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(rooster crows) (lion roar) (dramatic bang) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. Let's explore the world of knolling, with a K, k-nolling. - But first let's donate $1,000 to Human Rights Initiative of North Texas. Human Rights Initiative provides legal and support services to refugees and immigrants who have suffered human rights abuses, and promotes international human rights. Please join us in giving at hrionline.org - Thank you for being your Mythical best, and for hanging out with us two knolling fools. I've never knolled anything. - I didn't knoll it was called knolling. - Christopher Knolling. - That's how the Nolan brothers got their start. - K-N-O-L-L-I-N-G I do follow the Reddit, so we can make this a competition, because I think I have an advantage. - You mean you've seen these things? - Yeah, I follow the Reddit community, the subreddit called Knolling, where people- - You got a little something right there. I'm not gonna get it for you, I'm not your mama. - Where is it? - It fell. - It's a little piece of the Pieces. Let's look at an example. Okay, so this is Kam Vachon. She knolled out all of her supplies for an Antarctic expedition. - Including herself. - Yeah, there's a lot of like, you'll see like a fireman. - It's very satisfying. - Yes, that's why I follow this. You'll see like a overhead shot of like a fire truck with all of the stuff taken out of it, including like the firemen that are involved in the truck. That was one of my favorites. - Really? - Yeah. - I have not seen this done with people. - So you're gonna throw it up there, and we're gonna see who can get it first? - [Stevie] Oh, now you wanna race for it? You can, yeah. - First of all, - Let's do that. yeah, but that is not a lot of stuff to take to Antarctica. And like, where's your food girl? - It's in that black bag. - I mean, what? One pair of socks? This is bull crap. I'm calling bull crap on her, That's not all of her stuff, (indistinct) - [Stevie] These packing videos are popular on TikTok too, and there's a couple that's like hiking for four months, and they went through their bag of things that they're bringing, and they each brought one pair of underwear. - Really? - [Stevie] It's rough, man. - But is it made out of like Merino wool? - You at least need two pairs of underwear. - So that it never goes bad? - You gotta wear a pair while you're washing your underwear. - [Stevie] Well they're wearing a pair, and then they brought one. - I think that's acceptable. - Oh, they weren't naked? - [Stevie] Well they weren't naked in the video, no. - Okay. - I think it's acceptable. Acceptable? - [Stevie] Susceptible, yes. - I think it's susceptible to infection. - [Stevie] Yeah. You wanna see, - You want another Pieces? - [Stevie] the first one? - Yes. Ma'am. - [Stevie] I will say the first one, well, let's see the first one. - Well, I saw that Coors Light koozie. A bunch of markers. - I mean, what are we supposed to guess, what it is, or what they're doing? - [Stevie] Yeah. And this one I will say is like the most general one, out of all of them. - Okay, so this is somebody's everything drawer. - [Stevie] Wow, yeah. Link. - Cause that's what my everything drawer looks like. And if I ever find that koozie, I'm gonna be really happy. - The most exciting thing for me is the name of the user is First-time-long-tim. - First-time-long-tim? - [Stevie] Yeah. So you know what I'm saying, right? - I know Short Tim pretty well. - The second time you encounter Long Tim, it's not nearly as fun as the first time. What is that apparatus on the left side, that like greenish aqua thing? What is that? Is that a toothbrush? I can't tell what that is, there's a lot of batteries. I mean, we have a drawer, you got the kitchen drawer that's got all the stuff, and this is all the stuff I have. I've got tape, I've got scissors. I also have a Ziploc bag full of cash, so if you're ever gonna rob me. - [Stevie] Full of what? - Cash. - [Stevie] Oh, I thought you said cabbage. I was like, that's not okay. - Cabbage. - Oh no, I have a Ziploc bag full of cabbage. (Link laughs) - I have a Ziploc bag full of cabbage. - We have about four or five, maybe four and a half