Garden Prep, with Antique Tractors

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here it is in all its Glory that's as close as we got it to being in the shed I don't know it just wouldn't run any far than it I knew it was a little out of [Music] whack hey remember my uh little strawberry crop here in my wagon this is hidden away in a undisclosed uh super secret location just in case somebody may come and want to pill for one or two the interest to full disclosure I would like to say I have two of these wagons with strawberries and this one don't look quite as good uh it had been neglected for a while this is one mom and dad had up our house and uh when they passed away I brought it down here it hadn't been as taken care of I got this one sitting right by my driveway just in case somebody like Donnie gerz wants to come down and grab a couple he can get them out of here instead of my prize patch man this Monday morning we had a uh actually had a frost last night this is what the 22nd of April I mean it only got down in the low to mid 4 40s but uh had to walk across field and noticed it was some great smart of uh frost on a couple other plants so had to walk across uh Hayfield there to go cut across there to get into my pasture had to drive up some of the steers they they had rubbed on one of the gates and got out yesterday it was not pretty and uh they got they wouldn't go back in the barn they jumped over a fence ripped part of the fence down and got in the field with the regular cattle and uh I tricked them up in the barn this morning and got most of them up there so cuz I got a whole I got a whole two of them to be uh slaughtered um Thursday so and one of them's crazy and that's I said a little prayer about it you know he was up in the barn this morning the crazy one and I was able to just close them up in there so don't let nobody tell you to prayer don't work anyway I got to I got to uh do a little spreading a maner this morning just uh just in the garden and till up part of the garden and get that planted and uh I probably I really don't plant any corn early I plant it pretty late but I'll uh I'll probably do my hay crop before I start putting corn in the ground it's just no reason for me to plant early um late corn seems to me to do just as good as early corn for me anyway and I never know which I'm going to cut for silage for Shores and so I plant it all about same time anyhow I got to get the old 3150 fired up and then uh I guess I'll spray it with the 620 had to set it up and use it as a gate a fence over there try to Corral the cattle but U that's what I'm working on this morning nothing real interesting I might film a little bit of it just I don't know case anybody wants to see never can't figure out why people find this interesting but I'm glad to do it's enjoyable and relaxing catch you later hey I just thought I would show you this 1010 it's uh nothing super special but I always like to see them in their original paint got the original patina on there unfortunately this fell he he needed a new manifold a couple years ago and he could not locate a proper 1010 manifold so he had to put a uh 2010 manifold on it and 2010 hood is wider and thus the uh where the exhaust comes out the manifold is kind of got a dog leg sticking out a little bit and it's in the wrong place he had to well he didn't have to butcher up his hood and get it to come out that way but that's what he chose to do I mean I I'm not going to uh get get on him about that um not everybody has the tools and equipment we have he did what he could um I would have tried to put a little dog leg going it and just send it back the other way and come out the stock hole but it's okay all goes into the personality of the tractor individuality gives a character uh this tractor we got a we had taken the uh this one of them with the dash shifter it's a lot of I think they're neat but it's it's a lot of extra who struck John to have to have on a tractor it's uh much easier when you go work on a or just take the top off the transmission to have just a the shifter here had to take that off and uh check to see what the clicking sound was in this uh transmission and there's couple teeth need some dental work need some dental work missing a couple teeth on the gear so uh I guess we'll tear it apart and uh do something with that but uh just another one on the list of things we got to work on and somebody was noticing my sign up there it's a pulling tractor crossing sign they thought we needed one here so there you go let's see all the steers are acting calm now but we're all excited yesterday getting out got the gates open and uh got a little pile of manure to move so guess I'll get it get to it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] award place to load it up you can't tell how much of a hill this is on from the camera but uh normally have things arrange a little bit better got a small piece of debris in the way I got to move MO there's a mighty pretty apple tree up there in blo right there throw another load on there maybe a load and a half and disc it in and I'll later on lay out some roads and get some seeds in the ground usually plant a little earlier than this but last few years it's been pretty cool and caused some issues so I started out play a little later this year and need to miss some of the cool weather hey got the manure spread hooked up the disc here I know uh I knew it was a little out of whack when I finished using it earlier in the spring uh got do a little fixing on it a couple things come loose I already pushed a couple of back in place but I got to get this hooked back up on there I got to put a bolt in this piece here it uh holds that bearing hous and in position and uh I got to hook these two pieces up there on that bolt there on that uh casting so got a little bit to do not a whole lot but couple minor things well got them close to all banged back together I see there's one piece that was up in position fell off I guess I'm going to have to put a bolt in there after we eat something but other than that he's ready to go got them all dished up now I got to get the uh Little Red Tractor going this what we always call it little red tractor it's really nothing but rust right now but F OA cultivating tractor it's always called it the little red tractor and it's I guess that's what we'll always call it so got to get him going get a hot enough battery in there and some gas that's less steel than what's in it here it is in all its Glory that's as close as we got it to being in the shed I don't know it just wouldn't run any farther than that last fall I guess the paper was under there far enough we'll find out in a minute won't we put some gas in the tank got the jumper box hooked up I guess we'll see what happens H usually it's pretty easy starting thing I didn't set that up I really didn't set that up it's been sitting here since last fall all through the winter just like this and that's all it took to get her going I guess you get a tractor engine is worn out enough it starts easy every time I guess it's more just that real good gas I got anyhow we'll get it going h [Music] oh took a short break from working in the garden had to throw a couple baales of hay on the truck I got take up tomorrow uh to somebody up in near Cape St Clair Glen Bernie or Millersville whatever you call that area anyway it's time good feeding so I might uh I'm thinking I'm going to run this uh throughout tiller in the garden a couple places to bust up the clouds tomorrow and then uh throw some seeds in the ground then so cuz I I don't know I might go back out there and do something this evening but I really want to work on my tractor so I'll catch up with you another time we see you is't that pretty just everywhere you look there some nice tractor to see lawnmowers and even from the back them tires just set that tractor off nice that is a good looking tractor can't wait to get her fired up him fired up sorry Freudian slip forgive me pronoun trouble anyway uh catch you in the funny papers see you [Music]
Channel: so. md. Dirt Farmer
Views: 2,836
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Id: m1k7fM-vV9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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