Cracking the UNCRACKABLE SAFE...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to doors Paradox now this is a really cool sort of puzzle escape room game about following a cat through different doors and trying to unlock them previously we played the demo version so this is the full version and like there's so many levels so there's three different chapters each one has 18 different levels so I feel like give myself a little bit of a challenge because I have played this before it will start off on chapter 2 which is called Origins quite ironically and let's have a go at the passage so here is our first door that we need to try and get into and basically the game is we've got to try and unlock this door now this door has like I mean it's got It's got Wings maybe it's sponsored by Red Bull at the front down here the first thing I'm noticing is it's the Mona Lisa um oh and it's it's a fake we can peel that off so let's see what's behind there there's a gear so we've now got a gear in our inventory very handy uh down in the bottom left there is a desk with like a feather pencil I just just launched that off the table don't care about that yeah we found a scroll from the cat so the cat tells us having more does not stop you from wanting more and more they're definitely relatable I thought like once once I had a triangle I wouldn't want more triangles but then I just want another one and then I want to stick them together and make a truss and then I got trusses of trusses and yeah we've also got this book which I'm just about to open and oh and inside the book look what I found it's a radiator key no it's a winding key also we can open this drawer and we found another key we've got all the keys so we'll Zoom back out and perhaps we'll go I think we'll go look around the back and see what we've got around there so bottom left what is that some sort of I've just I've just launched it I feel like this is the game about launching things off this table thing uh we found a gem so gems are like they're hidden throughout every single level and I've actually looked now in the main game if you if you find them all within a chapter you get a bonus level unlocked for that chapter so that's quite cool uh down here we have uh some sort of device it looks like a lever arm but it's sort of it's held down by this red thing so I assume if I put my gear on there I can give that a spin and did you see that's now moved which means I can now pull that and then that flaps the wings oh and that's bringing up a lifting with a mannequin in it right so if we zoom into this I'm pretty sure we can use our other key right so key goes in there nice give it give it a spin and then we can open that and then we have a doll okay so now zoom out again what do we do with a doll um let's well let's actually zoom in on the dock there is a catch there can you see that's open the catch and open that oh there you go I reckon I reckon that the doll goes in there using my engineering instincts so we just gotta well you're the wrong shape if we perhaps if we wind you up with that we can make your yeah we can raise your arms there we go now the doll fits in and that is unlocking the door I imagine if we give that a Twist yes the door is unlocked and what is inside the door you might ask well it's today's sponsor Ridge wallet so this is my old wallet it's absolutely huge however this is the ridge wallet which takes up so much less pocket space while still being able to hold 12 cards and cash there's over 30 colors and styles including these that I have here I've also got the carbon key case which is a silent way to carry Keys No More key rattling which has room for even oversized Keys like this one yes this is actually my personal front door key so if you head to forward slash rce you get up to 40 off until December the 22nd that's forward slash rce so thanks to Rich for sponsoring but let's go back to today's video and in case you were wondering what's actually inside the door let's have a look inside there's a cat running away from us and it actually leads to the next door now this one is called mystery music uh so oh look look look at the top it's like it's like the top of a cello or something these are like these are like tuning pegs oh wow okay okay I'm not sure what I'm doing there let's let's back out a bit down there I can see a gem so we'll take the gem and we've also taken the handle as well over there I don't know if the hand no the handle doesn't go in that um oh looking at that orb can you see okay okay I've just opened it I was gonna say can you see that one looks different to the one over this side because inside this one there's a there's a hooky thing a handle and I reckon let me Zoom back into that because this has got a blue bit there that is gonna fit in yes so now we can pull that open let me know what is this what is this okay get that handle in there I reckon no maybe not okay I think then we've probably gotta make we've got to make like a circuit so if I do that that's all linked but it doesn't link to this middle bit here but that sort of does I don't know if that will work I'm guessing we probably need to work out how to fire that on first so let's head over