drawers in our house that have these items in them, but there's no rhyme or reason to what, of the four drawers are in. - I'm not really learning much about this person, which is really what you like from a knolling situation, so. - [Stevie] Big drawer though. - Big drawer, let's move on. - Okay, so you're- - That is a Millennium Falcon. - [Stevie] Yeah. I was gonna say, what Lego structure has this particular Reddit user knolled? - Is that right? - And yeah, and you're correct. - He nailed it. - [Stevie] It's 7,541 pieces. - The only reason I know that is because we had our team assemble it, and then we just threw it off the roof. Remember that? - Yeah. - User -Tish, Negative Tish, Subtract Tish. - What is that big black rectangle there? Is that part of it? - [Crew Member] The manual. - You censored the manual, so we couldn't have the answer. - So we wouldn't know how to put it together. - Okay. I mean, when you get a Lego set, they tell you, kind of like if you get Ikea furniture- - Don't do this. - You're supposed to do this, to like make sure you have all the pieces before you start. - Oh no, but you can't, I mean, when you're doing complex Legos, which let me say upfront, I do not do, you can't mix the bags. You can't organize things by color, because then you're completely screwed. - They're pretty reliable. They're very reliable, and they'll give you a few extra pieces of the stuff that you'll lose anyway. But yeah, they do it by bag. When I was growing up, they didn't do it by bag. - We didn't have bags. - Yeah, I'm right, right? We didn't have the bags. Yeah. - Bags didn't even exist. - My kids will get this stuff, there's like 48 bags. It's like, this is too easy. - What's a bag? Let's see another one. - We know boxes, - You slipped in on that one, okay. - And holes. - [Link] This looks like camp gear, okay, there's like cooking stuff, there's computer stuff. - [Rhett] This is a college dorm room. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Rhett. - Is that correct? - [Stevie] Yeah. From user- - I thought there was gonna be a reveal of the college dorm room. - [Stevie] Azuil. - That's a lot of cutlery. - Do you know what the dead giveaway was? - I haven't seen it, yeah I was trying to figure out, how did you get it so quickly? What is it? - [Rhett] The beanie. (crew laughs) - [Link] The beanie under the clock? - The beanie was just like, it was kind of like disparate, you know, cooking supplies, and then some school supplies. - Hardware stuff, two ties, one belt. That belt is bedazzled. - Although, I gotta say, that's a lot of like pans for a student dorm. - Yeah, we didn't have any pans in our dorm room, because we couldn't cook in our dorm room. - No. And what is all that brown stuff in the lower left that gets from like bigger to smaller rows? What is that guys, can you tell? - Boogers. - I'm taking my booger collection to college. - That's all the boogers that had been like scraped under the bottom of the bed. - You know what? Christy and I replaced our bed. We've been married 43 years, and we finally got a king bed, y'all. - 43 years. - We got a king bed, so, I'll let you know how that goes. But when I was moving the bed out, I noticed that Christy has this stash of dried up old- - Boogers. - No. - Chocolate? - You had this collection at your house, on your window sill in high school, middle school? - Lil' fellers? - Yeah. - Oh! - No I'm joking, she didn't. But she has a collection of dried up old contact lenses. - Raisins. - Like, I guess when she goes to bed, I need to ask her about this. Like, she just pinches them off and throws them under the bed. - Good for her, man. You gotta have someplace in your house you're just throwing trash. - Yeah, you're just like stashing it. - Just to know you're alive. - All right, let's see another one. Okay. What does that say? On the Ziploc bag? Hether man? - Pepper? - Pepper... - Is this somebody getting ready to make a dish? And the question is what dish. - You got oil and thyme. - Sausage. - No - [Stevie] You said sausage? (Rhett laughs) - You said sausage? - What is that, a big squash? Why you need a whole spaghetti squash? - So there's an apple and there's carrots and a bay leaf. - and an onion. - An onion. I can't