Analyzing Every Homunculus - Fullmetal Alchemist VS Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/choochamungus 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 and manga hood have large casts of compelling characters most of which share the same names and general appearances however comparisons of any of these characters will reveal differences between how they're figured and either version of the story in some cases characters who even share the same names occupy entirely different roles I mean manga hoods wrath is 2003's pride and manga hood pride as manga hoods wrath son while the kid who is manga hoods wrath son is just well a kid in 2003 but 2003's wrath isn't in manga hood at all but he is a kid kind of like manga it's pride I hope it's clear that discussing and comparing thus among Kili is a strange task before I wanted to split them up into individual videos and do it that way but it was pretty clear that that wouldn't work if I did that I'd pump out a bunch of 4 or 5 minute videos on each character flooding your subscription boxes with FMA related content while I repeated the same ideas over and over again across multiple videos but who am I kidding anyway I mean flood your subscription boxes my videos probably aren't even showing up in subscription boxes at this point still I'd rather have one big-boy video and hit 14 home uncle I with one Philosopher's Stone because that's more efficient on a more important level though individual videos on each one of these guys wouldn't provide a fair comparison of each show strengths and weaknesses as far as the homunculus are concerned because even if these characters look the same they occupy entirely different roles within their series they serve different purposes discussing them all at once is a much better way to go about this but what exactly do I mean by discussing them well it means I'm using a vague word because this video lacks focus this is essentially a set of character analyses all uploaded in one video with some specific comparisons between 2003 and manga hood sprinkled in here and there I'm also using the term discussing because it's neutral in this one I'm not going to spend most of the video saying that this is good or this is bad or this is better or this is worse instead I want to spend most of this video appreciating what each version of FMA brings to the table it's among July appreciation time let's roll [Music] in manga hood the amount of development each monkey light receives varies greatly from homunculus to homunculus so to begin I want to discuss the homunculus Eve the least amount of development in manga hood these are the simple homunculi the ones who serve a plot function but little else as long as they fulfill their roles within the plot well the fact that they lack complexity isn't an issue plenty of characters and plenty of works of fiction lack complex characterization like Nina and no one complains about that because if you feel bad about her turning into a dog girl than her job is done it's fine for some characters to be simple and who's simpler than manga hood sloth and gluttony in fact manga hood sloth and gluttony are so simple that there's little to say about them at all sloth is defined by his laziness he's a big boy who wants to take a break from his job the modern man essentially his function within the plot is simple - he digs out the tunnel underneath a mistress and on occasion becomes an obstacle for other characters to overcome that's all there is to him and that's perfectly fine he's most present when ed intolerant Briggs anyway and at that point many other characters like Olivier and kimbley are receiving their fair share of development sure the focus could have been split further by giving sloth more of a personality but that's hardly necessary and could have easily had a negative impact on the pacing of the series just like a wise package of toilet paper once told me from 2004 to 2006 sometimes less is more and speaking of snacks gluttony this guy eats anything he can get his paws on as you would expect you know from his name I guess he also gets upset when lust is murdered and he's worried father will be mad with him when he swallows Edie so he shows some sort of emotion - he's kind of like Winnie the Pooh if Winnie the Pooh thought everything was made of honey he has this air of innocence to him that the other homunculus even if I could talk about him a little bit he's not going to show us anything unique that we couldn't just discuss using one of the other homunculus and with those other homunculus those ideas are going to be covered in more powerful ways he's pretty much there to be accompaniment he's highlighting other ideas that will show up in different ways throughout the series he may not steal the show but he's good to have around he's seasoning his mindlessness stands in stark contrast to many of the other homunculus strategic decision-making and high levels of thought if nothing else he shows us early on that there is an extreme variation between intelligence and personality among homunculus all this stays pretty much the same in 2003 again there's nothing wrong with this but there's also not much to discuss manga hoods last however is a bit of a different story up until her death she receives the most focus of any of the chemical I yeah I hate that word I hate a monkey like a monkey lie however she also receives very little in the way of depth or complex characterization considering how much time 2003 will invest in giving lust a unique personality in perspective and how that perspective will affect