this side oh it's an organ it's a church organ so let's zoom in I think we're gonna take this screw screwdriver right so give me that yep screwdriver and then can I unscrew those yes we can so there's one gun and there's the other one gone which means behind the panel there's well I'm not sure what that is I assume it's something we've got to put in let's get rid of these notes damn organ players should learn to play by heart not read music I mean up here we've got we've got some music okay oh oh okay we've got we've got like switches are they like the foot switches that like only professionals know how they work no I do actually know how they work but I mean I think one one is like a long note and the other one's like a dampener like a short note um I've never seen six pedals before so not sure how these are gonna work I assume do I just need to like copy this pattern to do that so you can see these down here they now match that perfectly can we play this at all no we can't oh I'll tell you what though if we head up here I think that's where the handle goes perhaps we need to wind this thing up first so it plays music for us right there we go there you go oh it's playing it's playing what are these what are these opening okay so on the left we've got like a slider no idea what that does I feel like we need something to go in the middle there don't you we back up the top I'm wondering is this like a like a matchy thing so any icons the same yeah that one and that one they are the same okay that one and I think it was that one yeah oh we're doing all right that one and oh that was a complete guess okay I could actually do this first time right I honestly can't remember what way around they were that one and I have a feeling it's either that one or that one so we'll do this the way that every engineer makes a decision where it's 50 50. eenie meeny miny mo catch an Arctic right so if it bites let it go eenie meenie miney my opposed okay so those two are done now the front bit oh that's the that's the music bit so it's one of those cylinders that has like little bits poking out and that plays the tune oh a musical cylinder wow I know technical terms apparently so background here zoom into that bit shove the cylinder in there and then we slide that make your music we're getting greens we're getting greens nice so now out the side is that that looks like uh yeah I was gonna say it looks like a safe Vault thing so give that a spin the back is dropping oh it's all folding away oh it's all folding away and now it flaps that okay so let's zoom in here we've got another scroll so that's just some more casagamba don't I just ignore that if I was you and then we've got a load of Gears so we can move them out the way and it's revealed a little ballerina perhaps go back around the front oh is that what goes in this pink bit yes ballerina is in oh it's it's going around the thing oh so it's gonna end up in the middle which is I think is where I want it to be right so it's in the middle now and oh it's despairing and we've unlocked the door so let's get into it and let's follow the Cat come here cat so this level is called the eye of time I assume because well actually no that's I say I assume because it's eye shaped but I mean that's more like a a teardrop shape oh that's a fancy clock look at that very fancy right okay what have we what have we got going on we're down there I see something I can probably pick up it's the gear uh oh here look I found a flap oh and there's a gem we'll take the gem swim around the other side I assume that is also a flap open up yep we got another gem we got more cataganda Let's ignore that down the front is are they flat oh they are look I can slide those back and then we've got another gear to pick up all right so meanwhile anything around the back yeah here we go down there I reckon that's where another gear goes so we'll shove that in and that round the outside Oh that's oh look look let's open this it's like we've got like a makeup set or something what is going on here what is that all right so blue button brings that forward and backwards and then what does oh okay okay so I got it I just gotta boost boost and then boost all of them I've just shot them all oh then that comes up then do I oh it's a handle I've got a handle now and that was very very random and unexpected what we've got over here we've got like got like a load of bits and Bobs so I can I can spin this around I'm not sure why I want to at the moment all right question is where do you think this handle goes and what is that on top oh that's probably where the handle goes right yep India all right okay so we'll twist that oh look at this that was a decent bit of engineering that look it's like a big old horizontal windmill so that is now spinning on top which I assume is like powering something so I can slide this so that's making the clock to oh no what is happening what is happening it's all gone blue it's all gone blue are we going back in time I think we're going back in time everything that's broken is being fixed what is going on okay well that was weird we now have a mechanism part then if we head back around this side we have the it's like a