Counter Culture - Ambassadors | Pastor Peter | Sunday 3rd Oct 21 | #SermonSeries

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bye [Music] [Music] bye [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yo yo beautiful people listen ark youth bible study bible study art youth bible study every sunday at 12 p.m join us for bible study workshops games discussion fellowship and so much more so how about you tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a neighbour we're looking forward to seeing you all there you there be there see you there [Music] we are the ark and we'd love to connect with you on social media you can contact us on our website twitter instagram and facebook good afternoon arc family my name is jason and i'm part of the ark baptism team if you want to be baptized or you're thinking about it and you've got questions we run a monthly baptism class that's the last tuesday of the month and also we have baptisms on the last sunday of the month if you would like to sign up to be baptized you can do that via our the ark website and if you go to next steps you'll see a section for baptisms it's very easy it takes about two seconds or maybe a minute it might take you but yeah if you've got any questions you can come and see me on a sunday and we can talk it through all right god bless you [Music] gigi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 200 [Music] [Music] go hey [Music] do [Music] so [Music] good morning good morning everybody i hope everybody's had a blessed week good morning everybody online [Music] we just want to thank god for bringing us another week i know i say every time i'm up here but i never want to take him for granted because there's so much that's going on and we still thank god for being so faithful so awesome so kind towards us amen i know that he's been kind to me he's been kind to you have they've been loving to you has it been gracious to you has he been just awesome and mind-blowing to you is he created ways where you thought there was no ways amen and if you feel that today i just want you to say thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus because if it wasn't for you who would it have been i can't rely on myself i can't rely on you we can only rely on the most living god the holy one the mighty one the one that sees and knows everything the father goes to say we just want to say thank you jesus thank you lord thank you for everything thank you for the breath in our body thank you father for a sound mind thanking fathers who are able to move our body thank you that we're able to be here and say thank you we don't have to do it in secret thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus this is the day that the lord has made and i'm choosing choosing choosing to just worship you today lord thank you lord hallelujah come on everybody help your hands [Music] [Music] hey the people of god say [Music] this is [Applause] [Music] i will rejoice [Music] [Music] [Applause] let the lord [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus this is the day that you've made love god and we shall rejoice and be glad in it can we just get some sound the sound sorted out a little bit please thank you hallelujah thank you thank you jesus hallelujah so this song it's a declaration i know sometimes you don't always feel like it but how many know how many of us know that feelings are not facts they can feel like they're facts but they're not facts so i want you to declare something even if you don't feel it it's about singing it and believing that the god that you serve is able that he's called you victorious amen has he called you victorious amen hallelujah so just sing this song with me guys not you [Music] hey hey by the end of the almighty i've been set free healed delivered made complete now i'm walking in victories by the hand of the almighty i've been set free he'll deliver me complete now i'm walking in victory still awoken in victory said i'm walking in victory i'm walking in victory i got my joy back [Music] in victory said i'm walking in victory i'm walking in victory i got my [Music] [Music] now i'm walking in victory victory [Music] okay so we are walking in victory amen i know that i'm walking in victory even though my money sometimes is a bit funny and things in my life have happened i know that god has given me my joy back god has given me my peace back god has given me my strength back and i know that that i know that i know that i know that i know that i know that he's able he's able to keep me when i'm not able to keep myself he's able to heal me when i can't even heal myself he's able to give me my joy back when i'm not able to get my joy by myself there's no self-help book that i can read to him there's no tablet i can take there's no person i can really talk to but i know that he is able so i'm gonna sing that again by the handset [Applause] [Music] victory victory i got my joy back now i'm walking in here i'm victory [Music] [Music] now i'm walking in victory hallelujah jesus hallelujah thank you lord allow me to walk in your victory thank you jesus your victory thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah jesus come on musicians i didn't say it earlier so i need to say it now hallelujah [Music] you are so worthy father [Music] [Music] [Applause] who was is [Music] holy holy is he [Music] singing a new song to him who sits on heaven's mercy [Music] holy holy holy [Music] creation nothing praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] clothing rainbows is [Music] is [Music] holy oh you are my everything [Music] filled [Music] jesus your name is powerful [Music] is holy holy holy holy [Music] everything is [Music] with all creation i will sing praise to the king of kings cause you are my everything and i will adore is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] don't stop praising him thank him thank you lord [Music] [Music] this is the air i breathe your holy presence living in me [Music] this is my daily bread this is my daily bread [Music] word spoken to me [Music] and for you [Music] i'm lost without you [Music] this is the air i breathe this is your holy presence [Music] [Music] the holy word i will reach yes i will [Music] spoken to me hallelujah [Music] this is i need your presence i need your daily bread this is [Music] [Applause] me is i won't know where to to go [Music] foreign without your kindness [Music] i'm um [Music] [Music] for you and [Music] jesus [Music] our hearts are crying out for you lord i'm desperate for you jesus [Music] your loss and now [Music] the water's you are alone on my hearts desire and i long to worship you as the depends as [Music] says [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] desire and oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] church i just want us to stay in this place of just receiving of just worshiping and just honoring our god but it's a time in our service we want to make room for the holy spirit to speak who knows that we are his bride we are his chosen people and he desires to speak to us speak in a way way that we can't misinterpret or misunderstand and so in this moment as we continue to worship if you feel the lord is leading something or placing something on your heart to share to edify to encourage the church please just speak with me or any of the elders at the front i will give you an opportunity to share [Music] [Music] we are standing on holy grounds and i know that there are let us [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh let me just hear the voice of the congregation [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] one more time to sing to your father [Music] [Music] or [Music] [Applause] jesus as we were just singing this song and prior to remy just standing or starting that song i really felt the lord just begin to remind me of when he spoke to moses um in the burning bush and he told to moses he said take off your sandals because you are standing on holy ground and little did moses know in that moment that the altar of his life was about to change drastically the course of his life was about to take a supernatural turn and the direction of his life was about to go into a completely new era way something he couldn't have imagined or fathomed and as we begin to sing that song and i just want the worship team to sing that one more time and just begin to minister and think about what the words you're singing is saying and declaring because if you're standing on holy ground what it means is that the course of your life can begin to change and the trajectory of your life can change because you're in the presence of the almighty god you're in the presence of the almighty god the king of kings and lord of lords and there may be situations and circumstances that you're going through and little do you know that by being here in this very moment that the course of your life can change direction so let's give god a praise sing then [Music] that there are angels on [Music] us praise jesus [Music] his friends oh [Music] around us [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord we worship you come on church we're standing on holy grounds come on church we're in the presence of the almighty come on church let's reverence him let's adore him lester our affections for he is worthy to be