Which Is Better at Coding? ChatGPT or Copilot Pro For Programming Comparison

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let's learn today whether we want to start using Chad gbt when it comes to coding or start using co-pilot when it comes to coding both of these platforms we do have the ability to code but I can be honest with y'all one does stand out as the winner whether it is you are just starting to learn how to code you've been coding or you're an advanced coder you're going to want to stay tuned here as I'm going to point out why you're going to choose that specific platform When comparing Chad gbt and co-pilot in today's video so today's suggestion comes from this viewer of my channel here basically asking which one would be best in the context of coding out applications and I'm going have that answer today make sure to check me out on Twitter it's completely free it's in the description down below just click the link the little birdie new updates thoughts through on M everything of this manner let's find out today which one we're going to put our 20 bucks towards to do so I'm going to put Chad gbt and co-pilot through the exact same prompts so we can see the differences in the type of output that being said before I was going to create this video I wasn't going to add custom instructions to Chad gbt because I was like you know what that might give uh Chad gbt a advantage over copile in the context of coding but then I realized wait that's the whole point of the video so first major thing Chad gbt allows us to put in custom instructions and I'm going to show you a pretty powerful tip when it comes to creating custom instructions for code right now go ahead and come down to your profile right here click it hit custom instructions and here we go so if you don't know what custom instructions are here is a real quick truncated version of it basically it allows us to laser in our chats more so we don't have to keep answering same questions that could get annoying like prerequisite questions it just standardizes the chat now to make this more sense I'm going to go ahead and paste in two example custom instructions I've used in the pass and code okay so the first question that's asked is what would you like chb to know about you to provide a better response when we're coding it would also be important just as a side note you would add more information about the actual application you're coding this would help it as well but there's like certain layers of just let's not get annoying when I'm talking to Chad gbt that need to be established EG I'm using visual code Studio to develop this on Macos operating system application I'm using now Chad gbt understands that so we've lasered in the chat a little bit further furthermore what am I using for my front end what am I using in my back end I'm using react to my front end and I'm using Firebase in my back end this is just standard stuff that I don't want to keep saying every single time I create a chat next I went ahead and added a very specific sentence here that seems to be a issue with Chad GB in this context so this is just a styling preference when it comes to parentheses and the way in which we uh need to add parentheses for certain functions because some of it's trained on older data that being said though notice how then I identify the product d uh project directory with the CD test video this is just an example one the idea here is this we have established certain variables and certain data points in our code that would be very annoying if every single time I started a chat I needed to identify the front end again need to identify the back end again next how do we want our outputs to look so it understand stands this information but how do we want our outputs to look and what I have here is basically give me a one- sentence summary of the main goal of what we're trying to accomplish in this specific context of the chat and then furthermore I went ahead and just annunciated again these specific types of softwares and apps I'm using visual Cod Studio Mac OS react Firebase we keep coming down here I want it structured to provide a step-by-step instructions on top of that what you may have run into personally is I say avoid making assumptions about installed packages or completed steps this is huge if you're brand new to coding or you're experienced coder and you've used Chad gbt it can get very frustrating when it assumes you did stuff you didn't do alternatively it assumes you have stuff installed that you don't have installed therefore we got to make it very clear don't assume anything this is going to help drastically and this is the first reason why I'm leaning towards Chad gbt for in the context of coding I'm going hit save and let's proceed so everything I just said right there can be done with co-pilot therefore every new chat in Theory I'm going to have to repoor it tell it my back end tell my application tell it everything so right off the bat you might just be like okay wait hold up okay now I'm actually Disc Go toal Chad gbt that is a huge selling point I've always annunciated this in my videos if you watch them custom instructions is huge y'all if you're having issues with Chad gbt please take the time to learn how to use it I made a video on it as well but that's the first selling point I'm leaning towards Chad gbt I don't like repr proctoring my information just know it that being said let's go and test it let's gut check it so I'm going to go ahead and attach an example dashboard here and we're going to see how it outputs the code I'm going to go and attach an image so the image I'm attaching is basically the zapier dashboard I want to screenshot it it if you don't even know you can do this with with Chad gbt or co- pilot you just learned something new but basically in theory we can ask you to look at an image and then give us the relevant code that could possibly be associated with it when uploaded the image here and I'm going to say um generate a new file called dashboard.jpg front end according to the image I provided I know I didn't spell some stuff right this should be sufficient and I've already find tun my custom instructions so proceed let's ask the same thing to co-pilot coming over to co-pilot I'm going to be uh completely transparent with y'all in the context of coding I don't know which one to choose copilot has too many options in this context you need to either do it as a binary decision instead of all these different choices this is too much in this context I'm going to still stick with precise going paste here with the original prompt I'm going to attach this