Country Style Ribs | How To Smoke Country Ribs Recipe

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today I want to talk about country-style ribs I've had some questions about what our country-style ribs I know you've probably seen them around on different forums or people asking questions even saw them on pitmasters but a lot of people get don't understand what really a country-style rib is and there's two kinds of ribs that are commonly used and they're not really ribs at all this one is what you'll see my supermarkets it's basically a Boston but that's been cut kind of like pork steaks some of them have bones in them some of them alone but they just slice it about an inch thick and come out and cut it in half and you've got what's called a country-style rib you cook these just like you do ribs or butts basically because it's a Boston but some of them will have some bone like you can see the blade bone and this one you recognize some of the muscles there's that muscle that's in the sea and then some of them won't have bone because it depends on where the butcher takes the cut from what they've done in a lot of supermarkets the reason why I know this I was I wouldn't ask my butcher a lot of times they're certain selling trim butts in a supermarket so they'll come in and they'll cut off a few of the ends to make that book more square to give them more value to sell it there sell fries and it creates another cut of meat for them to mark up or to put out for the consumer and that's where these country-style ribs come from they're also called western style ribs a lot of times you'll see these long the ones cut from butts now a true country-style rib for me actually comes from the loin area and you look at this bone what does that look like it's a rib bone just like the first 12 bones of that Center cut of that ribs of the loin ribs is where you get the ribs from when you're cooking one about ribs well back behind that the loin back ribs the Rif keep going and they tell off just like this to where the lorentz tapering down and it looks kind of like a pork chop but back in the day when before there were meat sauce and all this people use the hatchets and they use just what kind of ever hand saw they had and that's how they cut ribs that's what they did with that section and that's where it was happening out in the country that's where they got the name country-style rib it's basically the tail end of the loin with the last few ribs are still attached and what happened a lot of times this meat sets here like this when they're taking it out when the butcher cuts that off the back tails down out of the loin and you've already got your big center cut loin you've taken your ribs out what you're left with is this so that what they'll do is they'll take their knife and if I get it trimmed out and you can split that you make one piece with the country-style rib it's got a little cartilage and a little bone where it was up on the spine but then you're left with this piece of rib so you actually get two pieces out of it and when you smoke it and you let it cook for a long time just like you're doing ribs or pork pork butt or whatever it's going to get tender and it's a lot of good meat I mean that's just pure there's some fat in it for flavor but it's a man it's the tail into the loin you know it's good and that's what I wanted I'm going to show you which one I think if we cook these today what I think is best I mean I know pork steaks are good and these country-style ribs from the butt section are going to taste like pork steak and this is going to taste like baby back ribs and that's the flavor profiles we're going for I'll show you how I season them up and how I'm gonna cook them later on but I wanted it I want you to see the main difference and we're going to cook them and the cooking process is going to be pretty similar for both though okay I want to season up these ribs now and I'm gonna start with the country-style ribs from the butt and all I'm doing is I'm doing a base layer the salt pepper garlic my all-purpose seasoning you can use whatever you like but just get some good flavor on there to work on the meat first layering flavor that's what it's all about when you cook and you'll notice on these ribs that come from the butt section there's a ton more fat in so they're really full of flavor but you got to break them down a little further than you do these loin the loin country-style ribs so they're going to take a little bit longer just like butt steak a little bit longer when you cooking them versus cooking a slab of ribs you know it's good on those and let's do the same thing to these loin ones but you can get your butcher to cut these for you that's what I did I was just curious I'm starting questions I've never cooked oh I ain't put many of these I mean we've had country-style ribs growing up stuff but I never did really care to ask where they come from and I started getting questions I was you know I want to see you I wanted to learn and that's what a lot of if I don't know anything I'll go I'll go to my butcher at all I asked you I said man pull out a piece I don't care what it cost it's breaking down show me how to do it and most the time you're bushels are work with you they're really they want to educate the consumer so it's good for their business and it's good for you to learn they got a good base coat of rub on them now we're going to come back with the barbecue rub use whatever of you like but just give them a good dose and we're gonna let them sit for a little while I'll get the cooker ready want to cook these on my UDS today all them about 275 degrees and I'm going to put some smoked gum and they got some good peach wood out there I'm going to use today I'll get them smoking and we're going to treat them we're gonna give them a wrap job once I get some smoke in them get them really good and tender then we'll finish them off with the glaze and kind of char it on at the end right over the coals and it's going to make for some really really good country-style ribs now you can turn these into the contest but something to eat at the house we're going to press you're friends with man go fool all right they're all doctored up we're gonna let this season and sit for a few minutes start pulling out some of the moisture out of the meat while I get my smoker ready outside then we're going to throw them on them let these guys just send some good smoke about 275 degrees for about an hour and a half we'll keep an eye on che I'm doing here just sick all right I'm out here's my drum I got it fired up I'm running