praised lift them up in the house but where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what an incredible time to just be in the presence of god and even as we just come to the end of a segment of worship i just want us to just briefly pray because being in the atmosphere so sweet being an atmosphere so sweet it's just like you want to pour out and we just want to say thank you lord for meeting us lord thank you lord god for allowing us to encounter you thank you lord that this is holy ground thank you that we are the table knuckle in which you dwell thank you lord god that you're here touching and revealing yourself even through our worship even through our praise and lord we honor you and we create room for you in this service we create room for you in this service we create room for you in this service have your way completely flood this place overflowing this place overflowing our lives overflowing our hearts oh god have your way lord have your way you direct you lead in the name of jesus hallelujah amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's okay to worship it's okay to pour out it's okay we can stay in this place for a few more minutes keep praying thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord thank you for your presence hallelujah thank you lord that we encounter you hallelujah thank you that you're not hidden thank you that you reveal yourself thank you lord thank you that you're not far away thank you lord thank you for washing us lord god with your word hallelujah thank you for reminding us of who you are that you are the king of killings that creation attests to your glory and your splendor and your might we reverence you lord hallelujah hallelujah we want to be sensitive to you lord we want to foster this lord have your way lord move in the way that you want to move remove the distractions move the noise move [Music] those crms thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah we worship you we worship you we worship you you jesus thank you jesus yes lord we won't silence you we won't cut you lord god have your way lord jesus touch us with your presence touch us with your spirit touch us lord jesus we are desperate for you we're desperate for you lord god my desperate for you lord god we're desperate for you loga we reverence you lord jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] morning church as we was worshiping the lord just press this scripture on my heart and it says it's from james 4 8-10 and it says draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your heart you double-minded be wretched and mourn and weep let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom humble yourselves before the lord and he will exalt you amen [Applause] [Music] is [Music] make room for him guys make room for him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah father thank you jesus [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is me is [Music] [Music] [Music] holy holy holy hope [Music] hallelujah church um i actually didn't want to come up and share this but i thought that was very impertinent as i've been reading through the prophets recently what one thing that i've noticed is that even the doom and the gloom even the consequences the issues the circumstances even that the lord is um is rebuking his children at the end of every book of the prophets the lord ends it with hope the lord always speaks that something is going to come forth that the remnants are going to be blessed that the lord is going to speak to his children that is going to draw them back to him and this just links up to every um everything that we've listened to today that draw near to him and he will draw near to you that the lord is speaking to his children right now that there is a remnant so it does not matter what is happening in your life right now even the destruction that is happening the the disappointments the frustrations the down costs the downtrodden the lord is speaking to you and he says that the remnants inside of you shall begin to worship the lord and as the lord speaks to you that there is a hope that there is a future that the thoughts that he has towards you are good and not of evil to give you a future and a hope that the lord says i am speaking to you right now so the remnant inside of your belly begins to stir up at the word of the lord that he is speaking to you right now that there is a hope for your future i don't know what is going on in this room but the lord says there is a hope for you there is a hope for you do not lose hope keep doing good for in due time you will reap the harvest if you continue hallelujah amen thank you lord amen glory thank you lord for speaking and that's why i like to just give room for the holy spirit you know be sensitive it's not about our schedule it's not about our timeline sometimes sometimes we just need to be still and wait for him to speak and he spoke glory are you good are you happy to be in the house of the lord are you happy to be in the house of the lord amen amen i just want to thank you and commend our incredible worship team you are gift to the house and we honor you and we thank you for your service and your faithfulness thank you for leading us in that time of worship it was sweet it was sweet we honor you holy spirit for being present for moving and ministering thank you for touching hearts thank you for restoring hope thank you for restoring lives we bless you for that and so we're going to swiftly begin to move on and time is slightly far spent but i just want to welcome you all into the house of the lord this morning it's a privilege to be your moderator my name is lydia and i'm so happy to be greeted with so many smiling and beautiful faces those online thank you for joining us this morning we pray that you're being blessed and we're gonna actually move into a time of celebration and this celebration is to dedicate a child unto the lord and so i'm going to actually call up the ministers and the elders of the house and i'm going to welcome up the family that we're going to be um dedicating children to you today so if you want to make your way up for us and just welcome them as they come up guys amen aren't they beautiful he's the lord hey guys this is jason this is janet amen thank god for your lives and this is their beautiful family that's up here with them jason and janet has been members here for about is it three four years now about three three years we went to sydney they followed me to sydney and came back here they followed me back but the children have grown up they had this baby in lockdown and amen but god is good praise god for how he's increased your family and blessed you bountifully amen so we're blessing this young man isn't it because we blessed her already amen hey what's his name jason jr [Music] oluwatabi yeah [Music] god is great amen amen praise god that's good i'm doing good i'm doing good [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it's amazing how just through lockdown these little kids become big men right [Music] it was a little baby when i saw him came and saw you guys and locked down dear lord i thank you so much for jason juna [Music] i thank you father so much for blessing jason and janet with this beautiful beautiful baby boy thank you that you have looked upon them and you have favored them and you have blessed them father god we thank you for this day that has arrived lord that we can come and we can present him before you and give thanks for his life and give thanks lord that he has come upon the planet for you chose him and you destined for him to arrive in such a time as this i thank you father that he comes with everything that he needs to fulfill his purpose and his destiny so god i want to thank you for his health and i want to thank you father for his strength i want to thank you father the god that you blessed him in this mother's womb and i thank you that you cause him to come forth healthfully and now lord jesus we speak over him and we pray the blessings of god that makes rich and that does not add no sorrow to be upon his life in the name of jesus father i pray you'll bless jason in his down sitting and in his uprising you'll bless him in the city bless him in the field bless him when he comes and bless him when he goes i pray that god that jason will walk in health all the days of his life that sickness and disease will not be his portion i thank you god he will walk in wealth and in health i thank you father in the name of the lord jesus that god that a thousand will fall at his side ten thousand at his right hand and this young boy will never be a statistic i thank you father in the name of jesus that he will shine like a star he will shine bright in the name of jesus i thank you father that every good thing that's with inside of him will manifest itself i thank you father that this young boy will have a heart to learn to grow to develop in the name of jesus he'll be blessed intellectually he'll be blessed physically he'll be blessed socially blessed emotionally blessed mentally in the name of jesus i thank you father that you're gonna put angels to stand around him god and protect him from accidents harms and from danger father you're going to protect him from the hand of wicked men wicked women he will never be touched he'll never