Crazy Karens Who Already Ruined 2021

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

She a karen too πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moroccanprince1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
i stopped because it was the right thing to do the right thing was to do was not hit me with your car hello friends it's me your favorite french youtuber back at it again but today we're going karen hunting this principal came yelling at some skaters do we go here my job is to get you off the campus this is the beginning that's the securities job your principal my job you know what get off the campus i don't go here you can no longer hurt me everybody knows the latter you scream the more likely you'll win the argument i'ma warn you now this is one of the worst cairns i've ever seen it's a drive through karen i'm gonna hand you i will hand you because you're not letting me out that's unsafe so the person waiting in front of her is waiting for their food and she's trying to get out of the drive-through she could just go around him but she's like no my driving abilities said no you're gonna have to get out of the way so i can move you're not letting me out i feel unsafe i will ram your car she's saying she will ram his car if he doesn't move keep in mind look look how much space she has between her car and the other car they got a whole car of space you just turn the steering wheel and go very simple a toddler would be able to do it right now you're being the aggressor no ma'am i'm letting you need to stop practicing i feel like you're not okay go back to your career there's so much space for her to go around right and then other people get involved they're blocking my way out of here you told them i could not get out of here without them going so this is gonna be amazing guys this is gonna be amazing it's gonna be amazing y'all holding up the drive through i'm just trying to get my mcflurry bro all right here she is she gets in the car hit one i can't believe this woman right now she even hit the car that she said she was gonna hit she hit the poor person waiting for their chicken nuggies in the back at the window who gave this woman a license who let her drive a car she really got in there and said spongebob florida oh man this was negative 500 iq play right here just this is horrible i can't believe there's people this dumb roaming the streets freely we got half of them right the other half are wrong this is the third try to get these burgers i am really angry i got all the way home karen was mad her burgers were cold got all the way home came back threw them at the employee and was like i had to come all the way back here because they were cold like bro can't you like throw them in the microwave for like five seconds so some karen's think the whole math thing got something to do with rights or whatever so you're refusing me service when i'm wearing this on my face okay really she said really like i'm wearing the american flag on my face and you're refusing me service like how dare you that is tantamount to treason there's going to be a lot of lawsuits over this so that's fine okay okay refusing services it is not a law you're all sheep and you're all idiots keep in mind she's recording this and posted it like she did something that people are going to agree with her it is not a law yes it's toxic to breathe in carbon dioxide the whole time in a mask it's toxic to breathe in other people's germs and spit particles but go off oh so they're also recording her you nasty you are so nasty i'm just waiting for the day somebody try this with me woman you look stupid pack it up y'all don't want my service i'm taking this to the ups tell me why she look like this girls peacoat karen here backed up into a person in the parking lot this is what she had to say i need to file a police report i'll call i'm calling right now i'm calling the police right now so she hit somebody and now she's calling the police i was walking across and because i didn't go fast enough for her she hit me with a park like look look my leg was like this she hit up this leg yeah she hit my leg with her car and then she tried to leave and when she saw the security yell at her then that's when she stopped no i stopped so i came i came and i got her yeah you did you did you did that's exactly what you did i stopped let's remember i stopped because it was the right thing to do the right thing was to do was not hit me with your car wow can't argue with that i can't even imagine like you hit somebody with your car you are done so you screwed so she was like oh i was a nice person i didn't just drive away i mean she tried but then the security stopped her but she's like oh you know what with the goodness in my heart uh i'll stop and we can actually deal with this ma'am you going to jail we got this karen in the bank who surprise surprise did not want to wear a mask because i will take this all the way i am going now to court to fight masks and you are not going to tell me what to do stand six feet away from me and do your social no more more you want to be safe stand six feet away from me okay that's it give me your card with your name because this branch is gonna hear your name you're gonna become famous do it now i know you work at the city bank but you're gonna be famous because my court case is gonna go to the supreme court i don't wanna wear a mask i'm gonna sue the whole entire country for making me wear a mask how dare you little does karen know she about to be the one to be famous or at least the back of her head is but now you work for me i do not work for you