Look to the hills | Colin Glenn | Sun 5th Sep 21 | The Greatest Help | #SermonSeries

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we are you can contact us on our website twitter instagram and facebook so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] my channel [Music] [Music] [Music] to my channel [Music] changed [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yo yo yo beautiful people listen up youth bible study bible study bible study every sunday at 12 p.m join us for bible study workshops games discussion fellowship and so much more so how about you tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a neighbour we're looking forward to seeing you all there see you there be there see you there [Music] we are the ark and we'd love to connect with you on social media you can contact us on our website twitter instagram and facebook good afternoon arc family my name is jason and i'm part of the ark baptism team if you want to be baptized or you're thinking about it and you've got questions we run a monthly baptism class that's the last tuesday of the month and also we have baptisms on the last sunday of the month if you would like to sign up to be baptized you can do that via our the ark website and if you go to next steps you'll see a section for baptisms it's very easy it takes about two seconds or maybe a minute it might take you but yeah if you've got any questions you can come and see me on a sunday and we can talk it through all right god bless you [Music] gigi [Music] [Music] [Music] gigi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gij so [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] oh we're about to start morning to everybody online if you're logging in for the first time morning to you first second third time we welcome you anyone that's new so far here uh we welcome you as well is it all right to get everyone to stand up is it all right we're gonna do something different um before we start worship today i just want to give a word of encouragement um and with everyone standing it just lets me know that we're focused um so god laid on my heart a word probably four weeks ago that i gave to the church i was quite emotional with it but the word came out same way [Music] and it was about us breaking the box and letting go before god before i gave that word we heard another prophetic word from a sister about sometimes we don't feel worthy and then we're silent with our worship but we don't want to release it because we come into the church building and we don't feel worthy to give god anything but after that word god showed me the next two weeks or three weeks mk was moderating i don't know if you remember about mk was moderating and on that week i heard god say breakthrough is coming so i got really excited i was like yes breakthrough's coming i'm ready and it never really got to that point in that service so i was confused i took it back to prayer i didn't share a word that week i said god you said breakthrough is coming when is it coming the following week i was in worship again and god showed me a picture of a waterfall and this waterfall was pouring down into the sanctuary and it was crashing down hard and it was hitting people the water was hitting people but it was like the people wasn't receptive of this waterfall and i was didn't understand it at the time so i never shared it because why would i share a picture that i don't really understand so i took it to prayer again the following week i came and god showed me the same waterfall but when it hit the floor it wasn't the same it was actually going into people's mouths and people had their hands out open and it was just going into people's mouths peacefully so i had these two pictures and i didn't understand these two pictures i never shared it on the sunday i went home and i prayed about it and i said god you've said one week that we need to let everything go you said the next week that there's going to be breakthrough you said the next week that uh people are not receptive and the waterfall was um portraying his holy spirit a representation of his holy spirit now if we come to church and we're thinking to ourselves we're not worthy of giving god praise and we don't want to give god everything we're actually blocking his holy spirit we're actually not allowing his holy spirit to flow the way that he would want it to flow so then the next picture of the second waterfall where the water was going into people's mouths it was a picture of receptive people a picture of people that let go and have their arms out saying god it's not about me it's about you and allowing his spirit to flow so when the water was coming down the water was just flowing into people's mouths and it was different it was different so i prayed about that as well and god reminded me of a film that i watched i'm not too sure if you know the film but it's it's about uh a man he has to be noah evan baxter his name was in the film um evan almighty that's the film and in the film god tells him build a boat there's going to be a rain pouring and he doesn't understand it but he has to do it anyway by faith and in the film there's a dam i don't know if you guys remember there's a dam and they they cut corners with the building regulations and god reminded god showed me that when we are blocking his spirit and the flow of his spirit we're actually being the damn we're holding our hands up and saying god just just let a little trickle come over the side just let a little experience and a little encounter happen over there but i'm not really feeling it so i'm gonna be the damn god told me to share with you today and to encourage you actually to pray and have a mindset of i'm gonna break the damn i'm not gonna be a damn in god's presence i'm gonna allow that waterfall to flow and be receptive of the move of god because it's better for us to be the second picture than the first because i don't know what it's going to look like if you quench the spirit so many times and you get hit by that waterfall it's much better to be the second pitcher to be receptive in it to allow god's spirit to flow so with that being said i just want to welcome up the worship team and as we worship just let go just have that picture on your mind that is much better to be the second waterford than the first in jesus name amen hallelujah yeah hallelujah to your name jesus yes lord we want to receive you today lord we are open before you lord any blockage that is standing in the way lord remove it in the name of jesus we are here to experience the atmosphere of heaven lord we pray that your presence would just pour down on us oh god because we are ready to receive the water from the well that never runs dry just lift your hands and just show god through your hearts prostrate before him that you are ready to receive hallelujah glory to your name lord holy spirit come holy spirit come yes [Music] the word says that when we lift the blessings when the praises go up the blessing it comes and we experience him the bible says if we draw near to him he will drawn into us so we're going to start by lifting him up in praise because the bible says enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise so join us because he is the ancient of days hallelujah [Music] tap your hands try yellow [Music] all right ready blessing and honor glory and power beyond to the ancient of days from every nation all of creation we bow before the ancients of days blessing and honor blessing and honor glory and power be unto the ancient of day from every nation from every nation creation of creation creation lift up your worship everybody [Music] from every nation all of creation bow before the ancients glory [Music] [Music] shall not pass away o ancients of days yeah this next part says that your kingdom shall reign over all the earth so lord come and reign over us oh god for we are the kingdom but we are the kingdom of heaven on earth everybody sing with me thee your kingdom shall reign over all the [Music] can earth to your master's one sing unto the asia your kingdom your raid your kingdom shine over all the earth every time every song in heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord we magnify [Music] you [Music] celebrate the king of kings celebrate the lord of lords because he is strong and mighty and he is the ancient of days he among is heavens be glorified oh god amongst the end lord we join the angels that we say holy we say strong almighty are you lord thank you jesus yeah lord jesus as uh jordan was speaking about a shift in posture a shift in mindset the song we're about to sing says atmosphere shift shift shift whatever's in the way i shift whatever standing as a block whatever is holding up the dumb we say shift in the name of jesus yes lord there is only one name yeah there is only one name with power to say [Music] yes lord sing there is only one name that name is jesus is forevermore lord you rain oh king you rain forevermore our yeah our god our god is [Music] jesus christ up here so we say [Music] foreign chains be broken break out holy spirit come down heaven open heaven open holy spirit oh [Music] [Music] i am we're waiting for you yeah we're waiting on you lord we tarry for you we press him for you lord we won't move unless