Cracking the hardest LOCKED SAFE to discover what's inside!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to boxes lost fragment now this is from the guys that brought us that doors's Paradox game it's their seel and basically you're sort of trying to unlock various different boxes but it's also it's also like a bit of a excape room puzzle game type thing so on this we have we have a jar with a mask in it we have this box so we can zoom in on the box we can look at the Lock and we can say right undo that please we can then lift that up and in here we found a folded key so if we inspect this key we can flip it around and you can see up here there's there's a little switch we can spin so if we do that it unfolds to reveal a key so we've taken the key then if we zoom out and have a little look around the back of this mask thing yeah look there there's a mechanism to be solved so what I'm thinking we do that down then we can bring that in and that in then if we do that we can bring that side to the middle and then spin it back around that way so I can slide that one in nice and then that will reveal a keyhole so we grab the key shove it in the keyhole and then give it a spin and that should unlock the mask yes let's grab the mask it's basically a hard hat for your face so we will take that and put that on our face and then we'll see what the game has for us uh what's what's happening all the windows are being slammed shut and the door oh and the pedestal is being taken back down there okay what do I do now okay so now we're just in the I guess we've got we got this to go look at what's going on here we got numbers we've got I can see some gears like underneath I reckon we're going to probably have to shove something in the middle of that so let's go have a look around the room now this is proper turned like into an escape room type thing the first game you're just you're just like unlocking safes so over this way we've got a knight there so we can zoom in oh what's going on with his shield anything good not really sure zoom out I can I can zoom in to the these sides so we got a big old grandfather clock can I open that yes I can can pull that down o that's bringing something up ooh okay so probably got to shove something in there as well what's over to the right we've got a blue thing take the blue thing it's a token oh wow oh wow so we now have this token as an item so is that what goes in the clock oh no I don't know actually it doesn't seem to be the right shape I reckon actually if we head back over to this thing yes it goes in there and now that oh that's gone up to initium oh which means we've unlocked a door over this way so this is the first box we need to go unlock let's go have a look so oh here we go so we're yeah we're unlocking like boxes like treasure chests this time rather than random doors so that last place was probably just like the the sort of like level select thing oh this is so I really missed this game I actually really enjoyed the first one we got a padlock there going to need a key and what have we got down here this is okay something to go on the top probably anyway what's around the back we've got like a sort of a clock face oh I can spin oh I can spin that okay where do we want that to go the circle around the edge doesn't seem to line up with anything although actually there's a circle there ah okay we'll come back to that we'll come back I've had a fiddle what have we got down here we've got like a little lock thing so just slid that now I can see inside I can give them a spin o hello hello what's that bring that down we can now slide that to the right so that o has unlocked a compartment then pull that in so we can open that oh yeah we can lift that up okay and that has revealed this key nice so to the keyhole which was over here the padlock so shove the key in give it a turn padlock unlocked let's get these open and in here we have a mechanical disc so I'm pretty sure that goes would it be on here that would make sense to me no it doesn't it does not perhaps then that's what goes h on top does that go on top maybe no it doesn't go on top oh there is this at the front though is that anything to do with anything I mean I imagine so as I'm zoomed into it we zoom into this as well there's like there's a proper Globe spinning there I Wonder has this around the back got something to do with the way it spins H looking at the front not entirely sure let's go back up to the top again I'm just wondering these I can spin these okay so spin it around like that ooh so I reckon I got to put something in there and then drop it down can I put this in there no I can't oh actually actually does that go in there no it doesn't oh doesn't go in there no oh one I need to do I need to actually inspect these don't I yeah I forgot about this so I can I can spin the innards so that it sort of makes sense so if I spin that to point upwards and do that yes okay so now we have a mechanical disc that actually works so where was it yeah over this way I think now I can shove it on there you can see it's got a cog so that goes in that spins around and oh we've got some sort of Bolt there so let's unbolt that oh my goodness so we have a metal sphere now I have a feeling that might go in this thing up the top yes oh there it is oh it's an eye it's a weird eye so now I can spin and drop that in and that should do something I mean it's it's like powered it on oh my goodness