12 Advanced English Words Fluent English (instead of "very")

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hi I'm Lisa in this video I would like to help you expand your English vocabulary so that you could communicate more effectively in English I will teach you some advanced words that you can use instead of the word very for example instead of saying I was very tired you could say I was utterly exhausted or instead of saying it was very difficult you could say it was exceedingly difficult in addition I will give you many sample sentences so that you can use these words in many different situations also we will practice some rules of English pronunciation so that you can feel more confident when you use these words in spoken language some people watching this video might be thinking why do I need to learn big words I don't need to impress other people I can communicate in English using simpler words why is she teaching us these big words it depends on your goals everybody has different goals related to English if you only want to be able to have casual conversations everyday conversations with people around you maybe it's okay to just use simpler words however there are many advantages to having a rich English vocabulary you'll be a more effective communicator you'll be able to express your ideas clearly and having a strong English vocabulary will help you in your professional success a language researcher named Johnson O'Connor said a person's vocabulary level is the best single predictor of occupational success and occupational success means professional success many people agree that success in the business world depends on your communication skills and simply put native speakers use these words alright let's get started with the words the first word is woefully woefully is usually used for something negative for example instead of saying I was very unprepared for the test you could say I was woefully unprepared for the test woefully comes from the noun woe which means great sadness or trouble when something is very bad we use woefully for example woefully inadequate woefully inefficient woefully uninformed woefully unprepared you can talk about people's salaries and you can say those employees are woefully underpaid or the school's textbooks are woefully out-of-date and in Forbes magazine I read this sentence that country has woefully inadequate roads telecommunications and educational facilities let's say that one again woefully the next word is exceedingly instead of saying you did very well in that class you can say you did exceedingly well in that class to exceed means to be superior or to be better than some kind of standard that already exists you can say this restaurant exceeded my expectations very often we use the word exceedingly like this exceedingly difficult exceedingly complex exceedingly rare exceedingly smart I also saw the word exceedingly in an obituary an obituary is an article that's written about someone who has died it describes their life and the sentence said he had a long and exceedingly happy career and I read an online review that said storage space in the cabins is exceedingly generous and well thought out let's say the sentence again storage space in the cabins is exceedingly generous and well-thought-out the person could have said there was a lot of storage space in the cabins but this other way sounds so much nicer it sounds so much more elegant the storage space was exceedingly generous and well thought out the next adverb that you can use instead of very is undeniably instead of saying he's very talented you can say he's undeniably talented and that comes from the verb to deny and to deny something is to say it's not true so if it's undeniable it's absolutely true you can't deny it it's obvious it's clear to everyone so you can say he's undeniably qualified for the job she's undeniably beautiful and I found a sentence online that said these events will have an undeniably profound effect on the economy and another sentence from a book said her eyes were undeniably stunning and stunning means gorgeous beautiful the next word is utterly do you know that word let's pronounce it correctly first that TT is pronounced like a flap T it's like this utter utter make sure you pronounce that letter are also utterer utterly instead of saying that's completely crazy you can say that's utterly absurd the word utter means complete or entire so utterly means completely entirely you can say I was utterly amazed or I was utterly convinced or utterly confused and one reviewer wrote I find their writing utterly repulsive what does that mean utterly repulsive if something is repulsive it's terrible it's disgusting you hate it so instead of saying I hate their writing you can make it a lot more intense by saying I find their writing utterly repulsive that's a really strong way to say that the next word is dramatically let's pronounce it correctly first look at the dr we don't say did we say drew the dr combination becomes drill for example drink dr drama so dramatically let's stress the second syllable dramatically instead of saying your english has improved a lot you can say your english has dramatically improved and that means in a big way in a sudden way very much so you can say dramatically different dramatically worse dramatically better and I saw this sentence online knowing and being passionate about your goals will dramatically increase your productivity most soldiers experienced dramatically altered