Birthday Party in Cathay Pacific FIRST CLASS (16 hours Hong Kong to New York)

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not only have we changed our departing flight we've also changed our flight back to vietnam and now we are riding in a golf cart to the other first class lounge here in the hong kong airport going from the other poker here all of our plans are out the window we are those people who oddly enjoy flying like really enjoy it over the last three and a half years we've flown to over 50 countries on over 20 airlines but today is one of the most excited we have ever been to get on an airplane because today we are spending 16 hours flying across the pacific in one of the nicest business class products in the world all right we've just arrived at the airport and if you couldn't guess follow the scooters we are currently in vietnam thank you so much that was so exciting we just got verified on instagram it seems so narcissistic to be so excited about this but like with what we do every day it's so useful for being able to something that this was already like oh my i can't believe it i feel like we're just like getting promoted can things get any better congratulations before we start this long travel day we're gonna have a quick coffee in the lounge that gave us this lounge pass to the orchid lounge but i also think that it is a priority pass lounge so we probably would have gone anyways [Music] thank you i cannot think of a better way to start this day than a massage chair with a cup of coffee oh this is much needed after our 20 hour train ride yesterday places on my backers store that i didn't even know existed what makes today's travel day even more exciting and just the experience itself is how we got these tickets and how much we paid for it what's happening i'm currently booking eight thousand dollar business class tickets for six hundred and fifty dollars a piece so back in january when we were staying in an airbnb in mexico we booked these flights as an error fair and for those of you who don't know what air affairs are it's essentially when an airline makes a mistake in their pricing and the tickets end up being way too cheap and i'm about to book as many as i can so we're actually paying about a tenth the cost of what we should be we are paying 695 out of pocket for these round-trip flights from da nang to new york in beautiful luxurious business class and these tickets should cost between five thousand and ten thousand dollars sign me up it's never exactly clear why these error fares happen otherwise the airlines would make sure that they never happen because no airline wants to sell tickets way too cheap and now we've booked how many at this point two happy new year's eve but the thing to know is that when one of these happens you have to be super quick booking it but while the fair is available i'm gonna book it book now think later that's our advice for mistake fairs hey have you heard about it's a service that we created that hunts for deals just like these and sends you an alert when we find them you can try it for free using the link in the description below now we just have a short two-hour flight to hong kong until then go back relax and enjoy the friendly cafe dragon service thank you even though this flight is only an hour and a half we've got some menus to order from and [Music] we had some big plans for today's episode nate was going to explain all the nerdy details about this mistake fair about status numbers miles points etc however we soon realized our day wasn't going to go quite as planned [Music] we made it to hong kong and we made three new friends so we're supposed to be spending the next few hours in the business class lounge however the three guys that we met on the plane are flying first class so they're going to guest us in to the first class lounge are you sure you aren't recording we're going back to first class we're celebrating birthdays and blue check marks to birthday some blue check marks cheers guys [Applause] into making new friends and making new friends so in 2016 we had one world emerald status so we were able to enjoy hong kong's first class lounges several times during our travels through asia with my back since our new friends chris finn and jordan booked this air affair in first class nate doesn't want to talk about it we were very grateful for the opportunity to come back again as their guests then this happened [Music] what else do you need see you later then cool good luck i'll try voyage we've just given our passports to a random guy we met on the airplane he's wearing a blazer so he looks very professional so you two can change your flights for a hundred dollars change people oh yeah any available flight that would mean that you could also change the return portion and there will likely still be availability so you can take the same fight back and celebrate jordan's birthday there we go as you can tell our new friends are very convincing and we changed our flight time so we could spend the next 16 hours together best friends so it's my first time and they just switched onto our flight so not only have our friends convinced us to change our flight but now we're also going to a new first-class house with them and we're not walking this golf cart is for us a golf cart transfer from the first class lounge to the other first class lounge this is getting out of hand we're going to the plane we're going to the other first class lounge i did not know that there were people in this world who enjoyed flying more than we did but i think the three people that we've met today [Music] i hate to say it it's worth it i would honestly pay to do this again last time we were here we were sweating with our backpacks on running for one first class lounge to the next and this time we're riding