Cheap V.s Expensive OIL PAINT - Is it REALLY worth it?...

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This guy's testing isn't consistent and the thumbnail is misleading. He's not an artist either, why should we hear his opinion? He doesn't even draw any real conclusions. It would be a much more valuable review if he'd brought in an actual artist who is very familiar with oil paints and had things to say based on experience. This is like if you had some amateur cook compare cheap and expensive ingredients, but he doesn't do a good job of preparing the dish and doesn't even really cook enough to be able to tell the difference anyway.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/IAmA_TheOneWhoKnocks 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] there it is I found it this is the reason you've all come here that's the reason I am here making this video today the most expensive oil paint I could find in the world world well I have purchased nine tubes of the most expensive oil paint I could possibly find but I thought I would keep this video - I guess you could say a little more conventional style and off-the-shelf oil paint that you can go purchased but of course is the most expensive out there and compare that to the cheapest Paint Pot and I have here the receipt for each of these is gonna make me just a little bit sad and you can prove to you that the thumbnail was not quickly I believe these are the normal tubes at 118 dollars however there are two tubes this is $180 per tube mats what's that together 360 is it Hey Wow okay all right so these are the two valued at $190 and these are all about 120 dollars each that's still a lot of money so there it is yeah one hundred and twenty dollars per tube one hundred and eighty dollars per tube versus generic $2 shop oil paint but I'm gonna put these to the test and directly put them up against each other and see if an uneducated artist like myself when it comes to the fine knit ease of classical painting can tell the difference and even describe and share the experience of comparing these cheap paints versus the expensive paints I've done a lot of intro a lot of receipts that's actually using I can't just put oil paint straight down I need to put down some liquid why as Bob Ross says frequently and I don't have liquid white but you can make it you just get some titanium white few drops of artists linseed oil not too much just a little bit that was too much and mix that together so looks like meringue all right I don't know if that's the right like viscosity or whatever but was he here we go I think it's too thick doesn't seem right titanium white mixed with the linseed oil 7525 I haven't had enough linseed oil that might be all right here's to hoping it feels a little better bob says yeah I'm gonna need a tiny amount to scrape off what I just put down just to have a slightly wet surface now we're ready to go so this is it this is the moment of truth let's start off with the cheat and let's just pick a few colors that we have equivalents to so we can directly compare them let's just try and match up a few this is Vermillion there you go what of a million yellow ochre I think that's as close as our comparisons can get all right starting with our blue this is our very cheap blue valued at less than the dollar for the tube this across see how that goes you can paint with this and we have the million sound effects add to the prestige I guess that's the oil not mixed in so I don't know maybe the other pain will be the same the last minute at least with our little experiment yellow oh alright that did that that did gross me out of it oh my god this is like the poopy a start supplier I've ever worked with except for poop I've I have no but should I let me know in the comments aren't with poop you know I'm not above it it feels a little coarse and then at the same time it feels like a little weak but this is it this is the moment I'm actually a little too scared to use these because I feel like I'm most nervous about being dead this is just hang on let me just soak this in again twelve hundred and twelve dollars like this video for God's sake and subscribe for more of this cuz you know you want it alright let's try this out well that's like even more oily and chunky than the other one maybe you meant to like mix it up before you put it down I'm just gonna scoop you up it's put you so oily it smudge it okay alright starting to look a bit more velvety feels thicker that is noticeable I don't know it seems much more workable let's just try the other colors Chinese Vermillion I forgot to do the mix thing because that was way better way of doing it it is like immediately like it feels super legit I mean look at that definitely much richer going down I did it again forget every time got a mix that you roll it into the palette knife like once or twice and there's a huge difference just look at that okay immediately I'm starting to get wow I'm feeling the flow developing me artistically a little bit quicker even just with that as a dabble I will say that I feel like that is an immediate huge difference these are really consistent and the colors look really refined but have the capacity to be really deep whereas these almost look like play-doh so now after our double it's time to really see how this goes once we dive into it I'm gonna create an ambitious painting within the time period I have so maybe two or three hours per painting with the cheap oil paint and with the expensive oil and and as I go through the experience I'll share