CRAZY 27 Hour Travel Day | MEXICO to JORDAN | 4 Flights 4 Lounges

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I can't believe today's the day we're leaving this resort and we're leaving Mexico and we're going from luxury to real life really quickly this isn't even all of our boarding passes it's gonna be a long day yes okay today starts a very long travel day with many hurdles to overcome the first of which is how to ship this drone back to the US pressure to package it something didn't look like you know that was easier than expected with the lithium batteries will that student makes it now we have less than two hours to our flight takes off the next obstacle is getting our to heavy liquid-filled carry-ons through security and onto the plane through security just mine we can't check them this time all of my 300 milliliters versus a lot trying to get out of here celebrate everything's fine and today we're playing Jordan which is while he had to ship the drone back I'd read that if we tried to take it into the country there was a 99 percent chance that it would get compensated so the drone went home today but we still have a huge huge travel day ahead of us so we're actually find the Jordan on two separate tickets like this is the big problem we have one ticket that gets us from here to San Jose Costa Rica and then another ticket that gets us from San Jose Costa Rica to Jordan and those two tickets have less than a one-hour connection time between the two so we're probably gonna miss that bike literally when our first flight is landing our other flights already boarding so we've decided to carry on our bags to maybe make it was the only way that we could possibly maybe make this connection but the problem is you're probably thinking you travel with carry-on suitcase is like why is it such a big deal but we never actually carry on our carry-on suitcase if we first started traveling but it's like a short-term thing we always carried on our back instead of checking them but now it's like our life and so I just decided one day I'm gonna carry the liquids that I want to carry and my bags in me as heavy as I feel and so we haven't checked or we haven't carried on them forever until today so I had to do a major liquid purge this morning it was really sad but I think it's gonna be worth it I'm gonna psyche a 50% chance of making this connection no I'm Way I'm pretty optimistic but like everything has to go perfectly for us to get on the flight to joy it's gonna be an adventure priority boarding really wants a copy don't know what you made in the past year some you'll be number forth to work is fine a local newspaper came into superiores oh the back of the lesbian so you're ready for takeoff [Music] [Music] okay we made it spin ball and I already almost left my bag in the overhead [Music] hey this is a cheese sandwich not the best lounge food we've ever had we probably better than the hot pocket and they had a fun well he gets this now we're about to board a short flight to Costa Rica this is where things could get interesting we have one hour from the time our wheels land to time our next flights wheels take off and we're in the ninth row so there's a chance that we can run off the plane with our giant bag maker next as long as like there's no transfer security or anything I feel good about it but if anything goes wrong like if there's a delay if our plane takes a long time to taxi I really hope for our sake that this video doesn't get very interesting but there's a chance that I think like my armpits are starting to sweat a little bit also super hot here normally a syllable after that may not please put your mask on first before [Music] we're not gonna make it make a run to the bag to get her stuff okay so just landed in Costa Rica the problem is we were like one of the last ones to port the plane and so our bags are all the way back in row 20 we are currently in row 9 so the plan is for here to run back grab our bags I'm gonna be in charge of our backpacks find our gate all the plane if it doesn't get there please don't have additional security for transferring passengers good luck Kara she's still in the plane so you're pretty helpless it's a good thing you were my running class cuz I just ran for a really long time okay closes in ten minutes and there is security [Music] this line is still here they haven't closed the gate I can't believe we made it early was much earlier than were normally at our gate let's go sell out you think yeah okay oh there was one hour time change yeah plenty of time however minutes late by four minutes after gate closing time so there's still a chance maybe they would have held the plane for us but if you wouldn't have waited on me at the bottom of steps you could have caught it and saved it I think but yeah Nick plenty of time well I just can't believe this it did not say it on a ticket like the ticket gave us no no transfer time can't believe this in the best way [Music] honestly I'm glad it worked out this way because if we would have known there was a time change and people would have been hurt just checking our axes we would have thought about it and we somehow still managed to almost not get on the plane the lady that was like checking our tickets I think was having a bad day it was determined not to let us on the plane so she was saying that we needed a ticket like a plane ticket proving that we were gonna leave Jordan within 30 days which I'm pretty sure is not true according to the u.s. website but even if it is she was making us booked a ticket back to the US there's no country in the world that requires you to book it to get back to your home country that just doesn't exist even if she was wrong it's the way she had a situation like we were being very kind to be said very nice and not accepting of what she was telling us I was doing what she said electronic devices and I don't want to be the same their story and it gets really annoying I'm just her attitude so if you ever get into the situation all you have to do is book a flight on the orbit it's a haunting us carrier and then it's super easy to cancel for free within your 24 hours so now in two weeks we have a flight booked today it's good by me it's gonna be great all the matters now is that we're going to Jordan actually we're going to Madrid yeah and then so like 10 hours to Madrid and five more hours to really pretty much that's guess who just been like either sitting on a plane or running to the next plane our bodies think has six how did you get 629 [Music] definitely better than it looks definitely better [Music] [Applause] sometimes for purpose and am thank you for my birria we hope to see you soon again thank you made it to Madrid this is the first time that LSU at Breathitt so long bodies think it's the best-looking mountain we've been traveling for about 22 hours now barely slept on that flight I feel like a zombie right now and I was thinking we were gonna come straight into the lounge I was gonna find a place to nap until our next flight but they happen best max I'm very happy and they're really strong coffee water we just have one more flight until we get to Jordan [Music] [Music] just being on this plane already as I'm so excited which I may take it hey just get over and get out of my space do we have an extra seat against me I'll get my fries with mr. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] twenty-seven hours later we have arrived in our 87th country people are both slightly delirious at the moment that feeling is on people okay they got our visa on arrival and now we're standing in for the airport just waiting on our uber that's why step that's travel day will finally be done yeah somebody already sent me a message on Instagram about the best place to get falafel up humming I cannot wait to eat all the video I feel surprisingly good yep waiting like every other hour for the last 27 hours our bodies do thing is 2:30 in that unit right now it's really that's one of the things that I like to do on travel days is just leave my watch on whatever time that we were on so I know what time my body's clock is on and then like the next day I'll reset it to the actual phone there he's talked about the dress so I could have made it into the country with my drone they didn't make me stick my backpack which is where I always carry the drone through the x-ray machine so I could have gotten it in but I think I'm so glad that I don't have it because we have several other Middle Eastern countries that we're gonna be visiting and they could have been a random thing yeah I'm not saying I'm not saying bring your drone to Jordan we could have gotten it in I don't know that we could have like gotten away with flying anywhere we could again okay now we wait for it oh yeah give us ones like 15 minutes away it is cheaper than a taxi now honestly I pay more for uber the ease of putting in your address not having to worry if the person's gonna scan me or not and they know where to go yeah I communicate it oh it's cold here much colder than xDrive I mean it's on surprise to us but it's gonna be cold before we started doing research I thought Jordan was the desert and it was always warm and it's not it's winter it's like 40 degrees so I'll be wearing the same three warm-up is talking about his devil in the length of our video I just split this one is to thank you thank you all right on target Street in Jordan we think we're close to our Airbnb probably don't know where it is there's nobody it's so quiet I literally don't hear a single noise right now I just heard a john far as it can Hey [Music] average lounge we are currently in Rome what are you doing so here [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 720,612
Rating: 4.9362125 out of 5
Keywords: airline lounge, airplane, airplane food, airplane vlog, airport lounge, airport lounge food, airport lounge vlog, airport vlog, avgeek, aviation vlog, flying vlog, priority pass, priority pass lounge, travel day, travel day vlog, aviation, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel couple, travel duo, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog, madrid airport lounge
Id: CSc7d2djRFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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