mirror thing and I'm guessing the reason I wanna I wanna slide this is so I can read what the pattern is right I mean it sort of looks like a knockoff of a PlayStation controller layout the question is where do I enter that I mean does the mechanism go in the back here is that what that is yeah okay that goes in there aha okay we've got the pattern so does this if I shove that out there and okay so I can spin all these around okay got it got it so it's Circle down the bottom so if I do that and then X on the top so you basically do a bit of that then I just need to swap triangle and square because they go the opposite way round beautiful done it I think we're unlocked we're on to the next one let's get this door open not gonna lie that's a pretty architect made door or like you're gonna trip over that trying to get through that's all I'm saying but it's led us to the next level which it sort of looks like is anyone else seeing that or is that just me I'm not even seeing a strong shape this time where I sort of am seeing one up there but I'm imagining that on like the front of like a train like Thomas the Tank Engine but he's like he's like a tank engine sponsored by the Pringles guy because he's got the Tash he's got some of the Pringles eyes right anyway we're going to up there because look there's open that up we've got a gem we've got the first gem uh bottom left we've got number 31 oh look under there we got some some bits and Bobs as well as more cataganda well I think the cascanda has turned into uh cat threats right now so we'll ignore that I'll get Paddy on the case later uh bottom right we've got some cool it's a nice Christmas present sometimes all right and then we'll have a look around the back there's sort of there's a shovel there oh I've got the shovel nice down the bottom there's a block of wood so get rid of that open that up for a gem open the other one up or whatever that is or at all could have thought that my editor was in there oh I gotta get slaughtered for that way all right so then bottom left we have this which we can pull that's all it brings that up but it went back down okay I imagine we need to do that a bit later let's go up to there we got like Thor's hammer okay just just hammers not Thor's just just a normal bog standard Hammer are these anything can I oh can I use the tool sweeping them look it looks like a sort of like an inverse screwdriver like a wrench sort of thing yeah here we go here we go give that a Twist Matt give that a Twist we've got whatever that is a drive shaft yes we got our first Shaft and then we'll use the tool to open this one as well so now we've got another drive shaft and I sort of recognize that front one yeah I think the metal one goes like in that bit so if we zoom in and shove it there there we go that is that done then we just need a red one yeah we'll zoom into these oh look we got the we got these patterns which I know we know about because we saw them down here so I guess the question is why what are we gonna Hammer I sort of perhaps whilst that comes up can I do anything no okay well the only other thing I can think of is we grab the coal and use the shovel somehow so we've got we've got coal now I feel like it's gonna go it's gonna go in there right we need to we need to De mustache this man but oh look I can look out with a hammer so I assume we'll be able to open that in a bit I feel like this driveshaft has got to go up the top right does cogo in there no it doesn't I mean perhaps this will like do something now the front's like not busted it's getting stuck on something I just realized I can spin this okay okay let's let's find out the pattern then now this x goes on the blue but like the blue sort of locked I can't do anything same with the pink the only one that's gray is that one so I can slide that over to there and then that works up there so do I then temporarily put that there temporarily put that there then can I like reverse order these so if I grab that and that and then that I can shove that one on top of there which makes blue that so I can put the right one on Blue then I think the other two they're actually the right colors yeah so that's unlocked so that bolt is gonna get twisted down or nope we're up we're open right shove the coal in there I know all about cold has gone in we've shut that back up well now this wheel is turning so let's pull that down oh look at the steam look at the steam oh man look at that look at that it's got like a double train wheel going on so now if we zoom up here that's where we put the drive shaft it seems dangerous to do this while it's moving by the way wouldn't recommend but um do as I say not as I do I guess now everything is linked together and it's lifted up this lock and we can open up Thomas tank engine's face and we're going inside his head oh it's horrible right and we're on to our next door now this one this one looks a bit complicated not gonna lie so first off I'm sort of I'm seeing this bottle down here is that something I can take yeah gas bottle yeah there's also a sneaky gem behind it I'll have that over on the left we've got a scroll with more threats from a cat that's why I'm a dog person and this thing