Country Style Ribs aka Butt Fingers | Chuds BBQ

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who what's going on everybody welcome back to todd's barbecue my name is bradley robinson and today i'm going to show you how i made these beautiful smoky buttery direct heaty country style ribs coming country style ribs which are not ribs at all they are strips of meat coming from the end of the loin or the pork shoulder essentially what they are is finger-sized strips of meat coming from the pork butt which is why i like to call them butt fingers which is not silly or immature at all you can find them bone-in or boneless if they're bone-in it's simply just the shoulder blade from the pork shoulder and to me i think they are a very under-utilized cut of meat especially for the backyard barbecuer that being said today we're making butt fingers and they are going to be delicious these are butt fingers all right i'll go back to calling them country style ribs but as you can see these are simply some strips from the boston butt got the little bit of a blade bone in there these are bone in they were labeled pork boston butt country style ribs and just like the pork butt in its full form these are really well marbled got a little bit of bone in there nice fat cap on some of them which means you know that these are going to cook up really well and a lot quicker than a full butt but the beauty of this cut is they come already stripped up so we don't really need to do anything to them other than add some rub if you've seen my other videos you know i like to keep it pretty simple with the rub i'm of the opinion that you can always add flavor later in the cook in the form of a spritz or a mop or something like that so i like to start out with just a nice healthy layer of kosher salt and some good old 16 mesh black pepper i like to season them up the same way i do ribs flip them over [Music] s p is good for me you go through with a more complex rub you know throw some paprika or some sugar in there but in my experience the finer powdery spices tend to burn as well as sugar added too soon and also it can kind of mask the meat a little bit too much and impede smoke adheration is that a word just getting all sides so there we go got a nice coating of seasoning on all sides now it's time to throw them on the pit and because these are country style ribs i think we got to cook them hill country style meaning we gotta fire up the mini chud box there's a snake in my boot now that this here mini tread box is up to temp rocking at a solid 300 degrees it's time to throw on these country style ribs ooh basically what we're doing here is making pork steak in a different form instead of being in a big old steak shape it's a little pork steak strip except we're going to treat it more like a rack of ribs towards the end we're going to start hitting with a mop here in a little bit so now we let them cook for the next little bit we're about an hour and a half into this cook so let's see how these little butt fingers are looking beautiful getting some real nice color on there looking and smelling just like a pork steak we'll flip these over let them go for another little bit and we continue to cook and for the record folks you don't need a chud box to do any of these recipes if you have a tomato style cooker or an ugly drum or even just a pile of cinder blocks anything to get your meat about a foot above the coals will get you the same results and it's a super fun way to cook not quite smoking not quite grilling but all this smoke is coming from all the liquid and fat coming out of the meat dropping down hitting the cold creating some wonderful flavors that you're not going to get with any other style of cooking but the most fun part about cooking hill country style like this is using the mop i've been mop sauces before in a couple of other videos so this one's not going to be too much different and as always i'm going to start off with stick of butter in next up we're going with half of a white onion well what's going with the whole onion i don't like having half onions around [Music] all right let's go ahead and throw in a couple of whole peeled garlic cloves get that smelling real nice well you're sweating your veg is always a good time to add a big old pinch of kosher salt now that these have cooked down a little bit everything's got a little bit of color and softened up let's go in and add a little bit of acidity and some spice in the form of leroy lewis hog sauce this is what we put on our whole hog at lorraine lewis it's got a wonderful balance of acidity and spice which should go really well in the mop sauce and it's going on pork after all so next up we're gonna go in with a dash of worcestershire sauce everybody loves that stuff i'm also gonna go in with a shot of yellow mustard for a little bit of that tanginess we're going to let that cook down for a minute or so before adding in some liquid in the form of one beer let this simmer for a little bit let everything come up to temperature and then ready to start mopping and now for everyone's favorite dish to wash the mop oh that smells so good one hour later since our last check two hours in total let's see how these are looking oh yeah looking real nice you know the drill from here folks we're gonna get a little moppy mop