read what that says. - And a gourd. - Does that say pepper bacon? - Can you eat a gourd? - Does that say pepper bacon? I can't read that small. - I think it does say pepper bacon. - Give us a hint. Stevie. - [Stevie] That's a dish. And that's a butternut squash, not spaghetti squash. - It's not a gourd? - Oh, it's a soup. A squash soup. - [Stevie] Yeah. - It's from user, KharnalBloodLust [crew Laughs] - KharnalBloodLust - You know what KharnalBloodLust is really into? You'd never guess. Squash soup. - KharnalBloodLust wants some more squash soup. - They're really into it. Like, it's very serious. - Well yeah, you're gonna Knoll it out, you're pretty into it. I mean, why did you pick this one? - I know that squash soup is really popular amongst the crew. I did know that. - I think because of the username - Speaking of not wanting to miss out on a squash soup, the next time it comes around. - Pepper bacon. - That's kind of how we think about the apparel that we have over at the Mythical store. - Oh, like that. - We bring things in and we see if you like them. And then after a while, they go away and then we decided, you know what we'll do? Because people complain about things going away. We'll create a whole section of the Mythical store, called the Last Chance section, where it's just stuff that once it's gone, it's gone forever. And it can all be in one place at mythical.com. We did that, for you. - If you hated it and it's there, that's your cue to celebrate those going away. - And the latest addition to that Last Chance section is squash soup. - Oh. - Yeah. - Let's see another - Just little old fashioned jars of it. This is a guitar repair thing. No. - [Link] Two lighters, a bunch of change. I think this is just what a guy had in his cargo pants. - [Stevie] You're not far off. - This is pockets. This is pockets. - A roadies britches. - [Stevie] Okay, but if you were to find things that were in somebody's pocket, where would you find them? - In jail? (crew laughs) They gotta clean out the pockets, right? The roadies drunk and disorderly again. - Well look at all those nose rings on the far right. Are those earrings? - Far right? Oh yes. - Upper right-hand corner. - What are those tabs of things, the white things that come to a point? - Those go in you collar. - Those are the collar things of a shirt. - Yeah. - But I don't know how we know that. - This is somebody who works at- - A tailor. - A retail store, but wears a nose ring. - A tailor who smokes. - This is the pocket of a guitar center employee. - [Stevie] Okay. We have established it's coming out of someone's pockets, but they were all taken from one appliance. - Oh, a washing machine, - A washing machine. - At the back of the guitar center. - [Stevie] Close. - A laundromat. The dryer, - [Stevie] The dryer. - at the guitar center. - [Stevie] A dryer that was taken apart. - A dryer at the guitar center. - The guitar center, they'll do your clothes? - [Stevie] This is from, Parkour_Zombie. - Smell like weed and grease, when you get it back. - What are the three big squares at the top? - Matches? - Matches. - Okay. There's a little learning there. Yeah. Give me another. Okay, so this is someone who buys all the same brand. - Well this is a family camping trip. - [Stevie] It is a camping trip, but it's not a family camping trip. - It's a ping-pong enthusiast camping trip. (crew laughs) - This is first date camping. - This is like young, married, Subaru-owning. - [Stevie] Are they married though? - Oh, this is first date camping trip. - [Stevie] No, no. - First camping trip. - I said, first date, and (indistinct) - [Stevie] What happens before they get married? - Sex, these days. (crew laughs) - Love. - I mean, that's really what the world's come to. - First comes love, then comes marriage. - Correct, this is from a sex camping trip. - A sex camping trip. (Rhett laughs) You know what? Those are the best camping trips. - What is the big black thing with a hole in the middle, like centered at the top? Is that a shower? - Yeah, yeah. I think that might be like a water holder thing. - So this is a couple. - A beach camping trip? - This is a couple that's going camping, but one of them is gonna kill the other one. Two leave, one comes