the plot in major ways frequent viewers of this channel may expect me to go on a tirade hear about how 2003's lust is better than mangas lust because mon God's lust is simple and because I'm biased against Brotherhood but that sort of assessment entirely misses the point of this version of lust so what is the point of lust in manga hood lust sets a precedence for who the homunculus are their pawns who carry out father's orders without displaying any desires of their own so lust serves as Father's mouthpiece until he shows up she does whatever he tells her to she's often accompanied by gluttony and sometimes envy tags along as well from what we see of them before less death they're both simple - as such the human characters are made to be people who have their own desires and goals and perspectives but the monkey lie aren't they're static they're just going to do what they're told and early on there's no real reason to believe that's gonna change her death also shows that the homunculus which is crucial info for both the audience and characters to have going forward rather than showing us something about herself she's showing us something about the story's world and rules and that's just as valid a role for a character to fill as any other I'd much rather have that than some exposition dump about how the homunculus in this way lust helps put the reader or viewer in the heroes initial mindset a monkey lie aren't human plain and simple just like the humans reliable to believe that simple distinction will hold that isn't the case though wrath greed envy and pride all these guys are going to blur the lines between human and homunculus in their own unique ways less may not blur the lines herself but if she weren't so simple then these other homunculus development wouldn't hit anywhere year is hard another way less sets of expectations of what will come later in the story is with her death since Mustangs murder of lust has such a victorious tone the reader reviewer is likely to expect all the homonculus deaths to be treated in a similar manner I mean when Mustang murders her there's no sense of regret or introspection for him or any of the other humans however the death that's most like hers you know with another guy being burned alive that's totally different what's a moment of cathartic vengeance here becomes a major turning point for Mustangs character later once again lust sets a precedent and then later events change our perception in this way less may not be all that interesting in and of herself but she serves the story well she widens the gulf between human and homunculus and then later on that gulf is going to close she takes a and places it further away from be making the journey from A to B more interesting later she only does something contrary to this once just before her death she tells Mustang and havoc we have the same appearance as you the same five senses the same emotions we have the same love for our parents that gave birth to us we're human she sets the stage for the rest of manga hood [Music] in stark contrast among a hood 2003's lust receives more focus and development than any other homunculus in that series in fact I'd go as far as saying that she serves as the most powerful example of the internal conflict that finds many of 2003 homunculus after all the fact that homunculi are the result of human transmutation entirely changes their role within the story they go from being father's creations to being alchemists creations by extension they serve as a major source of internal conflict for ED and Al who have to deal with the fact that they made one based on this at an L question the monkey lies humanity and their unwillingness to take a life the more human the homunculus seemed the more powerful this conflict is as 2003 goes on must explicitly questions her own humanity while other homunculus actions betray their connection to humans she has a pointed internal debate about identity and what it means to live this way she goes from a seemingly OneNote character who manipulates others to a conflicted character who has difficulty discarding her past life much like al she wants to regain the human form that she seemingly lost and questions where her memories came from and she says oh Michael I just want to be human that's all there is it as much of a difference between the heroes and villains as we would have initially expected no single episode of 2003 does a better job of exemplifying less internal struggle than episode 35 reunion of the fallen in this last centric episode we learn about one of the homonculus past attempts to get humans to create a philosopher's stone after sending a disease out into a town that kills many of its inhabitants lust goes in and finds a desperate alchemist named Lou Jean she teaches him complex techniques and provides him with a bit of a philosopher's stone using this he can heal his people however once he falls in love with lust lust leaves the town later she returns kills Lou Jean and heads out throughout this episode lust asks herself where did I come from where am I going in order to explore this seemingly vague question we see how lust connects Lou Jean with scars brother and how memories of her past with him invade her life now and these memories are strange she sees them as an onlooker would there's a disconnect there between the person she's based on and who she is now they aren't quite the same but she can't break that connection from the fact that she flees the village it's clear that she's conflicted about these memories she doesn't like when she remembers them but