Trying Homemade Mouthwashes

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. You can make mouthwashes that are destined to give you fresh breath using ingredients just lying around your home. We're gonna try five of 'em. - But first, we're gonna play Who You Talkin' 'Bout, where we read one of your comments and we guess whether its' about me or Link. B. Lynneda or Blynneda says, "I love the brothers and sister vibe they have with Stevie. "And obviously the birth order is blank, Stevie, blank." - Who's the older brother, who's the younger brother? - Well, what do you think? - I'm an only child, I don't know. I'll be the younger brother. I'll own it. - I think that is the dynamic that most people would- - What do you think, Stevie? Do you know? - Would say, even though I am the younger brother in real life. - [Stevie] I don't know. - We're not listening because you're the middle child. Ha, you fell for it. Okay, big brother, little brother. - There we go. Rhett, Stevie, Link. - It actually says Rhett is greater than Stevie, who's greater than Link. So I don't love that. - In age. Now interestingly, Stevie, you're an older sister. I'm a younger brother, and Link's an only child. - So no one here is older. - So no one fits the actual assumptions that were made. - Hm. - Huh, heh, huh. - Goes to show you what good comments are for. - Okay, I didn't know this until today, but bad breath can actually be caused by greasy foods because the oils interact with your digestive enzymes, resulting in longer-lasting effects on your breath. So this is like a deep bad breath, when you can feel it coming from deep on somebody. That's the worst kind. - It is. Okay, so the first one we have here is guava leaf mouth rinse. Crush six guava leaves. Where are the guava leaves? Oh, actually I organized them like this so we started with fennel seeds and then went this way. - So at this point, is your world crumbling? What should we do? - Well I just rearranged them in order. I thought that, as a younger brother, you would appreciate that. - First one we're gonna do is... - I actually was doing this because you were preoccupied a second ago, and I was like, "I'm gonna do what Link would do, "and I'm gonna organize these in the way "that they are on the paper." And then you did something different. - Well that's 'cause you- - How does that make you feel? - I appreciate what you tried to do, but you did it wrong 'cause this one obviously is page two. First one we're gonna do is chewing fennel seeds. Chewing fennel seeds after every meal is said to help with bad breath according to dental experts. Fennel seeds are also in sausage, especially that Pizza Hut sausage, those big chunks of sausage. - You made it very clear you do not like Pizza Hut sausage. You don't like fennel then. - I love sausage on pizza. But the fennel can get to be too much. Wow, you took a lot. I'll go for it. - This just makes your breath smell like- - Oh, my god. - Fennel, which I guess is not bad. - It's very aromatic. What, oh. You want these? - Tastes like Pizza Hut sausage. - No, we're fine with this, we're fine with this. Don't need to make that dirty. (spits) - Oh, you gotta be doing your vocal fry as well. - I'll do it. The tough thing about that is that it's hard to spit out all the seeds. But I mean- - My breath smells pretty good. - My breath smells like Pizza Hut sausage now. - Which you wouldn't think is a good thing. - I know. - Do you want your breath to smell like Pizza Hut sausage? - Something about chewing on those seeds reminds me of when I was reading "Game of Thrones". I don't know if it was part of... Shoot, the bald guy, it's been so long now, the bald guy who is like the spider whisperer? - The King's guy? - Huh? - [Crew] Varys. - Varys. Varys was described as having fresh breath. - He was, in the book? - And I remembered that. I always remember him, when I think about Varys, I think about his fresh breath because he chews on probably fennel seeds. - Well I'm not crazy in that- - The spider. - Have you ever been hiking around in California and you smell this? - [Stevie] Yep, yep. I was thinking the exact same thing. - And something that doesn't happen when you hike in North Carolina and something I notice specifically. - It's not this. - It's not that. But it's something that smells like it. - [Stevie] No, it is- - It's mountain laurel. - [Stevie] There is wild fennel around too. - Oh, it's wild fennel, seriously? - [Stevie] Yeah. I don't know the specific thing- - I've never smelled this. - That you're talking about. But yeah. - But you know what I'm talking about. When we lived out here as a kid, I would smell it. - Did not know that. - And I would be like, "Dad, "why does it smell like licorice out here?" And he would be like, "It's just some plant." - Fennel. - And then, moved to North Carolina, grew up there, and then came back here and was hiking, and I was like... (sniffs) That nostalgia of smelling something as a kid. And I was like, "That's that licorice smell. "What is that?" So you're saying it's wild fennel. - Yeah, apparently it is. - Wild fennel. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Wow, okay. - [Stevie] Well, 'cause you know what fennel looks like? Just the... - Oh, yeah. We're seeing it now. It's kind of wispy looking. - I'm gonna go forage some. Is it illegal? You can't just go out on some public land and just start pulling stuff up and taking it home and put in a pot, can you? - When you really chew one specifically- - It releases- - There's oil inside of it that releases. Second one is apple cider vinegar mouthwash, recommended last because it's so strong. So we gotta, see, we gotta switch it up. - I didn't know about that. - Back to guava leaf mouth rinse, crush six guava leaves, and add one cup of boiling water. Have they already done this? - [Stevie] I do not... Well, okay. - The resulting mixture should then be simmered for 15 minutes and left to cool. Okay, they've already done this. - [Stevie] I'm curious what you think of the taste. - It can then be used, as with other homemade mouthwashes, after adding a small amount of salt. - Guava juice, huh? - [Stevie] Does it taste like... Do the guava leaves boiled taste like the guava fruit? Or is it different. - Mm-mm, very bitter. (Rhett gargling) Mm, mm. It's like, I mean, it's like a really bitter tea. That's what it tastes like. - Yeah, it just tastes like... Yeah, a bad tea. But it doesn't stink, and it doesn't make your breath stink. There's things that are bitter and nasty, but then don't translate into nasty breath. - It feels like it's making my tongue shrink. - Yeah, that's why it's- - And maybe it's shrinking the stink. - Right, that's exactly what's happening. - All right, as my punishment, I will... (slowly growling) (slowly growls) Potatoes. Vegetable oil blend. Soy bean, and cotton seed. - You remember when we were doing Supernote? And all of a sudden there was a guy who entered a Supernote doing this, vocal fry. And there was this lengthy discussion that we had to try to figure out if it was legal- - If it counts as a vocal note. - 'Cause he could go like this. (slowly growls) - For a lot longer than anybody else. - So, so long. And we were like, "Is that a vocal note?" Did we let it stand? - I don't think he was beating everyone. The winner definitely did not do a vocal fry. - They didn't do vocal fry. It resolved itself. - I can't remember if that's because we outlawed it or not. - (slowly growls) Salt and natural color- - Oh, something's giving me a weird feeling. Is that guava juice? (Link burps) - That was a burp. - Please welcome guava juice. (all laughing) - (slowly growls) Dextrose, sodium acid pyrophosphate- - We're gonna roll 'em out in a bath filled with Orbies. - (slowly growls) To retain natural color. That's it. What's the next one? Cinnamon mouthwash. All right, before we tell you how to do this one, we want to invite you to check out our podcast Ear Biscuits. Have you ever listened to our podcast? Well give it a shot. - I'm not sure if I have. - Have you given up on it? Give it another shot. It streams wherever podcasts are streamed. There's also a video version on the YouTube channel Ear Biscuits. Two life-long friends talk about life for a long time. We bare our souls for you. - I don't really do podcasts. - All you gotta do is listen to it. - I don't do podcasts because- - Just give it a shot. - I have trouble paying attention to just sound. - Just give it a shot. - I just have trouble paying attention to just sound. - Just give it a shot. - Well for you, we actually have a video version where there's faces as well. - Tea tree oil rinse. Combine one teaspoon of tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and lemon oil. Oh, don't put this in your eyeballs now. In eight ounces of lukewarm water, stir well. - That's gonna be very strong. - Ooh, that looks oily. - This is something you could put into your diffuser at home. - But this seems, this seems more expected. (both gargling) Mm, mm. Oh, man. - Oh. That's, oh, that's, oh... I don't wanna stop on that. - I shouldn't have gargled with that. That's too much. - It feels like it burned everything in a good way. - In the very back of my throat, you know where you got the hangy-down stuff, like the punching bag? The back side- - It just seared it. - The back side of my punching bag is raw, y'all. - Yeah, but it don't stink, does it? (Link breathing heavily) - It might alter my voice forever. - Do you know that, when you're gargling, the lower the gargle note, the deeper the gargle gets. (sings) You wanna get the (sings) like that. It just sits right on top of the vocal cords. It's just like (sings). That's what you want. That's my favorite one so far. - Ooh, that's almost too much. - Cinnamon mouthwash. - Now if you're a student of Rhett and Link's breath antics, you know at some point we're going to lay into you about hydrogen peroxide, the superior, straight off the shelf gargle to solve all your halitosis habits. - We gotta do our PSA. All right, listen. - 50% water, 50% hydrogen peroxide, or you can go a little harder with the hydrogen peroxide. And then you just gargle it deep. - But we gotta speak to the person who needs to do this. Link. - We feel like it's our calling in life to do what Rhett's about to do. - And I'm totally serious about this. You're out there right now. You are in a family. You are in a relationship. You are in relationship to other people, even strangers that might pass you, and especially those who are close to you. - Somebody on a bus stop- - Here's what happens. - Next to you. - Your coworkers, your family members, your friend group, they have smelled your breath. You've got a halitosis problem. It happens to all of us. I had a battle with halitosis at one point, and that was where I discovered this miracle cure. - He's not talking about you just ate something and then your breath stinks. He's talking about- - This is a constant thing where there's an overgrowth of bacteria that has happened in your mouth, okay? And it has a distinct, horrible smell that ruins meals and conversations for other people around you. And what happens is, is that you reach a point in the friendship or relationship with somebody where they're like, "I didn't, I don't know..." It's