COVID-19 Quarantine + Last Minute Preps #Coronavirus

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hey everyone this is cliff aka the urban prepper and we are all living in unprecedented times right now during this coronavirus co vid 19 outbreak which is spread all across the world if you're a prepper this is exactly the type of event that we've been preparing for for years now and most likely the whole way you're getting made fun of by your family and friends well right now most likely you are seen as the leader in your community for preparedness measures so for this particular video we're going to be discussing some of the things that I've actively been doing yes I'm safe my family safely been preparing for something like this for years now but we're just trying to make sure that our closest friends and family are also prepared to weather this storm so I'm going to give some recommendations on things that you could still do even at this time a lot of those store shelves are bare for essential items but there are still some items that you can get so we're I'm going to give you some recommendations on some things that you could do for to prepare and then we'll just talk a little bit about the strategy going forward with this kovin 19 outbreak so let's get started with this video now again you are the resistance so this video is going to be a little bit looser than my normal videos normally I try to be very meticulous as far as the organization and the planning of the video on this one I wrote a little one-page outline as far as the topics that I wanted to discuss for this video I felt that speed was more important in this video than quality so if there are some little mess-ups in my dialogue please forgive me a lot of you know that I'm located in the greater Seattle area which was basically ground zero for the corona virus outbreak here in the United States we had a lot of cases and you could kind of see the writing on the wall that something was going to happen as far as a shelter in place or a quarantine scenario so for the past several weeks I've slowly been stockpiling on expanding our pantry preps and I have a lot of emergency food storage stored in various locations like the rice and beans and the mylar bags or MREs or mountain house or legacy food storage a thrive food storage or my patron supply you name it I probably have it but I don't want to break into those right away I'd rather just rotate in stuff from our pantries so it's just we're eating as normal to help with morale purposes we have a pantry located in our kitchen we also have one in the garage I also have one in an off-site location but we've been expanding upon our pantry so much so we had to build not build but basically add an additional shelving area in our kitchen area to expand upon so we've been slowly adding the stuff from the various Costco runs and grocery store runs to those shells that are located in the kitchen area I posted a photo of this particular shelving area on my Instagram page and a lot of people were concerned that a it's right next to a window someone's gonna see you and they're gonna want to break in and take it well that particular window is actually on the second floor porch so you'd have to be a tactical ninja to be able to scale it to be able to see that you can't really see it from the ground level but that said I still included a curtain over it so you can't really see it now anyway even if you were a tactical ninja so fortunately I was able to expand upon our pantry preps at the early stages of this outbreak but right now if you were to go to Costco or to your local grocery store most likely you're not going to be able to find a lot of the items that you see so far in this expansion pantry preps that I've shown in this video you're probably going to have a hard time finding rice and finding beam's and finding spaghetti sauce and finding pasta and things like that so it's time to get a little bit creative so for this particular portion of the video I'm going to talk about some of the things that you could still get whether you're a new prepper or you're an existing prepper I just want to expand upon some of your emergency preparedness supplies so let's talk now on some things that you could still prep for even today the first thing that I recommend that you do is get your barbecue grill ready to go like it's the start of summer that's right go outside fire up the grill make sure that it's ready to go and then make sure that you have at least three propane tanks so the standard sized propane tanks that you use for outdoor grills make sure that you have at least three of them and at any point you may have to downsize that grill from the large version that you would normally do for a barbecue or a party or something like that and then downsize to one of the camping sighs emergency stoves which we've covered in a previous video something like a Coleman stove a smaller one it could be a grill or a stove and you could get a lot of cooking out of those large propane tanks with a smaller stuff like that so again get your barbecue grill ready to go by the way for all the things that I'm going to recommend they're all stuff that people aren't going to look at you weird like you're prepping or anything like that it's gonna look like very standard things and that's goes with the whole grain concept so we're gonna be blending in no one's gonna know that you're really prepping the next thing I recommend doing if you can is to invest in a freezer whether that be an upright or just a box freezer and have it in your garage or in your basement area if you go to the grocery stores right now you're gonna see a lot of the common items already sold out rice beans pasta spaghetti sauce but if you go over to that frozen section there's still a lot of supplies left to be had you could get it frozen lasagnas I recommend going and getting some various meats and freezing them whether those be just a pound of ground beef if you happen to eat meat for vegans you're gonna have to go a different route but we like meat over in our family so I recommend going with anything that you could freeze I've been freezing bacon I've been