they still dictate her actions to some degree and that's probably why they make her uncomfortable they interfere with her goal of getting a philosopher's stone and becoming human after all they're part of the reason she can't bring herself to manipulate or harm Lujan anymore and she says herself Lou Jean is her small blemish and he's only a small blemish because he betrays the conflict of identity raging on inside her I mean if she really wants to be human above all else why not continue to go on with the plan or if he's not good enough to carry out the plan kill him he won't help he can't do anything well the only reason not to is because she's developed some sort of feelings for him ironically her feelings for lujon are one of the most human things about her however since her memories and reasoning here are tainted by her past self she becomes uncomfortable with her feelings and rejects them as such when she kills Lou Jean and abandons the village she is proving to herself that the memories from her other life won't influence her actions here and that she'll do whatever it takes to get the philosopher's stone and become human but by doing this she's also distancing herself from humans by acting in line with homunculus quest and not with her human impulses and empathy for all these reasons this episode paints lost struggle as one of individualism rather than retrieval she doesn't want to regain her old life she rejects those memories in that past by killing Lou Jean she wants to be her own person her own individual then all sounds good here but later on lust makes it clear that she believes that a philosopher's stone can turn things back to normal that she can regain that life and be that same person does she want to retrieve that old life form a new one or do something in between it's never entirely clear but that's a big part of what makes this internal conflict for lust feel genuine and interesting she contradicts herself constantly she can't help but be moved by humans actions like scar jumping in front of a bullet for her and yet she wishes she could detach herself from such things she longs to become human but she hasn't ever able to articulate exactly what that even means she tells ed that she knows who she is but she's clearly conflicted about who she is and where her personality comes from when sloth calls Tuckers come Aeryn useless she says it's his daughter once again hinting at her deeper understanding of human chips and motivations and her ability to empathize with them but she also does such horrible things and hurt so many people again there's a lot of contradictory stuff going on here but that's okay lost more than anything else is a question mark she's constantly changing reevaluating herself and coming to different conclusions about what the best course of action is she forces the audience to question Ed's assertion the homonculus are monsters who don't have souls fittingly her time in the show ends with a question when she says I wanted to die even in the end she's uncertain about what exactly it is she wanted from life and whether she'll find that unknown thing and death she shows that answering questions of humanity individuality and finding your own way isn't easy she poses the question what does it mean to be human and then shows us that maybe there isn't an answer to that question at all despite when manga heads les says about the monkey I being the same as humans she also importantly states that we him uncle IRA to the truth than you humans you could say that we're the next link in the evolutionary chain other homunculus istant Li say the same sorts of things this way they grant themselves the status of superhuman however with manga hoods wrath pride and vien greed the parts that seemed to make them superhuman are broken down until eventually the reader or viewer is shown that these summon July at their core have some sort of human element to them let's start with Rathore as I'm going to hurt him from now on Bradlee in the manga right up until it's revealed that he's a homunculus Bradlee is portrayed as a pretty good guy he's introduced as a somewhat silly but competent leader who seems to take quite a liking to end after all even after EDD does something that could easily be interpreted as an act of treason he lets ed join the military as a state Alchemist when it slaps together some report after forgetting about his alchemy assessment Bradley simply tells ed that his works quality is self-evident giving him a big old stamp of presidential approval even brings ed an expensive gift when he's recovering in the hospital and yeah I just called a melon expensive gift fruit prices in Japan are insane I don't understand how anyone can ever eat a melon there at all anyway aside from one scene where he shows his violence in the first episode of brotherhood this remains the same there too however after we learned he's a monk Ulis rallies true characters revealed Bradley sees someone he doesn't see an individual he simply sees a person a single person with only the worth of a single person this means that to him people are replaceable and interchangeable as such when Linh carries a wounded lawn fellow to battle with him Bradley calls the girl of burden and sees no reason why Lin should keep carrying her as he says when an ishbalan leader offers his life in exchange for his people's one person's life is only one life nothing more nothing less he gives no credence to human sentimentality and idealism if used everything in a cold callous and logical way that's entirely removed from human emotions and from their