so difficult to talk about. It's so difficult to tell someone that their breath stinks. So you get to this social threshold where, even when you're in some relationships, some significant others- - Preach! - Are dealing with this, and they don't know how to address it, and they just make a decision that they're going to deal with it. Here's the thing. If you're out there right now and you're asking yourself the question, "Does my breath stink," the answer is yes. If you don't know that the answer is no, then the answer is a definite yes, it does. - You know what? You could ask someone you trust, "Hey, you know what, be honest. "Does my breath stink?" - And for the sake of that relationship- - Like habitually. - The sake of your friendships, for the sake of the world, frankly- - H2O2. - You take some water, you take some hydrogen peroxide, 3% from the drug store. - It's so cheap. - You mix them together in equal parts. You gargle with that stuff, 30 seconds, spit it out, do it again. 30 seconds, spit it out. - Then brush your teeth and brush that nasty tongue. - The first couple of days, you're gonna wanna do that morning and night. Once you get it under control, you can go to every couple of days. And eventually you can go to once a week, and what I do now is once a month, once a month for regulation purposes. - Just to make sure there's not a buildup of that nasty. - Trust me. - Cinnamon mouthwash. - [Stevie] I'm being told you need to stir this one because all the stuff's at the bottom. So you might want to pour- - We gotta stir this. - [Stevie] And stir. - Yeah, so you had already poured this I think is the problem. - Right, right. Oh, you just stirred it up when you put it in there. - Link, we just- - [Matt] Can I tell you guys about a way a dentist let me know I had bad breath? - (laughs) No. - Definitely. - [Matt] No, oh. - Yeah. - [Matt] So the appointment was over, and I was laying there. She had been in my mouth the whole time. And as if we had already been talking about it, she says, "All right, so we have a few solutions "for really bad breath," (Rhett laughing) like it was just a thing I knew I had. And she recommended a tongue scraper. She gave me a tongue scraper. - Yeah, cleaning your tongue- - That's good too. - That's part of the routine. - Did she talk about hydrogen peroxide? - [Crew] She didn't mention that, but I think I'm in the clear now. But I might start trying that as well. - I will say, since that- - You can gargle a lot deeper than you can scrape. - But since that Aura brush sponsorship from way back in the day, we've both been regularly cleaning our tongues, which again- - That's a part of it. - That's a big part of it. Every single day, every morning. - Hydrogen peroxide, then scrape- - Clean that tongue. - Then scrape the tongue. And you can scrape off the hydrogen peroxide stuff, and then brush your teeth. Good for everybody. - Yeah, it's good for you. - But it doesn't make your breath smell good. It just makes- - It makes your breath not smell. - It makes it not smell. - Sorry, don't use alcohol-based products like Listerine and Scope and all that. That actually, over the long haul, causes the good bacteria in your mouth that will cancel out the bad bacteria to not grow. You don't want a sterile environment in your mouth. You want a good mix of the right kinds of bacteria. And quit doing that. Quit covering it up with Scope. Your breath smells good for a couple of minutes. - So we have some solutions for your bad breath. - Mm. - Carney, thanks for sharing that. You know what? You've joined the ranks. You're helping us make a difference. You found your calling. - [Matt] Thanks. - That's not bad. - Hm-hm-hm, hm-hm-hm-hm. - Half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a jar. Add juice from two freshly squeezed lemons. Combine all ingredients in luke warm water. Pour into a jar. Shake the jar well. Set aside for two to three hours. And then shake or stir before rinsing with your mouth. This reminds me, Stevie, I was gonna ask you about that- - Woo, I like that. - That app, Make Me A Cocktail. Do you know about this? - [Stevie] Hm-mm. - It's an app where you just put the ingredients that you have in your home bar, and then it automatically generates suggestions, all the suggestions of drinks that you can make with what you have available in order of ranking. - [Stevie] See, the things that I don't usually have available are the very specific, "Add a dash of..." - Yeah, it's pretty limited, but I made myself a whiskey sour 'cause I didn't understand that whiskey sour was just whiskey and lemon juice and a little bit of sugar. - [Stevie] Yeah, that's good. - We have one last one, apple... What's the name of that app again? - Make Me A Cocktail. - Not a sponsor. - Not a sponsor, but it's free. - Apple cider vinegar mouthwash. Mix together two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, one cup of salt water, swish in your mouth. As opposed to where? - Well, you can swish in your butt. - An enema, a mouth enema. - The ol' butt swish. Here you go. - Mm. Mm! Mm. (both gargling) - Mm. - Good... That's just gonna make you smell like vinegar. - A lot of vinegar. Yeah, my favorite one is the... - Tea tree. - Cinnamon mouthwash, I like that one. - I like tea tree oil with the peppermint and the lemon oil. Now you know. - [Link] Our popular Crystal Wash hoodies now come in pastel colors. Get yours now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 319,606
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: AG5exFUMTko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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