you go with us yes we're waiting on you lord at the foot of the mountain [Music] our god yes lord each [Music] oh you are making ways in the wilderness oh god oh god you're a champion foreign don't just sing it with your mouth but sing it with your heart yes lord [Music] [Applause] his name and is in case you have not heard he reigns forever yes lord you are our champion you are our champion [Applause] oh lord isaiah said in the year that king of zios died i saw the lord and he was high and lifted up oh and his train filled the temple and i was educated about that apparently when the kings would fight to signal that the other camp had subjected themselves to defeat the king would go and he would cut off the train of that king's robe and he would he would stitch it on to the other side and his train would get longer and longer and longer so when that scripture says his train filled the temple it filled the temple that means he has never lost that means he has never lost no one has been able to dethrone him no one has able to defeat him and we worship the god that is champion he is champion and he reigns forever forever amen and there is nothing that is too hard for our god yeah oh hallelujah yes your champion thank you for being our champion hallelujah yeah don't stop worshiping don't stop worshiping don't rely on me to give god your praise don't rely on us to give god your praise it comes from the inside oh god we worship you champion hallelujah [Music] if we wouldn't mind getting the words up because i know that this song is new to a lot of people thank you yeah try your best to just sing along with us in the atmosphere of heaven [Music] i've tried so hard to see it [Music] took me so long to believe it that you don't someone like me to carry your victory perfection could never earn it you gave what we don't deserve and you take the broken things and raise them to glory you are my champion giant though when you stand undefeated every battle you've won [Music] undefeated with the one who has conquered it all yes you conquer death you conquered the grave [Music] you're teaching me how to receive it to let all the striving cease [Music] defeated you are my champion i am who you say i am [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh yes we [Music] jesus has given me when i open up my mouth miracles are breaking down [Music] every woe jesus jesus everyone [Music] i jesus has given me [Applause] [Music] they are [Music] we cry [Music] [Music] oh starts crashing down i have the rna [Music] jesus jesus has given me whatever [Music] lord we will be satisfied with you my soul we trust you is god [Music] [Music] it is [Music] my soul [Music] come on church lift the praise lift the praise lift the praise hallelujah lord thank you jesus hallelujah lord thank you lord hallelujah church at the beginning i gave a word about the waterfalls and allowing the spirit to flow and there was a part of this song where it said when i lift my voice and shout every wall comes crashing down and i heard them words and i said you always by our voices we need to open up our mouths i really declare it that when we open up our mouths with the authority that jesus gave us with the faith and believing that wolves can come down i think we need to sing that part again i think we need to sing that part again and really believe it and really believe it and really stand and have faith that walls can come crashing down when we believe in jesus come on let's lift it up again jesus jesus christ [Music] jesus that's all we need to take away today from this segment of worship that when you open up your mouth and believe that wolves can come crashing down because jesus gave you authority hallelujah hallelujah lord we thank you for your holy spirit lord we thank you for what you're telling us right now lord father to stay in this space right now lord father just to dwell here lord i really acknowledge that when we open our mouths and declare some things lord things can change lord father we don't have to wait until pentecost day to have our outpouring of your spirit love forever we can have your spirit right here and now lord father that your spirit is inside of us your father we can declare some things through the authority that you've given us just believe in another faith things can change atmospheres can change things in our lives can change situations can change yes lord [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you team thank you team [Music] let's not go away forgetting what we've heard [Music] it's been tough we've covered and locked down and coming back into the church is being different and hard to get used to but let's not forget what we've heard let's not be a barrier to god let's allow his holy spirit to flow let's not be the damn so at this time i just want to call up grady he's going to come and pray for the kids young people youth those in uni as they return to school and college and universities so stay please stay standing please pray with us in jesus name [Music] good morning good morning good morning all right so we're going to be praying for those who are wealthy schools have already started to return so we're going to pray for everyone who is in schooling whether it's nursery reception primary whatever level of education we're going to pray for you and i'm going to ask you to start making your way down because i want to ask you guys to join us here at the front we also want to pray for teachers educators and anyone who works in education and will be returning to work as well so if that applies to you can i ask you to please swiftly come down and join me up here please so if you're a teacher ta some form of social worker counselor please come up so we can acknowledge you students come down as well and we're gonna quickly pray for you in jesus name go straight up go straight up [Music] so whatever level of education you're right even if you're a post grad there own masters phd whatever is that you're doing please please come up if you're a lecturer chewer please come up any and every form of education [Music] don't be shy there's plenty of space here at the front so maybe if the children want to come forward a bit so if the children want to come forward and then the rest of you can just come down as well so that they don't feel awkward do you guys want to come up come up come up kids come up you've come up chi chi akane let's go ruben let's go yeah keep coming up there's still space there's still space here at the front [Music] in jay's name family you can be you can be seated [Music] okay so any form of education nursery reception primary university open university homeschooling i think this is everyone what a beautiful site pastor jason i really think we should consider an art school i think i think i think we'll be doing bits i'll leave that to you so fam if you want to stretch your hand as we pray for them and for those of you who are at home will be praying for you as well so if i can ask you everyone who's watching from home online to stretch your hands as well and if you have anyone at home who is returning to education please just lay your hands on them as we collectively pray for everyone in jesus name so heavenly fathers want to thank you lord well we thank you for this moment lord and we thank you for those that we are praying overlord and those who are who we are lifting up father and we just pray that you just speak through us and you declare through us as well and let life come out of my voice right now father lord we thank you for the privilege and the blessing that is education lord we thank you for free education to an external extent father we thank you for those who are able to educate and pass knowledge forever but we know that when we go to school it's not just to learn subjects father but it's also to learn ways of life it's also to learn how to learn and it's also to learn how to be taught and how to teach father so lord we want to pray for all of those who are returning to study we pray for those who are going into nursery reception primary school secondary school sixth form college university and every other form of education father look we just pray that you open up their minds rules so that they can receive all the information that's going to be given to them father let them be able to retain all the information forever we pray over their teachers father lord that they'll have good teachers encouraging teachers positive teachers that will truly seek to teach them in a way that they can understand and they shall be able to take on board every single new topic every single new concept every single new subject that they learn forever we pray that they will grow in knowledge grow and understand and grow in wisdom lord and become excellent students lord and amazing professionals father we pray for the areas that they struggle in the areas of weakness father that you will send mentors shooters support their wayfather that they can reach their full potential lord and reach their targets in the name of jesus father we pray for the education establishments we pray for the building lord we pray for their well-being we pray for their safety father even in the midst of covet father we pray that no one here shall be fallen ill lord no one here shall be