perspectives and even goes so far as to frame this issue Volans man's act of sacrifice is some mistake fueled by self-importance by extension Bradley has no interest in pursuing this called truth that so many other characters in the series strive towards at first this may seem strange since Bradley is both human and homunculus however Bradley's backstory provides a clear reason for his thoughts he's a man who's been stripped of his individuality and who by his own admission doesn't even know if the soul controlling his body is his original one or some other one that took control when he absorbed with the philosopher's stone later he concedes that pretty much everything in his life has been handed to him or decided for him not the only thing he ever chose for himself was his wife Bradley is unable to know anything about the very nature of his existence so how could he possibly aspire to understand loftier concepts like the truth he doesn't even know who he is never mind who all these other people are as such the human pursuit of truth and knowledge means nothing to him he takes humans and their feelings at face value he doesn't have the capacity to soul search because he doesn't even really have a single soul more than anything else he's a man without an identity for this reason Bradley rejects typical notions of truth and idealism he states that nowhere on this earth does a true king exist he confidently claims that God is a human invention he spearheads the war that crushes Mustangs and many other people's youthful ideals but regardless of how closely Bradley follows his script and regardless of how much he doesn't understand other people rather these human side eventually surfaces because Bradley finds happiness when he engages in human struggles and makes human choices for one he consistently comes back to his relationship with his wife those feelings towards her are somewhat ambiguous he at least sees her as important because she represents a choice that he made through choosing her he's enacted his will on the world done something that marks him as him as an individual as something other than a role that has been handed to him in addition he finds it amusing when the heroes do anything he doesn't see coming he may say that humans doing something unexpected is really upsetting but he's grinning when he says it he wants to be able to make his own choices and these hiccups give him more of those moments finally he finds meaning in life through his mortal battle with scar stating it's an amazing feeling embracing mortality knowing that the next fight won't stop until one of us is dead rank class nationality race gender name none of these things matter now nothing is holding us back we fight only for ourselves that's what it means to live yes it's all been a long time coming and what to rank class nationality race gender and name have in common were born with these things or someone else grants them to us here he rejects all the labels that father ever thrust upon him his rank in the military the name he gave him the nation he forced him to lead and he fights for himself when it's his life on the line when it's his fight to win then he can live because in that moment he's able to live for only himself he may not know what soul is controlling his body or who exactly he is but he knows that he only has one life that's a little piece of being human of being an individual that's been left for him and it's there that he finds a life worth living [Music] in manga hood Bradley is rath in 2003 however that position is taken by a different character instead 2003's pride is Bradley so I'm just gonna call him Bradley again so that we don't all get very confused about what's going on 2003's Bradley gets far less development than manga hoods Bradley but like lust and manga hood maybe that isn't such a bad thing he could still fulfill his purpose well so what is his purpose well he counters Mustang by representing his biggest failure much like EDC's the other monkey lies his responsibility Mustang sees Bradley as his even if he needs to sacrifice everything he's done to gain power and influence within the military his sense of responsibility implores him to kill Bradley Bradley after all has spent all this time right in front of him manipulating mores for the sake of creating a philosopher's stone their fight happens in the final episode of 2003 making an integral part of the television series is climax so who is Bradley in 2003 well Bradley like NV has an extremely low opinion of humans he views lust feeling for scar as foolish when Archer acts against his orders he says that Dante's thoughts are lost on the likes of humans and he plainly tells mustang that people are fools and that by protecting them from their own foolishness he's similar to one of God's apostles he also hates alchemists saying that they're Devils and it makes sense that he would hate them after all if he thinks humans are so stupid why would he like humans who attempt to become more than just normal humans through the use of what's basically magic oh no yo he just does not like humans and seems to be more concerned with keeping the philosopher's stone out of their hands while still making one for Dante than becoming human himself all this is to say that he sees himself as well above humans but that isn't the whole story because in the second last episode of the TV series he does something really strange he gives his son Selim who in 2003 is just some kid and not a homunculus a key to the safe that contains his human remains this raises some questions first why would