with you my thoughts and the impressions that I have working with each of them and then with them compared to each other this is gonna be fun let's do it now hold up a second just before we get started I wanted to share some good news with you responsive that's right huge thank you to Rea Khan for sponsoring this video they send me the e25 wireless earbuds I'm actually recording the sponsor spot after I made the artwork I pulled these things out of the box and just started using them they pair really really easily I literally just pulled them out put them in press the button on my phone and they were paired and I had them in for about five hours and didn't even get like a battery warning now records a company founded by Ray J whose aim is to provide innovative headphone designs at prices that don't break the bank and break on aims to empower go-getters around the world by creating the next wave in wireless audio technology in fact ray con earbuds start at about half the price of other premium wireless earbuds case has this sexy magnetized yeah so if you want to get some for yourself there's a wicked Black Friday deal that you can take advantage of now and get them for an even more affordable price point than they're usually very affordable price point they stand up to or beat any wireless earbuds or headphones I've ever worn and that's just my first impression they're super comfortable really slim and very very cool these are the whole bunch more colors and products from headphones to speak is available at buy rake slash jazzer and a huge thank you of course to rake on for sponsoring this video so let's start off with a bit of a disclaimer I am NOT a classically trained painter nor am i bob ross and while i definitely have a lot more experience with digital art than traditional I've at least watched enough Bob Ross to try and fake it till I make it so here I am attempting to do so by painting two pictures in the style of a Bob Ross wet on wet painting of course not exact copies of each other or any particular problems painting but compositionally the same and hiring the same techniques and general layering I started off working with a cheetah paint while the sky gradient was pretty easy and pleasant to put down a problem started to appear when I used the palette knife to put down the mountains this stuff was way too liquid it doesn't cover with enough opacity when I put it down and as I tried to work in the highlights and the shadows that clouds and mountains it became abundantly clear that this stuff does not like to be layered it's so wet that when I lay down the undiluted paint on top of a thin layer of sky or mountains that I've already put down and immediately mixes and loses its color and I found myself constantly cleaning and reapplying the paint to my brush [Music] once again the viscosity was an issue when painting the white snow around the lake area the white was super wet and weirdly soft and liquid so I really couldn't get any sharp edges or nice clean or dry textures when I put it down [Music] of course when I wanted the paint nice and wet like when I put down the trunks of trees for example there was no issue in fact it was pretty pleasant to work with and laid on top of my previous layers quite easily however when trying to brush the foliage down putting light on dark or maintaining a consistent color was next to impossible the other issue is that of contrast or lack thereof with the intent to lay down the foreground detail I ended up unintentionally mixing everything together there was very little visual cue that the foreground was it anyway separate from the background and any attempt to place shadows or highlights ended up just muddying it all together I did the best I could but often that just meant slopping down frustratingly large globs of lighter paint to get any sort of contrast to stick to the canvas at all [Music] [Music] now it's time for the main event the expensive paint putting this on the pallet was a surprising experience some colors were pretty easy to prepare others let out a lot more oil than paint when I first tried to splurge them out so I tried to mixing them in the tube itself rocking it between my fingers hoping that would sort of mix it inside in the end it really just came down to letting out as much of the oil as I could before putting the paint down and that wasn't always entirely successful anyway the rush you get knowing you're handling something that feels like it should be very special whether it is or not is another question but the rush that definitely surprised me but now let's get to the actual painting experience and the initial experience I have to say is night and day compared to the cheap paint where the cheap paints problem was that it was too wet it's almost a problem in Reverse that this stuff was too dense and dry I needed to use a little paint thinner quite often to get enough color moving around or load onto the brush and I also had to use a lot of force with the brush to push enough of the color down and lay down broader areas onto the canvas or to spread it around now this is definitely good in the long term it means that the biggest strength of this paint is that the pigment is so densely contained but it did feel super tacky when getting the paint from the palette into the bristles of the brush but once the paint was in the bristles applying it to the canvas couldn't feel more contrasted with the cheap paper wherever my brush touched the canvas the exact amount of paint that touched the surface was applied to the painting