First Class OVERNIGHT TRAIN Georgia to Azerbaijan (scary border crossing)

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the customs official was not excited that we had been to Armenia do you could be with Armenia and it today was our last day in Georgia and sadly our friend Charlie left us yesterday Charlie we miss you already come back soon this evening we are jumping on an overnight train from Tbilisi to the capital of Azerbaijan Baku we're a little bit nervous on the border crossing but we'll explain that later [Music] [Applause] next a majority of this ticket is in Georgian but we think we are trained number 37 platform 1 that leaves at 8:30 maybe this is the train car number maybe this is our seat number I guess I will find turns out platform 1 is in the basement turned out it's not in the basement we're getting mixed answers from the local the best right now our train doesn't leave for 15 whole minutes and we're already we're not ready sorry couch White's oh there's a lot of buttons one down I think it's rather big oh nice it smells nice looks pretty clean we have two nice snares for Lizzy's okay all right no smoke okay so this is our home for the next 12 hours we booked a first-class cabin which means it's just this I think these are our beds I feel like normally they fold out or something but we haven't figured out how to do that yet we got a fresh bag of linens I think this might be the nicest pillow we've ever had it's like memory foam and a second mushy pillow oh look we have this big thick mattress pad no a/c yet I am sweating but there are outlets circuit charge that's okay new discoveries there's a door that closes and locks supposedly come start but there's also all these buttons this I think is the cabinet in him lights baby what do you think there's two lines meet it didn't do anything I wish this is AC I don't think it is can you do can you see this sweat dripping down my forehead it's like a spa is included a free sauna is included and we're off right on top well so as soon as the train started running the AC came on which is a blessing because I don't think I would have made it Spock I don't want to space them carry on back there like this hopefully those don't fall down and kill us in middle oh there's your storage space underneath that that probably would've been a lot easier oh let's do that again they're gonna fall in our head yeah can't believe al Carter do it against the wall it is 9:00 p.m. right now and this train will get to the Georgia Azerbaijan border sometime between 11:00 and midnight we think we thank you nothing is certain based on the Internet I think this is the most I obviously have ever been about a border crossing before so if you don't know there is some beef between Armenia and Azerbaijan you actually cannot cross the border between the two countries because there's this area of contestant land that from what we understand they both want control of which is why we had to come back to Georgia in order to go to Azerbaijan and from what we've read the Azerbaijan customs people don't like it if you've been to Armenia you can technically still get into the country so like we should be fine like everything we've done is above board but we've heard that they'll give you some trouble if you have been to our Mineo before we're just a little nervous that they're gonna ask a bunch of questions and the language barrier might make it a little tricky and we don't want to make videos I think the real issue here is that if you're in Armenia you can actually go into the conflict zone and if you've been to the conflict zone then you're not legally allowed to enter Azerbaijan so I think we'll get a lot of questions about what we did in Armenia which was not go to the conflicted area but what if we can't communicate and what if they're scary and me now we wait for two hours okay we are only an hour into the ride this is all happening a lot faster than we thought the cabin attendant just knocked on our door made us leave it open and just said customs I just never say the whole slingers nothing's happened yet I don't think this is gonna be good I think it's just a Georgian [Music] theythey the PlayStation it's hot again Oh honey so the georgian customs official disappeared with our passport about thirty minutes ago and they turn the train off and i don't mean to be a complainer but it must be a hundred degrees in here I'm just sweating so much sweat so it's been almost an hour since they took our passports and I'm assuming that they've taken everybody else's Passport on the train because they turned to trade off it got really hot inside and now everybody else is just hanging out outside the train waiting I guess to get our passports back I'm not sure if we're stamping out of Georgia and into Azerbaijan right now or if we're just leaving Georgia oh who we're doing both since we voted away for an hour don't they get back on the train paestum swarms total sleep from what I think I understood from our cabinets in that we will be at the border of Azerbaijan in ten minutes to go through customs thanks I think we've just arrived the border this is where things could get interesting she doesn't seem too concerned [Music] this stamp means we're in Azerbaijan did you say that we're Azerbaijan Azerbaijan its Azerbaijan Azerbaijan it turns out what I read on the internet was correct the customs official was not excited that we had been to Armenia it was so scary he came in our room they said yes roses next question why of water and I said tourism and he said do you agree with that are many of no reason why and they said I don't know it just it did seem like the right answer I knew there was a dispute I don't know the details of the dispute to know who I agree with would have figured the guy - I did not want me to agree with Erminia and then we had to go into a separate room like they took one of these rooms over in right now and like set it up is it like a little office you did our picture with the camera gave us the stamp he asked me if I spoke brush Pollan all is a pain painless process he was a pretty intimidating man and then we met some other soldiers at the end who were super nice people not near as intimidating is the one customs guy and now we're moving in the AC is back and it is 12:30 and we were gonna try to get some sleep toilet this means flush and another shower not the words that fit in but not best believe now time to make our beds which one's the light [Music] [Music] good morning it's 8 o'clock and I slept like a baby last night I don't know if I was just really tired or if this is just a really smooth train and there's a hot water machine just like on a Trans Siberian we heat up coffee we should be to Baku in about an hour from the looks of the window it looks like a dryer desert knee Arminia good morning good morning miss sheets uncle to them to nudists but she's scared okay [Applause] [Music] and 13 hours later we have arrived in Baku it is absolutely crazy how quickly it went from like desert nothingness to this huge modern city it's so easy okay we just have to find our way to our Airbnb which we think should be closed well pretty sure we found our Airbnb based on this big 11 that's up on the wall but we've tried contacting our host and he is nowhere to be found so we're standing out in the Baku heat melting [Applause] got our host just waved at a random guy he seemed like he was excited to see us ah we've finally made it to our home for the next 24 hours our Airbnb host was a very interesting guy he made sure to take us around to all the faucets and show us that the water worked in each one of them I've never had that happen before never know you're gonna get but we're going to end this vlog here because we only have one full day in baku because we're living in the morning so if you want to see us explore the city watch the next one also we just realised that this is our 80th country yeah only 20 more to go be sure to like this video and leave a comment down below subscribe our train at the leaf circle yeah an hour let's see how this looks do we still look orange I'll remember this and I'm writing that review I don't really leave really nice service it's really bad I'm just hot hungry
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 5,093,868
Rating: 4.8546844 out of 5
Keywords: first class train cabin, first class train, overnight train first class, overnight train ride, tbilisi, tbilisi georgia, overnight train, border crossing, georgia to azerbaijan, tbilisi to baku, train vlog, azerbaijan to georgia border crossing, azerbaijan to georgia border crossing illegal, georgia to azerbaijan train, tbilisi to baku night train, first class train travel, travel vlog, sleeper train, armenia azerbaijan, armenia azerbaijan border, georgia azerbaijan border
Id: 2BVWfbXIGxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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