going on oh yeah oh it smells so good leaving it nice and steamy up in y'all love a good mop sauce this is gonna help keep everything moist add some wonderful flavors and these are all the flavors that you could have added in your rub you know we got garlic we got onion got those savory notes from the worcestershire sauce and the lemon and all that stuff but it makes a lot more sense for me to add it at this stage and start building those layers of flavor all right here we are at hour three on the dot and these little bad larries are looking real nice as you can see we've got a super nice crust on them you know we got tons of flavor on there super smoky nothing's burned that mop is smelling fantastic god just look at it would you look at it but as you can imagine they got a pretty tough crust on the outside so to make these a little bit softer and more like a rib it's time to wrap them up before we wrap these up let's hit them with one more final application of our mop tons of butter in there at this point the onions and the garlic have almost disappeared and it's at this stage you can pretty much do whatever you want if you want to throw some barbecue sauce in there now would be the time to do that i'm going to finish off this mop sauce here you know what i'm just going to put them all in there all the garlic and onions and everything and then to add a little bit more of a rib vibe i'm going to go in and toss some brown sugar on top add a little bit of sweetness you know plenty of savory and acidity from the mop all that my yard from the cook a little bit of sweetness we'll do this very nicely and then of course we're gonna go in with a little barbecue sauce this is your classic my go-to salt lick sauce kind of a mustard sauce kind of a sweet sauce i'm just gonna go all over with that then we're simply gonna wrap it up toss it back on let everything kind of steam let all the sugar dissolve and let everything get nice and soft and nice and tender so back on the heat it goes i'm gonna offset it a little bit from the coals at this point most of the coals are over here where the meat was cooking so i'm gonna put it over there just so nothing burns down the bottom of the foil we'll check back in in a little bit one hour later these are coming off the pit coming out of the foil nice and tender damn near falling apart i'm gonna pull these out line them up hot that brown sugar has cooked on nicely got a nice little glaze going on there gonna pull these out let them cool down for a little bit then we're gonna dive on in what do you think boys should i make the cutting board a mess let me get a little pour on that action [Music] we're going to cook some style all right scotty barb pronounce your real name barbier you're barb to me buddy i know scotty where are you coming from coming from southern minnesota southern minnesota scotty's whole hog barbecue am i correct you are correct why are you in town i am picking up a mill scale 500 offset smoker and to see you guys just picked up a beautiful pit and we got old coal and glow here cole how's that country style river got a little extra sauce over there if you need it fellas but other than that let's do this dive on in juicy crunchy oh that's so good covered in onions though nothing wrong with that no the onions on the garlic are amazing good little little sweet nope not overly sweet that's crazy have either of you ever cooked country style ribs before no i haven't it's really popular in minnesota though really yeah especially for your whole hog barbecue spot you know you got that direct heat going all the time you might as well just try this on yeah should give it a shot it's nice because you can buy a pork butt and cut it into pork steaks get a couple of butt fingers out of the mix mm-hmm have a whole variety i like it stealing it do it oh very good mmm the salt like sauce on it's good too gotta have the salt like sauce evan what's your opinion on salt like sauce best sauce on the market other than anything that you can find on the right i'll pour something here yeah it's so good i've done them a bunch of times maybe this good thing three hour cook though can't beat it could have gone left i like that uh that hard crust on there though that's nice i do too don't burn yourself [Music] oh and it is going to be delicious all right y'all and that is it that is my version of how to make country style ribs i highly recommend giving this one a try if you've never tried this cut before it's a perfect marriage between a pork steak and a spare rib super cheap cut for experimenting and depending on what kind of rub or sauce or mop you use you can really make this recipe your own but if you do give this a try be sure to tag me on instagram at chudsbbq i love to see what y'all are cooking please subscribe to the channel it helps me out so much head over to for all pit inquiries and all that good stuff and if you're in the greater minnesota area be sure to look up scotty's whole hog barbecue that guy knows what he's doing but until the next time i see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 118,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pork Butt, Direct Heat BBQ, Backyard BBQ, Pork Ribs
Id: pH4etqRtIYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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