taken by sickness lord we pray that you protect them and you cover them lord and that your holy spirit lay upon every single one of them in the name of jesus father we pray for the mental health lord we pray for their well-being lord we rebuke any form of anxiety lord any form of stress any form of depression lord anything that will hold them down and keep them down forever but we pray that they shall be uplifted and encouraged father we pray for the students in front of us lord we pray for the students at home lord we pray for every student that could hear the sound of my voice father and we pray that you covered and you protect them lord and we know that every student requires a teacher every student requires an educator every student requires some kind of support whether it be a ta whether it be a counselor lord so we pray for all our teachers we pray for all of our educators lord we pray for every single support staff that i say brother we pray that you give them the grace lord and the patience and the strength that is required within this profession father we pray that you will allow them to stand and stand strong forever that will be understanding of the students lord understanding of the children understanding of the adults and understanding of their colleagues father we pray that the weight of the workload shall not pull them down lord and you'll keep them strong and you give them shoulders brother that can hold everything we pray against any stress that will come their way lord any depression that will come their way lord any anxieties that will come their way lord and you'll relieve them of these issues for our lord for your burden is light father we pray and believe that you have called them into this profession into this vocation and because of that father you will keep them strong and you will keep them firm give them the wisdom and the understanding that they need to be able to teach and understand those that they teach and they work with lord and give them the grace to keep doing what they are doing father we thank you for every single individual here because we know that we need kingdom teachers we know that we need christian teachers those that won't just teach a subject but a principle and a way of life those who will stand as examples to their colleagues to their students those who are ambassadors of yours lord kingdom ambassadors so father we pray for this academic year let it be a successful academic year let it be a blessed academic year and for whatever their goals are wherever their hopes are wherever their targets are lord let them exceed every single one of them and for those who are scared for those who are doubtful for those who are wary and father we declare that they shall not be worried at all father we declare that you remove every single concern or worry or anxiety that they have lord that they say lay it that they shall lay it down at your feet and you will encourage them and you will speak life breathe fresh air into them lord breathe excitement into them lord breathe expectation into them lord and let them go out and be great father we thank you for every single one of them we declare your spirit upon them we declare your love and grace and strength upon them lord and we just pray that you continue to watch them and you continue to cover them in the press name of jesus christ we pray amen amen bless you guys thank you [Music] just looking at how many people came out of their seats for that prayer that's a lot of people that is a lot of people well for those online if you recently joined welcome again if it's your first time um at this point in time we got um awards to give out how many of you know that we had a sports day raise your hands we had a sports day did you guys attend the sports day raise your hand oh oh not too many hands then not too many people attended the sports day did we attend a sports day all right there we go much more people if i just call up sister genevieve she's got some awards to hand out just give her a hand as she comes yeah thank you um sports day ended quite abruptly and we had no chance to hand out some medals to some of the winners on sports day so i just wanted to call up the women's relay team for forest gates we came second so if you want to come up and get your silver medals i know waddinia was one of them all i want to say is wadinia ran two legs so usually they're supposed to be four people she wrapped two of those legs and we came second i'm not sure [Applause] i know i don't know where's mary come where's the team they did really really well for not even having a full team and still come second that is amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] can i also bring up the men's relay team who came third jordan tyrell uzo there was one more [Applause] [Music] there was another one in the team are they here today to get their medal a terrell's not here but still we just want to celebrate you well done guys well done [Applause] um also um for the women's sprint wadena again who came first so we got a gold we came home with the gold guys [Applause] [Music] i'm going to be on the relay team next year guys i'm going to be there don't worry i'm going to do my stretches i'm going to be doing second leg where do you know you do first third and fourth please thank you um also we didn't give hand out all the medals for the men's football team for for forrest gate we came second in football guys was there any men who didn't get a medal on um monday was there any who didn't get a medal did you get one for football we came second so we just want to congratulate the men from forest gate on coming second in football [Applause] [Music] well done guys well done guys please please please we had such an awesome time fellowshipping and competing please do come out next year support us celebrate celebrate each and every one of us and just have a good time in jesus name thank you thank you thank you yeah again if you've never been to one of the sports days it's crazy to have a day of fellowship and play sports with people that you go to church with it's not really something that you hear of but it's so fun so i encourage you to come next year at this time i just want to welcome brother joelle he's got a few words to say as well oh sorry sorry give me one sec um there's a driver owner of a bmw outside on this right hand side the hazard lights are on if you want your battery to be there when you want to leave good morning church wow i said a d voice there good morning church okay now jordan didn't even say what we really would say but sports day was the very first sports that we've ever had with all seven branches and i'm so shocked to see so many people so there was over like 400 of us that turned up and i never expected that number but it did so we had to do some quick shuffling around so i need jonathan from the media desk to come down i need ryan at the back to come up here and also genevine i know you was there second ago but there you are jennifer at the back can you come please also there was a forfeit so i've got to remember if you see pastor herbie pastor gary parcer peter and pastor ricky wearing shorts in december with white socks that's their problem for losing those branches never brought no trophies all right but can you free please just come for a second so i went for jonathan to turn up sports day was a lot behind the scenes that no one would know about a lot was going on a lot didn't happen should have happened and also while i'm up here i want to say thank you so much amelia for running the coach getting everybody here thank you so much really appreciate that but these three people here next to me stood in the gap when needed genevieve took over in getting the sports organized and gave enough for 400 people jen well done these two guys stepped in to be referees and refereeing men football team ain't easy i tell you the holy spirit left a lot of fellows on that day that's all i can say to you all right let me pray but you guys have your own special gold medals so that's your special goal for assisting me that's yours ryan and that's yours jonathan thank you guys so much for sitting on the day thank you so much appreciate it god bless you [Applause] to virginia and i have to correct myself i blame 2.0 they lied to me they told me they came first actually it was us guys it was us we got gold guys we got gold so i'm gonna change our medals with you now don't you worry next time i won't ask 2.0 the scammer [Applause] oh wow um at this time we're going to go into a time of offering so if you can prepare yourselves to give just before we go into that time i just want to share there's two events to watch out for or one event and something that's continuous so there's women's watch night to watch out for um that's going to be happening soon and you have to sign up for that so watch out for the email or there's 10 10 10 spaces left so if you be quick go into your junk box email because i know you deleted it already and put it in there stop marking about sign up and hopefully you can make it there and have a good time um bible study as well will be mentioned on wednesdays from the 9th of september there will be a flyer in your emails as well so watch out for that join us here or online on the youtube