it's glowing it is glowing so I guess that means I can now spin these a bit question is what am I trying to do with these oh look as I move it can you see that's gone over that hole so I think as you move these over holes it sort of it turns them on or off so if I just try and get an angle like that that's on those four and then this one the outside one I can just move down to there oh yes we're in oh and what is that it's like the strongest shape this could be a really hard lock to unlock okay so what have we got here we've got some sort of buttony thing which I can press but it doesn't do anything um we can also spin it around oh to reveal some like symbols so now to embarrass myself cuz I can't remember what any symbols are called we've got an Omega or upside down Omega maybe we got a W to the right we got the 69 on the left nice and then we got blonde hair down the bottom okay if we go back to look at this I've got to get that blond oh there you go that blonde hair down the bottom if I put all of these out can I then rotate it a there you go your button press rotate so blonde hair down the bottom oh then if I move that in and press the buttons ah that allows me to rotate okay so I want W on the right so that can come in over that way they're in the right place so I think if I slide them all out and then then do I press or do I bring them all in maybe I bring them all in actually yes there we go there we go so that lowers that down which oh who is that oh we just went like through the door that was weird but I guess we take we take this thing or is this oh it's another puzzle there's so many puzzles so we do that so we can open the doors and what is this a strange Compass so we better have a look at the compass always look at the things that you get so don't think it actually does anything this one but uh good to know looks like it goes on something so if we just back out now out back all the way out where can we shove this ah in there surely that looks like a spot for a compass o so it stopped it stopped in a place oh no look I can move it oh I can move oh is it saying like closer so down yeah keep going down this way we are moving the right direction now we're getting cooler now so I think that's the right line we then go right no we go left we go to that start yes so that's like that's revealed a terrifying bear oh my goodness so if we take that that is the bare sigil figure so we're then out of the door and we're back into the room into the next portal so let's go so we're back to another box that we've got to try and unlock oh this is so cool this is like watching one of those like you know those YouTube videos where they try and crack saves or like puzzle safes this is like that right so there's what we've got like cogs and gears on the inside we got oh there's a cog down the back oh look O Let's uh spin those around so I can open that door I guess yes hello what's in the door more cogs and gears and stuff oh I can slide that down oh that's ooh okay that's good to know when I pull that down this starts spinning so probably need to shove something on there that will get stuff moving right down here we have a bit of a handle going on if I pull that up we have a drawer and in the drawer as that flops around what do we have oh nothing we can look at interestingly okay so I think that's probably locked for now then down here there seems to be another another door handle can't move that one oh there you go so basically that just says this is load nonsense there's no point reading this unless you're into LW so we'll ignore that and we'll carry on what we were doing we got a stack of books over it so yep get rid of that one we don't want that Bo don't want that one Bo don't want that one oh but this one we do want book okay I should probably actually have a look at like what's going on aside from the cogs on the inside we've got like a clock face on the front we got some sort of handle down that side and then on the top oh we can see the innards so if we zoom into the top oh look we can unscrew this hello o o what's that it's a small handle okay I like where this is going I like where this is going honestly I'm going to try this side for now I think if I pull that down oh man this game's so cool so we've done that we can probably I was going to say we could probably slide them do I need the handle to do that yes okay so handle goes in then we can move that down to reveal various different patterns okay what sort of pattern are we trying to are we trying to show are they actually are they different actually no I think they're the same right so what if we just do that to the bottom then oh no I can't do the other one I can't take my handle out okay we got to find another handle I think that's what we're doing now all right anything we can do with this face we can oh we can move the hand we can change it so it's Paddy's dinner time you'd love that oh I can spin those around I can can spin this thing at the back okay there's quite a lot going on there actually have a look at my book the front of it is quite similar maybe or maybe not um oh I can I can move that though that's unlocked it so let's open it up oh there another handle we found a small handle okay I know where that goes so back down this side we shove the handle into that and then we can push this to the other side I imagine there's like an open one somewhere so if I just go over by one then scroll up and down oh there