back. - [Stevie] Okay. - Not with the axe though, with the Frisbee. - [Stevie] There are two events that happen before the wedding takes place, as like a last hurrah. - This is a bachelor party camping trip? - [Stevie] Yeah. Specifically from Reddit user Upstatecoach. Must be a ping-pong coach. - I'm about to get married, I really gotta cut loose with an axe, but also a ping-pong. - A bachelor party camping trip? I don't think camping is a great bachelor party activity. - Yeah, it could be, it could be. - Okay, it could be. - I mean, the strippers are worn out by the time they get out there. - That's right. Yeah. They're like, "all I'll do is throw a Frisbee with you, but I will be naked. I mean, okay. If you have bug spray." - Rhett gets the point, I guess. - [Stevie] Want another? - Yeah. - Yeah. One nother. That... - is a... - An animal with tail. - Is that a cat? Is that someone's pet cat? - Well, it's very, very small and it has a tail. - Somebody dried the bones of their pet. - That is a squirrel. - [Stevie] Close. - Oh, that's a penny. Oh. - It's a baby squirrel. - Aw. It's a rat. - [Stevie] Close. - It's a mouse. - It's a mouse. - [Stevie] Close. - It's a pet mouse. - It's a teeny mouse. - [Stevie] Okay, go into pet territory. - [Link] Chipmunk. - [Rhett] With a tail? - [Stevie] What? I said go into pet territory. - [Link] This is my gerbil. - [Stevie] Yep. Sorry, it's not your gerbil. I don't know - Nyah. why I got so excited. - Nyah. - Gerbils have tails like that? - Nyah - You said yes to gerbil. - [Stevie] Yeah, cause hamsters have the little stubby tail. and this is from user Therabiezbaby. - So, let me get this straight, Rabiezbaby's pet gerbil passed away. - And they took all the stuff off the bones? - They just let it dry? To bone? - It's pretty cool, if you think about it. - [Stevie] Dry to bone. - A gerbil's got a weird neck. - You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna knoll my dead gerbil. (Rhett laughs) - For Reddit. - That's strange, man. That's strange. - [Stevie] Okay. We're just gonna do one more. - Okay. - Refrigerator stuff. - I think these are 3D printed stuff. Stuff when I first got my 3D printer, that I just printed for no good reason. - [Stevie] No. - This is like a 1987 middle-schoolers, - Pencil pot. - Backpack. - [Stevie] No. - That prism thing. - Two screws, a crystal. - [Stevie] I'll give you a hint, it's from someone's pockets. - Okay. It's from a clown's pockets. - [Stevie] Close. - A mime's pockets. I've never seen a mime pull anything out of them. - [Stevie] There's a couple items on here that should steer you in the right direction that are in like the bottom middle. - [Link] Two screws. - [Stevie] Sorry I meant like the bottom row, in the middle. - Like the paperclip and the... - [Stevie] Yeah. - A teachers' pockets. - [Stevie] Okay, more specifically? - A kindergarten teacher? - [Stevie] Almost! - A first grade teacher. - [Stevie] Oh God, wrong way. - A preschool teacher. - A preschool teacher. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. - A preschool teacher's pockets. - What's a preschool teacher - And this is from, gonna do with those screws? - [Stevie] user Helecho. - Why are these the things in the preschool teachers pockets? Like these are all things that preschoolers could choke on. - All choking hazards. - I think she's gathering the choking hazards. - Except that prism. You'd have a tough time getting that prism down there. - [Stevie] Maybe, they confiscated - Choke it down Ronnie! - [Stevie] all of the things, - [Stevie] cause they knew. - Choke down the prism Ronnie. You're halfway there. - If you want a rainbow to come out of throat, you gotta choke down this prism. - You gotta choke on the prism. - Before, your mom picks you up. - After you swallow the flashlight. Do not tell your parents about this. - Out with the old and in with the new. But before we do, check out our Last Chance section at mythical.com and get your faves before they're gone forever.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 257,309
Rating: 4.9476824 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: bA43AZLcMCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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