and um yeah that is the announcement if i just welcome back up the worship team to just lead us in a time of worship while we get ready to give the best way to give is um through bank transfer you can also give on church suite and if you're old school and like to live the cash life with the coins there is envelopes so if you have that if you raise your hand usher will bring you an envelope all will be accepted thank you [Music] hallelujah i'm gonna quickly say um one thing before i see this week i've really been just basking in the presence of god like literally me and marcus have just been at it the whole week since the last sunday and um i was watching um [Music] a lady she's passed away now her name's catherine corman i don't know if anyone's familiar with her um but she said something i was watching one of her messages and she said something so powerful about being a vessel for god's use she'll say like it's not about being a silver vessel being a gold vessel because you can be any of those things and be closed completely closed off to the presence of god completely closed off to his spirit but you could be literally an earth and a moth is trying to rejoice but god has given us the power to trample on serpents and i'm checking don't worry it's one of god's creation um and yeah i was just really overwhelmed at that fact that she said you can literally be a potter a potter's work a clay work but as long as you are available for use as long as it's a surrendered vessel then god can use it and i just want to just tell you that you are important to god that he thought of you when he was on the cross and he died you were on his mind you specifically he saw he closed his eyes and saw your face and rejoiced over you even in his suffering so i hope that you're blessed by this one [Music] above all kings above all nature and all created thee above all wisdom and always you are here before the world began [Music] above all kingdoms above all thrones above all one the world has ever known above our wealth and treasures of the earth [Music] there's no way to measure your words above all kingdoms above [Music] and treasures of the earth [Music] there's no way to measure [Music] rejected [Music] and thought of me [Music] above [Music] [Music] above all kings [Music] [Music] and all the ways you were here before the world began [Music] the whole world has ever known there's no way to measure your words [Music] you live today [Music] you took [Music] [Music] that was trampled on the ground [Music] like [Music] you took you took my shame you took my brokenness you took my pain oh god you took my abandonment you took my identity issues but light grows kicked on spit on spit on but like rose trampled on the ground you took my fall and you thought of me personally you took fall god and thought of us you took the embarrassment of god and thought of me [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] thank you missy once you thank you mizzy worship team musicians thank you so much god bless you george thank you for kind of leading us through the service as well and god bless all of you teachers and returning students that are going back to school but at this time we're gonna hear the word of god and when this young man comes before you you know he's been through a lot and he inspires me just the way he works and the way he serves god and you know the way he works with his family he's just a real blessing but he's been through a lot he had covered less than is it over a month ago two months ago but we're standing he's gonna stand before us and he's a real miracle um in how god just brought him through and i don't even know what symptoms he's had or like after effects but he just got up and he's yeah i'm ready for work and i'm thinking cold like relax man like just just allow yourself to rest but he's he's a blessing to the house you know and if you just put your hands together and welcome up colin glenn praise god thank god praise him good afternoon church afternoon um can we just spend some time just worshiping god clap your hands and just give god the praise thanking him for what he's done hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah god you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good praise him praise him praise him praise him i guess i'm a bit overwhelmed because the last time that i spoke i didn't know i would have an opportunity to speak again i thought it might have been my last words but praise be to god he is the victor thank you lord thank you lord so um i just want to give god thanks that i can be here that i can be in the house that i can be amongst you family arc um greeting pastor jason his wife michelle thank you god bless you i greet pastor peter in his absence and all the elders pastor grady um i greet you all in the matchless name of jesus um god is good god is good god is good we've had such a wonderful service so far jordan thank god for you thank god for you thank god for you and mizzy just keep singing allow god to do what he needs to do in you and keep singing and yeah it's a good house to be in uh i can see why david said it i was glad when they said to me come and spend and be in the house of the lord um so i have the privilege of opening the new series for september um no pressure hey i was hoping to build on everybody else's message and then i'm the first one uh but god god be praised um and so this series is entitled the greatest help and we're looking at how god helps we're looking at the spirit of god who will help us so let's dive straight in but before we do that i'm just going to pray and ask god to do his thing so father god another time i just want to say thank you for the opportunity father martin that you would be with me at this time as you have been in times past i pray lord god that you will be glorified and you will be magnified your word tells us that if you be lifted up that you would draw all men onto yourself so i come before you as a humble vessel ask him that you will speak through me asking for an unction and anointing to break yokes that father that you will be glorified i pray it will be all of you none of me and i pray lord god that for everyone that is sitting in this house that they will receive something from from you lord god and pray for everybody who may be watching online that they will also receive of you i pray that you will speak to your people that father lord god that we will go from strength to strength in jesus name amen praise god so um the theme is the greatest help uh and the the anchor text for it is uh john 14 26 i'm just going to read that scripture it says that these things i have spoken to you while being present with you but the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that i said to you peace i leave of you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid praise god for those for those of you who are taking notes i've entitled this message look to the hills so the context of this scripture is very interesting because it's it's coming to the close of jesus's ministry he's been with his disciples um for three years and he's been instructing them he's been teaching them he's been showing them various things and then he drops a bombshell and says by the way i'm gonna go and they're like what what do you mean um but he's saying that although i'm gonna go i'm gonna send another helper to help you um in in some translations when you read the king james version it says comforter i don't know for those of you who are old school you would have known their songs like the comforter has come so i won't sing it don't worry [Laughter] so you you have songs you have songs that referred to the comforter that the comforter was in in the esv and in the new king james we have um helper in some translations you have advocate uh or almost um as a lawyer that that this helper will help you will guide you um and he has a responsibility to guide you into all truth so jesus said he's going to go but he's going to send someone to help these disciples a helper to help them which we refer to as the holy spirit so as i began to look at the text and try to unpack the message i began to consider world it's entitled the greatest help and so there is help and then there's the greatest help help is important at some time in your life you're going to need help everybody needs help help means to give assistance to strengthen something to cooperate effectively to aid to assist some at some point in your life you're gonna need help at the very beginning of creation when god created man genesis 2 18 he says and the lord said it is not good for man should be alone i will make him a helper comparable to him so even god's intention at the very beginning of creation when he made man was that man would need help he makes woman to assist him but i believe that god would have us to be in community so that we are constantly helping the both genders are to help each other because we can be blindsided by things but but god has in would would want us to live in such a way that we are helping one another and i think that god knows that we need help because he knows that we would run into trouble at some point job kind of captures it in this way in job 14 verse 1 it says man that is born of a woman is but a few