be abused psychologically spiritually emotionally or physically or sexually he will never be abused in the name of jesus thank you god [Music] i thank you god that jason is set for the rising except for the rise and i thank you that there's a leadership mantle that rests upon him in the name of jesus that he's gonna stand out lord amongst his peers and amongst the other children in the name of jesus for god your unique blessing of leadership rests upon him god yeah god thank you lord yes so god just bless jason and let him become everything that he was born to be just give him hinds feet lord to leap over walls to run through troops that anything that stands in front of him god this this boy lord this boy that will be a man will will break for every barrier will go through every hurdle he will climb and mount every wall lord and every obstacle will move in front of him father i thank you in the name of jesus we give you glory god [Music] in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] amen i don't know if there's little books on leadership for young boys heavy my hand is dropping off he's heavy with the weight of leadership yeah but we just want to confirm yeah i was saying just speak leadership into like like not little stupid stories just even from young speak leadership into him and we just confirm the names of jason junior oluwatobi yah papi upon him in the name of jesus that sounded good there isn't it five out of ten bro that's not even good but we confirm these blessings upon him and declare and bless us from today in the name of jesus jesus name amen yeah father we just thank you right now we thank you for the family that are here lord jesus we thank you for the appearance lord god and we understand lord jesus christ that the parents and the family as they come together lord it's gonna take all of them to build up jason lord god and his other siblings lord jesus christ we understand it takes a village to raise a child lord god and father we just pray a blessing over them lord jesus we pray you're covering over them lord god we pray your supernatural health your supernatural provision over their lives lord god we pray that they will lack for nothing lord jesus christ and most of all lord god we pray for seed of your word within them lord god that it will go forth lord jesus christ and multiply and as they speak life lord jesus christ over jason and his siblings we pray heavenly father that it will grow up lord god and he will grow up to be strong lord god that his roots will be planted in you lord jesus christ and he will go forth and grow lord god in a strong a strong tree lord god bearing much fruit father we thank you for this family right now and we pray lord jesus christ that they will lack for nothing that their store baskets will be filled all the time lord jesus father we thank you lord god that as they speak over this family lord god as they intercede for this family lord god as they pray and as they sow into this family financially lord god and just with their very presence lord god let them walk in prosperity let them walk in health lord god father i thank you lord jesus christ that as they go lord jesus christ that they too will be light in their workplaces lord god lord god let them shine bright for you lord god in dark places and that your name will be glorified in jesus name amen amen thank you thank you dad mums bless you thank you for raising beautiful children and janet and jason they're so honoring to me and we love you guys very much in jesus name amen can we just clap for them as they go to their seats shirt [Applause] [Music] it's so lovely to be able to see children being dedicated to the lord it's a gift so we're going to go into a time of announcements but if i could kindly ask we will be going into a time of times and offerings shortly so if you could just begin to prepare yourselves in that way so if you need an envelope just raise your hands and one of the ushers will um come to you and give you an envelope if you need it but we're just going to go into a time of quick announcements are you all engaged are you all alive are you awake yeah okay good so just to let you know firstly that we don't have a sign-in system anymore so there are still a few empty spaces in the house so those who are online we do invite and welcome you to come back you don't have to register online we are still trying to respect people's boundaries and the things that we have in place at the moment to facilitate that is a traffic light system so you'll noticed on my on my left hand i have a green band and that simply um symbolizes that i'm okay for people to hug me and to touch me and so when you enter into the doors um of the church you'll see that they'll be red they'll be green and they'll be yellow and just please uh observe the signs and observe the colors and green is you're okay for people to meet you to touch you yellow is keep your distance a little bit you know i'm still keeping myself to myself slightly and red is no zone don't just just stay stay back in it it's it's big enough that i'm in the house of the lord so just give me some space so um that's something we have in place to make sure that everybody's comfortable uh the second announcement we have is new members orientation somebody say new members somebody say new members and somebody say growth and that's what it symbolizes so it's amazing to see that through lockdown we've had incredible growth over the last 16 months and that's that's incredible and so that's something really to give god honor and praise for so we'll have new members orientation that will be happening next week sunday i believe that sunday the 10th of october so if you are a new member whether you're online or whether you're in the house please do keep an eye out for the email that will be sent and so i'm sure there's a link to register in the email but if you don't or not on the emailing list please speak with marilla just raise your hand marilyn for me just speak with marilla at the end and so she can get you on the emailing list so you can get the updates that come form come from the arc uh i'm just gonna welcome up mk and lydia because we're gonna have a short short introduction about um adult new believers class so come up welcome them guys as they come to the stage [Music] [Applause] good afternoon church um my name is lydia i am i'm mourinho i'm our afternoon i'm mk um we're here to talk about the new believers course um which is a six week course we run which covers the basics of christianity um you have some really great teachers it's free and it's open to new believers but also if you're already a believer you just want like a refresher one you're good yeah you're good that wasn't me you know that wasn't me but i just want to say also that um the flyer for the new members orientation was not that one this is actually the nbc for for the course that me and lady are talking about this is starting this wednesday just really quickly just shout out to me how many books are in the new testament how many books in the old testament how many books in apocrypha if you want the answers to them questions and all the other questions like around you know what is salvation what is repentance we explore spiritual disciplines as christians we explore um also like really fundamental stuff in christianity yeah please join the course it's online as well it's on zoom and it's for six weeks as well completely free and by the end of it you get a nice cool certificate as well so if you want answers to all of them profound deep questions make sure you join the course this wednesday next wednesday 7 30 in jesus name thank you amen amen so yeah please make sure that you speak with lydia or mk at the end and if you do want to get involved it'll be great to see new people join that and the other announcement we have is life groups are commencing next week so they start back next week so yeah you know what what this okay it's a clap it's amazing as a church we want to come together and do life together not just meet once a week on a sunday so please do um get in touch with your life group leaders if you're not in a life group leader please speak with amelia and michael i'm not sure if they're here today oh there there she's in yellow at the back please speak with her so she can get you connected it'll be great to make sure that you're part of a fellowship outside of just um sunday meetings or gatherings and the last announcement is married for life so um we have a couple's games night that's taking place on friday the 22nd of october so friday the 22nd of october will be a couple's games night can please anybody who's a couple can you just raise your hand wow okay cool so i'm expecting to see you guys all there on friday the 22nd of october married for life again if you do or are interested in that please speak with samantha who also heads up that ministry um and i'm sure some more details will be sent out this week on that and you can also find out some more information on the church suite app while we're on that note but well we're on that no no yeah yeah no no no no what did he say can you put that fly back up there for me was there a flyer up there just now wow all dating engaged [Applause] engaged did someone get engaged recently [Applause] i think someone did get engaged