he keep the remains at all second why give Selim a key to the safe isn't Selim one of these foolish humans that he hates so much the show provides no answer to of these questions so the only thing I can do is speculate since the other homo July in 2003 are attracted to things from their human lives it's not hard to imagine that he would also be this way and that his version of that is keeping his skull close by and then giving it to Selim I mean even if Selim is human Psalms his son may be part of bride's bride is assuming that his son won't be like other foolish humans maybe this is a sort of test for his son if he passes then Bradley can see him as greater than other humans and feel successful as a father if not then well you know maybe I'll just choke him like I said though this is all speculation with other homunculus there is a lot of ambiguity going on but there are still details and hints left here in there that we can piece together I'm not a fan of how the series handles ambiguity with Bradley though sure the conflict between him and Mustang works well enough on a conceptual level with the soldier taking on the king who betrayed the country but I want to know more about Bradley's motivations after all he does some very stupid things in the last two episodes and those stupid things are the only reason the Mustang wins I'm not complaining about Bradley doing something illogical here it's fine for him to do that characters should do illogical things based on their own faults and desires in other words as long as their motivations are properly explained it's fine because it makes sense to that character even if from an outsider's perspective it's not the best idea for this reason Bradley and Psalms relationship should have been explored deeper and we should have seen the reason why Brad they would make such a huge mistake even if certain details about that reason could remain ambiguous some details are necessary otherwise it feels like Bradley just does what he does the Mustang can kill him because of this I find Bradley to be one of the less interest income of July 2003 and I actually think he's the most mishandled especially when compared to his counterpart in manga hood envies death in manga hood is nothing like Bradley's where Bradley dies with a smile on his face after fighting for his life and he kills himself but why does he do it and what does his end tell us about the rest of manga hood envies most defining trade is his hatred for humans he relishes opportunities to torture them he monologues about how he killed the child and turned causing the shkval and war of extermination and the death of an innocent man he tells Marco that Marco doesn't have the right to a peaceful life or to find peace and death torturing him by feeding his sense of guilt as he Dawn's the face of a loved one he finds great enjoyment in their suffering then whenever a human shows him even the smallest amount of what might be pity he flips he doesn't want them to find any point of connection between him and them his existence is defined by sowing seeds of resentment between people and enjoying the ensuing carnage yet this means that Envy must even if he isn't willing to admit it hate himself on some level after all he's a Leviathan of sorts composed of human souls smashed together into a grotesque shape-shifting body these humans their pain their suffering their deaths they're all a part of him yet he tries to escape that turning into something else keeping his real self hidden as much as possible he's a fractured creature composed of suffering human souls like Bradley he lacks individuality because he can never know who or what he is he's nothing more than accumulated pain over while he only has hatred the humans have so much more for one they can work together with one another for a greater purpose Mustang realizing this is one of the most powerful and effective moments in the series when I watch Brotherhood for the first time Mustang hunting Envy down it just felt so good and badass I mean he was finally going to kill the bastard who murdered his best friend he'd get their revenge that he'd been waiting for and actually it's a revenge that I was waiting for to the payoff I'd hoped for was finally here but as the other characters questioned Mustangs motivations the whole tone of the scene changed Mustangs said that he would live for a greater purpose that he would live for others and yet here he is ready to give in to his own feelings of hatred by shooting an ishbalan child we kick-started a cycle of hatred a cycle that Mustang fed with his flames and that he almost fed again here but manga hoods idea is that the only way to end this cycle is to let the hate die to leave the hate alone and then there's nothing left for it to do but a race itself that's what Envy shows us about manga hood and why he works so well as a villain in that series he shows us that hatred can be overcome through finding a greater purpose and through working together with others he shows that reconciliation is more noble than revenge and then it can be a more powerful motivation to like manga heads envy 2s and threes envies hatred for humans is unmatched by any other homunculus in that series the echos Dante's weren't saying that a hundred years go by and humans never change when he's angry he calls Bradley a human poser he has no interest in Raths relatively human desire to bring his mama back he doesn't care that Dante's been tricking the homunculus all along and that she has no intention of making them human because as long as he gets to see humans suffer