on a golf cart nathan yep how's it feel i feel like everybody that we pass is staring at us that's what i thought this is a long journey over here we're back i'm pretty sure i have the same shot from 2016. and we're back maybe this how do we get the combat there's no more [Music] after two hours in one of our favorite first class lounges it was finally time to board our much anticipated flight to new york enjoy your first class fight [Music] all right here we are the sound of the night [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is just the appetizer [Music] [Music] this is why we changed our flights [Music] thank you so much hey i cannot believe we're doing this if anyone was wondering what the maximum amount of people you could fit into a first class suite was it's fine i think we could probably get one person over here so probably it's really good [Music] all right 16 hours later we've landed in new york that it's over i don't want to get off goodbye ever thank you for having me they were the best all right we have now been traveling for well over 24 hours but the journey does not end here the reason that we flew back to the us is actually to go to kara's cousin's wedding which is in detroit and we're driving sounded like a good idea a long time ago here's our car road trip i wish at the range rover not the jeep not the yukon all right here she is our minds and our bodies are so confused right now it is currently midnight in new york but our body clock thinks it is 11 a.m so since we slept for a solid eight hours on the flight last night we are about to drive 10 hours straight from new york city to detroit michigan why are you dancing what was that for just gonna blow up boston call us crazy we'll see what happens we may get halfway and have to get a hotel we are crazy you are on the fastest route you will arrive at 9 53 a.m okay it is 4 18 a.m we are almost halfway [Music] it's light outside sun is just rising 5 22. i see the light hallelujah we may both be a little delirious at this point the travel day i've had an unbelievable amount of coffee in the last 10 hours along with a giant texas toast grilled cheese with devil bacon we may or may not have just driven 15 minutes out of the way to get a chick-fil-a chicken biscuit worth it in 150 feet turn right we made it 12 hours later 12 hours it was always supposed to take 10 hours whoa baby i feel like we've been traveling for a week we seriously have if you step back for like the whole journey that started kind of four days ago we started with a 20-hour overnight train ride halfway across vietnam and then we spent a night in a hotel and then we spent 18 out like literally 18 hours on airplanes not counting time in airports and last night at midnight we got in a car and we just drove for 12 hours what were we thinking not complaining i mean i've really enjoyed myself the whole time but it's just been crazy and we're only here for like a few days and then we turn around wait not not the overnight train we're eliminating the overnight train [Applause] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a weekend we had so much fun and now we have a 10 hour drive back to new york city gold was a gog was betting down because i got back to oregon he returned to oregon and employed the ncaa three close friends that he won questions didn't work for business a misappropriation many many hours later it's their point it is 11 p.m and i'm ready to go to bed really looking forward to getting out of life [Music] so apparently the kitchen closed an hour ago but they made us an ice cream sundae anyways with a belly full of chocolate cake we boarded our 16-hour flight back to hong kong we were completely exhausted from the big weekend and the long drive so we pretty much passed out as soon as our heads hit the seat after a good night's sleep a strong cup of coffee and some game of thrones we made our way back up to first class for another birthday party i think this is one of the craziest parties happy birthday john well we just landed in hong kong it is five in the morning and we just had cake and champagne for breakfast all right one more short flight and then we are back to where this crazy week all started i can't believe it's almost over i can't believe it's already been a week it's like the weirdest week of my life time-wise like it was so hard to keep up with here we go quite tough today 30 minutes expecting smooth conditions for most of the flight there is a bit of weather forecast uh in vietnam and also in the fell river delta uh region so to see what's on this which i've addressed in demonstration please pay your full attention another five minute i'll get back to you some update details for roblin today in the meantime please sit back relax [Music] yes [Music] ah we just got in the car [Music] god it's pushing on my butt uh my hair my hair is blowing in the wind that's not the point people don't wear headphones seriously she's not wearing something she might love it this is awkward am i focused yes we like it the chopstick that i got on the plane is so nice [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,465,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: busniess class, cathay pacific business class, cathay pacific first class, cathay pacific flight, first class, first class flght, hong kong, hong kong airport, hkg, hkg first class lounge, pier first class lounge, wing first class lounge, cathay pacific first class lounge, hkg to jfk, hkg to jfk cathay pacific, avgeek, aviation vlog, travel day, aviation, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, travel, travel couple, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog, first class review
Id: FE7t65mJjGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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