days and then full of trouble so there's an expectation that when you come out of the womb at some point you're gonna run into trouble and at that point you're gonna need help the the so i've tried to look at this message and then i began to break down the types of help and i want to give you three three ways in which i believe that there is help the first way is that you can receive man's help we'll go into that then you could receive angelic help and then you can receive god's help where god himself steps into your situation so let's go in first chronicles 12 16 talks of david and david is on the run from saul he's in a place called ziklak and in ziglag he needs help because his enemy is fierce and it's interesting what is said here uh i'll just read from um verse 16 it says then some of the sons of benjamin and judah came to david at the stronghold and david went out to meet them and answered and said to them if you have come peaceably to me to help me my heart will be united with you but if you betray me to my enemy since there is no wrong in my hands may the god of our fathers look and bring judgment then the spirit came upon amicid the chief captains and he said we are yours o david we are on your side o son of jesse peace and peace to you and peace to your helpers for your god helps you so david received them and made them captains of the truth david needed help he was on the run for his life and he needed help and these guys said we're here to help we're not here to cause uh cause you a problem we're here to help and they've realized that god was gonna help them in the new testament uh we have various stories of people helping people one of the most notable is that of the good samaritan i'm sure you all know the story very well where the there is a guy who's beaten up on the side of the road and then a levite a priest of religious people of the day walk past him but the reality is that this samaritan man comes and assists and helping that's found in luke 30 luke 10 versus 30-36 and this this samaritan basically says i'm going to look after you takes him to a hotel and says whatever it costs put it on my tab help most times when you pray your answer is a person you may not unders you may not recognize it as a person but it's a person you may pray you may pray to god for some uh for some more money and then somebody comes up and says i've got a job for you it's more money but you prayed more money but a person came to you and assisted you you may or someone makes if someone may walk up to you with a tempo in their hand and pass it into your hand because you pray to god requesting more money you pray to god but god put it in the heart of somebody and that person is the answer to your prayer so most times in this realm whenever you pray you you pray you may pray for patience and then god gives you a horrible boss and you're like lord what is this guy doing to me but you prayed for patience and what is happening is that your character has been trained and strained so that you can obtain the patience that you prayed for it may not be the way that you wanted it but you prayed and asked god to help your character god answers your prayers with people that's why we can't really write anybody off because you don't know how they're going to help you you don't really know if god has somebody in the back of the service who's there just a place there just to help you um it's interesting to me that when you receive help you can achieve more it you can do it by yourself but with help you can achieve more um any jamaicans in the house okay so who's the fastest man on the planet world record holder is what's his time does anybody oh wow see hallelujah jamaicans in the house 958 is his time check this i was listening to this and i thought it was it just blessed me so i'm going to say it i heard it i'm going to say it to you the relay race of the men's to make of the the jamaican men well done all the relay runners for for ark brilliant god bless you but the relay race the relay race i don't think you got this time the relay race for the jamaican men's world record is 36.84 seconds if you divided that by four you get 9.21 seconds meaning that usain bolt is actually faster in a relay than he is as a single runner 100 meters help help if we work together we can go faster we can go stronger help um let's move on i don't want to run out of time today i really don't i really don't lord help me so the others the other type of help that you can receive is angelic and you have various scriptures which point to angelic help whereby you pray to god and god releases an angel to assist you and help you so in second kings six verses 16 to 18 i'll read it it says that so he answered do not fear for those that are with us are more than those who are with them and elisha prayed and said lord i pray open his eyes that he may see then the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around elijah so when the sirians came down to him elisha prayed to the lord and said strike this people i pray with bindles and he struck them with blindness according to the word of elisha elijah's enemies that were the syrians and they surrounded him and the young man that was with him thought how we gonna handle this because there's more of them than there are of us and elijah says no no no you need to open your eyes and pray that the young man's eyes will be open and when the young man's eyes were opened he saw a whole host of heaven of angels to assist them this is how we fight our battles i won't sing we may be surrounded but we are surrounded by god so as long as we are on the lord's side there is more with you than against you take that into work with you on monday so the god give me strength so but in the new testament we don't have that much um stories of angelic help but we have one we have one of peter who was put into prison and he was put into prison because herod basically killed james one of the disciples and it pleased the jews and so he thought you know what i'm going to kill peter as well because he wanted to please more jews and so in in trying to kill p he puts him into prison and says he's going to deal with him and the church prayed help the church prayed now no disciple left from prayer to go and assist peter they didn't do a prison break or was an escape plan but what happened was that an angel was dispatched and that angel released peter from out of prison took him out of prison took him out of the gate which he couldn't even open so angelic help is given to us um gosh so years ago i was driving down the m1 and um i was driving to luton and i was i was tired and you i don't know if you've driven like this that's why it says if you're feeling tired stop but i'm feeling tired and i'm nodding and i'm nodded and i'm driving about 60 70 miles an hour and i'm nodding and i'm nodding and i'm thinking i'm just tired i'm tired and then saints out of nowhere i felt like my car front suspension like a weight just sat on the car and slowed it down when i when i kind of opened my eyes i was this far away from the car in front and if i don't i can't say that i saw an angel but what i can say there was a presence sitting on my car that prevented me from crashing at 60 70 miles an hour angelic help angelic help god will dispatch stuff on your behalf it's the the bible says and he will give his angels charge concerning you help and then the third type of help and then i'm gonna come to my message and then the third type of help and then the third type of help is when god himself comes in and i think the most notable story for me is the story of the free hebrew boys and in the three hebrew boys they refused to worship king's nebuchadnezzar idol and i'll just read for you verse 24 this is taken from general three verses 24 and it says this then king nebuchadnezzar was astonished and he rose in haste and spoke saying to his counselors did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire they answered and said to the king true okay look he answered i see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they did not hurt and the form of the fourth and they are not her and the form of the fourth is like the son of god then nebuchadnezzar went near the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and spoke saying shadrach meshach and abednego servants of the most high god come out and come here then shadrach meshach and came from the midst of the fire god will stand with you in your fire whatever circumstance whatever situation god will stand with you in your fire um you know the king didn't really know who he was dealing with when he was dealing with the hebrew boys and the reason being is that their names were changed their names were changed to represent babylonian gods but if the king had any understanding of who they were he might not even have put them in the fire in the first place because shadrach's original name was hananiah which means that god is gracious meshach's name originally was michiel which means who is like god and abendigo's original name was azariah which says yahweh has helped [Applause] these guys knew who they were know who you are you are a child of the most high god there is no fire from hell that can devour you there is no circumstance that is not so insurmountable