that's good enough for him he even expresses a desire to outlive humans stating that only the hummocks and I will survive yet like the other monkey line in 2003 he is still drawn to the things that remind him of his previous life though he hates humans he grows enraged when n refers to them as created beings yelling about how they're born not creative in doing so he both rejects his connection with humans and expresses a desire to keep some level of connection there he doesn't want anyone to forget why it is that he would be so angry once again the monkey lie are portrayed as internally conflicted beings who question their own identity but this makes sense because Hohenheim who created him rejected him as a monster for this reason he ate stolen hime add an owl and by extension the rest of humanity and that way he's not so different from manga hoods Envy who's jealous of humans because they have relationships he's incapable of having here though that jealousy takes a much different and more pointed form as such envy serves as a deep contrast to lust well she wants to gain the status of human he simply wants to take that status or life away from everyone else and be the last one left standing [Music] unlike any of the other homunculus manga hoods greed is immediately introduced as someone who has individualistic goals as his name suggests and as he's sure to say he wants money women power immortality and a whole lot more but that's not all that's different about him despite his grandstanding he's a lot more sensitive than the other monk you lie in particular this scene stands out to me when al tells greed that his brother is gone and greed misinterprets that to mean that Al's brother is dead instead of getting upset greed is worried that he was insensitive even if the scene is played up comedic ly that doesn't affect the meaning greed when learning that he may have just lost his ticket to getting what he wants most is more concerned about a boy's feelings than he is about a setback his affection for humans doesn't stop there though in fact he surrounds himself with them with outcasts who have nowhere else to go yeah you may refer to them as his possessions and you know that's a scary thing to do but he's clearly inspired something in them they're all willing to fight and even die for him and he did give them a place when they had nowhere else to go they care about him and even if it's in his own strange way he cares about them too then when he comes back into the story again through Lin's body he gives a denial message from Lin and offers them advice when Bradley is using Winry as a hostage he's willing to say that he's counting on humans even though he's supposed to be fighting against them when greed kills one of his friends from the past he regrets it breaks down and abandons his role as father's pawn in stark contrast to the other monkey lie he has principles and relationships and individual desires he has a code that he follows all this is to say that greed is very different from the other homunculus both in terms of his characterization and his role within the story more than any other homunculus in manga hood he blurs the line between human and homunculus through the combination of his actions and his shared body with Lin this blurring exemplifies fathers greatest mistake under estimating human emotions by viewing them as one-dimensional simple hindrances to be discarded all right so greed sounds like a bad thing just like any of the other seven deadly sins but is it always bad well that depends on how you conceptualize greed if we think of it as a willingness to get whatever you want for yourself no matter the cost then yeah I'd say that's pretty bad but what if like Lin we tweaked the meaning of the term just a little bit what if we have a more moderate or flexible definition in that case creep should be a virtue of sorts after all then claims that greed isn't worthy of his name because he gave up on his friends because of his greed greed can't leave the past dead and buried like Bradley and the other huh monkey live on him too because of his greed greed fights against father team's up with a tan Al and help save the world greed even says Ted the way I see it greed is no different from hope the problem is you humans are always trying to apply a hierarchy to greed what's noble to desire then once Lynn regains his own body he also channels greed in order to protect Mays clan proclaiming that greed has rubbed off on him and really is this conception of greed so different from Ed and Al's idea to never let someone else get hurt during their quest for the Philosopher's Stone they want it all they want their bodies back their friends to be safe the world to be saved and they want to do all that without needing to act against their principles at any point again if we just change the way that we think about the term greed for a second it's not necessarily bad and these other deadly sins can have names that aren't negative to greed could be desire let's say pride can already be a positive if you take pride in the right things wrath could be seen as indignation if we reframe how these supposed flaws are handled they aren't necessarily flaws instead they're part of a continuum of emotions that can be good or bad depending on the way they're used as such even before he shares a body with Lynn Greed's avarice fuels his humanity Lynn simply serves as a catalyst for that process in doing so green shows that homunculus aren't completely controlled by Father they can make decisions for themselves they can remember things that father