two vents open all the way I want about 275 that's the temperature I'm looking at I want to cook these I'm straight on the rack not doing anything to them they're gonna go about an hour I'm gonna check them and see what they look like then what I'm going to do is get them wrapped up put them in a pan with a little bit of my sauce a little bit of pineapple juice kind of steam them in that pan break them down a little further make sure they're nice and tender and we're going to put them in some blaze and then put them back straight on the grate and finish them all we'll use the same cooking process on these you can see the the loin ones are cut just a little bit thicker and but but the but country-style ribs have a little more connective tissue so that it might be a little thinner but it's still going to cook about the same time I've got two cuts of country-style ribs on UTS smokers 22 inch great we're going to let these roll for about a hour a little peach wood on here for some smoke and we'll check them and see what they look like just about an hour all right now I'm mixing up the sauce that I want to braise these country-style ribs in and what I've got about a cup of pineapple juice I'm just going to split this up between both pans about 1/2 cup in each pan then I'm going to mix in some of my quahogs barbecue sauce and this is just going to create some extra liquid in there the pineapple salt the pineapple juice helps break the poor down some but it thins it out where it's not so good you don't have to worry about exact measurements just get some salt from there and get it thin down a little juice it's finished our ribs a bell just about a hour and 15 minutes and I check the internal town they're right around 150 degrees and that's about as much smoke but they'll get down for so you get covered up in one of these small pans you can do it in aluminum cool but I found the pan works just as well we'll take these outside take those ribs up get them covered up and then back onto really tenderizing we're gonna probably need about another hour hour and a half we'll keep an eye on them check them alone if you're looking for the final temp they need to be just right around 195 to 198 right in that range same thing you take a but two ribs are about the same range when you tempt them but I'll show you all that out the grill alright so now about a hour and 15 minutes you can see they got a really good color on them all I'm gonna do is get them in this sauce stack them up in this pan will let them break down that's what's gonna get them good and tender they're juicy that's a good color on them exactly what I want to see get these covered up we'll get them right back on the grill I got them covered up now and I just used a full lid that fits a half size pin I'll set them right back on I'm gonna check them in about an hour to hour and a half and they'll be really tender that's kind of a total cook time about two and a half two hours 45 minutes something like that the last step is going to be putting them back on the great out of the pan just enough to caramelize that sauce and they'll be ready to go okay it's been about an hour 20 minutes I'm going to go ahead and get these country-style ribs off here they have tenderize long enough I just wanted to get them broke down really render that fat now we're going to put them back on just kind of crisp up the outside glaze a little bit they really cook down you can see the fats rendered bones pulling back these are going to be tender they've been in that pineapple juice um barbecue sauce so I know they have a ton of flavor now it's just about getting a little carmelization on that outside we're gonna be in business now I just got killing off this barbecue sauce coming back on the top quick glaze will let this caramelize on each side it's not gonna take maybe five minutes each side not long the internal temp of these right about 195 the 200 degrees right in that range that's what you want they're really tender feeling really good sauce pretties love I get a quick flip on them sit down the side lid on all right this is finishing up the sauce on the back side of them here and then I'm telling you these things country-style ribs I know you can't turn into the contest but man they look good now we still get the lid on let them rock and roll for a few minutes I'll let them on this side come back flip them over and I'll show you what they look like it's been about five minutes that's all I want at first side see how it's caramelizing to getting a little little grill marks on them that's what you want man sauce starts to to get the little char looks but it's not burning mass but you don't wanna go too long just like that beautiful thing I'll let this side go for two minutes and these country-style ribs are done this one get this side caramelize a little not too much heat it's been another five minutes and I'm taking these bad dudes up but man look at this house listing that sauce is getting hot and melted on that's what I'm talking about country-style ribs killing hogs way really two ways we put the loin ribs on you and the country-style ribs from the butter western ribs all right here's the final product I want you to see I got the country-style rib that come off the but you can see the blade bone here well I'm just taking a bite of this I know I'm going right for this piece of meat I set meat in the Y of that blade bone we always pull that thing out when we're doing a but I'm just going to get it off here let's see it's pretty still hot but that's some fighting now this is the country-style rib they come up that loin that last that last few ribs on hog and it's got all that meat on it man it's just tender as it could be mmm listen right here's where it's at the butt country ribs good but man this one here's packing some flavor and it meets the tenders you can pay I like that that's good me budget our ribs two ways killed halls
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 589,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, barbecue, competition bbq, smoking, grilling, smoker, grill, bbq cook, country style ribs, country ribs, country ribs recipe, ribs, bbq country ribs, braised country ribs, bbq ribs, country pork ribs, country short ribs, pork ribs, country stye ribs, smoke country ribs, pork shoulder ribs, grilling country ribs, country ribs grill, county pork ribs, bbq ribs recipe, barbecue country ribs, courtry ribs, crountry ribs, country barbeque ribs
Id: LJZiVgw2HtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2013
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