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dark forces have claimed the Kings sword are you ready for the challenge Miley boy yes are you ready Molly are you ready yeah did me to fall off the edge of it that was kind of that was the plan we need to climb up to these blocks over here yeah Cowabunga bro come on son hold my hand grasp my hand has that feel really oily did you put like Vesely I just I didn't clean after I jacked off Oh daughter company laid their fellow something just hit depends on my computer you look like a Danny trying to a wall or something like that you just do you want a checkpoint oh wait let me put one on grab me hand son don't carry over here it's gonna be a stretch really oh I don't know how this fellow has that checkpoint going for you oh we got another play oh he's coming for us go ahead go ahead she's coming for us guy all right come on yeah take my hand he's coming for saving stranger he's gonna kill us oh out here oh yes say my head is coming first yes right yes can you bring this son no dude he's okay there is all right come on Josh he's had to start again he had to start again good he'll never catch us oh I'm never gonna do this we're never going to do this one how the did I get stuck down here where are you just look I'm stuck where are you do you have the same tape on only members from Hogwarts can wear this cape what the dude look down there oh we're gonna dig and punch that kid and then we're gonna make a break for it okay hey kid take my hand take my hand kid punch it punch it melon i got him i got that swamp ass ready this is going to be all right everyday the jumping that was on your back well you did a pair the 12 is gone oh too faded Mountain you this is actually super tall claw me yeah hell I stopped for break even an experienced masturbator like mean this is really putting a little stress I've been climbing for forty five minutes goddamn it six hours later [Music] ah oh dude I made it I some say a few pixels down there I think you're one of them I'm coming literally in my pants just like a giant diving board at the end he knocked me out before Josh but now it's my time bringing on Harry Potter you is that I swear you picked the hardest levels man I'm gonna get this kid off yeah Kim goodbye trickle Han oh hey kid get my hand demand I'll help you up yeah I'll help you out Flynn come in to me quick ready yeah you want a hand or not oh that's what I thought oh you never getting this little black son here's what we're gonna do my lead boy okay I'm gonna get the out of my mom oh good good guy I'm holding on to it Oh frosted Oh all right so damn sudden oh yeah oh just give me two seconds my kid is no get away Kid what's this what the ready Molly boy one final jump are you ready for the final yes no what the is this oh I think this is when we have to lie actually step from side to side alright good guy son Oh what the okay band strength do the thing oh I believe in you did I believe in you Mowen yeah listen to me listen to me obviously I'm loosening you know how far back our adventures guy you know how much you'll know what I think of you don't you hey not like that I'm sorry oh whoa Sorry Sorry okay you go duh can wait doesn't wait doesn't wait yeah yeah yeah that yeah suck my motorboat kisses kiss me back yes here we go here we go run the final stretch yes yes dude it like jumps it's a lot like it like gonna have to duck it have to duct-tape slime in hey Doc do you want me to get this I got this you got this [Music] oh this is the problem with me oh you got a Crouch got here with my victorious shafts
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 2,364,732
Rating: 4.9235482 out of 5
Keywords: climbey, josh, joshdub, mullen, climb vr, vr climbing, funny vr, climbey multiplayer, climbey coop, climby
Id: 9I2h-beJ_CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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