Flooding Has Wrecked This Field | Started Spring Sowing

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it's going to be quite a thud when this trailer goes I know it's quite gentle actually oh we're doing some Precision work here long story short there's a strip of Tire going in up there I'm just peeling back any gravel I've just Googled what I should be putting down 150 mil of planings the tire boys are going to roll it in for us 100 Mil of Tarone on top of that so still a bit of soil to come out here and I'm getting rid of that gravel and then there's a We Lay of planings in there I'm scraping back and keeping them and then soil below that so we get all that away these Lads they're getting flung out today one two three this grass field needs rolled the rollers are parked in here behind some gates and an old diesel tank tank number one is a bit going in here quite a concoction these are all alls use the fuel bottle and these are parts so I've got half of this to use half of that to use and have to leave 1.5 L in here there was five so use [Music] [Music] 3.5 I dream you can watch the zoo in Motion beautiful people the void of emotion sterilized pedicure [Music] pedig no's just finishing up some f on some grass that's going into silage right yard four bound I think that's probably kep finished now with the F we have got 3,320 l in the tank it's class as a 30 200 L tank but you can squeeze in 3400 f sprad is getting a wash down now it's kind of finished with for a we bit fertilizer can eat away at metal fairly easy so make sure and clean it regularly every time it's used it needs a wash there is some poles in this field Telegraph poles not Eastern Europeans we've got a young fell coming to help us he's going to help this evening and he's going to also drive a tractor Saturday Sunday so that'll be good we'll see how he gets on other than a few bits like this on the end R there's another baly bit at the back there this field looks pretty good reasonable this is all just sand and silk that's been washed down in here thankfully traveling over it fine made a slightly new tram line no point going into that horrible wet bit when there's nothing in it there's dad with some seed I'm just having a bit of bother with my GPS here says I'm going too fast too fast to engage I'm not moving good oldfashioned turn it off and on again this tractor never has GPS B we have a wee bit of B with the other New Holland it sometimes just in the middle of the day just decides n GPS isn't working anymore right let's see if this has solved the problem the sprayer doesn't like when you mess about with it and turn it off and on when the tractor goes off it kind of goes all Haywire right it's not working for some reason it's not firing up I give up we're going old school I'm going to have to use this thing what it call it the anchor it's working again the beauty of GPS my favorite bit about it is poles so this is a line of poles in the field here and we saw it and drill it parallel with the poles so that your trm lines are 12 M either side of the poles and so instead of folding the sprayer in and out in and out and figuring out round about all these flipping poles you just do this not only does it just make life easier it also means you get spray right around the base of the poles so you don't get a buildup of weeds and whatnot in around your poles a lot cleaner on the menu today pork and haggus Scotch egg oh you beauty that's the ticket that's how an egg should be boiled to gooey oh beautiful field number one this one done looks like that this is yard three we're off the yard four to fill up and with two Fields along at yard four to do let's go we're the way to the races here at yard four the drill is moving right in the center of the video there kev's up drilling up the top there dad must just be over that bra discing ahead of him that's at yard three spring barley going in and I'll just keep on trucking in here although it is getting a bit Breezy Fair soggy this is just laying in water all winter I'm not sure if there is a drain in there that heads away that way the farm yard's in there and runs in front of the yard and it's just choked up I and I don't think Dad would know if there's a drain in there maybe warrant some exploration otherwise needs a drain taken around the yard there cuz there's a wet patch just just there you can't quite see it oh there you go you can see it right there the drain taking around picking up that bit taking it way down the hill that way it's just getting worse and worse that bit used to just be a we little wet bit sometimes this year it's growing arms and legs it needs attention may we get some ducks and then just say it's for the Wildlife and it's meant to be here Greening Zone not much green in there though just algae that's a bit that drain would pick up as well don't know whether you take it way down that side of the hill or across the way don't know if it' have enough run to get over there I've got an issue with a nozzle over there I'll briefly turn it on you ready you ready it's spewing out let's get it sorted and 3 2 1 hey most of the time it just needs taken apart put back together again then it sorts itself oh I've lost my GPS signal it happened just after I hit a telegraph pole so must have just got a we knock out a l well just power on power through it absolutely not second tank done third tank on the way let's fill that up B Bing b when you start your day doing cattle jobs and don't get sprained for a while you get so much less sprained than two tanks it's already 4:00 or something sweet as a that we're just waiting on reaching 3,000 L and we'll start spraying this tank dad might appear at some point to give me a lift young boy Jack's to be here in 15 minutes or so dad's going to get sorted on the discs and then hopefully Dad going to come pick me up I'm going to go back to yard one I'm going to leave this tractor here need to shift a forklift to three for loading the drill with seeds I need to go check the cows and then come back here when them my way I'll just leave the tractor running so the agitation in the tank mix is still going ideally not turning the sprayer off when there's mixture in it cuz it can settle and if it settles it can gun up pipes and oh cause you a lot of bother next field of choice is our worst looking field winter crop we can't even fill in the gaps cuz it's a seed crop so we're just going to have to look at it for the next few months and deal with it great [Music] shame as you can see this field is looking pretty