Cozy Palworld Base Tour 🪴✨| Palworld Early Access

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to my channel welcome in if you are new today we are going to tour my PO World base so far um this is my first base um my second one is a mining base so I also will be decorating that one um this one this world I have been in for 138 days in game this is my single player um server so let's get started so this is my deck area this is outside of my base um it's not actually inside the circles um but I thought it would be cute by the lake and by this little Cavern here so I started to clutter it up um I don't really know what else to put over here so I'm not quite done with this part yet but we will get it together and I'll show you guys when it's done and so this is the entrance to my base on this side we have our statue and water fountain and a little seating area I do plan on put another uh Fountain over here once I get the PO fluids for it I haven't really been farming the Pils I've just been having a lot of fun decorating so far um and then on this side we have my little defense base I guess I don't know um I got my bell here and a little sandbag decoration well it's for decoration I know it's for defense but I put it there for decoration so that's this side and then you continue so my idea was the right side of my base was going to be my farming area so I have my Ranch my Farms um in the middle I'm going to put lettuce or tomato seeds or both I might get rid of the berries we'll see um I have my meal here in my Silo CEO whatever it's called um and then I don't really know what else to put right here probably some more farming more plantations over here um this is my barn it fits six of my PS right now um I don't know I might try to expand it a little to fit some more once we expand the base more but we will see I thought it was a cute little Barn I'll show you the outside of [Music] it I wish there was a you can hide your uh like Hood cuz all this is annoying when I'm trying to take pictures um and then if you keep going around my farm here this is a random chest that I just have random stuff in don't worry about it my breeding Farm is here um yeah and let's go if you go back towards the front and go to this side these are my workshop areas this one is my regular work assembly line for my clothes and all this good stuff and this one is my weapon assembly line all my weapons I don't have a sphere one yet uh I haven't decided where it's going to go so I might just put like a bench somewhere not sure um this is my generator I I also don't know what I want to do with this yet so I'm just showing you where it's going to be once I figure out what kind of builds I want for it and I also have my toolbox here um this is my tree area I have some storage the tree stump and I hit a l lamp back here I don't really like these lamps as decoration so I try to hide them so I HIIT it behind the tree cuz you can't really see it and this is my mining area we got AIS not supposed to be working but this is my mining area got the mining car and the crusher over here since I figured the crusher can go here since it uses Stone why does this happen every time I will be back when I get rid of these guys right anyway we are back um what was I saying I think I was saying I had the crusher hair since it uses stone for the padium fragments yeah that's it and keep going this is the hot spring area for my pals I also have them a piano right here I thought this could be their little hangout area um so yeah I also have my little hospital here so I thought it was cute in front of the hospital so I have my medicine bench here and some more of my pow beds kind of like a hospital I thought that was pretty cute um it is kind of flat right now but I don't know how what to do with the roof yet so I haven't came up with any ideas okay then we have um I guess you can call this the baby wing of the hospital I don't know I just have my incubators here I don't know what to do with them yet but we'll figure it out maybe I'll make a second well maybe I'll make that a twostory but we'll see um and then this is my house house you guys have already seen if you have not seen me build this house I do have a speed build of this farmhouse on my channel um it will be in the description below or at the end of the video I suggest you check it out it is just me building the exterior um but we will do a tour of the inside pretty soon day [Music] Dr yeah that's pretty much it for now I I am not done with this base yet um as you can see there's some empty space and I also want to put some flower beds around so that is all I have for today um don't forget to like subscribe and turn on your notification as it does really help out my channel I do plan on posting more power world uh content in the future um thank you guys for watching today and I hope you have a great [Music] day
Channel: curlie_
Views: 1,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld builds, base building, farmhouse, cozy house, cozy farmhouse, palworld house, palworld decor, palworld base, palworld build, base tour, palworld pals, palworld farm, palworld farming, anubis, best base location, palworld base location, aesthetic location, aesthetic base
Id: QkKmRhiXnyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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