which is a drive shaft so many shafts in this game oh at the bottom that sort of that looks like a conveyor belt to me with like something above it yeah on this side we've got oh is that like I think that's like a flint so that's making a spark so I'm guessing if we follow that back that's gonna oh no look the the gas bottle goes in there so you shove that in turn the gas on by doing that look did you see the gas go down into there so if we like that that will sort of I don't make flames come out of there do I want to do that yet let's have a little explore first so we've got that which oh it's just opened that is that where our drive shaft goes yes it is so now close it back up all right that is now driving that's the conveyor belt so conveyor belt is moving and next up what's going on with this crane right you've got a side panel open that up so something's got to go inside the crane uh anything look what I found in the middle strongest shape I think that's actually is that something we've gotta yeah we gotta strike that shaft that's what she said oh and we've opened up a flap so we've got a cheeky blue gem in there we'll have some of you thank you then it looks like we have an on button so if we flip that down oh that is now dumping at the bottom okay um right up the top is this is that another flap yes it is there you go that's the fuse so that goes inside the crane thing down here so shove that in look here we go here we go so now that's putting on like a lump of metal I guess so that's probably what we want to like melt so if we head over to the Flint lighter up now we've got Flames going down there which means as they get put on perhaps they get melted yeah look at look at this like liquid metal then round here that is now stomping them which means can I pick that up yes we've got a metal shape so around the back here if we zoom into that that is where the metal shape goes oh what do we have here what do we have here oh god oh goodness okay so it looks like we can we can move various bits of pipe so let's get all the colors we know first there's the two pink ones it looks like we want green next so we do the bottom two and then ah then we just see the middle one and then that one that's the green sorted then see the blues we literally just see that oh that was easier than I thought it was going to be and now there is this so we give that a spin and is that the door open yes it is all right let's get inside and get on to the next level all right so this level is called toxic Tails I imagine because we have some radioactive goo down here let's grab the tool and oh man look at look at that that looks pretty complicated not gonna touch that yet I don't think we've got what's down there flap we can't open yet oh look we've got some some radioactive clothing so let's open the Pocket and what's in there it's a key there's also yes Safety First a hard hat oh and under the hard hat is a gem always check onto your hard hat if you lose something we've also got golden boots I don't I don't I don't like them I just throw them off the table down there on Old Game Boy a mask I don't know why I'm throwing everything on the floor is this like a a smokey pot thing oh a covet I've never heard of a cavette before so around the back nuclear nightmares here new crisis blah blah blah let's get rid of those don't care about those right radioactive plus toxic equals blob quick Mass first off where do I keys go so yeah there you go there's a padlock so you shove the key in that give that a Twist you can pull that out that comes down get down open the flap we've got all sorts of goodies in here we've got a gem we've got more cat hate mail and then we've got that a handle so around the back I see in pink there so I'm guessing that's where the handle goes yep shove that in and then slide that down that gives us hello there another handle which we can spin and that's open that which allows us access to in there okay so I feel like we gotta do something with this right oh oh I can slide that off oh so then I use the cavette right to uh scoop some of that yes we have a full cavette okay so we go back round here and I assume we pour it in yep okay report okay we're pouring that quite a lot that's a bit more than I probably would have put in right anyway I think we've got to get the nuclear thing out of there so let's try and crack this code uh so it looks like we can move these I don't know if I want to oh oh I've just noticed as I move these like from one side to the other that number changes so that's 200 when it goes into the red that's 170. that's 140 all the way in is 130. interesting not really sure what that affects but um I guess let's just fill everything in so that goes there you can shove that one all the way down down so 70 left I mean there's sort of room for all of them if I shove that one there that's 40. it's really worth 10 each yeah okay so I think I'm just moving all of these down into the places so that the red is all covered there you go there's a zero so now oh now it's not redirected so now we can use this to open it up I guess so we can slide this until we've got a double on all of them there we go then we slide that all the way down and then