Apple Fritter Bread

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good morning welcome back to my channel today what I'm gonna be doing today for the recipe I'm gonna be cooking in my Sun Oven we've really got a lot of Sun today and I'm hoping it stays that way but I'm gonna be making apple fritter bread which is delicious and my husband's gonna be the lucky recipient to take it to work for his friends so the first thing that you're going to need is one stick of butter and that's got to be soft room-temperature soft I'm just gonna mix that up you could use a hand mixer longer that way on that grounded out by the sound of it this apple fritter bread is just so good I sold it at the farmers market this past summer and it was one of my biggest sellers okay once you get your butter creamed up then you're gonna add 1/3 cup of brown sugar and 2/3 cup of white sugar to that and I'm just using my whisk so just creamed together and I'll give me a good workout but it's got all that it's got fall flavors or cinnamon and your vanilla I have to I - sure to use my mixer for this part okay bear with me let me get some wet in there it'll be easier next is two large eggs there we go now starting to loosen up a little bit and these eggs are from my chickens so they're they're fresh eggs got them this morning here we go okay once you get all this cream together and we're gonna add in two teaspoons of pure vanilla and I always use pure vanilla whenever I bake if it calls for vanilla because I just has a better flavor than the imitation stuff okay those are vanilla and then to that we're gonna add 1/2 cup of milk I'm using whole milk but you could use 2% if you wanted to and if you really wanted it really really rich you could use cream okay now we're gonna add the dry ingredients so the first thing I'm going to start adding is the flour all-purpose flour so one and a half cups and we'll do it just kind of gradually and it doesn't have to be sifted but you can actually break this recipe down and because I was when I saw at the farmers market I was using small little foil pans and I think I got at least three small foil pans out of this one recipe but today I'm just gonna make a big big loaf in my loaf pan so but I wanted to do the Sun Oven today because they say we're supposed to have a lot of Sun and I've got it preheating outside right now so there's all the all-purpose flour and the next dry ingredient is one and three quarters teaspoon of baking powder okay and then we ready make sure I've got enough to send them in here teaspoon and a half of ground cinnamon all right and now what I got to do is I have to layer this batter let's send them in an apple mixture as it takes to to like medium size apples and I've chopped them up peel them and chop them up and added two teaspoons of granulated sugar and one teaspoon of cinnamon okay let me get the pan ready and I will bring you back so I can layer it okay so now I'm ready - I got my pan sprayed with Joyce Baker Joy's secret or you can just use let's go and flour whichever you prefer I just like the spray and you're going to layer the batter least try to get it you know as even as possible and it's a thicker batter so okay there's one even layer and then the next layer it's going to be your chopped up apples and I try to spread them out a little bit so every bite you get a little bit of apples okay another layer of batter scrape the spoon off basically you're just you're just creating layers is all your doing I think I'm gonna switch to a just a regular spoon because this spoon it's kind of big okay this way I spread it a little bit easier there we go okay another layer of apples oh it smells so good the cinnamon and the brown sugar okay then after I bake this and I will I'm gonna make a glaze to put on the top after its cooled okay so one more layer of the batter I'm just gonna scrape it out like this get all that good stuff out of there okay let's spread this out best we can and it's gonna rise up really pretty scrape all that off of there okay let's do the apples first we'll put some apples I don't know I might keep this for myself so to let Network and then we'll do the rest of the apples spread them out I kind of tamp them down a little bit so they kind of stick on the dough as best you can okay okay that's what it looks like it's all put together so now I'm gonna take it out to the Sun up okay I'm all here at the of a Sun Oven I've got it in there and it's already up to almost 300 degrees so hopefully it will take probably maybe about an hour but we'll see I'm gonna close it up and lock the door ouch that's hot and then I will bring you back when it's all done okay I'm back with the apple fritter bread it turned out really pretty it took about an hour and 15 minutes in the Sun Oven which is it's pretty good it's always gonna take a little bit longer than your regular conventional oven so now I'm going to make the glaze that you put over top and it's really easy it's a half a cup of powdered sugar and I don't level it I just kind of scoop it okay there's that and then one to three tablespoons of I'm using heavy whipping cream you can see that well we'll try one and we'll see what it when it looks like that's we're stirring it to see if I need to F yeah probably need more let's add to this is gonna make it really creamy easy so you don't get powdered sugar everywhere it doesn't take very much okay I think I'm gonna add the three it says one two three so I think the three would be just enough okay let's stir this up probably gonna put it in a smaller Bowl okay see ya you know what I'm gonna put another tablespoon so I'm gonna do four because it I want it to be just a little bit where it'll actually pour out the spoon so if you're using whole milk it would it would be a lot roomier than that it's probably just too there we go that's better okay I'm gonna put this in a smaller bowl and I will bring right back okay now the glaze is all finished and that's the consistency all we're gonna do is start drizzling it over the apple pie fritter bread and you can put as much or I'm gonna put a lot I tell you since I got that Sun Oven I use it as often as I can you want it to go down the sides and and you could take a spatula along the sides if you wanted to and it's so good know one thing it's gonna be happy okay that's about it pick a fork and just kind of drag it along a little bit down the sidewalk okay I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you try this it is delicious for fall for Thanksgiving dinner would be something different she could fix but I will have to bring you back after I cut it just so you can see the what it looks like on the inside so I'll bring you back in a minute okay I've cut a piece is so moist I'm gonna try a bite can't I can't stand myself oh my goodness it's so good as moist the apples is what make it really moist and you have the pecans cinnamon brown sugar delicious well I hope you all liked this video hope you try it give it a thumbs up I'm subscribed to my channel and look for more videos coming up pretty soon I appreciate it thanks for watching bye
Channel: J&E Homestead
Views: 116,858
Rating: 4.9094882 out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Bread, Pecans, Sun Oven
Id: 3LsiLpcFsCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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