it is found it straight away B metal disc I might have a look in all of them actually just to make sure I don't miss anything so nothing there nothing in that one nothing in the end one okay cool that's good anyway this object we got it's a metal disc does it do anything oh there's a hole in the back oh it's got M on the bottom for mat right where can we shove a metal disc I reckon on this thing right so go B oh it didn't work it didn't work well that's disappointing oh I tell you what though down here that is a button if I press it yeah it stopped it stopped that moving meaning I could get this mechanical wheel so yeah I reckon that then is what goes on this box so mechanical wheel go on there then I can give that a spin so I can get into the drawer and then we have a handle so the handle has like a star thing on the back does that mean it might go into there no into there no does this go into there though yes it does then I can slide that on top and that o goes all the way down to unclog that oh and that's revealed where I put this handle nice game okay let's go down to there and shove the handle in the star one and I reckon as I as I twist this it will yeah the thing on the bottom that is going to unlock and reveal Oh I thought it would reveal all of it I can't quite get my hand in there do I keep going or not seeing a hole in the middle oh there we go there we go stop in the right place nice so that oh that's a scary man well he is terrifying what can we do with you we can spin you around and you got something in your back a small key let's check there's nothing else with them no okay so small key probably goes is that a keyhole down the bottom I think it might be so we shove that in yes and we give this a turn what did that to oh oh oh my goodness is it just me or is everyone else in like another strong shape here like that can't just be me spinning around like that anyway what do we do with this I'm getting very dizzy watching that oh there's a button down the bottom so do I need to oh yeah look so if I time it right oh it's like loading gems into it so Bo can you see I'm like filling the outer ring with gems so I just got to time it B oh this is cool oh I missed so yeah last Gem and I think I've just solved a puzzle that required hand eye coordination even though I'm in my late 30s now technically so oh what is that something just fell from the ceiling we can look into it um so if I pull that down oh what does that do it zooms in a bit then oh I can spit oh hello oh so that just Zooms in and out okay so oh is that a time we've got to try and copy Oh look The Man's moving I don't like that why is the man oh he's got weird stuff on his head he's got a head tattoo oh it's the it's the 69 symbol thing oh look there's another symbol there okay so I'm just looking for like all those symbols there's loads of symbols was going on there but yeah that's like that was like a devil Fork one wasn't it we got devil Fork we got 69 under his hat I'm not sure if like the clock is needed let's just check the time so it is sort of like 13 minutes to 6 about the time Paddy would be asking for his dinner to be fair so oh should I change this clock to do that so if I go back to like there is and then that one to like there is then oh look I can move this so that's the 69 symbol and then can I move this one to the devil Fork is there a devil for there it is yes oh genius oh I feel so clever even though like it's not really me being clever it's the game being clever but the game made me feel clever thank you game so if we click on that we have the ornate hourglass oh a very snazzy piece of engineering oh it's got like a oh it's a bug it's a bug's butt filled with sand anyway we finished that level we're now into the next door we got the bear we got the bug what's going to be next o look at this box it's like marble finish blooming L this is well smart so what do we have going looks like it's got a face on the back two eyes are like a straight mouth all right let's have a look at the eyes do the eyes do anything no they oh yes I do I can slide them out the way to open and they are door handles yes we got a key okay that was a nice early win there um I guess we look in this chest for now this is like a little perfume box or something we can shove the key in it perhaps yes we can give it a swivel there we go so open that up and we have the Holy Hand Grenade The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch I the ornate sphere so what do we do with the ornate sphere up on the top we got like a shield thing that needs to go in there that's worth remembering um oh over this side can I slide those yeah oh I reckon I got to slide it so the middle lines up and then it will unlock the doors there we go there we go then in here we've got some colorful like flowers going on H anyway this side we haven't looked at yet that's a bit of a bit of a circle I can't shove a sphere in there can I no I can't I reckon I will be able to if I can open it though oh I'll tell you something I should do I nearly forgot again have a look at the sphere so it's got like a gem underneath oh look I can move I can slide those oh do you think I need to slide them so it matches where the gem is on top so that one goes down this one goes down cuz there's no gem up there this one goes up then that one goes up that one goes down yes it's opened so it's now a tool I turned an ornate sphere into one of my editors so what do