Apple Vision Pro on an Airplane: How It's (Actually) Like

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I used Apple Vision Pro at the airplane yesterday and it was the most surreal the most impressive the craziest experience I've ever had with a piece of technology in my life in this video I wanted to tell you everything about it the experience the Comfort the weight the battery the features and how it just feels to wear a $4,000 headset on your head in front of people that are not used to seeing a $4,000 headset in your head there's going to be chapters and timestamps in the video if you just want to jump over to the part that you actually want to watch but if I were you I'd watch the entire video because there's just so many exciting things about it and obviously some bad things about the Apple Vision Pro so let's get started talking about the overall awkwardness on using it with a product that nobody has ever seen so obviously when I grabbed my Apple Vision Pro travel case and I opened it immediately the person right next to me had tons of questions about it first off he told me I saw someone crazy at the subway using it which was me so that was kind of crazy that he showed me me my my own video which was just mind-blowing and then you could just see people around me looking at me because was it awkward using the Apple Vision Pro at the airplane well no but so many people looking at you since it's just such a new product such a revolutionary product and such a you know you're wearing something in your head right people just look at you I mean just even look at this shot right here the flight attendant she looked at me once and then she looked at me twice she looked at me probably eight times because she was probably thinking like can he look at me what is he seeing what is he doing is he working is he watching M like there's so many questions that go through people's head and it's just was it awkward no did I feel observed well yes so let's talk about the weight was it heavy because the Apple Vision Pro is heavy it weighs just like an iPad Pro 12.9 in but I feel like the weight is actually well distributed in my experience with my personal head I wasn't actually wearing the Dual Loop Bend I was wearing this one right here and it felt comfortable for me the whole time I didn't feel the weight so how are my eyes did my eyes get tired after about 5 hours of use my flight was like 8 hours so I used it for about 5 hours I watched the movie I did a bunch of things with it well obviously my eyes did get a little bit tired after 5 hours it's the same as if you're using your Mac for like 5 hours obviously Apple Vision Pro your eyes are literally right in front of display so your eyes will get tired easier will your eyes burn after watching an entire Avatar or after watching Avengers endgame no but I mean you're not going to feel the same as if you were just in real life you are watching a movie in front of a display that is this close to your eyes so how was the battery life it lasted me like 2 and 1/2 hours but luckily I actually did have a power bank so I just connected my power bank to the power bank so I have a limited um Power so I mean it's fine it lasts you like around a movish if you're watching Avengers or Avatar it won't last you for the entire movie which is kind of crazy to think about but if you're watching a movie you're still so you can you know plug in a power source so that was okay so before we get into the features and everything let's talk about the case because the case is a $200 case and you want everything to be perfect now in terms of materials in terms of durability what's cool about durability is that you can literally just drop it and it just stays there it stands pressure very well and it doesn't like bounce or anything it just stays there so durability and protection and the feel of it and the feel of the inside I mean it's just so well made and it will obviously keep your $4,000 Apple Vision Pro perfectly fine obviously that's what you would expect with a $200 case it feels great you can put your power bank in it everything is perfect except for me my experience with this is that sure it protects it a lot but what I don't like about it is the size I'm talking about traveling with it right the case is so massive and it has so much extra space with it that I don't need that for traveling for example yesterday I obviously went from New York to Barcelona eight hour flight long trip I had a bunch of stuff in my backpack it obviously didn't fit but in a casual day I don't see this fitting in my backpack either in my camera bag for example that's usually pretty much full I could fit this but I definitely can't fit this it's very very big I actually did a quick comparison with the actual food tray at the airplane it's like literally the entire food tray so not not the most comfortable to travel with and technically this is a travel case for your Apple Vision Pro you can just put it under your seats at the airplane and you'll be perfectly fine so it was something that it's like this is a bit tiny compared to that thing I also wish Apple Vision Pro could like fold up a certain way or something so in terms of traveling it just takes up way too much space for me all right let's talk about the good stuff entertainment and that was surprised me by far the most look I've TR out AR VR headsets in the past and by no means there's nothing that even compares to what the Apple Vision Pro does for you first off let's talk about the Apple ecosystem integration just the fact that you can just grab a pair of airpods put them on and they're automatically connected for your movies obviously that's Apple it's the Apple ecosystem you expect it to work like magic and it just does you can open up control center just by your fingers and you can select your airpods You Can Change Up the Volume really quick with the digital Crown as well and then the airpods pro actually having noise cancellation I was just knocked out like I couldn't hear anything I just had my movie and that was it because that's where immersion comes in just by swiping on the digital Crown you can be from your airplane you can go to yite that's all snowed and you can look all around you and you've got yite all around you and you can start using Apple Vision Pro from there now and just that experience by itself airpods Pro and the immersion that it actually gives you from the airplane to just being somewhere else that you don't want to be in the airplane you want to be home right that was one of the things that I didn't expect to love so much because here's the thing we're going to talk about movies in just a second but just the fact that you could just be there with your airpods I just actually fell asleep in the middle of the mountains at night because yes you can go up to control center and you can actually turn from day to night so I I was just looking at the views isolated and it was just and I I felt relaxed and I felt ready to go to bed it felt like I was actually sleeping in the mountains instead of sleeping you know with the big noise from the airplane and just looking at the same seat all the time for like 8 hours traveling for long periods of time is stressful right unless you're traveling in first class which that's a whole separate story I always fly economy and sometimes the people next to me is like all over my space and you've got you know it it feels really like you're Crown but just by swiping on the crown and just being somewhere else it felt so crazy I I I literally got goosebumps when I saw it the first time I was like what what is going on I literally only hear the birds and I've got this and then what was crazier is obviously watching movies it felt surreal having an 120in display in the middle of your airplane seat and let's