that is opening there's like a magical Crystal thing so we'll grab that with the old tool it's a reactor core then I assume we pop it in at this this seems a bit sketch to me not gonna like but that's now in so we can shove that in close the door up there you go there is the goo coming out just like it said it would all right it's like melted a hole through the door okay I feel like I didn't really solve this door I just broke my way into it anyway there's the cat get back here silly cap right so now we found ourselves in front of the bank vault look at this thing oh goodness there's like cameras and lasers and all sorts on this all right I want can I get like under this carpet while I'm here will that set the thing off Note we've got that we've also got a gem collected decent so for now let's have a look we've got a code there I don't know how we're gonna unlock that if I'm honest we've got Overlook we've got gold we've got gold I'm just launching gold screw gold I want more threats from cats um so I assume in the other side can I yeah let's get rid of all of these ah we found another fuse we got two fuses where do they go there's one go like in the top that no they don't all right well let's have a look at this okay five seven are we watching like the key being entered five seven two okay so that's because this camera is pointing on that thing so if I come down here and I do five seven two oh there's a there's a different camera angle okay so the other camera g s p so gray still plays okay so now I think that's where the two fuses go so one in there one in there and now this is all lit up that's almost like a skull like his two eyes and then his teeth there doesn't it right so what do these but oh God okay so they twist those so I think I've just got to get the green ones to end up down down there right so if I do then I just gotta get a green down move that side down move that side up so now the Green's gone down there and then keep moving that toward theirs yeah okay I've got it I've got it so let's you just do that all right easy easy crack that and move time and on the back we can turn off all the security I think yes the lasers are powering down which means can we now open and there we can now open these oh there's a gem we've got a gem okay nice let's see what's in the next load so nothing in there nothing in there oh something a card anything in the next one no okay I think that's all of them done but down there is that like a card reader so if we give that a swipe oh no no I don't know what that is perhaps a keyhole I mean oh that I think the card could go in that bit right yes card goes in there that opens up that gives us a key and the key's got to go in that right I mean it's a keyhole that's what that's where keys go oh we got cash don't want cash we want this a handle that's where the frick does the handle what where does the handle go I need to find something to screw can anyone help me find something to screw I bet lock pick lawyer would like smash this I have no what am I meant to do I'm I'm stumped I mean the only thing I can zoom in on is this I mean I can I can bloody I can spin it I've moved it oh now I can move an inner ball oh there's like balls within balls full section and there's another ball there so rotate that to there another ball inside there there we go there we go so you go in that give you a spin and that is the safe unlocked or is it no it isn't it isn't so I think I gotta press these I just gotta keep it in the green I guess so I just gotta press this until they all they'll like go go in okay so that's all the Green's done we just gotta do the Blues and the blues that has a smaller area so it could be a bit tricky but let's head over to there easy easy mate you can do this with my eyes shut I'm going to shut my eyes and it's got my eyes shut am I doing it sounds like I'm doing it oh I didn't do it I failed okay I'll do it with my eyes open I think we've just about smashed it late there we go it's open it's open what was in the vault that we were protecting all this time it was a cat a blooming cat I'm oh and actually a path to the next level but if you want to see that that's going to be in the next video so push the like button let me know in the comments that you want to see more of this game a very intriguing it's very pretty um if a little easy perhaps I mean there is a third level which the devs have assured me is actually really hard and will require full-on engineering skills but there's only one way to find out I guess alternatively I could stream this game so if you're a twitch viewer let me know in the comments if you want to see me stream this rather than video it um either way though I'm quite intrigued to play some more so I'll say peace love and killer cats and I'll catch you guys next time bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 280,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doors paradox, level solution, solution, google play store, doors paradox walkthrough, doors paradox gameplay, doors paradox level, puzzle games, rce, real civil engineer
Id: p0I5-JLYqKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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