Craziest Chess Game... Ever? | Fabiano Caruana vs. Teimour Radjabov, Chessable Masters

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i'm about to show you the craziest game of chess  you've ever seen okay give me 10 minutes of your   time i promise i'll deliver this happened  between fabiano carawana and timura jabba   chesable masters day four second  to last round let's get into it   so we have a king's indian defense and fabiano  goes for this h3 castle's knight ge2 variation   as early as move 8 we reach a position that has  never been reached before in a king's indian   which is already insane because the king's indian  has hundreds of thousands of games if not millions   if you don't count the ones that are played in  the database knight d7 castles in b5 and e5 so   timur is looking for breaks right he's looking for  pawn breaks in the center and on the queen side   while his development is still getting underway  fabiano's got this kind of unique setup normally   that g3 knight is uh standing on f3 but already  very unique territory the first trade occurs   on move 11 12 it fixes the central structure and  fabiano will begin to target these queen side   pawns to try to uh accelerate his development on  the queen side whereas the guy who's playing the   king's indian defense is going to be looking to  make an f5 pawn break okay all of these things   are going to occur generally in in a traditional  king's indian style uh white attacks the queen   side black attacks on the king side and we'll  see what happens it's not too crazy just yet   but watch so knight c5 bishop c2 98 preparing  this f5 move and now fabiano stops it   by not even addressing it he plays b4 so  obviously the knight is hanging you can't   play it anymore knight d7 now blocks the bishop  so he plays a4 as i said he's going to try to   use pawn breaks on the queen side to accelerate  his development takes takes and after rook b8 b5   accelerating further knight c5 comes back now he  doesn't want to make this trade although it kind   of looks appealing because you get a past pawn  because his dark squared bishop is frankly very   strong uh and in in allowing this capture he'll  allow black to plant the knight on that square   once the pawn takes back on c5 so fabiano instead  again continues to focus on that side of the board   as far as even trading off his bishop knight c5  rook takes and there's nowhere very convenient   to put this bishop sarah java brings it back to  c8 the of course the idea of course not being to   reset the board for the next game but to focus on  that break f5 fabiano now has no way to stop it   and plays rook a7 he understands that f5 is  coming and he wants to have a dominant rook   on the seventh rank f5 now you should not be  allowing this because then you would first   of all lose a piece but let's say that wasn't  even the case you're just allowing black very   rapid king side play so what fabi does is he  takes first now black to continue his initiative   needs to play pawn takes f5 and he's got this  but this pawn used to cover the h5 square and   fabiano immediately takes advantage of that  looking to trade off the very powerful uh   king's indian bishop now of course well since  it's protected timor would just continue with   his initiative here right no he plays bishop h8  and ladies and gentlemen let me just say something   this is the craziest position i've ever seen  i've been playing chess for almost 20 years i've   probably played close to half a million chess  games this is insane black has all the pieces   on the back rank it looks like he's playing  chess 960 except not really uh because i guess   the king would need to be between the rooks  but we can just say that he already castled   and yet the evaluation of this  position is slightly better for black   what so fabiano plays queen f3 f4  bishop back and now timor says buddy   my king is wide open but i'm actually the one  attacking his bishop is lined up his queen's lined   up his knight's about to join the party and watch  how timor assembles all his forces knight g3 now   this can't be taken because of the pin queen g6  94 knight g7 now fabiano continues to focus on the   queen side h5 king h2 knight f5 so we see timor in  beautiful king's indian fashion coordinating his   pieces sets up long-term attacks we see knight  h4 is probably coming in a second so he needs   to play queen d3 to get out of the way of this  move otherwise that would have been devastating   now bishop g7 and fabiano says you know what i  actually don't think i have anything on the queen   side let me go back to g1 and maybe i'm going  to set up g3 and open up my own counter attack   nope timor shuts that right down with the move  h4 and these pawns lock down the g3 square keep   an eye on that g3 square because we're going to  get some really exciting stuff there in a moment   92 bringing the knight back to defend and now rook  b7 so what does this move and this move have have   to do with each other well rook b7 is offering a  trade uh of white's most active piece that rook on   a7 is the only real menace that is in the position  and for good reason fabiano plays rookie continues   to put pressure on the black position but this  move in this move have to do with attacking the   king how because when this trade does not occur  the rook now transfers itself over to double up   on the f-file okay that's how those two moves  are related it just shows the beauty and   really the cohesiveness of the position in a  pure king's indian defense fashion so bishop   