recently i think someone got engaged yesterday yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um daniel did someone get engaged yesterday did they come come here a minute come here come on so you got i think you got engaged yesterday right is she yeah is she out there oh she's there oh so daniel i just need you to kind of can i get the ring back a minute please can i get a ring back first [Applause] it's precious has anyone seen that look at that shine bright like a diamond [Applause] that's a few months that's a few months wages there bro bro i need you to just tell us how it went but i don't need the whole seven letters all right you can start with the six letter all right so just like this is going to be really quick daniel really quick yeah so you yeah get to the end of it like and then um hello church this is really quick daniel do you what do you want me to do just propose to it yeah yeah yeah all right is this what you said yesterday i can't remember what i said all right sorry hang on he went through seven letters that he wrote to her and in each letter okay i'll tell you i'll tell the quick version now but you're going to tell it long no no no no you're going to tell it so basically for the last couple of months i've been writing lydia some letters and at the end of every letter there was um like a secret code so if you count every seven words it would spell out it would the words would be will you marry me so and he wrote six of those i wrote six of those letters and she never got the code and she never got the code yeah cary's got the code on my first one just saying i'm just saying just saying you're just saying just say it see you soon so then yesterday we um got over to um secret location family and friends were there we were supposed to come down on a helicopter but it was raining um ended up in a hotel and then it was a seventh letter and i popped yeah i did this [Music] [Applause] lydia i love you so much i think you're incredible i think you're amazing lydia henrietta daisy randall will you marry me no no no no i think he went down yesterday he went down yesterday he went back he went down on his so father we want to speak quick blessings upon daniel and lydia and thank you so much for the journey to this point lord jesus everything that they've been through together to bring them to this point and now that they've engaged each other lord jesus to marry i pray that you will just bless the rest of their journey to their wedding day and beyond we thank you for the blessing of consecration and holiness and purity that is upon them father and i thank you that they honor you they honor each other lord jesus and we thank you for their lives now in jesus name amen [Music] i'm slightly annoyed that possibly had done that because i was trying to i was trying to never navigate it myself i was going to control the narrative but you know he got me he actually got me okay we're gonna get into a time of times and offering now so if i could kindly ask that you just begin to prepare yourselves so um as a church there are three ways in which you can support the ministry and you have peaceful free worship team to make your way up as as we as we get ready to worship and then the three ways are you can do it by bank transfer which is our preferable um way of of donating or supporting and giving your types and offerings so the details can be found on the screen the second way is through our church suite app and so you can do it through that and finally if you do need an envelope and you do want to do it through cash then please just raise your hand and someone will come and give you an envelope but yeah if the worship team can can come up as we go into tyson offering let's make our way amen [Music] can we all send to our feet unto him amen there's so much to be thankful for thank you jesus [Music] blessings and honor glory and power be unto the ancients everybody sings [Applause] from every nation every nation all the creation of creation [Music] and oh [Music] from every nation every nation on the creation of creation is [Music] [Applause] and your kingdom shall not pass away your kingdom shall reign over all this [Music] [Music] and your kingdom shall not pass no one can compare to your master's work [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] praise god what an amazing service family please stand please remain standing just for a moment as i invite up to you the man who's leading us in opening up god's word and listening and hearing what god is saying for us today how many of you know that the first half of the service is us speaking to god and the last part of the service is god speaking to us so i want you right now just to open up your hearts and open up your minds and give a massive round of applause as i invite our senior pastor humble man my favorite preacher pastor p as he comes up to deliver the word of god come and make some noise come on stand on your feet clap your hands onto jesus [Applause] just before you're seated if there's a couple of people just don't move from your seat there's some people around you behind you in front of you that you don't know just turn to them say hi tell them your name [Music] [Music] [Music] big welcome to everyone if it's your first time today um second time third time 100th time so welcome so glad you're here so glad you've chosen the ark to be a place of worship amen we have seven other locations that you can also join and worship with us amen and from november we will have our ninth location amen and we're looking forward to looking forward to planting in enfield north london amen so if you live that direction if you are from north london we'll pray for you but like if you're from that side of the world then please um inquire about the plan amen maybe you want to be a part of that journey and we have a very lovely beautiful life group already in that area great community it's going to be a very strong family beautiful church that's just going to see the heart of god reach in to all of north london amen and beyond that amen so we're excited let's give the lord a hand one more time for that and also say big thank you guys for everyone that's brought in medication for cuba they are excited about receiving this medication it's it's beautiful when we're able to give a melon to be a blessing amen i didn't even realize that you can't buy two more more than two boxes of paracetamol so i was just going from shop to shop throughout the week just picking up paracetamol and stuff like that but please like today's the last day but if you in the week you've got some you haven't brought today drop it off during this week because we'll be sending that off um to cuba in jesus name and say a big thank you to everyone for your incredible i mean this church you guys are such incredible givers amen thank you so much for allowing us to do everything that we do without sweat amen so thank you for all your faithful faithful beautiful giving in the name of the lord we appreciate you apparently the anointing is when i hold the mic up here like so i'm gonna try if i go down there you remind me yeah like i think i've got a habit of getting down there so cool so praise god good to see you karen looking so beautiful you've got your notebook out your anticipation she was excited about this theme of counter culture amen someone hashtag if you're on instagram and that hashtag counterculture amen today and just let's just push out because we're gonna really over the next six weeks or so we're gonna hit this thing hard amen tell it to touch your neighbor and say put your seatbelt on we are gonna it's it might get a little turbulent at times but just keep your zebra on and relax in jesus name amen so we're going to be hitting certain different um topics for the month we will look at countering the culture of womanhood amen during this month we were looking at how we deal with the whole race thing and countering that don't worry don't worry some of you don't like when i talk about it but i ain't talking about someone else is talking about because you don't like what i've got to say about it but it's cool i will keep talking but i'm not talking this month on it amen praise god and we'll just be um just hitting on certain things amen how we can just be counter cultural amen so two scriptures i want to start off and kick off with is um romans chapter 12 and verse number two and second corinthians chapter five and verse 20. whilst you're finding it let me say big thank you for all of those who wrote those incredible beautiful notes um for my birthday um they're so brilliant like i do one a day and they're so so so so so encouraging just hearing different people's perspectives and it's just it's like a day an encouragement each day and i've actually no i won't tell you where i've put it so but anyway yeah romans chapter 12 and verse two second corinthians chapter 5 verse 20. oh let's give a big shout to renekay for that beautiful kemi kemi on the block where is she where is she where oh she's low-key remember stand up and shine renegade wrote a an incredible theater play that was shown in the theater last week and it was absolutely beautiful story i know that's not the last one there's many many more to come thank god for using your gift amen praise god romans 12 verse 2 and be not conformed