock that's a good thing yeah should be enough the star hole should it all right I hate to tell him but I think he brought way too big a tractor yeah it's got a cab on it though yeah but it's got a lot more steps to get going off of I'm already sweating that cab I bet he's got the AC going you'll be sweating climbing in and out of it all day I think you tried to show us up ha telling but it ain't going to show that's all right mine was a one time payment I'll bet you his wasn't all right let's get this plow Dro in the ground do something yeah like I said guys this is the first time first time using this plow since we did a last little around of updates and stuff on it don't suspect any trouble but you never [Applause] know [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] all right we should be down bottom all right guys I believe we're officially ready to go everybody wants to know where the laser Chasers at we built I promise it's coming but we've actually been working with topcon on this deal and this is the new receiver they sent us that we're going to tie into the laser Chaser at some point but today that is not that option but what's really cool about this one is I do have a remote display that Bluetooths to my phone we can put in the screen this one's got a whole lot more options we'll get to later but I'm going sure PL the to let's do all right boss man ready when you are [Applause] [Music] I like this he's doing manual work he don't do that very often every time I grab a shovel get mad [Laughter] at all right we're waiting on you you me that road just a little f up we'll get around that whole house yeah I'll get mad on that Matt you want to go ahead and move that road yeah we call the [Music] county you're good it's out that's the only I never got that flap built we're going to put a flap on the back where wherever he goes backwards don't fill up all right so I found out after I took a little tractor ride with Matt pipes were still on gra hey yeah so going on this tractor ride with Matt he explained why he brought his tractor he was scared there' be a blue one here he didn't realize it take a blue one outside to keep up little johy over oh yeah yeah it would it would makes fun of our little tractor I know it but it works hey even this guy was impressed with it I'm not going to comment you don't give up on the5 yeah yeah yeah oh he was so impressed he was talking to me about buying one he's going be pulling 16 R planer [Laughter] for all right so how'd that go awesome awesome good this is all still in one piece awesome that light Stay Green most of the time that's good I don't see any pipe on top of the here that's a big plus so let's do it again all right this one here is only going halfway up okay halfway up same thing we got about 2 and 1 12% slope the first 100 ft then we're just maintaining GRE all right you Wai on me well I tell you what way you running I didn't know if I was going to be able to keep up with you ready you're getting better I'll give you that you hired him he loves it he loves it technically we are not yeah yeah technically not he said he said when he grows up he wants to be just like me he seen me in the videos all right we better get to work much [Music] all right I'm ready when you [Music] are hey uh we don't talk on the phone when we're working bud are are you my boss new hire I am all right guys it's not an ideal setup I need to get me a holder or something but that's the Bluetooth to our gray control around [Music] back F this up so I can hear it we got a down what is that go baby this m on your death now we got plenty of good going there what do you think right there right there right there right there right there good news it's going that way up there can't get there all right we're going to go right in here somewhere see well that those F car man everything we do to this plow just makes it work a little bit better each time yeah he shid a Dull Knife cuz I forgot mine I got to use yours well sorry about that all right where you think I need to cut it out anywhere right here there about front of the do yeah I'd say right in there try cutting it right here I think it'll cut easier I'm serious that's the thicker Plastics down below yeah I know but you can get them uh grooves a good knife don't matter well but you just you already said you didn't have a good knife well why you Lear how sharp it is well got my tow plow sharpened does that count for anything no you know the best way to get cut with a knife is don't you cut towards yourself with a doll knife yeah shoot I missed Perfect all right man that's plowing good oh I can tell stupid good punch this fast I know all right Chop Chop Boy the whole yeah yeah spend all that time doing it now I just got to listen for [Applause] it h get that a small problem we do have our backward we have our hoses [Music] backwards all right you're [Music] good all right 10 four keep that big eight I don't know well tractor's big enough round three here we go yep round [Music] three that 8 in is a little bit easier to stand on how's it keep it you know in place in there 6 in stays right in place 4 in W that's why we have that block Lo that we put in this one and uh which HS on back to the truck and for the 4 in what it does is it holds it down they're just what we ran and ran and ran just to check it it wasn't 6 in wasn't doing anything it was staying down but 4 in would so made that block yeah put in there all right like the way they're running their tile you can see how it Feeds out