tries to take away from them their individual experiences are theirs and they shaped them in this way right up until greed sacrifices himself to help his friends greed fulfills his role in the story to show that the Hmong's line humans aren't all that different after all and that one of father's fatal flaws is viewing human emotions as overly simplistic hindrances you 2003's green appears in the least amount of episodes out of any of the homunculus in that series but he's still integral to the story and he's incredibly interesting so who is this version of greed and why does he matter so much even if he's in so little of the series greed does something seemingly stupid when he goes back to Dante's house but unlike Bradley reasoning for Greene's actions it's provided after all it's clear that there's some sort of relationship between greed and Dante and later it's revealed that Dante made him so even if going back to see her again is foolish it's understandable that he would want to go back additionally Martel later states that Greene chose death over being locked away if greed felt that he couldn't escape Dante and the other hunk July forever it's easy to understand why death might be preferable this way he can die on his own terms like manga hoods greed this screen provides a place for outcasts who have nowhere else to go even though he doesn't want to become human he doesn't reject humans rather he accepts all sorts as he says whether were homunculus or human it doesn't matter we live only to be faithful to our desires don't we this acceptance inspires incredible loyalty in some of his comrades who are willing to die for him or go on quest for vengeance but his most important role in the story is as a catalyst for change in EDD throughout 2003 Ed's ideals and conclusions about the world are continually challenged at this point in 2003 Edie doesn't want to kill anyone however he also needs to take care of the homunculus so how exactly is he going to take care of them if he's unwilling to kill them well he changed their personality somehow that doesn't sound like a bad idea necessarily but for some of the homunculi particularly Envy pride and gluttony that seems pretty unlikely and what about enemies other than that one kill I like Dante Dante doesn't care about people at all she hates people and sees herself as above them changing her mind about that is going to be quite the challenge all this is to say that Edie needs to confront a truth about how the world works if he's going to want to save it from Dante even if he doesn't like it even if it's against his ideals taking care of the homunculi and Dante may mean killing them greed teaches ed this lesson by tricking ed into murdering him his reasoning for doing so is simple he wants someone to kill the other homunculus and he thinks ed is the most likely candidate however he also doesn't think ed has the guts to kill someone if he tricks ed into killing him and tells him the way to kill the other ones then maybe ed will feel committed to this cause and be able to kill again in doing so he dramatically alters the course of Ed's development and Greed's complex and nuanced motivations are made clear he's willing to live for a greater purpose than his own individual life and willing to die to get what he wants once again a homunculus has humanity and that's the perfect way to provide a new challenge for Edie can he kill Dom oculi if they're a lot like humans [Music] you selim our pride is the only homunculus to survive manga hood despite doing nothing to redeem himself in fact he's consistently cold and callous even to the other homunculus and people he works with he consumes gluttony and kimbley he braids greed for abandoning his honours of oculus he's willing to sacrifice his mother despite having affection for her and he's just generally a bit of a dick he doesn't really do anything to make him all that much more complex than lust he mainly shows us more about other characters motives and philosophies like add and kimbley but that's not necessarily a bad thing because he builds upon greed zark by being raised as a child this way he represents the possibility that a monkey like an be like humans that they always had that capability and that Edd's ideals about saving anyone applies to them too he represents the potential for anything because depending on the way he's raised he could become any sort of person so it's important that he was simple in the evil before hand that there wasn't that complexity to him because even when he was that far gone he could still possibly change if only he was taught the right things and raised by the right person so the quest for individualism that defined much of Bradley in Green's journeys is carried on through him he's one final example of the world not being as simple as it seemed at the start of the series and one final proof that at least in manga hood at an Al's ideal to never kill is Noble [Music] mm three's wrath is entirely unique to that anime and his introduction marks a massive shift in the stories focused before this the show is all about an analysis to get their bodies back regardless of what other curveballs have been thrown at them and the audience that much has remained true but a revelation accompanies Wrath the revelation that homunculus are born from botched human transmutations and that revelation entirely changes the course of ed and Al's journey like lust wrath is a tormented character after spending so much time locked up inside the gate he's emotionally stinted panics easily and clings to his momma unlike the other