freezing pork pork shoulder and various steaks and bratwurst you name it it's been going into the freezer that we have in our garage so I went to a local appliance store and got a actually a used freezer for a fairly decent price but if you can invest in a freezer you can also find bread at your grocery stores what I've been seeing a lot of people haven't been buying bread as much from what I've seen because bread goes bad after a few weeks but if you freeze it it can last for a lot longer so I've been stockpiling on bread that I've been putting into our freezer and then we'll be taking it out as needed so again get a freezer if you don't already have one and start looking at stockpiling on your meats and your breads because you could store those in the freezer and they're still readily available also the various items that are available in the frozen section of your grocery stores are still most likely available so this could be frozen corn dogs or burritos or frozen vegetables you name it you'll probably still be able to find that in the frozen section so again if you don't already have one get a freezer while we're on the topic of grocery stores your average grocery store like a Fred Meyer or Safeway or Albertsons or wind' Co most likely they've been stripped pretty bare for the essentials but I recommend going to those more expensive grocery stores like Whole Foods aka whole paycheck most people don't do their preps over Whole Foods because it's a little bit more expensive but so far I've found that those organic or Whole Foods style grocery stores still have a lot of supplies available I even saw bottled water over there which is long gone at any other grocery store in addition to the pastas and the spaghetti sauces you're gonna spend a little bit more but you're actually gonna be able to get it so I recommend taking a look at Whole Foods and other natural stores that might be in your area also meat and produce stores that are available in different areas of town those also have some items still available so again if you're going to go to our grocery store try looking at some of the more answer your grocery stores that you might not normally just because it's a little bit more expensive but at least you'll be able to find some stuff there so that's my other recommendation the next thing that you should do if you have one is take out your generator from the garage fire it up make sure that it's still working and that you have enough gas I recommend having at least 15 to 20 gallons of gas ready to go what the stabilizers are put in it I like the Honda generators I think they're awesome they're quiet enough and if you needed to power your freezer or something like that you could use the generator for that so you should already be firing up your generator about once a month or so but if you haven't done so for awhile just make sure that your generator is still working if you don't have a generator I'll include in the lane the description box I'd like the Honda ones you could get it F we're at Home Depot or even online at other places so make sure you have a generator that you're able to power that freezer just in case so far we've been talking a lot about food or ways of storing the food or preparing the food because food and water is the most important things to prep for we always talk about food water shelter and the next item is no difference so what I recommend getting if you don't already have one is invest in a Dutch oven so a camping style Dutch oven like the ones that are made from Lodge Lodge makes great Dutch oven in addition to cast-iron cookware so get whether it be a 2 chord or a 10 quart whatever you could get dutch ovens provide you a lot of different flexibility for preparing food you could cook pizzas in there you can bake bread you can make stews you know you name it there's a lot of cool things that you can do with that a lot of Boy Scouts are using dutch ovens and we have a couple as well so take a look at a large Dutch oven I'll include a link in the description box if you don't already have one invest in a Dutch oven you know provide you with a lot of different cooking options just in case you run out of propane just in case the power is out if you run out of gas you could still use that Dutch oven the next thing that I recommend is don't let your gas tank get below 75% full try to keep it as full as possible for the foreseeable future a lot of people let it go all the way down to a quarter tank maybe even half a tank I recommend right now during this period don't let it go below 75% full if you can try to keep it at a hundred percent full at all times if you're looking for n95 respirator masks good luck because you're gonna have a hard time finding them nowadays they're just basically a shortage all across the world around four or five years ago I was able to get enough boxes for my family but they're just in short supply right now you could try going with Mirah safety and getting a full face gas mask such as the CM 6 M gas mask in addition to a particle Maxx P 3 virus filter which is specifically designed for viruses such as the corona virus although you're gonna have to wait several weeks for it to actually arrive in the mail because they're just long backordered I have heard that P 100 masks are still out there because people aren't looking for them as much as they are looking for n95 masks but you're gonna have to look around you can still find the Reddy mask at some locations although these two are also going out of stock very quickly it's kind of a unique design or you basically you're covering here nose and your mouth with the mask as normal but you also have this high protection which is actually stuck to your face so you take off a little piece of protective material it's almost like you have a tape that creates a better seal around your face to protect it during viruses and things like that you could purchase these directly from ready mask if you want although it looks like they're almost out of stock I do have a contact I've provided a link in the description box below if you're interested in these who still has a few thousand of these remaining so I'll include a link to that