the front here well we got to be really careful cuz he's got to feed it it's getting caught on their guide bars the way we run it it runs a lot better running off the back like we do ours uh it only takes two of us but before we tried running with the just me and Michael in this nice AC cab tractor which I really like uh but uh yeah it wasn't working so Matt jumped up on top there and he's kind of feeding it out as it [Music] goes [Music] oh hard we go up with that one side about right where we're at right now the trailer I'm looking right straight across at [Music] it we're a little past it all right running the 6 in out got one more to run here 6 in is hard to hear I think it just came out all right clean this out man one thing nice about this dirt up here is it ain't been getting clogged up near as bad as uh some of them other fields pretty nice really I like it less work for me to do all right you're good to go all right one more [Music] B man guys it is uh first H job of the season you never know how it's going to go try to get everything back up and running again but so far I don't want put that Ro on there so far so here we got one more run 6 in run and this uh this field here is done before I before I track the track of up there the next tile it's actually going to get tied on to an existing tile in the field up there I'm going get these to starts filled in real quick the way we go service you do know how to keep me in a good mood don't you yeah is this your way is saying you're getting ready to have to run the shovel and not me yeah I like that I like that all right I'm going get that this next one I wasn't sure where we going so there just over the hill right there there's an orange carrot yep we're going to dig down the bottom that orange carrot find that 6 in tile and then tie on to it and then he wants to just run on up the hill he said he's got a wet spot up through there somewhere I think we're just going to cap this one off all right so that'll put us in pretty good shape tomorrow to come in here and pop in a few risers and yeah we may just pull the plow off that Dozer real quick and I'll rough them in you can finish them out all right we'll have this one done sounds good hopefully before the rain hit yeah cuz it's coming yeah it's coming all right I'll meet you over at the carrot all right all right man behind the scenes this is it that's it right here huh oh there's your cap I know what hey what kind of C is that look at this I see now that's you know what that is a mess that's a mess yeah that's the car way of doing it hence while we're here yeah yeah all right so the uh the farmers put in a 6-in tile and a riser here goes on around drains out down there the reason why it is so shallow they are actually sitting on rock right here we have tied back into this we're going to plow on up through here basically replacing an old clay tile do you still see that clay tile yeah well it's right here right here little clay tile right here basically going replace it it's one of those while we're here let's get her done so here we go [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] he I seen that where it sits on the trailer it all right I don't know I got a I got a couler if going to cut it out I almost caught it in time man behind the scenes so we had a bad spot in our tile where it was sitting on that cart that just got inside the plow you think if I back up that'll raise up out of there I hope so that make it real easy we just need the rewind button yeah we got him right here here we go you ready [Music] yep not working no it was going then it stopped going anything yeah 6 in is better than [Music] nowhere on you're in in yep hold up while you type it or my I bre feels good why can't it be like this every day yes he's just trying to delay us so the cap that he forgots here by the time we me it that's what he's doing how's it going trying to delay us so we're not waiting on that cap that you forgot got wait on him guys sometimes [Music] that's that's a new trophy you can take home with you yeah I got two at all we'll blame that on Gary yeah all right all right can you take off I'll stay up here until we get past make sure she yeah for [Music] got the plug and into that one the last little piece of tile going in on this job guys those over there we did not cap cuz all those get risers on them this one here does not get anything on this will be just the termination of this one that's it fl's coming out that's going to be a wrap for today guys tomorrow we'll come down here drop this drop the plow and we got of dir to move around down here so should be a good day hope you enjoyed this one it's good to be back on the third again I'm talking a lot good to be back in the third so you know the anything you like the video big old thumbs up definitely helps the channel make sure you don't miss out on what's coming up next if you haven't already consider subscribe and we'll catch you on the next one later guys
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 97,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, dig drive dyi, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mulcher, mustie1, out door with the morgens, skid, stanly, steer, trackhoe, welker farms, tile plow, drain tile, field tile, diy, how to, drainage tile, drain tile plow, top con, topcon gps machine control, field drainage, tile drainage, erosion control
Id: rMrUksmdEYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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