before fabiano focuses on the one weakness in  black's position between h6 which we'll see why   this move even happened in a second rook c1 to  hit the bishop the bishop has to move rook a6   to stockpile pressure it looks like white is what  there's no way to defend that i mean it looks like   white is about to break through not so fast f3  the door is opened the knight is hit the pawn is   hit the rook is is is in the queen sights fabiano  needs to respond to this move by playing bishop d2   counter attacking the queen you know what he  should have played according to the computer   absolute insanity is what he should have played  g takes f3 knight d4 opening up the rooks   brook takes d6 anyway rook takes f3 rook  takes queen rook takes queen this is hanging   this is hanging that's hanging bishop f8 king  takes rook d6 hitting the bishop knight takes   knight rook c2 two pieces hanging in the position  rook h3 from black king g2 and knight f4 check and   in this position after king g1 black plays the  very very calm king to e8 defending the bishop   and supposedly the position is in the balance   after bishop d2 queen h5 g takes f3 remember  i told you to keep an eye on that square yeah   knight g3 and taking this would be way too  dangerous because that would open up a check   and the queen and the bishop would roll in on  h3 and white would be in huge trouble so fabian   at time trouble finds the only move that holds  it holds h3 it holds f3 timor has been stopped   nope no he hasn't rook takes f3 anyway the attack  is still in full force knight takes rook takes   check and block and in this position the queen is  hanging but it's kind of hard to take it because   that rook is also covering the f6 square and that  would be a night fork of the king and the queen so   it's kind of a fake threat if you will and this  queen needs to maintain defense of the rook at   all times in this position again mr beep beep boop  gives this takes takes check here takes takes on   d2 and bishop h3 and the position again chaotic  but still in the balance but fabiano plays bishop   h6 which is not a bad move because obviously this  would still be hanging and then you would add the   queen to the attack but after knight takes e4 he  blunders he blunders in astounding fashion here   he apparently was supposed to take take and then  play rook g1 but he misses uh he he he mixes up   his move order he plays rook g1 first which allows  the black king to go to h7 and all of a sudden   all of black's pieces are correctly set up  because even though you can take with check   bishop f5 comes and uh oh the queen is hit  and so is this and how are you gonna stop   mate well fabiano thought for a while  here and chose to sacrifice his queen   if he had let's say moved his queen i  don't know there then after check here   check here there is mate you just made  it so he decides to sacrifice his queen   check king g2 takes here and now the moment  of truth what queen check do you give white   and what is the difference between the  two of them you can pause the video   try to decide for yourself let me tell you  timur chose incorrectly the correct one is   queen f3 which in many ways is far more natural  if king h2 then obviously you take and you're just   winning here first of all if king h3 you have  bishop f5 but you can also just take the rook   the other thing about queen f3 is if the king  takes the pawn you take you fork these but here   there is one brilliant variation which might have  been overlooked rogue g3 you give a check now   the rook cannot block because queen f4 would be  devastating so king g4 and really this is just   an absolutely astounding solution to this position  it's a checkmate net you don't continue to check   the king you take away the king's only escape  square by playing the absolutely beautiful king g6   there is no check to be given to this king the  rook can't check him this rook can't check him   and bishop f5 is just an unavoidable it's just  an unavoidable fate excuse me not bishop f5 uh   bishop f5 in a specific circumstance but mostly  queen h5 is the threat um and then you would just   be taking away all the squares from the king so  ouch ouch but in the game rojaba played queen f5   and after rook g4 the final saving move from  fabiano you cannot play a move like bishop f3   because after rook a7 is perpetual  it's perpetual the king can't escape   check if king moves you go back and if this then  actually you lose because of rook f8 rook a8   and if king f7 rook of f8 unbelievable just simply  i told you this is the craziest game maybe ever   and after king h4 now the  difference is the king gets away   and there is no king g6 and the player's  repeated moves queen f5 king h4 queen f2 check i don't really know what much what  much else i can say about this game   let me know your thoughts let me know if you think  this is the craziest game that you've ever seen   let me know if you have a better one but i had  to share this game with you guys unbelievable   stuff the king's indian is an insane opening and  it brings just absolutely beautiful attacking   chess on two sides of the board and leads to just  just marvelous chaos hope you enjoyed the video   and uh i look forward to seeing you on the live  commentary today is the rest day but it will   resume tomorrow myself and women's grandmaster  chiu jo over on our twitch channels take care
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 33,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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