Apple Fritters: Yum!

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good morning welcome into my home and into my kitchen here at all things kitchen my name is Jennifer and this morning I decided I wanted to try to make some apple fritters for breakfast so I thought I'd bring you along with me I already have some things set up um some things prepped so that we can make this hopefully nice and quick and yummy and delicious this is is a brand new recipe for me um I've never made apple fritters before but I just have a taste for it this morning and when we went to the grocery store yesterday decided to pick up some apples and do something with them so I'm going to go ahead and bring you down and show you what I have to get started and we'll get to Frying these apple fritters up and hopefully they'll be yummy and delicious so what I have have here is 1 and 1/2 cups of allpurpose flour I already have two apples that I have diced up and I have them sitting in some lemon water right now so that they don't Brown on me and uh the rest we're going to put together together so into my flour I need a/4 of a cup of sugar qu of a cup of sugar and I will link this recipe down in the description box I need two tpoon of baking powder need two teaspoon of that a half a teaspoon of salt going to need to refill my salt here soon that's about a half teaspoon and one and a half teaspoons of cinnamon it has been raining and dreary and actually we need the rain so that's okay but it's been raining since yesterday afternoon and right now it's about 10:30 this morning so it is definitely a day where something nice and warm from scratch sounds like it belongs in my belly how about you guys okay so I am just incorporating all of the dry ingredients together and then I'm going to get all of the wet ingredients together so I'm just going to set this aside now I the recipe called for oh goodness what kind of apple is it called for Granny Smith or honey crisp apple I got Pink Ladies so I'm sure you could use whatever Apple you could experiment with different apples to see what might taste good what might taste better and I need to get another Bowl because evidently the two I have out is not enough so that should be big enough for all the wet ingredients and I don't have any of the wet ingredients out so first I need one3 cup of a milk of a milk well it came out of a cow but maybe I should have stayed in bed for another half an hour this morning since evidently talking is difficult okay 13 cup of milk two eggs and I am going to beat these up a little bit before I put them in with the milk just have this little Nifty oh goodness got a little too excited too vigorous there I'm just trying to break these up a little bit go ahead and put them in here and do that with the milk now also in here I need three tablespoons of applesauce so I'm going to get [Music] that one two three that was just a plain unsweetened applesauce that I used um you could probably if you had a cinnamon applesauce that would probably go well since the recipe already has cinnamon in it anyway um now I do have on the stove some oil coming up to [Music] temperature why and the temperature of the oil is supposed to be at 375° so I'm just going to to Temp my oil really quickly and see where we're at it's actually a little on the high side it's a little too hot so just turned it down a notch or two and hopefully by the time we put all of our ingredients together we can that temperature will be just about right so I just put a wire excuse me a baking sheet uh right next to my pan of hot oil on top of the stove with a wire rack over it I'm making a little well here for my wet ingredients and I'm going to just mix this to combined you don't want to over mix your dough for this so I'm going to mix it until the ingredients are just Incorporated and then I will add in the apples so you can see what we've got here I can smell the cinnamon smells like cinnamon donuts to me cinnamon fritters all right just a little bit of dry powder but I'm also going to be adding the apples which means I'm going to have to incorporate that a little bit more so I'm going to go dump the liquid okay so I just drained off the liquid for the apples just give me a little Shake here and I'm going to dump those in there and this is going to be a lot of apple fritters I have to share so the recipe here says states to put about a/4 of a cup into the oil which let me test my oil see how it's doing right now okay so the recipe said to use about a/4 cup but some of the reviews were talking about how um that was too much it got too fluffy and so I'm going to use kind of like a a heaping eth cup and I'm going to spread it out a little bit so I'm going to put one in here to test plus it may cool down my my oil a little bit because it's a little warm and then I'm going to bring you over here while we fried these up I don't fry that much um I don't like the mess that it makes and I don't like the smell that it leaves in my house but that is looking beautiful and we will definitely be enjoying these so I'm going to have this bowl right here so that I'm sure that brought the temperature down some I think there's room there I'm going to go ahead and add another one and I'm just kind of giving it a smush when I'm putting it in there so that it doesn't puff up into like a ball and I'm going to flip that the recipe does call for a glaze but it also says something it also talks about just putting maybe some confectioner sugar on there so I might do a little bit of both so maybe while these are praying I don't want to walk away too much because don't want them to get too Brown let me see how that's doing for my oil sorry about the camera shake so it's right about right now where we want it about 375 that was right about 380 and that was after putting these in there oh these look gorgeous give that about another 30 seconds you don't want to overcrowd your pan I mean you could definitely put in a couple at a time but my oil was too hot to start with so I didn't want to put too much in there at one time and I don't see these really puffing up a whole lot like the reviews were talking about so I'm actually wondering if maybe those people maybe use self-raising flour instead of just regular all-purpose flour that would definitely cause them to puff up more um I actually almost substituted self-rising flour in this recipe because I have some and I need to use it so I'm just going