everyone shout conformed to this world but be ye transformed everyone shout transformed by the renewing of your mind second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 20. now we are ambassadors for christ as though god did beseech you by us we pray you in christ's dead be reconciled to god just look at your name say you are an ambassador [Music] father would you bless this series for the next weeks or so and everyone that's speaking on it god everyone that's teaching on it god lord and everyone that's listening to god would you cause it to bring a paradigm shift in our thinking in our psychology in our philosophy and just how we think how we believe how we behave lord let there be a radical shift inside of us lord an internal radical shift that will manifest itself lord on the outside we pray in jesus name amen amen just look at your name and say you can't stay the same imperative guys that we don't just go for the motions and and church sunday's church becomes a tick box that we go through this can be a radical life-changing shifting moment amen just just the scripture that jordan shared draw near to god that alone if we just take that work with that run with that can transform just how you do life amen so romans chapter 12 verse 2 in the jb phillips translation says don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold hey good josh good to see you but let god remold your minds from within so that you may prove in practice that the plan of god for you is good and it meets all of these demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity can i read it again don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold but let god remold your minds and be not conformed to this world but be transformed the truth is everyone every single one of us in this room we are even now being conformed or we're being transformed no exception everyone right now you're either conforming to or you're being transformed from and it's up to you whether you're going to be you're conforming or you're transformed i many years ago and i just got saved i got a phrase i was reading a book from martin luther king called strength to love and there was a chapter in there that he phrased a a transformed non-conformist and i loved i loved that piece i loved that chapter and i i remember saying to myself i am a transformed non-conformist i even said now i'm going back 30 odd years i just got saved that year and i remember walking through it was a wednesday night saying to myself i just i you know i i came into the church and i just saw how people were and i realized people had gotten comfortable they were happy singing songs for me there was a world to reach and people were just you know in a certain state and i remember saying to myself i will not be conformed to this church now i've had to socialize and be in the church but in my head i said to myself i'm not gonna be conformed i'm not gonna be one that just comes and sits on the pews and sings some songs and clap my hands and say what a beautiful great service it was and do that for the rest of my life joking i said to myself you know what when i was in the world i was a non-conformist like there was people did certain things and had certain things but in the world i i decided i was not going to conform and be like everyone else so i i was a little bit different i did some dares went a bit further i went a bit more edgy than others so i said to myself i need to do the same thing as i'm in the kingdom amen so he says don't let the world around you squeeze you into his wall did you know the world around you is trying to squeeze you into a mold they want they want to shape the world wants to shape the way you think the way you believe what you believe how you behave it wants to shape your paradigm your world view the whole news some of you don't watch news but you're on social social media is there to squeeze you into a mold all of the um reality shows that you're consuming and watching people's lives i don't know what the fascination is with watching other people's lives it's like you ain't got a life yourself i mean people are watching people clean their house like watching people for hours just watching these people talk i'm sorry if that's what you do well actually i'm not sorry i'm not sorry i'm not sorry like just look at your name and say get a life come on get a life the world is trying to seriously guys the world is trying to squeeze us into a mold it wants us to think a certain way to believe a certain way to behave a certain way it wants to shape your character your paradigms how you see the world it wants to shape even how you view god how you view church and you've got to be careful when you adopt certain words you know people run around yeah this is a new norm what is the new norm because the world is trying to squeeze us into a mold but it says but let god remold your mind from within that's what we're going to hope to do over the next weeks let god remold our mind and our thinking do you know learning is hard but unlearning is even harder it's difficult learning is difficult i mean how do you even process a sermon how do you assimilate a sermon and then apply that to our life that's why we try and stick around themes so that not every week you just got another sermon on another sermon with another thing to do until you just get so overwhelmed that you don't apply anything you just enjoy listening to sermons but how do you simulate that so learning is hard but unlearning is even more difficult and the world around us is trying to squeeze us into a mold but god wants to remold our minds from within so that we can prove and practice the plan of god for you that is good and that meets all of his demands now jesus said in the gospels john chapter 15 verses 18 to 19 he says if the world hates you know that it has hated me before it hated you if you were of the world the world would love you as its own but because you are not of the world but i chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you so our job is not to spend all of our time trying to get the world to love us and like us the church we're not here to try and convince the world to love us and like us because when we do that when the world loves us then it says that when we're in it we're of it we're like then we're not making a difference we they don't see us as a threat they don't see us we need to take these guys out these are the ones that's going to turn our world upside down amen now this phrase um i read it because it talks about the world and i was thinking about this as i was prepared when i got saved i heard so much about the world the world the world the world and i was thinking to myself we don't hear much about the world anymore we don't even hear the phrase worldliness much that's my fault i'm a preacher so i'm not even blaming anyone i'm talking to me here we don't hear the phrase well now when i got saved that's what we heard every sunday every minute every message was about the world come out from among them and be separate that's not the unclean thing [Music] and we we we were we were constantly talked about them we didn't use the word culture we back then it was about the world and i was thinking and that actually when you came into the church back then and and it was coming into a different culture we had a different language like we didn't say hello how you doing what it was praise the lord and if you just say praise the lord to someone who's like it's just like sun was off praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord so we had our own kind of language we had our own dress there was a there was a dress i remember like i just got saved and i had a little chain on and my pastor's boy he must have been eight at the time he came up to me and says you can't wear that i'm like what he said you can't wear that swordly i went to my pastor and i said pasta your son says i can't wear this he's worldly and then he sat me down and explained to me and i took it off and blah blah blah but we had we had a dress i'm gonna address that okay so don't worry but there was there was a there was a dress sense like you just if you were a woman you covered up your skirt was long long your top was long [Music] and if you were a man you tr i mean i don't know we were like i was 19 years old but we had to wear suits then you can't i'm this this is me in a little bit i'm taking the mickey here because that dressing back then made us look so old it did it made it like it made but the difference is i could back then i could tell church people i was going to say christians but no no no that dressing didn't make them a christian like i could tell church people back then buy their dress we didn't back then listen to worldly music [Music] he didn't you didn't listen to worldly music if it wasn't christian it was worldly and not this is wasn't everyone but this was me and a few others i think karen and you guys was in there because they were a pharisee church that one right their church was ultra i was in sadducee they were pharisees but you couldn't watch tv it was tell the vision to no man television to no man so there was no music different dress we didn't go to nightclubs we didn't rave we didn't go to bars and clubs now i'm not saying all of this to say we need to go back that's not what i'm