I'm sorry it's just so easy to abuse them I'm sorry so where do we shove our tool um can I have a look at it what shape is it it's sort of a oh it's a hexun they're the best of guns not entirely sure where that goes I have noticed though look oh this corner oh this corner has some gems and I can spin these so if I do that o oi o oi what's in here then ah little drawer oh another little bug a ladybug they're called ladybugs or lady Birds I think they're called lady Birds anyway we'll take that mechanical ladybug so we'll have a look presumably I can open the wings somehow if I press its eyeballs not what if I I don't know maybe I need to put it on something so would that fit over over that perhaps no it's not going to go up there is it no and the tool doesn't go up there either no it doesn't all right let's just have a look check we haven't missed oh look we have missed something down here is that somewhere a tool could go no or a ladybug no okay I don't know what it is it is some sort of drawer I just don't know how to open it and by the way if you do get stuck on this there is a hint thing I might actually use it now just cuz well I just want to see like how it works and oh that's what the mask does you put that mask on oh it's telling me where to look I think so it's saying up there is something funky all right let's get rid of that oh I can spin that cuz it's gripped and there's a pink button I can slide over and that's unlock the middle which has a hole for my tool so shove my tool in there presumably give it a spin and then that is coming out oh we got colors we have seen those colors before so we've just got to oh there you go they're on the right so we just got to match so green down the bottom botom red on the right so all did oh man okay there's quite a lot going on there red on the right is it something like that I think it is yes it is that has worked I can't believe I actually remembered that that looking but yeah we can take this now the small Shield head to the roof where we can shove it in the middle of that flower pop and then that has opened up this so we've got oh bling out okay so we got a button I think all I got to do is spin one like that spin that one twice and then when I close it up Diamond oh I'm too good for this I am too good for this even though I had to use a hint a few seconds ago all right and there I reckon they're probably the leg spacings for a little ladybird so we'll shove that in that gets spun and eaten by the box and then the Box ooh the box is changing it's shifting to a brand new puzzle I'm loving how long these are by the way the last one like there was only like a few minutes to solve each one but uh this is this is quite in depth right what what do we have here we've got like we can spin that oh I'm making a little path for it am I so if I do that down he goes over to there then I can spin that around so he's over to that side so that's basically a bridge and you know what that means we need a bridge review it's a bridge that I'm probably not going to be able to show again cuz you can only do things once in this game once you've done them but using an instant replay you can see the bridge lows from the ceiling it spins around so the ladybird can get to the other side there's a wall in the middle meaning we cannot actually use it more than once as well as these handles don't work more than once so as it's only a one use bridge I can only give this a 2.1 out of 10 Bridge review and by the way don't forget to head to real civil to check out the bridge review shirt and do your own 100% authentic Bridge reviews anyway back to this I imagine these buttons do they oh I can drag down I can make a little staircase so it goes to there I can then go up and then he can go through the little door oh that was cool right oh work we're on WE onun to this side so he's pressed that oh he's getting he's just got like a little treasure gone into his back he's continuing around that way then over this side right what's going on here we've got this that can be oh that can be rotated what does that do that's like a little staircase that's like a little lift and then yeah the staircase is underneath so if I spin that to there we can get up to this point so that's cool I think he stops there and then I can just spin back to get the thing that I put up the lift to there and then I can slide this across over to that way oh man this is cool all right so then you can see the little lady bird heading around there gets over to this point presses a button goes down the leftt appears at the bottom which means it should have a nice little treasure for us oh thank you it's an ow figure looks more like like a Viking's face like two eyes a nose and a beard anyway we'll take that back to our room and then I think for now guys we may have to leave that there if you want to check out more of this game I'm well up for playing more of this so let me know in the comments and of course Boo the like button to uh help the old algorithm show this to more people but uh hopefully catch you next time assuming everyone enjoyed this video for now I'll say peace love and oh don't you want to know what's in this treasure chest for next time I know you do bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 234,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Id: m2A02N5PWdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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