to do a couple at a time here so I'm sure come you could come up with a system as you put these in maybe put one in and by the time that may need a little bit more on that one side by the time you go to flip it it'll should be good to put another one in I'm still kind of giving it a smush because I don't want it to get too Brown on the outside before it Cooks all the way in the middle got some powdered sugar here I'm just going to put that on this one sitting over here and I'll have this ready for a couple of more and because I don't have enough dishes dirty we'll go ahead head and do what we can to get the glaze going think I'm I'm only going to make a small portion of the glaze because the recipe calls for two cups of sugar and I don't need that much glaze so I'm putting about 2/3 of a cup of powdered sugar a little splash of vanilla and just a splash of milk as well and I may have to adjust all of that according to how well it incorporates I'll check that in just a second did you guys do anything special this weekend okay so all those ingredients that I Ted about for the glaze I'm just mixing right here in the bowl and we'll see if it is the consistency I want I may need to add a little bit of something put some more powdered put some powdered sugar on this one couple of them I will will probably leave with no topping on there at all so while I finish frying these off I am going to let you go and I will bring you back once I have completed all of them and we'll see how many we get I'm not even halfway through the dough yet um so we're going to have quite a few I'm definitely going to have to share these so I have the glaze here and I just want to show you I have been glazing a couple of them and I'm just just basically having to turn the bowl so you can see but so I'm just dipping it in there it did say to do it on both sides and the first one I did it on both sides but I don't think I want it on both sides I think I just want it on the one so just pulling it out and putting it on my rack right there so like I said I'm glazing some a couple I have put powdered sugar on and I'm going to leave some plain as well now I've kind of gotten the hang of the oil to know when okay it's getting a little too warm I need to add some batter in there to cool it down and some of them got a little bit toasty but it's beautiful on that side Maybe if I just do it like that nobody will know right and you can experiment with different shades that looks so good um also just because I did have a taste um a a piece accident fell into my mouth while the camera was off uh the texture of the apples will depend on of course number one the type of apple that you have but also the size of the apples um how the size that you cut them so keep that in mind if you want a more pronounced crisp apple bite then maybe keep the bite the Apple sizes a little bit larger if you want the apples to kind of melt in your mouth um as if they were cooked cut them smaller or you could actually precook the apples as well before you put them in the batter to soften them up that all depends on the texture that you're looking for and the type of apple that you have so that might be something that you need to experiment with and see for yourself actually what I have done and you know considering this is the first time that I've made apple fritters I think the Apple texture is beautiful in these so I cut them about the same size that I cut my potatoes when I make a breakfast bake um not bake but when I make my fried potatoes for breakfast and um it seemed to work beautifully for this recipe and I am almost done I think there is probably enough batter for or about two more so I think this size that I'm doing right now is a really good size [Music] which is this like I said this is an eighth of a cup and I have it kind of heaping and just to kind of put it in there and give it that smos so that it's not all baled up and the center all right again I'll bring you back I just wanted to show you that the how I was doing the glaze and again that's going to come down to personal preference if you want the glaze if you want the glaze on both sides you know how much glaze do you want that will be your personal preference so I'll bring you back okay friends so I just took the last Fritter out and that one got my last two got a little bit too dark but that's okay that's okay I'm a home cook I'm not a professional chef and sometimes things don't always go perfect so um I think I'm only going to dip one more I'll let my husband tastes one um he might prefer to not have the glaze on there I also just called my dad and said hey I'm bringing some over to you I've got way too many so um like I said just the glaze right there so I've got one two three four five with glaze one two three four five without and two with powdered sugar and man do they look delicious and so I'm going to bring you up here and it is quite warm in the kitchen frying with that oil oh goodness I have to pardon me so I'm going to take one look at that look at that beautiful let's try TR it you get that cinnamon look at that batter the Apple still has some body to it would you like to try absolutely I can smell the house smells like apple frer this one has some glaze on it I left some without glaze let's give your opinion to our friends here thumbs up his mouth was too full to talk would you change anything yeah makes more makes some more I just got dad and told him I'm bringing over some so I'm getting rid of some because we don't need that many but I did leave some unglazed and some I tried with powdered sugar to cut down on the sugar a little bit so definitely taste that cinnamon in it like I said the body the body of the Apple uh I think the way that I cut them was perfectly um just small Cubes but you decide for you what would work best for you and your family and how you would like to eat something like that thank you for giving that taste test for me and I appreciate your time and you spending it with me I hope you have a great day I hope you have a great week I'll see you next time I like the the way the apple is size there you just it's just right I mean you can taste the Apple in there without it being like a big chunk perfect take care
Channel: All Things Kitchen
Views: 20,797
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Id: 6j5hOiQwHrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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