saying i'm just saying i feel like the lines are so blurred now it's so blurred because where do we stand now where's the convictions now where do you what is classified as worldly what is it that you won't listen to what is it that you won't watch now where is it that you won't go now and not because the preacher or the church is telling you not to but where is your convictions look at your name and say he's not talking to me he's talking to you i feel like the lines have gotten blur and hear what i'm saying and hear what i'm not saying i am not saying i want to go back god forbid god forbid not going back but i would i would i would submit to us that we need to challenge ourselves on where we stand now in this 21st century and and what what is defined as worldliness now what does worldliness look like and what what does being a christian look like is it just that what makes us different is that we go to church on sunday what makes you just ask your name say what makes you a christian what yeah so look let me give you some definitions because time time is really really already against me so culture culture the cult cultures are the ideas the customs the social behaviors of a particular people or society this world yeah culture can be defined as all the ways of life including the arts the beliefs the institutions of the population that are passed down from generation to generation culture has been called the way of life for an entire society as such it includes codes of manners dress language religion rituals and art so when i say when we're talking about counter culture we're dealing with all of those things fashion we're dealing with arts we're dealing with beliefs we're dealing with our ideas our ideologies amen so now to be counter culture is the definition is a way of life that sets an attitude opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm did anyone catch that so culture is the ideas the beliefs the values and the knowledge that is passed down from generations that actually is the way of life for an entire society but to be counter culture is a way of life as well but it's set of attitudes opposed to and that variance with the prevailing social norms it it a definition dictionary addiction it's to react to something watch this to react to something with an opposing opinion or action not just an opinion or action watch this to defend yourself against something that that's one of the definition to defend yourself in other words if you're not counter cultural then you have no defense mechanism mechanism having a counter cultural attitude or gives you a defense mechanism mechanism against the prevailing culture that comes against you means that when you when you watch something or you see something or you read something or you hear something because you have a counter culture mindset amen it gives you a defense that something an alarm kicks off in you and says let me give you an idea when my kids were small they would watch tv because i didn't watch tv up until my kids the kids will change you know like i didn't even celebrate christmas i didn't have a christmas tree until the other day like abigail changed everything i got through naomi got through christiane got through aaron abigail but but but when they would watch tv if if if two people came on the tv and they started to kiss my kids would go did any of you do that that dad just put the hand over their eyes and as they got older like sometimes i sit there and i watch them something comes on the tv and i see that they sit there and what happened to these meaning for me there are still some things that comes on that box that i just can't watch i just have to like even if carris is watching she goes even if it's the news and they're promoting some ungodly lifestyle like it's real i'm like i can't i can't i can't come on because there's a defense mechanism amen there's a counter-cultural mindset that says nah that's wrong and i never want my mind to be subtly gradually changed to the point where something that i abhorred later on i actually begin to accept it as normal [Applause] because that can happen to us amen everyone say gradualism i heard a preacher say many years ago communism is not the biggest threat to the world it's gradualism how things gradually get passed down to us without us even knowing and become insensitized to certain stuff and things that we wouldn't accept before all of a sudden we begin to allow and we make these little compromises in our life hallelujah and there's some things you have to nip in the blood from early unless someone was flirting with you and you could see them floating you'd be like nah i ain't having that but unless you like something now like and you just you you begin to kind of like it and and you you purposely go over past that part that desk because she's gonna say oh you look nice today you like hearing you look nice today you know she's flirting but you you you you think i'm all right because i ain't fornicating i ain't committing adultery it's just a you know she's just saying i look nice but you know what's going on inside and then gradualism gradualism you go in every day and you're looking forward to that you look nice today and that looking nice today becomes oh we should do lunch sometime and before you not you lose everything your children your wife your house gone everyone shout gradualism look at them say defend yourself counter culture is a defense it is the it is the christian or the human immune system it's your immune system to be counter cultural makes you immune that certain things can't get to you because you have a defense mechanism where you are counter the culture around you amen i would suspect that we would do this with our children right we would we're trying to make our children counter culture we don't want our children to if you've got small ones i know right now your mindset is you don't want your children to be like all the other little children when you see little harry in the supermarket kicking his mom and swearing at his dad and throwing a tantrum you're like looking at your kid [Applause] i remember one time i was in the supermarket i said to my kids i said you try it [Applause] i ain't even waiting to get to the car right here because i'm clear i'll go to prison i was one time my niece was being very very out of order to my sister so she called me christmas day so i went around i was talked to her she's normally very polite with me and honoring you know uncle this time as i would you want peter i slapped her bam i'm gonna call the police say wait a minute i'll call them for you [Applause] and i did i took my phone out and called them and they came they said listen up did you slap i said yes they said would you like to press chart she said no [Applause] that was it the police went on their merry way because you know what the police have children too i didn't abuse her i'm not talking about abuse here i'm not talking about that i'm talking about little slap no no just never since amen so real real quick guys real quick there are four cultural there's three that this guy roland muller who's got a book called honor and shame writes about his free cultural mindsets in the different parts of the world but i've added a fourth to it okay and the first one i'll i'll give you them and then i'll come back to them the first one is guilt and innocence guilt and innocence and this is more in this mindset this cultural mindset is more how the europeans the north americans australia new zealand that part of the world this is how they think guilt innocence and then the second one is shame and honor everyone say shame and honor and you'll find this in the asian indian muslim world particularly they operate by shame and honor and then the third one is fear and power fear and power and you find this mainly in the african and south american countries and people groups amen so let's go back guilt and innocence european people think and would like to believe that they are innocent because every one of these cultures want to move away from the negative so if if it's the people in fear they want to move towards power that's where they want to go people who are in the guilt innocence they all want to feel like they are innocent and i'm telling you we're in a country right now where we're in the europe where people walk around and they think that they are innocent and it's a culture that would um judge other people by their actions and themselves by their intentions okay and this and and the guilt and the site works i'm not as bad as them i'm innocent so this is this is the culture of the european it's a mindset and this is important to our when we come across to to evangelism that we know what we're dealing with we're dealing with people that actually don't feel like they need a savior to die for them yeah i'm not a bad person i help all people i give to charity and all of those little children in africa with flies in their eyes i can never i can never understand why you sitting there filming a kid with flies going in their eyes so i'm not all that bad i'm innocent and sigmund freud or freudism he helped the europeans with this mindset by offering them a way out of their guilt by telling them to blame so they were bl it's the government my parents never fed me when i was a baby and they didn't change