but you cannot overcome help and he may send someone he may send an angel but if your fire is hot he himself will stand with you in your fire this is the god who we serve so my message look to the hills as as i was musing over this theme as i was moving me thinking about and meditating on it there's one scripture that that came to me more than anything which is psalm 121 and it says i will lift up my eyes to the hills for it comes my helpful my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber nor sleep for he who keeps israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is your keeper the lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the lord shall preserve your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and even forever more interesting um this psalm is known as the song of a sense it's it's it's sometimes called the sojourner's psalm or the traveller's psalm it's read in times of travel and what's interesting when david wrote it is for me that i understand psalm 1121 but it's psalm 120 the pres the one before it that makes you understand that the death of psalm 121 because psalm 120 is david talking about his distress so in psalm 120 he says in my distress i cried to the lord and he heard me deliver my soul o lord from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue what shall be given to you or what shall be done to you your false tongue sharp arrows of the warrior with coals of the broom tree woe is me that i may dwell in meshech that i will dwell among the tents of kidar my soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace i am for peace but when i speak they are for war and then he says i will lift up my eyes from what's cometh my help my help comes from the lord um who made heaven and earth he's not just talking about looking at the hills he's actually talking beyond the hills is the god who made the hills the god who made heaven the god who made earth and it's that god that i am looking to for my help i almost called this message look to god because that's what david was really meaning look to god beyond your circumstance beyond that which you see look to god for your help will come from him he made heaven and earth so as uh as um pastor jason introduced me many of you know that i was unwell i didn't realize how unwell i was i really didn't um and even the last time i spoke which i was speaking at 2.0 um my i i was not feeling great but i didn't feel i didn't know that i wasn't really unwell i just wasn't feeling great i remember coming um and arriving and pastor p praying for me and been praying for me in the service but i wasn't feeling great um and then the the that week um i started to uh throw up and i called my gp and he basically said um it sounds like you have a very severe case of food poisoning so i was like okay i can handle food poisoning and i was literally just at home just trying to get whatever was in me out and it was coming out i won't be graphic but it was it was coming out um but i remember i don't know it's funny because i i remember i remember one day the pain of this thing was i don't know if you've ever experienced pain in your body extrude that's so excruciating that your eyes just weep um now you've got to understand i i've grown up in an environment where men don't cry i've grown up in an environment where where i've worked we i've seen men cut up their fingers and just say yeah let's just take them up and keep going because we're we're worth trained to be strong that's the whole point you're putting massive beams in and all that so i can't remember many times in my adult life whether i felt pain to make me cry before my god i cry all the time god will have me on the floor weeping but not for pain that's my relationship but this pain saints oh my gosh it was just ripping through me and my eyes just started to weep and i'm there i'm like lord lord and then in the midst of that um i get a phone call from pastor p and pastor p calls me goes colin you're right i guess nah p nah nah pain man pain but and p just starts putting down some prayer saints can i encourage you that when god drops that person in your spirit pick up the phone and call them when god drops that text them engage with them or at the very very least pray for them because you don't know what they're going through he didn't know what i was going through at that time but you don't know what they're going through and it could be anything and god has pleased you dropped something in your heart to be able to to pray for them and then as time went on and and the so-called sort of um food poisoning subsided that i still was feeling unwell and it's interesting because i don't often go to the hospital but me and my wife would talk and we said okay maybe we should go to a e and i'm walking and i'm feeling oh my gosh i can't even walk a certain distance but god is so good god is so good god is so good when i got to the hospital i'm gonna try and cut a very long there's too much to go into detail but what i would say when i when i arrived they told me that i had pneumonia in both of my lungs and i'm like how do you even catch pneumonia and so god is so good i've had this thing i'm dealing with this thing and now i've got to trust when they said look we're going to have to keep you in and i'm like do what you've got to do because i need to i need to get out god is so good god is so good god is so good and as jason said they they kind of said oh we we think you also may have coveted and what's interesting i started to believe that what god did for pastor p what god did for you god will also do for me see the way that our god works is that he is not partial the way he loves me is the way that he loves you now it may not always be obvious because we are favored at different times so he may be you may be favored today and people may see your favor and think oh gosh god is just blessing that person but the reality is is that if your favor hasn't come your favor is coming because the god that we serve is not partial he loves us all the same and i'm grateful to god the reason why i'm grateful to god i'm grateful to god for this church because this church demonstrated to me the importance of being part of a community when you are low and you can't pray for yourself you need people to be praying for you and that's what this church demonstrated to me because there were people that were just praying and i'm like every people are praying you're getting encouragement you're getting text messages people are checking in with my wife it's so important find yourself in a church community in a christian because you're gonna need help at some point you're going to need help i've got to give god thanks for my family who are the most amazing bunch i'm in the hospital and i think it was a day that i was telling my wife how i'm improving i my son sends me a video clip of my wife worshiping god in the kitchen and then underneath the video clip is a caption from my daughter which basically says worship god regardless so i'm in a hospital bed and my family is having a praise party at home and i'm like lord i need to get out of this bed because i need to go and join a praise party that is happening at home as a father and a husband my greatest concern was my family but the reality is they knew who their greatest help was so i'm in my bed but they are getting the help they are getting the assistance because they understand their greatest help for those who contacted me for those of you who checked in i appreciate you more than you can ever know i remember my cousin texting me she's in dc she texted me she didn't know that i was in hospital the lord just laid her laid me on her heart and then she texts me she says oh i said because i'm in hospital she said what i'll call you so she called me from dc she's like what's happening guys look they said i have this they said i have da da da da da and she says don't worry i'm going to start praying she started praying she goes invite because she's a missionary she says right i'm gonna release the the prayer team to start praying allah okay go ahead release everybody it doesn't matter i need help i need help and saints at one stage when i checked i had people in canada people in north america people in central america people in south america people in africa in europe in indonesia praying for me just praying for me so you can imagine that now that i'm out do you know how much damage i want to do to the kingdom of darkness come on i was in there for eight days now devil that was your best shot now see mine now see mine so let's get back to the word first corinthians 12 verses 28 talks about helps it talks about that there are many gifts there is apostles prophets teachers then it goes on to say tongues miracles helping healings administration and then paul says something very interesting earnestly desire the best gift i was speaking to a young person this week and i was saying to them it's so important that you desire the gifts i would rather people desire to speak in tongues and to prophesy and to do all of those things then to desire big cars and big houses and designer clothes desire the gifts desire the gifts and in the midst of them of all those gifts that's mentioned helps we are all called to help one another we are