image okay so it's test data exact same prompt hit submit and let's compare these two outputs there we go so we just have an example structuring of just the front end of course um and then we can kind of see how it's structured here so what I like right off the bat is it it has a wrapper right it has a a general wrapper that we can you know really adjust the width adjust stuff of this nature or basically the big boy wrapper let me actually zoom out just a little bit and we kind of proceed in this manner this is pretty solid code in the context of replicating what we saw over here so we got dashboard dashboard sidebar this would be referencing that right there then we keep coming down here dashboard Main and keep coming down here and notice how it actually is able to read the images so recommended zaps over here recent zaps are recommended right here let's go see co-pilot so right off the bat we already have an issue don't worry I'm going to go ahead and redo this again because I know it can generate code but here we go I went ahead and switched it to creative and turbo this is coming out to the associated code let's kind of read it over a little bit I'll zoom in for y'all we got dashboard that's nice we got main content where's the sidebar sidebar is right here notice this y'all look it says main content and then it basically divies the main content all associated with this recent zaps recommended the code isn't as structured as the code over here as I prefer to have it at least more blocked also notice how it's approaching this so we got sidebar here and then it just kind of gives us the relevant code for that when it says sidebar over here it's it's more it's more distinct this dictation of how we can kind of proceed post code output so for example here if I have this entire return statement I can go ahead and ask it to do something like display plan details or include further content I can say okay great can you generate all the code again and do this part so makeon add that I'm G to go jump over here real quick and I'm hit enter again and let's ask the same thing to co-pilot we're actually have to go with recommended here but we ask like the same type of logic all right so I went ahead and grabbed the same exact dictation here and the relevant piece of block of code that I want generated hit submit and let's see so one thing I love about Chad gbt is its outputs can handle a lot more context length as you see here this is getting pretty length ly um when you're doing dictation and ially might make a video on this so let me know in the comments if you want to see this video I make may make a quick video on how you want to conversate in the with Chad gbt wi coding it's able to do pretty big uh lengthy outputs here and we can kind of start piecing it together with all these different request coming down here we asked it to do recommendations so basically I asked it to do this recommended for you and it just adds all this this just stuff that's not necessary I'm telling youall right now so if you can't tell by now chbt is it is 100% it unless they've added they add custom instructions they add a here's another big downfall of co-pilot when it comes to code is your context window is 4,000 that's not enough um also and I don't mean to bash co-pilot so much like co-pilot's great in the context of leveraging in Microsoft 365 App Suite but this video is for code and I'm going to be completely transparent with y'all not going to butter it up I'm going to tell you how it is because the end of the day if you're just using these language models to code you got to go with the best one you don't want to waste your time with one having right off the when I tried to do this video it gave me I couldn't do it and two the structuring isn't as good as it should be here's another one that's pretty big notice how within co-pilot I can only add images within chat gbt I can add files what does that mean Corbin that means that in theory I could export an entire JS file CSS file and attach it here and then chat gbt will be able to read that and then kind of continue the code or give you more insight on how to proceed in XYZ manner alternatively here in co-pilot the only way to access that kind of intuitiveness is I would have to paste the relevant code here but here's the issue look at that we already hit half the metric here and this is not even a page here like real files you're going to hit up to 300 350 per file line wise so that being said y'all that should be enough of a metric for you to realize that in the context of coding at least we're going with Chad gbt Now using it or using co-pilot for for your Excel sheets for your word docs yes there is value there but if you want to code and you want to start to learn how to code and you want to kind of go down that route in Life or just in general I suppose maybe you just want to maybe you're just in college right now and you just want to use the one that's going to help you with your assignments more okay proceed do that as well but uh this is going to be the best and I can't implore you enough if you keep running into issues come back to those custom instructions those things are more powerful than anyone wants to believe they are at least to this point also side note you can make a whole custom gbt for your project that you're creating that's even more lasered in than this me personally though I found that just using custom instructions is sufficient as I'm not using this to code out entire things rather just give me the ability to push out logic real quick that being said that concludes today's video so you felt like you learned something make sure to leave a like it's completely free I'll go ahead and leave at the end here a playlist basically where we're looking at gbts and how to start leveraging gbts if you're interested in co-pilot and other cont text have a whole another playlist for that without further Ado I'll see you in the next video If you're trying to code and you're trying to spend your 20 bucks smart hit that Chad gbt subscribe button that's going to be your best bet now a lot of people in the comments might say use this service that service all these other services me personally though I find chbt is just enough for coding check out that playlist recommend a video and click that button right there
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 24,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai automation agency, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business
Id: fnaoObXrnY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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