I'm actually working on a product review of this particular mask it's something that you could put in your EDC kits for example if you saw my EDC messenger bag you saw that I had more of a co2 like a smoke mask it's in a similar style of this as far as a single-use open it up in case of emergency and this is very similar to that although this is for viruses and things like that so again I've included a link in the description box if you're interested in the ready mask you could get it and they're still supply left for this particular contact that I have check the link in the description box you've probably noticed that the hand sanitizer is long gone so you're gonna have to make your own hand sanitizer make sure you check out rogue preparedness video she has a great video on how to make hand sanitizer my wife has been very into making hand sanitizer for the past few weeks now so you're gonna have to do that for the time being because you're gonna have a hard time finding just regular ant sanitizer at your grocery store so learn how to make hand sanitizer check out real preparedness video on that after this pandemic goes away we're all gonna have the cleanest hands in the world because I'm sure we've all been actively washing our hands like crazy and using hand sanitizer like crazy if you're using that hand sanitizer though it's an alcohol-based and most likely your hands are starting to get a little dry you're probably getting cracks in your skin so if you are getting cracks in your skin pick up a few jars of bag balm I highly recommend bag balm I did a video of it about a year ago it'll resolve the chapped skin that you're probably getting from actively using that alcohol-based hand sanitizer so pick up a few jars of bag balm the next items are for morale boosters especially if you have children I'm finding that my kids are getting a little stir-crazy because we're actively sheltering in place and socially distancing ourselves during this pandemic season so what I recommend doing when you go to your grocery store again you're not going to find rice you're not going to find pasta you're not gonna spaghetti sauce but if you go over to that candy bar aisle you're gonna find candy bars over there because people aren't really prepping for candy bars and I find that they're great morale boosters especially for the kids it gives them something to look forward to at the end of the day whether it be a half of a Snickers bar or you name it so what I've done is I've gone and picked up a few boxes of candy bars just to have on hand for morale purposes also if you happen to have a freezer make sure to pick up some other little treats like ice cream or popsicles or fudgesicles or anything like that I'm storing those in the freezer those are also great morale boosters for the kids the weather's starting to get a little hotter too so it's gonna be a good item to have lastly make sure you pick up a few games some kind of games to keep the kids occupied you don't want to just veg out all around the video games all the time if you could get some board games again I cover board games in a previous video about a year and a half ago I think now get some board games of you and the family could play because we may be bunkering a place for an extended period of time you want to have some sort of entertainment so pick up some board games a lot of people are going over to the grocery stores to get food supplies what I'm gonna recommend now is your Home Depot preps so going over to your Home Depot or Lowe's or McClendon's or whatever your hardware store is because there's still some non-food items that you should probably get for this emergency situation the first items to get for your Home Depot preps are batteries I did a video batteries a few years back I recommend having a good assortment of batteries namely double-a batteries and triple A batteries those are the most common ones you may still have some devices that are C or D batteries or 9-volt but mainly get double-a and triple-a batteries you could use them for a variety of things in addition for pottery while you're at your local Home Depot go to the bathroom section where the toilets are and see if they happen to have a bad day or a bad day attachment that you can attach to your toilet just in case you run out of toilet paper you're gonna have a hard time finding toilet paper at a store but you may still be able to find a bidet or a portable bidet I recently did a video on the portable bottle bidets they could use for washing that certain area after each use so if you don't want to use your left hand and you don't know how to use the three C Shaw method that we saw a demolition man make sure you're gonna pad a just to clean that certain area in case you run out of toilet paper so again go see if you can find it up add a next pick up a few rolls of duct tape I recommend the karela duct tape just in case you need to make a can payment room in your home if someone happens to be sick I recently did a video on how to make a containment room you may have to use this at this period of time so again I recommend going with gorilla duct tape normally I say use gaffer tape because it's a little less permanent for the but for this particular situation I think you should get a few rolls of gorilla duct tape just in case you need to make a long term container room in your home for a sick person to go along with a duct tape you're also going to want to have some plastic sheeting a lot of plastic sheeting I recommend going with at least four mil plastic sheeting that you could get over at your home depot or you can even order it online again I recently made a video on how to do a DIY containment room basically using a bunch of tape and plastic sheeting if you needed to quarantine someone off that happens to be sick so again make sure you pick up a few rolls a four mil plastic sheeting the next items that I recommend are picking up a few boxes of the husky contractor bags for sanitation purposes just in case the garbage man doesn't come for a period of time you're going to want to store your trash and so the contractor bags are really good they're super thick and they have a lot of other