all called to help one another but what prevents the help i kind of came to a conclusion i came up with four things there may be more but but as i was meditating these are the four that i came up with i think that the biggest hindrance for us receiving help is pride pride says i don't want your help price says that i know it all and really and truly i don't want to let you know that i don't know so pride actually says i don't ask no questions i don't want to be vulnerable and therefore i don't need your help pride it stops us so many times wisdom comes from god that's what the bible says if you if any man lack wisdom let him ask of god who gives to all liberally yeah so it doesn't matter if you're 5 or 85 you can receive wisdom from god in part of this message i've given you the names of the three hebrew boys i learned that from my son on holiday this year because we ask them to present to us things that they are learning and we ask them to present to us bible stories this year and my son came back and told me daddy daddy do you know the names of the three hebrew boys because of course i do do you know what they mean i said i'll use that for my preaching but i understand that i can learn from them as much as they learn from me because it's not based upon age it's based upon what god has placed inside of individuals and so we have to be humble enough to know there are some young men that can teach you greater than some older men and there's some old men that can still teach but we work together second thing i came up with was ignorance it's where you don't really you don't really really realize that you need help and because you don't realize that you need help you refuse it because you're ignorant and so you when you don't know what you don't know it's very difficult for you to get out of a place whereby you know what you need to know more but put yourself in environments that are challenging to you so that you can know so that you can know more because sometimes we live in the comfort of just where we are but sometimes god needs to move us out of our comfort zones so that we can learn more so that we can understand more the other thing is miscommunication it's where i don't understand the help and you're not really helping me um it's that old thing like uh in in karate kids for those who've seen that movie that old movie karate kid where you've got mr miyagi teaching the the boy how to do how to wax on wax on and paint and the boy doesn't realize that he's being helped until he goes into battle and he's using the same move that of painting and we don't it's a miscommunication we don't understand the help most parents will understand this because as you bring up your child you realize that you can't do everything for them and you say you do it and then i thought you're going to help me no i am helping you i'm helping you by not doing it because you need to learn to do it for yourself and then the last one i thought of was fear and how much fear plays a part in us not asking for help that we're scared to be vulnerable we're scared to show that actually we don't know we're scared to say you know what can you help me and i i pray that we have a community that we are able to help one another and we begin to realize that we may not have all the answers but most of the time the answers is in the house there's somebody somewhere in here who can provide the answer that you need and all you need is for god to direct you to that individual pride let me just go in with that one this scripture says that jesus was going to leave a helper and that help was going to bring all things back to our remembrance and it was it's based upon if you can imagine for three years you've been learning three years you've been instructed and then the teacher goes so there's a there's a there's a possibility that you may forget what he has taught but the spirit of god will bring you back into remembrance and i feel that god if we allow this greatest help to help us he will bring things back to our remembrance some of us do need to be remembered to remember because we've got to remember that we were sinners that were saved by grace and i think that sometimes we forget we forget what god has done for us i know we're all looking pretty in here today but some of us know that we weren't always like this some of us really know that boy if god never got a hold of me it's hms that you'll be visiting me in some of us know that it's only god's grace that has changed us see many times that when david was king god had to remind david i took you from following the sheep so don't come big up your chest now remember where i took you from and i think we have to remember where we where we have come from not to go back there but to know that god has done something mighty in our lives some of us need to remember that when we had more we had more money for for drugs than we do for tives some of us need to remember we had more time in the clubs and so why is it so difficult to come to a prayer service or come to us come to a service some of us need to remember how we were dancing and celebrating in the club so why can we not dance and celebrate before god who has saved us who has taken us from darkness into his marvelous life [Applause] the time we have spent in the world we need to remember because now that god has saved you he wants all of you he don't want you like half in the world half in the church he wants all of you because in giving him all he will give back to you he's no man's debtor okay i wanted to sh because your prayer grady inspired me and i was wondering whether i should share this and now i realize why to encourage those who are going back to school to university to various institutions to encourage you that even in these institutions where you go and you write exams that god is with you and god can bring things back to your remembrance and it doesn't matter whatever you're doing as long as you trust in god god can be with you i think some people feel that christianity is just for church it's not just for church it's actually jesus said that you are the light of the world a city that is hidden you you can't hide this light don't don't hide it anyway many years ago when i was at university um i remember studying and i remember um a friend of mine calling me about 9 30 10 o'clock at night to wish me well for my exam the next day and i said to this guy i don't have an exam and i was like he's like no no no no no yes oh lord jesus i was like i don't have an example he goes yeah you do i'm like nah nah nah you joke with me i thought he's pranking me i'm gonna come to your yard i'm gonna see if i got it so i drove over to his yard and sure enough saints i had an exam i'm like lord okay so i said to him ah you know what i'm just going to say i didn't know about it and then the brother turned to me and says but you're a christian you can't lie it's so funny how your non-christian friends become christian police when you're in your problems it's so funny like he's not he's not christian but he's telling me that as a christian i can't lie and i'm like lord so i said okay yeah yeah you're right you're right i can't lie i can't lie says i was petrified i went on my way home i bought a six pack of red bull i got home about 11 o'clock at night 12 o'clock i had an old gospel song by hezekiah walker that says the lord will make a way somehow so i'm playing the lord will make a way somehow i'm drinking red bull and i'm studying i studied till 5am in the morning went to sleep for an hour woke up again studied till about 12 and then went in for the exam got to the exam i said lord jesus help me here and as i'm sitting in exam i don't know it's ever happened to you but as i was saying it said my spirit starts singing the lord will make a way somehow and i'm thinking lord you need to be quiet now i'm silent i'm really exam like time to cut and my spirits and the lord to make a way and i'm like and i'm looking around making sure no one can i'm thinking can they hear me singing i'm like i'm humming the lord and i start writing i start writing and i'm singing and i'm writing somehow the lord is bringing back to my remembrance the things that are on the paper saints this is when we talk about the greatest help when the results came back for the exam i didn't just pass the exam i smashed the exam [Applause] i smashed it to the point whereby i was actually top of the class [Applause] so check this the lord is good so my peers my peers asked me to teach them the subjects so i received help the greatest help and because i received help they've asked me to help them the greatest help he will bring things back to your remembrance i thought so for those of you who are going back to your injury have no fear god is with you he will bring things back to your remembrance i'm gonna i'm gonna try and close oh my gosh nine nine minutes less than nine minutes i've got so much do you know when you when when you live a life that god has just blessed you and there's so much that he has shown you this so much that i wasn't always like this but it's just that i just decided at a very young age i'm going to walk with the lord and ever since i've walked with him he has just done miraculous absolutely miraculous so okay let me go to this one hebrews 