Block Pit Whole Hog - Hardcore BBQ Series Part 9 of 9

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hey guys it's matt pittman and welcome to the meet church lake house this weekend we got something special for you guys i've got my buddy michael lechworth of sam jones barbecue of aiden north carolina michael what are we going to make so we're going to keep it east north carolina traditional we're gonna take these center blocks here and make a block pit and we're gonna cook a whole hog stick [Music] around [Music] i thought we would end our hardcore barbecue series going big this is part nine of that series nothing better than the go haul hog so again i want to bring in michael all the way from sam jones barbecue in north carolina michael tell me what materials we need to build this pit all right so this is super easy a super traditional eastern north carolina whole hog what we've got is a big stack of uh center blocks we need about 62 64 of these to build it uh some half inch rebar to lay the hog on we do that so the skin can expand after we flip it and then we just need some metal tin roofing corrugated metal anything like that will work and after this video if you still need any tips my partner and good friend sam jones has a book out you can get it amazon anywhere and it really goes step by step on how to do this process and those traditional sides in also all right so we got a 140 pound compart duroc hog to cook let's get to building this pit yeah let's do it [Music] all right guys so what we have done here is made our makeshift uh coal production area a lot of times if you've got like a burn barrel that will work great we don't have one here today and we don't have a lot of wood so we're using lump charcoal in this cook so what we're going to do is just pour the coals here get them hot and kind of start burning and getting things ready and we're going to shovel them here and then start cooking the hog morning guys we got this block pit built last night it's super early in the morning we're lighting a bed of charcoal putting wood on it to burn logs down into more coal so that we can get the pit going let's go from here to here from here to there i think we drank a little too much whiskey last night all right let's try to uh since we kind of can see where we're sitting as far as the pit goes let's try to slide it back here all right we're ready to put it on yeah roll it over okay i'll just grab it and spread it out all right guys so we've got the pig on now a couple things to note here the way these legs are turned back is just a product of the way this pig was tied up and received it's very hard to get that to change now it's not going to affect anything in the end so we've got this pig sitting on rebar we put an extra couple x-men under the hams and what we're about to do now is moisten the skin with some water and we're going to cover it with normal table salt and what this is going to do is help us in about 12 hours when we go to christmas skin up and we're just going for an even light coating of the skin your professional looks like you own a seasoning business with that application look at that it's like 100 perfect coverage um and this style um my partner sam jones his family started the skylight in back in 1947 and this is how they've always done things and one of the key things to the way we do our meat is that we chop our skin up into it and it provides a nice crispy bit in every mouthful and so this is how we're going to get there now we've got the hog salted up we need to get these coals in on the side don't we yep so we're just going to keep on putting coals down the side if we're looking for like a temp indicator maybe 120 130 and that's only because the meat will still be rigid enough that we're actually going to flip this pig over so we're going to take an internal temperature before you flip it yep so we're going to do like half the cook uh bone down and then we'll flip it over so yeah there's nothing to do now but keep shoveling colds for a few hours [Music] and so this fireplace is not normally how we would always go about things we're just trying to be efficient with the number of blocks we had a burn barrel work great in this instance but we're just going to keep building wood up and shoveling the coals as they kind of get ready and playing with the fire yep we can so we always talk time temperature i know when we're smoking this hog about 250 degrees but we're not operating with any thermometers today so what would you recommend everybody watching for that yeah 250 is a goal a little below or above isn't going to kill us if you're a little insecure about trying to keep it up at temp pop some holes in here and drop some thermometers in but we're just going to kind of go by when we get coals [Music] all right y'all it's late morning here we put this hog on about 5 a.m we've been shoveling coals in it every hour so it's getting really nice color so let's check in on it check the temp yeah so we're about 115 120 degrees so it's probably good to go ahead and flip it now uh if we wait much longer it's going to get tougher because the pig could just fall apart when we flip it all right well we're gonna get ready to flip all right all right so just to try to make this easier what we're gonna do is try to slide the hog a little bit closer to us the only concern we're gonna have is to make sure as we're sliding the hog that we don't pull these bars and then where everything's in the coals it might be a little bit this rod's not being used might be a little easier at this point to just throw a block right there and now we got a little step and we'll do this fairly quick we could have done this a little easier by using chicken wire a layer of chicken wire or some kind of fence and then putting another piece on top you squeeze it together and then do a flip we're gonna not do that and just kind of keep it really old-school and traditional on these bri bars it'll give us more room when we start crisping that skin for it to expand um so going old school old school let's flip it all right let's grab it up in that spine and on three we're going to slide it to us and flip it it's going to get hot and it's going to suck and it's going to probably spill your way one two three and over over here help me back here [Music] well that flip went off without a hitch we weren't quite on the same page oh and the position of those legs how this hog was frozen didn't make it real easy to get underneath right but it's totally fine we didn't lose anything so we'll just keep on cooking it and at the end we'll spread some coal underneath over christmas skin and we'll be golden because all this is gonna be pulled out anyhow [Music] all right few more hours we'll be ready [Music] all right guys we've been cooking this hog for about 12 hours we're in swim trunks we've been on the lake all day we got a lake house full of people here ready to eat this hog michael i can't thank you enough for coming down and helping us cook this hog today yeah man cheers so the hams are temping between 180 and 185 michael's actually gonna start pulling this half of it to chop the entire thing like he talked about earlier including the skin to get those crispy bits we're actually going to go eastern north carolina style on the other half we're going to have all our friends gather around this block pit we're going to pick the other half but while he's doing that i'm kind of i'm kind of tired of talking i'm gonna jump in here on this loin look at that look at that right there oh man look at that juicy hog tender belly meat dude it's amazing the simplicity involved in this cook and how super good it tastes cooking all hog's really forgiving too super good and you know what we're all here for yeah we shoveled coals under the hog near the end of the cook to help crisp that skin up i don't know if you could hear that but dude so good all right y'all thanks for joining as always we're just trying to inspire you all to get outside and cook build yourself a cinder block pit if you like this video please like and subscribe hope you loved our hardcore barbecue series half as much as we did this has been a ton of fun we'll see y'all next week [Music] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] i got to tell you the simplicity of smoking a hog season simply with salt and then sauced at the end with a mixture of apple cider vinegar texas pizza hot sauce and salt and pepper served with coleslaw unbelievable [Music] cheers
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 95,374
Rating: 4.9254737 out of 5
Keywords: meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, whole hog, sam jones, whole hog bbq, block pit, cinder block pit, whole hog smoker, cook a whole hog, how to cook a whole hog, smoking a whole hog, whole hog smoking, how to smoke a whole hog, pig, pork, how to, brick pit, whole hog cooking, cooking whole hog, whole hog barbecue, bbq whole hog, hog
Id: vu4us4TBYJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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