it was really hard to get used to honestly it revealed my flaws as a painter and made me loosen up much more and work with more flow and in a lot more stages to get to the result I wanted and much slower if I didn't do that if I didn't take my time and work in more layers and steps everything I did looked super hot I mean this is very good the white paint was weird the consistency was more like calling you than paint but it seems different to the other paints from the beginning even when I applied it to the palette it spread in a real iqua fide way and didn't lift into the brush bristles very easily at all I completely ditched trying to do the mountain highlights with this white paint as it just didn't do what I needed any instead I turned to my artist spectrum titanium white so starting again with the mountains I tried to approach them in the same way that I did with my cheap painting but it wasn't anywhere near as simple I mean don't get me wrong the paint did everything I asked it to the problem is I mean a few things I guess I feel like I was over asking the paint of us I was over working the mountains and over blending my colors but I was also over thinking probably because I felt the perfectionist in me take hold much more working with this stuff but all that aside the great news is that this stuff is so matter-of-fact to work with I just scraped the area clean and started again when I wasn't satisfied and that also didn't feel particularly intimidating to do because I knew it would do it very effectively and it did but I guess this might have cultivated the picky page in me coming out because I did happen to the mountains a total of four times part perfectionist but also part particularly prickly pigment placement alliteration for you [Music] this next section here is the best showcase for the reason that the expensive paint is definitely better not necessarily this expensive paint because I did get just the most unreasonably expensive paint I could just try things out but in general higher quality paint allows you to move between printing light and dark and the dark on but back and forth blending when you choose to superceding or replacing or even starting again the main point is quality oil paint seems to give you the results based on both what you choose to do and how good you are it's kind of like the cheap paint is a Honda Civic an expensive paint is a Formula One racing car most people only need a Honda Civic gets you most places you need to sometimes people get something a little nicer because they don't want a few more gears or a couple of more details but it's only really the serious people that get in the Formula One racing car and anyone who can't pilot that thing sitting in the seat frankly looks a bit stupid fortunately even though I don't entirely know how to pilot this stuff very well I'm happy to look a bit stupid for you guys and hope that you enjoy the expect [Music] at work one this is the cheap oil paint artwork as far as the outcome goes honestly it's not awful it's not an amazing working experience but hey you can follow a Bob Ross tutorial and end up with something half decent I mean I wasn't following along with anything but still just from improvising it's fun enough and it's good enough but the outcome is okay and it was a fun enough process and actually a lot quicker to work with and get a result out of than the expensive stuff speaking of which let's have a look at the expensive painting I think just by virtue of the amount of paint I used this painting is minimally worth at least several hundred dollars now of course I am NOT a classical painter I am NOT Bob Ross so you know there's only so much I can do to show off the difference between these two effectively however I'm pretty sure just through the time-lapse and through some of the zooming stuff you can see but this stuff is really really thick to work with and it layers really well and it's really really fun just sort of rework I found myself being way way more fussy working with the expensive paints I'm sure it's a mix between it being easier to rework things but also the fact that I spent a ridiculous amount of money on paints and wanted to feel like it was worthwhile so it's probably a bit of both but the verdict is up to you let me know is there a point getting the super expensive stuff I mean obviously if you're a better painter than me there probably is but what do you think do you notice much of a difference I feel like there's definitely a better contrast and the more expensive oil painting but at the same time some of the colors pop over here pretty well maybe I just went a little bit gentle with the colors and the expensive painting but I was just trying to balance it all out anyways the comments down below is your territory to let me know what you think and maybe what I should try and now that I have this stuff leave your suggestions down there I want to thank you so much for watching this video and make sure if you enjoyed this video to go hit the like button so other people enjoy it and subscribe for more fun with art and creativity and all sorts of things and speaking of all sorts of things some videos over there you might enjoy that's it for now thank you for watching and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 7,541,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, cheap, expensive, oil, comparisson, worth it, money, cost, art supply, compare
Id: Gy-L33OKitM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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