homunculus he hasn't done anything wrong sure he has Ed's arm and leg but he didn't steal those away on purpose or out of malice instead of having some selfish desires he longs to connect with others and why wouldn't he after being trapped for so long while he finds that connection with sloth for most of the series he could have found it elsewhere if only circumstances had been different because there's only one big reason that he finds that connection there instead of somewhere better from the beginning some people assume the worst about him in particular and assumes that he's a monk ulis and assumes that makes him bad as such one of Raths first interactions with another human is defined by panic fear and blame to make matters worse once edy starts to understand that he could be wrong for treating Wrath that way the military finds him and wants to capture him all this makes it very easy for envy to find him and feed him pieces of a philosopher's stone even though wrath spits them out once he learns that they're made up of human lives and B tells him that the fact he can eat them means he's not human either then by making it look like Wrath killed Bradley he manipulates Azumi into attempting to murder him of course this firmly moves wrath over to the monkey lies side and who can blame him when this is his interaction with humans when his own mother attempts to kill him of course the main way the homunculus control wrath is by having sloth act as his mother figure whether or not sloth seriously thinks of him like her own child is never clear but he definitely thinks of her as his mother however Rathlin sloths relationship speaks to the nature of the homunculus creation and their existence after all wrath was created to be a son while sloth was created to be a mother regardless of their own attempts to become human they slide into these roles comfortably but their adherence to these roles as exactly leads to sloths demise when Rath foolishly transmutes himself together with sloths while carrying a bit of her remains inside of himself this of course gives ed the opportunity to kill her but even if Raths adherence to this role bites him in the butt that isn't to say that sloth accepts this rule entirely and she says to ed by killing you I can prove I'm not your mother I wouldn't be tormented by these memories I am NOT your mother and yet I feel I am your mother I almost feel as though I can love you in because you created me I ought to hate you here we see that she doesn't want to be her old self that she wants to make her own choices and be her own individual and separate herself from the reason behind her creation over when she dies her last words to Ed are good job make sure you tidy things up so what's that mean that she want to be a tinel's mother or did she want to separate herself from that position as much as possible once again answers to questions involving the homunculus humanity and desires are left ambiguous and in this case I like that these characters are confused about what components comprise their personalities so why would they act or speak with consistency they don't know what they want they don't know what they are they have memories of their creation and they have memories of their past lives but are those memories merely due to transmutation or do they have something to do with a piece of their original selves coming back to them both for them in the audience it's impossible to know and that ambiguity makes Lost Ark and Ed's an ALICE confrontation with her incredibly tragic Raths arc however isn't quite so tragic even though it's certainly sad after sloths death dante puts wrath in front of the gate again and he loses Ed's arm and lake afterward when we find him sitting by his UMI's grave even after all this he still gets as close to his mother as possible so when he sacrifices himself so al can open the gate to find ed again it's a dramatic change in character but it makes some sense he has nothing left to live for so why not help him his real mother after all thought of Ed and Al as her own children besides like greed he embraces death he wants to be with his mom again through this sacrifice he gains at least a moment of happiness where his mother holds him in her arms and he's able to return to the gate happy instead of horrified wrath may have done horrible things but at the beginning and the end of his journey he's simply a boy who wants to feel mother's embrace and what's more human than that I want to take a second to specifically thank my patrons for helping me create this video and just to say that if you enjoyed the video I encourage you to subscribe to the channel I'm going to be having more FMA videos coming out it'll probably be a while but they will be here eventually and the best way to get notified about that is to subscribe so anyway yeah just thanks again and I hope you have a great day bye bye for now
Channel: Lowart
Views: 790,364
Rating: 4.9460831 out of 5
Keywords: fma, fma vs fmab, fullmetal alchemist vs brotherhood, 2003 vs brotherhood, lust, greed, envy, pride, wrath, sloth, gluttony, bradley, king bradley, fma manga, fma vs broho, full metal alchemist, lust 2003, greed 2003, homunculi, homunculus, fma villain, fullmetal alchemist villains, fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, fullmetal alchemist manga, envy 2003, pride 2003, wrath 2003, sloth 2003, gluttony 2003, conqueror of shamballa, fullmetal alchemist movie, fullmetal alchemist analysis
Id: -OVbvBSxA7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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