talk about Apple TV plus because first Apple TV plus actually gives you a cinema mode and what that Cinema mode will let you do is literally change your seat so you can be in the front seat of your Cinema in the middle seat or in the back seat of the cinema and something to note is that you can actually download offline movies on Disney Plus on Apple TV plus so you can watch them later on on the airplane and fun fact you can't download offline music yet on Apple Music on Apple Vision Pro so that was kind of a bummer I mean I had obviously music on my iPhone but I couldn't listen to music on my Apple Vision Pro instead of Apple TV plus you've also got three immersive experiences now I actually watched two the Alysia keys and the prehistorical what's it called prehistoric planet that you can basically be inside of the dinosaur world and dinosaurs just pass right by you it's all like immersive it's crazy that I didn't actually get dizzy because on The Meta Quest 3 for example I do get dizzy with like really immersive things I didn't get dizzy at all and I was actually inside of an airplane in another planet with a bunch of dinosaurs so the Alysia key experience as well it was topnotch she's so talented and you're actually inside of her studio and people pass right next to you and you feel like right there and you're not supposed to be there and you're just listening to everything crazy and then not Netflix having not Netflix on the Apple Vision Pro is truly a bummer I'm sure it will come eventually and people will say well yeah you can actually watch Netflix movies on Safari but guess what on Safari you cannot download offline movies so the bummer is that you cannot watch Netflix on the airplane because you can't download offline movies so that was a big bummer as well because what developers can do is so massive and take Disney Plus for example which is my next Point Disney Plus apart from like being in the middle of the desert when I was super tired my next favorite thing was Disney plus because what Disney plus has done and especially if you're a massive Star Wars Disney or Marvel fan is crazy I'm sorry I'm saying crazy a lot but this product truly deserves me saying crazy a thousand times in this video so you've got four different places that you can watch a movie from my probably my favorite one is Disney plus theater because it's not like Cinema mode on Apple TV plus where you're literally everything black you've got a massive screen which is very cool as well but Disney plus theater will literally make you sit inside of a theater and you can look down and to the side and you're literally in the theater and what's the craziest part and yes I'm saying crazy again is that you see all the lights but when the movie actually plays the lights of the actual theater turn off just like in real life you can also watch a movie in the top of Avengers Tower and you can see all of New York City and when you play a movie New York City will turn night and all the lights of the actual buildings will go up you can also watch a movie inside of Monsters Inc scare floor you can look around all around you and you're inside of the scare floor now here's the thing Disney plus allows you to watch fullon 3D movies which was a I've gone to so many movie theaters and by far it it doesn't even come close to the experience that you actually get I know it's not real but watching a movie inside of the virtual Disney plus theater I'm sorry to say it but it's just a better experience and obviously you don't have the physical popcorn and you don't have I know it's different and I hate to say it but the experience is just better than in real life and I truly hate to say that what I'm about to say it's like that is what 3D was always meant to be 3D that is amazing quality 3D that doesn't get you dizzy 3D that truly in veres you and 3D that makes you feel like you're inside of the movie I also meditated so there's the mindfulness app and you can do a 5 10 or 20 minute meditation you can do a voice meditation or you can just do a meditation by yourself and everything just kind of turns black and you've got the breathe animation and how the breathe animation just suddenly like flows to you it it immerses you so much that helps you focus so much once again I don't know about me I haven't meditated that much in my life I do meditate once in a while but I haven't meditated that much for me to give out like such a strong opinion but for me I'm going to say it as well it's been by far the best meditation experience I've ever had because it's so hard to focus today aays that this actually letting you immerse you in truly like a meditating world that is no distraction you just see Pitch Black and this animation that comes to you to help you breathe so as you can see the overall experience was perfect for me there was a couple things that weren't perfect even though my experience was the best experience I've ever had with a piece of technology in my life there were a couple things that were just it just needs Improvement or it needs software updates I don't know if this can be fixed with a generation 2 or with a software update but with low light I kept having these tracking failed popups where either if I put my hands under my my Vision Pro for example it suddenly just like buzzed out and went crazy and turned off and then turned again because with low light it obviously needs information from your hands or from the tracking and when everything is like very very low light when the airplane everything was like almost pitch black it obviously had a tough time reading my hand which gets me to my next Point often when with my hand gestures when there's a lot of light it works perfectly when there's a little bit of light it works very very well almost perfect but when there's low light it doesn't work perfect at all you kind of got to show your hands and make an obvious tap if you just tap subtly like if I just did it now with a bunch of light it works perfectly but with the low light kind of had to do like this which also bringing that to the awkwardness of everyone looking at me and just kind of like doing like this when there was L light it was a bit awkward if you want me to be honest I also wrote down in my notes that yes I actually ate with my Apple Vision Pro and at the beginning it was kind of weird because I don't want to say this but I didn't know where my mouth was I mean I did but perspective is it doesn't it it feels the same and it doesn't your brain doesn't think it's the same in the beginning but then once you know where your mouth is which I know is is weird to say it's not like that but it is in the beginning once you know perspective and everything it's just you know you're just eating like normal and while I was watching my movie I didn't had to take off my headset I didn't stop me to watch my movie I could just continue eating and just watch my movie as well this product for being gen one for being the first product of its kind it is way way too good and has impressed me way too much I had high persectives and it's just reached them on a whole other level this product is history and will Mark A New Beginning for technology forever if you want to watch me being part of History me actually having my experience on actually picking it up and actually meeting Tim Cook I definitely encourage you to watch my I bought the Apple Vision Pro at the Apple Store at 5th Avenue in New York City I traveled the entire world to just get it I'm from Spain so I had to travel the entire world or you can subscribe right here thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Nikias Molina
Views: 665,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -o56HCgE_0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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