13 verses 5 to 6 says this keep your life free from the love of money and be content with what you have for he said i will never leave you nor forsake you so we can confidently say the lord is my helper i will not fear what man can do to me in some translations it says be not convic do not covet be content do not allow conviciousness be content it's so important that we realize that god is with us that he won't leave us or forsake us in um in john 14 and verse 16 it says and i will pray the father that he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave your or you orphans i will come to you we've got to get to a point in our lives that we should know that the greatest help that we can ever receive is from god himself that he can turn around any situation any circumstance whatever we're going through that god can make a way i'm gonna i'm gonna close on i'm gonna close on this i'm gonna close on this lord give me strength um i've been involved in many different types of projects and every single project i get involved i always pray and say lord help because as much as i may have an ability and a skill i know that there is a greater ability and skill that comes from god that is greater than me so many times when when i've done things i've known that although i'm there that there that god has given me an inspiration to do lots of different crazy stuff lots of different stuff one of the one of my projects many many years ago when i was starting this project we were planting this there was a church plant of which they needed a facility and the facility was a old tailoring place and the guy wanted to turn it into a cafe have it as a business and do church amazing idea i said yeah of course i helped he heard about me he explained to me what the vision was and as soon as he explained to the division i said yes we can do it and he looked at me he said wow you're the first guy that i've come to or one of the first guys i've gone to who actually believes that i can achieve because of course i'm helps that's what i'm here for he said okay cool so we looked at this space and then i asked him well how much money do you have and he told me the amount of money he has and i laughed because i know that you can't do this kind of project for the amount of money that you have so i said to him but do you have more faith than money he said absolutely i've got faith in abundance i said god great we'll pray and we prayed over this project saints by the end of the week he calls me up he says colin you won't believe what happened to me i guess why what's happened he said someone just wrote me a check for six thousand pounds i said thank you jesus tell the builder we're gonna start on monday we've got we haven't got enough money but the lord will continue to make a way helps helps we completed the project the builder was very sympathetic he he entered into some kind of a debt and i said to him this place is so marvelous because what you're doing you're bringing god to a community that really needs it and so people will walk past your calf they will see cakes and they will come in and buy the cake you might even leave the cake because this has to grow this has to happen because god is in it in three months he called me and he said colin you know what's happened i said no well tell me what's happened he said in three months we are debt free helps helps see we need to stack some stuff young people talk about stacking cash i'm stacking i'm stacking you need to stack your prayers stack your fasting stack your reading of his word so that god has something to work with see what i learned in that project was that he he gave god something to work with they used their skills and their talents but god brought the blessing [Music] he will bring whatever you need back to your remembrance you will have the key to unlock whatever door that you need but if you feel you have nothing because that's sometimes how we feel i don't have anything to stack i don't have another prayer i don't i can't get into his word we are dealing with a god that was able to take the earth which was without form and void nothing and said let there be light and there was light trust god look beyond the hills from what's cometh your help your help will come from the lord and may he illuminate and light your situation god bless you [Applause] i wanted to just go in to people who may feel they have nothing this life will always write you a curveball something that is unexpected and we may feel completely depleted like there's nothing left to give as a child of a god as the child of the king as a child of god as as individuals that serve the lord jesus christ god is obligated to help you as his child that's why i struggle understanding atheism because you're saying that you can do it all by yourself you don't need any supernatural help or assistance but we have a god that helps us so i wanted to ask if there was anybody in here who has not made a decision for christ but there's something about this message that you realize you know what i need help i want you to raise your hand if you want to make that decision today because he can help you i don't know if there was anybody in here but if there is we'll give you some time but could you raise your hand and we will pray with you because he is here to help you i see one hand thank you lord praise god praise god praise god thank you jesus we go girl thanks sis i see your hand do you want to come and we'll pray for you come on then thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] thank you lord thank you lord i'm just gonna ask what's your name saints um we're gonna pray for christine can i ask someone to join her thank you lord thank you lord as much as i love speaking you know there's nothing greater than a person giving their life to christ [Music] it changes your trajectory it changes your life and sayings we've got to be conscious that this is what it's about i know we're sitting pretty because god has done a work in our lives but there's a there's a world out there that needs the light of christ so i'll ask you all could you just pray for chris christine i'm going to speak to some moments [Music] [Music] [Music] amen praise god we've got tissues thank you lord can we give a round of applause for christy [Applause] [Music] christine know that you have made the best decision of your life and although trouble may come you have the greatest help to help you to strengthen you i'm going to close the service but i realized that we struggle it's part of life um i'm not gonna do another article but if there are people in here that are really struggling that say lord you know what i don't even know what my next move is could you raise your hand i want to pray for you for any online viewers that are watching know that i'm going to pray for you as well god's got you so if there's anybody else that's saying lord you know what i need i need help i need help thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord okay so i'm going to pray for those of you that didn't raise your hand can you stand [Music] and i want you to be prayerful knowing that sometimes for those who raise their hands you are their answer to prayer god is sending you to help them so let's just pray father god we want to give you thanks we want to give you thanks for your words we want to give you thanks to the unction but father i just want to pray for these individuals who need your help right now whatever circumstance and whatever situation they are going through father i pray that you will be a light to them that they would look beyond the hills and know that god is there the maker of heaven and earth so father i pray lord god that you would give them wisdom for the situation that they're in that father that you would enable them lord god to know who you are lord god i pray that you watch over them i pray that you strengthen them i pray that you will be with them father i pray that they would have a testimony just how you have done it for me i pray that they will have a testimony of how you have brought them through for your word says that we will overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony so father give them a testimony i pray that you would cover them in this season and that father that you will watch over them and that you would protect them give your angels charge concerning them father and help them through their struggle in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you bro thank you for that word world church he's already prayed us out but i just pray that you be blessed i pray even though you gave the word that god will bless you also um of course we have arc 2.0 coming after us so if we just leave as quickly as possible to give room to them coming in and have a blessed week in jesus name for those of you online have a good week as well bless you in jesus name [Applause] so g [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you like [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Arc4U
Views: 1,077
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Sunday Service, Bible study
Id: kQXN_xfJqw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 11sec (8891 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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