lives when they returned and altered means changed the next adverb you can use instead of very is unimaginably unimaginably let's stress the third syllable unimaginably and of course that comes from the verb to imagine when something is difficult to imagine or to comprehend it's unimaginable and the adverb is unimaginably it makes me unimaginably sad it is unimaginably hard to do this and a sentence I found online said human vision is made possible by an almost unimaginably complex biological system another one said you are unimaginably naive the next word is inconceivably instead of saying it was very difficult you can say it was inconceivably difficult and to conceive means to imagine some so we say conceivable and inconceivable and inconceivably I read an online review that said the tickets were not cheap in fact they were almost inconceivably expensive and there was an article in Jezebel magazine that describes someone like this an inconceivably wealthy and powerful person so instead of saying he's very rich and powerful you can say he's inconceivably wealthy and powerful the next one you probably know and use it's the word extremely and extremely means very or to a large extent I was extremely tired after the long hike this problem is extremely difficult to solve and some online reviews use extremely this way the process of applying for any loans was extremely straightforward and easy the next word you also probably know particularly let's pronounce that one correctly let's look at that you sound we're gonna pronounce that like this you partake you don't say particu and that letter a will be reduced so we're gonna say particular don't say particular particular particularly let's say that again particularly and particularly means especially more than usual instead of saying that's a very dangerous job you can say that's a particularly dangerous job and particularly is often used in a negative sense for example you can say I wasn't particularly happy with that or it wasn't particularly surprising and I read a blog that said there's nothing particularly exciting about it do you know the next word vastly let's pronounce that ad open your mouth ah vastly if something is vast it's very large it's large in size or amount or degree we often use this word with vastly different vastly superior vastly inferior vastly improved and here are some sentences that I found online humans are vastly more social than most other mammals and I read this on a travel website foreign laws and legal systems can be vastly different than our own let's go on to the next word tremendously tremendously let's look at that TR we don't say we see true true tremendously and let's reduce the owe us tremendous and we stress the second syllable tremendous tremendously if something is tremendous it's very large it's great it's excellent so we often say tremendously popular tremendously helpful tremendously beneficial but we can also use it in a negative sense we can say tremendously painful or tremendously difficult and I saw an obituary online that said he was a tremendously thoughtful and creative leader is your English getting tremendously better let's go on to the next word unmistakeably and that means you cannot mistake it for something else it's amazing it's clear it's obvious you can say unmistakably clear or unmistakably improved or unmistakably better or unmistakably obvious and I saw something online that said the change was unmistakably evident and another one from a magazine that said that fact has always been utterly and unmistakably clear to you let's say that again utterly and unmistakably isn't it enriching and exciting to have a powerful vocabulary when you can express yourself precisely when you can say exactly what you mean that feels so good I want you to review this video write down the words that were new for you that were difficult for you and then use them in your own sentences that's the best way to memorize them and then you will be able to use them spontaneously when the opportunity arises I'm working on expanding my course that I already sell on my website it's called 200 advanced words you must know for fluent English I'm adding 300 more advanced words to that course that's what I'm working on right now and also an advanced English grammar course that's been keeping me so busy and that's why I'm not able to post YouTube videos every single week but I'm so excited about these new courses that I'm creating because in addition to watching the videos you'll have an opportunity to have the text the PDF files and also audio files and all sorts of practice exercises and tests that way you can really master the subject I want to leave you with the motivational quote that I really like is by Benjamin Franklin and he said an investment in knowledge pays the best interest I really like that one thanks for watching and keep practicing your English [Music] [Laughter] you [Music]
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 524,811
Rating: 4.9362283 out of 5
Keywords: American accent, advanced words, advanced english, advanced english words, fluent english, how to be fluent, fluency, lisa mojsin, words instead of very, english pronunciation, vocabulary, english vocabulary, like a native, native speaker, accurate english, mastering the american accent, improve english vocabulary, speak fluent english, teofl, eilts, english test
Id: IFjJ9c5A938
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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