my nappy you see one day and that's why i am the way i am see i was crying my push chair and they didn't attend to me and and the psychology is there in the mindset of europeans that it's if i behave a certain way it's because of it's not me i'm saying it's not my fault everyone say guilt innocence so this mindset wants to move away from guilt wants to move over always to innocent then there is shame on honor we we know this particularly this is it in the muslim world see with europeans in our evangelism we want to convince people in in eventually that they are sinners in the muslim world you trying to convince them that they are sinners is shame in them they hear it a little bit different you go if you in this culture of shame and honor it's it's an honor you know every family wants to have its honor and in this culture in this culture in this mindset of shame and honor they will lie to protect their honor yeah they will lie to cover up their honor because they don't want to be shamed see if you are a child in this culture and you get pregnant because honestly if you look out into the asian community you'd think that none of these girls are sleeping around fornicating because you don't see young asian girls single with babies do you so what is it that they're all not fornicating they fornicate hard but it's covered whether they take them back to india or there's abortions like crazy or some other way but everything is covered up an asia is not going to come up and give you a testimony of my son that went to prison like nah that's shame we will do that they ain't going to do that shame everyone say shame so for them lying is okay if it's covering up shame but not for personal things that's why you can you can see like in a muslim man this is not all muslim but a muslim man can go to the temple he do all of the stuff for honor he wants to be seen as someone that goes to the mosque does all his prayers he's got his thing on but they're not holy there's stuff going on prostitutions generally is rife in the area where they are there's a lot of shameful things that happen but it's covered up everyone say covered up because we've got to protect the the honor of the family and it's all about honor on honor and sweeping already the shame covering up the shame and then there's fear and power everyone say fear and power and and this week like i said it's in it's in the african south american it's moving away everyone wants to be over on the side of power and it's all about everything is about witchcraft superstition if you lose your job it's a demon i remember one time i found some money oh don't pick it up don't touch it it's witchcraft because it's fear there's a lot of fear everyone say fear but and then there's the power that's why that's why you find european evangelists american evangelists can go over to africa and have big crusades because they're not going over there to give them a nice billy graham preaching they're going over there with power yeah because the culture is about power moving away from fear amen but all of these things creep into church mentality all of them the innocence the the shame the honor thing and the power thing it will manifest itself in a religious setting if you're not careful because that you bring that culture into the bible and you see everything through the bible through the lens of either guilt or innocence you see everything in the bible either through shame and honor or through fear and power every scripture you you and then the whole system the culture of the church is built around those things and then there's a fourth one because this is a blend and it's it's a culture of tolerance this this is probably where we all are right now right it's it's it's it's where we are told that we must tolerate and affirm any behavior that does not harm others but here's the thing this tolerant culture is highly intolerant to anyone that perceives that it perceives to be intolerant that's it it's nice like we're saying tolerance tolerance but then when you become intolerant it becomes intolerant to your intolerance i was thinking about this now please don't shoot me here don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me carter babusha but i was thinking caribbean people because of slavery we don't even operate in any of these shame honor because under slavery we were shamed honor was taken away innocence was taken away power was taken away so we ain't caribbean people are not trying to have power and we're not striving for honor or even innocence i don't know what we're going for it's true i was now this is just my cycle i'm not even saying i'm right but i was just thinking it through in my head this week i'm like what it what defines us how do we define what are we trying to what is our culture because slavery took away culture from us it got all mixed up and destroyed yeah some of you sold us out checking [Applause] this look at you know it wasn't me wasn't me my grandfather but we've got to come against see in christ jesus all of these things are taken care of the innocent the guilt innocence thing is taken care of in christ he became guilty so that we can be innocent right so when we when we when we when we trust in the gospel of the lord jesus christ when we that's and see when we're dealing with america with with americans dealing with with um the british and europeans mindset that's what we've got to push home hard we've got to push on the gospel because they don't feel like they're guilty of anything we've got to push the gospel that jesus took our guilt amen and then the shame and honor jesus did he not become shame for us on that cross that cursed is a man that hangs upon a tree that jesus took our disgrace and took our shame so that we can come before the lord boldly and that is the gospel i had a guy say um i was reading reading something this week and he says most believers can't find the gospel in the gospels i thought that's an interesting statement he says most european believers only find the gospel in romans because romans deals with the whole guilt innocence things but we can't see the gospel in the gospels but the gospel is in the gospels amen everyone say the gospel is in the gospels because in the gospels jesus took our guilt and gave us innocence he took our shame and gave us honor and he took away our fear and he says behold i give you power fuel in the gospel look at your neighbor say it's in the gospel i need to close i need to give you free things and close this is not finished but there's three things quickly i want to give you that we need to have a cultural encounter in our culture number one the first thing is the cancel culture there's a great philosopher by the name of philip jarrett [Music] and he says that cancel culture is probably best defined as a culture of casting someone aside and ostracizing them for an action they did or a mentality that they may have this is what the philosopher philip jarrett says he says to me it's systemic approach that makes it so harmful because of an opinion that might be formed it then goes viral and becomes the prevailing viewpoint even though it could be born out of nothing or even worse a lie that's the philosopher philip jarrah [Applause] mainly social media does this the cancel culture there's a professor that i spoke to this week because i wanted to know i spoke to a few people asking them what is cancer culture so i spoke to this professor his name is tj smith and he said i'd say it's a reaction to something you don't like reacting to or by trying to completely write off that person's reputation it can be used again bad i.e someone posting something that was racist on twitter and the community working together um to find that person and their employer to lobby the employer to take action against them or dangerous because the generation that we are in is not always evidence-based this is this is professor tj the the commun the generation wheel is not always evidence-based they just sway with whatever is popular and he gives me a little example but we don't but it's just like people canceling canceling people like it's a canceled culture and it's become a way of life i think is i mean you've watched charis's favorite film enemy of the state will smith where he doesn't even know he's in possession of evidence of a murder man's innocent but all these people are chasing him down and shooting after him and he can't understand why these people coming after me i don't even know why some people hate me just hating but then the people that are chasing him they have a meeting they said listen he's got this evidence and he probably will use it against us at some stage so what we must do is put contingency in place we need to defame him we need to mess up his reputation we need to put some lies out there on the media about him so that even if he comes out and says something nobody will believe him because we have cancelled him and that's what that's what the world wants to do to the church they put out all these things on the tv about religious people all these negativity so that when we open our mouth no one will take us serious because they've tried to cancel us i want to say to us in this church let's be careful about us trying to cancel people and and trying to put bad names on people amen i think the bible tells us