uses too you can even use them for shielding off your windows you could use them for emergency sleeping bags you name it make sure you have a few boxes of the husky contractor bags the last item for your Home Depot preps goes along with that Dutch oven that we talked about earlier and that's picking up a few bags of charcoal you're going to want to use that for controlling the temperature of your Dutch oven so you could bake bread for example if need be outside so go with a few bags of charcoal you can also get one of those little cans that helps heat up the charcoal fairly rapidly in addition to some lighter fluid no one's gonna think anything of it they're just probably gonna think that you're having a barbecue but really you're planning your to use your Dutch oven for baking if need be there's an exact formula on how many charcoals to put on the top and on the bottom of a Dutch oven to control various temperatures and that's what you're gonna want to have this for so again pick up some charcoal in addition to lighter fluid one of the things that we've done in our home is to kind of prepare where our containment room is going to be again I've talked about containment rooms you might actually have to deploy this at some period of time so again we're gonna have that plastic sheeting and tape but we also are gonna need to have some form of entertainment in there because someone's going to be cooped up in there for so what we've done is basically have a very small TV and there it actually purchased and Amazon fire sticks we have some form of entertainment assuming that the electricity and the cable is still running so if you pick up an Amazon fire stick they're fairly affordable put it on a very small TV that's in your containment room then you're at least have some form of entertainment if you have Netflix or the Disney Channel or an Amazon Prime you couldn't still watch some movies and series and things like that make sure that you're containment room is near a window that's what we've done just in case you need to bring in supplies or takeout supplies of the containment room you could do that through the window outside to help avoid spreading the contamination another thing that we've done is we put one of our hepa air filters in the containment room if need be again HEPA filtration filters 99.97% viruses and things like that so if you have a HEPA air filter for your home put it in the containment room to help filter the air in that particular room so far the cellular networks still good we still have internet we still have cable we could still make phone calls and send text messages but if you haven't already thought about comms you might want to start thinking about comps just in case one thing you might want to consider looking into is investing in a drone a lot of us use drones for our YouTube videos but you could also use a drone for surveillance and Intel purposes you could basically patrol your whole neighborhood with a drone from up ahead and get overhead shots of what's going on in your area just to see if there's any problem areas in the nearby vicinity so you can get a drone for his cheapest around $300 for a decent quality one up to a more of around 1500 bucks but if you have a drone and a method of charging that drone for example you may have the energy apex solar generator with some large solar panels you'd be able to constantly charge up that drones battery and use it on a daily basis for patrolling I also recently did a video with the goat in a mesh attached to a drone to be able to use as a communication device as well that may be something that you might want to look into at this point in time in conclusion we are living in very scary times right now there's no way of beating around the bush this could go south really quickly but this is the kind of thing that we've been preparing for as Preppers hopefully we've gotten our mind to a prepared mind or we could handle a situation like this we can stay level-headed to stay calm and to think strategically and to help out those that are closest to us our family and our close close friends there's gonna be a lot of people that are gonna turn on us as Preppers eventually and look at us as just hoarders they're probably gonna label us and see that we have resource and what resources and are going to want to try to exploit that so be on the active lookout for that because that is definitely a possibility right now it really feels that society's immune system is down on worldwide basis on a country on a regional or auto ropes right now due to the corona virus in the cove at 19 what I'm most concerned about I'm concerned about the corona virus but I'm also concerned about a secondary event that could really put us over the edge I mean can you imagine if something backed up I'm like a natural disaster like an earthquake for example in the Pacific Northwest in combination with the whole pandemic happening right now with the corona virus we need to be mindful of these type of events happening because it could get far worse very quickly from a variety of different things whether it be natural or man-made so as those Preppers hopefully we could stay calm stay level-headed be able to provide assistance to the closest people to us and to be on the lookout for people that aren't going to want to exploit us because that's just the nature of how people are in times of need so I hope everyone stays safe keep watching the videos I'm going to keep cranking out videos as much as I can I've included a lot of information in the description box for the stuff that's been talked about in this video again everyone stay safe out there stay calm keep a level head and again we are the resistance see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: TheUrbanPrepper
Views: 218,947
Rating: 4.8260021 out of 5
Keywords: The Urban Prepper, Prep, Prepping, Emergency Preparedness, Survival, Emergency, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Bug In, Shelter In Place, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Containment, Pandemic, covid19
Id: -rqxtuXHnao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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