i've been a customer since 1990. i can't believe she acted like she got some special privilege for being a customer at a bank where her whole entire seven dollars in her checking account stand six feet away from me okay that's it give me your card with your name because this branch is gonna hear your name you're gonna become famous do it now do it now you will work for me i do not work for you i've been a customer since 1990 were you born then shame on you you're very lucky she's not here because she knows me well your boss count your days count your days count your days count your names what this is giving you the right to be a bully because you're brainwashed i'm a scientist now she's a scientist ah this is good this is good not to flex or anything but i took a chemistry class in high school does that also make me a scientist don't make me wear your man are you crazy are you trying to kill me what happens if you have corona are you did you just say you're trying to kill me i want to know because we're on camera did you just suggest for me to wear your dirty mask because i think you did give me your name and your number now oh they offered her a mask they were like ma'am since you don't have one here you can have one here put this on people get offended for absolutely no reason and it's like insane to me but also somebody in my family is exactly like this and i literally cannot take them out anywhere so i understand i understand very well i never knew scientists could be so dumb they went mass all the time i can't believe this i just want verification that the only way for me to get a refund on those crispy chicken sandwiches that are not edible it's for you to do a refund which will take three to five possibly seven to ten business days for me to get a credit back and then for you to recharge me so basically charging me sixty dollars for food that's not edible wait wait wait wait wait we're at the burger king she ordered two chicken sandwiches and she's like saying it cost like 60 or something like bro so many people go into fast food and they like try to get a refund for something like for insane reasons like oh this is inedible i didn't really like this chicken sandwich or i took one bite and then i realized i wasn't worth the two dollars that i paid for it but now she's trying to get a refund for like what sixty dollars you guys should not have to charge me sixty dollars i don't i don't care if you wanna be recorded i don't wanna be recorded peace out i want a refund on those those are not edible i have more over there that i have spit out she's telling me the only way for you guys to refund me on that is to give me a refund on my card which will take three five seven ten business days and for you guys to charge my card again which would be a 60 cr a 60 hole basically for burger king oh no it's 60 hold on burger king where did she get this kind of money from we ain't having a family dinner at the red lobster like his face says it all like well i don't even know what you talking about so these girls are trespassing on private property keep walking yeah we come here to have a swim in pace and pace and peace you know nothing says peace like some good all screaming the woman filming actually lives there after we [ __ ] dance today girl that is a little too close you all have to take a step back what flavor of white claw does she smell like you want to touch me you touch me you talk to me when you haven't picked a fight with somebody in exactly 48 hours and it's time to blow up again bro this girl crazy she said that camera flying into orbit y'all remember this costco karen she's probably my favorite the way she just loves the camera it just works for her she didn't want to wear a mask at costco say cheese you're in costco not wearing your mask refusing to wear your mess yes call the police she just loves the camera very charming bro we got all the time in the world come on instead of arguing one kissing the camera whatever giving me all this content you could just put your mask on and avoided all of this no we here and sniper wolf's video now do you understand science better than you do maybe apparently i'm the one protecting other people by wearing a mask i'm sorry she's a doctor bro we got the scientist before and now we have a doctor karen wow y'all are really rising in this world imagine a doctor not wanting to wear a mask also girl doctor of what i'm sorry ma'am drinking a dr pepper does not make you a doctor i want to see your credentials pull them out if you're a doctor let's see him so you can go away with your phone and you can figure out what you need to do with your life i can't imagine being a grown woman like 40 years old i'm a doctor like without busting down in tears laughing like not even a snicker she's like are you a doctor i'm a doctor the reason we want you to wear a mask is to protect you bro bill nye said it bill nye said it if this ain't the most credible face in science then i i don't know what is but the main reason we want you to wear a mask is to protect me from you and the particles from your respiratory system from getting into my respiratory system this man speak nothing but facts but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the worst karen you guys enjoyed and want more make sure that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click add subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,149,397
Rating: 4.9433589 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, karens, karen
Id: Hqciu_BhoWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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