to that love covers a multitude of sin hallelujah and that we should not write people off amen let me quickly quickly oh lord jesus simon simon luke 22 simon you've satan wants to shift you like wheat but i pray for you that your faith will not fail simon says lord i go to prison for you and she says peter i'm telling you now before the even crows three times you're gonna deny you even know me me lord now maybe them not me jason me but not me and peter we know peter denied jesus he denied knowing him but then when jesus raised from the dead mark 16 verse 7 he says but go and tell his disciples and he says and peter and then we have the whole of chapter 21 of the book of john because the book of john could have stopped in chapter 20. you know that but the whole chapter of 21 is the restoration of peter he had done was bad but somehow jesus didn't cancel him because he asked him in john 21 he he said peter do you love me said lord i know and he asked him you know why i kept asking him that because the tendency of all of us is that when we mess up we question whether god loves us but jesus didn't say to peter peter do you know i love you he's like peter this is not whoever i love you or not because i will always love you there's nothing that you could ever do that's going to stop me from loving you this is about whether you know whether you love me amen so sometimes we mess up and we're questioning whether god is gonna kill me whether god's gonna ever forgive me is god still with me is god gonna abandon me and that's not the question the question is will you abandon god are you going to run away in the garden it wasn't god that run from adam it was adam that run from god is someone hearing me here today it's not a question of whether god loves you that's not the question the question is do you love god could you just ask your neighbor do you love him jesus never canceled peter second thing quick and i'm done thank you aaron for that wonderful sign that jesus is coming but jesus said to them the second thing is leadership everyone say leadership i'll do this quick he says matthew 20 25 he says you know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them and their high officials exercise authority upon over them not so with you instead whosoever wants to become great among you must be your servant you know what jesus is saying he's saying we're counter culture here in the world leadership is about power and exercise and a power but he says not so among you among you it's about servanthood he's saying i want you to come against the world's definition of leadership this is not about big chairs it's not about big rings this is not about fancy clothes big cars and trying to impress and becoming a celebrity leader this is about servanthood the kingdom's different everyone say the kingdom is different it's not like out there you know in in acts 16 there was a woman that was coming after paul and she kept saying these are the great men of god these are men of god and then she added to it she says who will show us the way of salvation some versions say a way of salvation and she did this every day great men of god man of god man of god does that sound bad these are great men of god this is the man of god mk is a man of god man of god matt or some people really the mandel of god but then peter turns peter turns uh paul turns around and he rebukes the demon in the woman and the bible says he cast out the spirit out of her like in these days that means there's a whole lot of spirits today you know because i see a whole lot of people doing that same thing there man of god mandolf gone paul but nobody said paul just had enough he says come over and above says the spirit came out of her what was jesus coming against there he was coming against the spirit of the culture the way they perceive leadership the way they perceive men of god that man of god syndrome leadership cult paul was coming against that and he said no this thing may sound all good but there's a spirit behind it and the last thing everyone say women women women women jesus jesus when he came he came into a culture that and i'm closing here he came into a culture that oppressed and suppressed women that was the culture of the bible women didn't really speak they didn't do much in public they didn't work if their husband died they couldn't even they just had no voice in that society that jesus was born into women didn't touch men in public when there was public meetings it would be the men that met but we find this meeting where jesus is there and this woman i don't know what got into her head it must have been counter culture but she kind of got herself into this room right and she goes down and she starts washing jesus feet and the people the pharisees look and they say if he was a prophet he would know what kind of woman this is that's touching him they see their mindset towards the women jesus goes to a well in john chapter 4 and he sees a woman he's alone just one woman coming to draw water jesus could have said the culture of the day we don't talk to women if people see me they're going to think i'm chatting around but jesus starts talking to her she says give me a drink and she says lord why are you talking to me and she didn't just say you're a samaritan you don't like i'm a samaritan he says i'm a woman a samaritan woman but jesus talks to this woman empowers this woman and it's this woman that runs into samaria and converts the whole town who's the first person that preaches the gospel that comes back with the good news that we have seen him that was crucified that he is alive it wasn't peter it was a matthew it wasn't none of the disciples it was a woman because what jesus did he came to elevate and to lift up the women [Applause] someone hearing me i said is someone hearing me but hear me really clearly on this and i'm closing you can stand on your feet hear me very clearly on this we cannot go back to the bible and try and bring our ladies back to the culture of the bible what we have to do is go back to what jesus was initiating because what he was initiating is liberating women giving them a voice kaya baba [Music] we've got to be i'm dropping these things because my mind has been playing and thinking looking again there's some things i don't even care you know you're looking at someone that don't i i like to be liked uh this is no i'll admit i love to be liked i want you to like me but i'm not afraid to die i am not afraid to die it's a true in truth if you turn against me and say i don't know i'm cool i really am because i'm counter i'm a transformed non-conformist that's what i am i transform non-conformist i don't want to be like everybody else i want to be like jesus he had a different style of leadership i don't need bodyguards i don't need somebody to carry my bible i don't need some big ring i don't need a big chair i don't need no big anything personally because i just want to serve i just want to serve and i want to be the spirit i want to have i don't want to be someone that cancels people i don't want to be someone when someone falls we write them off we we put them out and we say they can never recover i'm telling you if god saved me he can save anybody if if people are gonna be written off let them hang themselves like judas but you don't tie the rope [Music] you always want to see recovery restoration healing we don't cancel people amen i said we don't cancel people we pray for people and we want to see reconciliation we want to see repentance we want to see a lift in oh god and finally in this time we want to come counter culture amen within the church we want to see our women restored to dignity we want to see their voices we want to see them operating as god would have them operate amen we want to see men becoming what god wants us to be and women being and it's powerful what on earth would this church church look like if it weren't for the women it'd be painful we'd have no money [Music] come on lift your voices right now right where you are just begin to pray time is far far far gone just begin to pray right now ask god to make you a transformed non-conformist ask god to help you to embrace that the gospel offers hope for your guilt freedom from your shame and your fear thank you father touch our minds in the name of jesus god help us lord to come against the world is thinking it's philosophy it's psychology and everything that's pushing on us help us lord that the world will not squeeze us into his mould god father help us to be different help us to stand out to shine like stars help us to be christians in the name of jesus to be powerful believers in the name of jesus deliver us from mindsets lord that are not according to your kingdom and according to your way just for the last minute i'd like to hear every voice in this place lifted in praise to god amen i just want you to lift up a praise with your voices come on let this place ring out with praises and prayers and glory and honor and power and majesty god be on to you baba thank you lord
Channel: Arc4U
Views: 928
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Sunday Service, Bible study
Id: 96n0wnPyrHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 12sec (8712 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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