patchy roughly what 30% of the crop was missing rotted out you're also going to have a yield penalty with all the rest of the crop cuz it's not 100% there although it looks green not everything is there a shame the day after it was sewn it just hammered down the rain and it didn't stop till a week ago anyway what can you do absolutely nothing fairly nasty bit of water damage here any water that's Fallen between the what do you call that the the Gully the Gully there made its way down here and cut a big old gouge oh man can't wait to come over the top of that with a sprayer and the tractor for context it's just below my knee there God once we get caught up with things I might come down with a grubber and just go over the top of that try and make it a bit less harsh so that when we're going over it again with the sprayer and trailers at Harvest time it's not it's not rattling through your bones every time you go over it oh man it's right the way up and through it carries on the way up there you love to see it there we go someone's out a whoopsy here with a sprayer Wonder know who that could be I'd been clean all day and then look went through a puddle neighbors getting on with a bit of plowing every man and their dog is in a field right now it's good finally Unfortunately they are in the same boat as us in terms of the field and how it looks patchy not much fun looking at it all winter Dad's here to give me a left back to yard one so I can get a Land Rover going check the cows and then I'll come back here and he's needing to sort out a forlift find time in cuz I've got by the time I get to the top I'll have just shy 400 lers left and I'll have space for everything left to finish that field so I'll take this back up to the yard I'd rather leave it sitting running in the yard out the way hiding a bit than sitting in the middle of the field taxis here hopefully there's some pieces in that car too mom's made them this time cuz gate ladies away she's abandoned me pieces D's fleed off with the forlift cuz Kevin is just about out of seed it's about 6:00 now so check the cows do this one more tank of spray good pieces these ham some sort of Curry mayonnaise sauce butter a nice loaf of bread what is your goto lunchtime pieces what do you have in them Pam chicken cheese tuna put it down below see what sandwich down below gets the most likes the most appreciation and definitely I love a can go wrong with a ham tomato maybe a bit of cheese bit of Sal cream beautiful just having a wander around but I think we're all good right we are all good there's nothing looking like it quickly Che the Drone up check how the drills getting on and back to spraying we watch it alls we idolize idiots masturbate sex we love them we hate them we want to see them fall from grace we laugh at themed on the front page of the mail and grab ourselves a pitch and going for the kill [Music] together the intern when they themselves when they couldn't take it no more supposed to change it if I can't see the w [Music] dad's got Kev just filled up there so he's good now for another few hours I'm just waiting for Jack coming back over this hill he's run he's on the disc at the moment let's check how he's getting on and and just tell them what time we're finishing and what time we're starting in the morning and but we're getting over it it's coming up beautifully the odd tiny we wet bit but hardly anything hardly anything at all if we disc get ahead like this it just lets the drill Go full Pace full bore no messing about that's the limiting factor we need to keep that thing moving as fast as possible at all times so if you're going over plow ground and it's a bit rougher definitely not going as quick so work the ground ahead of it and then it's a bit Freer it's a bit looser it's much easier work for the drill par har is not working as hard either K's going to keep going till he's kind of low on seed so that'll be about 9:00 Half 8 9:00 so this is the plowed ground and it's it's quite firm in places and it's it's actually not that rough cuz it's been so flipping heavy with rain through the winter it's battered it flat and so it's kind of needing a bit of fluff to it what a lovely Friday night it's a belter a belter you know what would improve that if I had a cold Bandit beer in my hand coming soon he's getting on fine hadn't used the GPS before so so he's just kind of getting getting the hang of it I guess in theory the young guys you should encourage some not to use GPS for a few years just to properly learn how to drive ah you don't need to I'm a man of GPS Leisure I don't really know how to drive a tractor get Dad at the yard there off the yard four I'll jump back in the sprayer dad will jump in this and then we're all on the home straight to the end of a good productive day does anyone else's sprayer workings get a bit rough looking it all does make sense that's how much I needed to get along the road that's how much you need for a 16 hect tank that's for a 17 hect tank that's for 11.5 hect tank which is what I need to add in now that's all I've got left 11.5 hectares so we've got all the chemicals laid out we've got the park chemicals labeled to know how much to use letar the water pressure build coming last 13 acres hectors not Acres look at the sky look at that blue sky Beau I'm getting sick of this [Music] I've gone over this bump seven times now two more to go and I'm getting sick of it well obviously Park in it and jump out and get a picture for the title of the video but it's a right nasty gouge there you go there's my boot for scale it's quite deep and that's where it's just opened up and deposited all the silt it's carried down there it's just like the same as an opening to the Sea where the water slows down and it deposits all the sand cheers for watching see you tomorrow maybe we'll get some cows out tomorrow yes I'm going to make sure of it something some sort of animal is getting put outside tomorrow I will make that a promise that's fine cuz cuz I'm a few days behind I'll know if I've made that promise so I can cut this
Channel: CrawfordsFarm
Views: 21,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrawfordsFarm, Farm, Olly Blogs, Tom Pemberton, Daggerwin, Farm Life, Tractor, Hoof GP, Millenial Farmer, Farms, Alec Steele, Ave, FireBall Tools, Larson Farms, Disaster, Mistake, Fail, Broken, Crash, Cow, Sheep, JCB, John Deere, sonne farms, snowball engineering
Id: 1K_jTk1DdZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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