Coolest Instrument in the World is...

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DumbMojo is back! Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin! And today, we're gonna be reviewing a... S A C R I L E G I O- I mean, actually no ahh... Ugh, I don't know. I N T E R E S T I N G ! L A M E N T A B L E . And today's topic is... The Top 10 Coolest... ...Musical Instruments. Ooh la la! If you're a musician, time to find out where you stand on the cool hierarchy. You almost don't wanna be on this one because you know it's gonna be the opposite. - That's true. - It's not gonna be legit. That's true. Dude, that's my favourite part about DumbMojo videos. - Just that opening. - Yeah. There's a whole world of colourful, creative music out there. And these are the tools of the trade. I feel like they always have this... weird, overhyped vocal when they're talking. Can we try talking like that? YEAH! WOW! WOO-AH! tHe ToP 10 cOoleSt iNsTrUMeNtS! For this list, we're ranking musical instruments which either possess a notion of coolness or are the chosen instrument for a particularly cool musician. What the hell was that? "A notion of coolness" "and p- p-" "people chose it particularly for something cool musicians." That sentence was like an essay, right? Dude, that did not- What... What are you talking about? - Dude, can DumbMojo write essays for me? - Yeah, like, it's so- - This is perfect university-essay-hit-the-word-count writing. - Essay. Yeah. Okay. Interesting. Cool to see the didgeridoo getting represented, but... W h y ? It doesn't take long to pick out the sound of a didgeridoo from a musical crowd. Thanks to its loud, droning sound, and uniquely elongated shape. I thought um... didgeridoo was only allowed to be played by... - the indigenous people in Australia. - Yeah. Like it's actually sacrilegious to the culture - to be played by non-Aboriginals. - Yeah. my knowledge. And also, to my knowledge, it's only men that can play it, right? I think so. Ooh... You could probably go deep into it, but... As Australian musicians, what we've always seen and been surrounded by was that... - you don't go and play the didgeridoo. - Yeah. Like, when we see a didgeridoo player, we don't go "Hey, can I play your instrument?" - Not like... - Yeah... - You know, we see a viola or cello. - Yeah... yeah. Because we've been taught to... - that they have their kind of sacred culture behind it. - Yup. And that females... - are not necessarily meant to be playing it. - Mhm. And... Eddy: Definitely, this picture does not look very... Brett: It get like- This is... Yeah. - It looks a little bit sacrilegious to me. - Yeah. This wind instrument was first introduced by Aboriginal Australians as a tool closely tied in with their tribal culture, with the didgeridoo continuing to be closely associated with the country's musical heritage to this very day. Every instrument is tied to some sort of culture! - Yeah, like the violin has its rich... - Italian... - European culture. - Exactly. The guzheng is from the Chinese culture. Oh my god! Progressive musicians such as Kate Bush and pop group Jamiroquai have even utilized the didgeridoo in a modern rock format, thus proving its versatility across culture and genre. What? Every instrument has had some form of like, - cross-genre bending. - Exactly. Exactly! This is the worst reasoning. The next instrument on our list has long been the chosen sidearm accompaniment of blues men and folk heroes alike. Although this reed instrument, also known as a French harp or a mouth organ, never really sees use as a song leader, its ability to drive home a memorable melody has proven useful for artists as varied as Bob Dylan. - "Its ability to drive home a memorable melody..." - Dude, that was the longest sentence! That was the most full of sh** sentence I've heard in my life, like... Any instrument can drive a melody home, like... If you throw in enough, like, long words into a long sentence, hopefully, you sound intelligent without people picking up - on the fact that you're not saying anything. - I know. It’s portable, easy to learn, and the perfect instrument to pull out when you just want to lay down a jam. You know what else is portable, easy to learn, and perfect to pull out when you want to lay down a jam? Triangle gang! Cello gang, you're No. 8. There are 7 others that are cooler than you! Oof! Don't spout such nonsense to Finland's Apocalyptica, who have made a career out of electrifying audiences with their heavy metal cello antics. You know what else is cool though? - Dvořák's Cello Concerto! - Yeah, that's right! - Elgar's Cello Concerto! - Oh my god... - Even Haydn's Cello concerto. - Oh, that is so cool. Violin is pretty cool, but... No. 7? - Tsk. - *sighs* Lamentable. So lamentable. Sure, some might not think there's much coolness to be found within the humble violin- The **** you sayin', mate?! but one need only point out the infamous reputation of the classical outlaw Niccolò Paganini to uncover the true sinister origins behind this small stringed wonder. - Violin is a sinister instrument. - Sinister! Oh, violin is so sinister, ooh la la! Oh, you got me! Oh my god. That explains it. If you’re not a fan of the traditional sound of the- OHH! - OHH...! - OHH...! OHH... By that... that alone, violin does not deserve to be in the top 10 list. I have been a bit iffy about some of the choices of like, - clips to represent. - Yeah. But I was like... Look, I'm not an expert in all genres. I don't understand Jazz, I don't understand cello Apocalyptica, - so I'm just not gonna say anything. - Yeah. But this! Credibility -1,000! If you're a TwoSetter, - you'll know what this is about, like... - Yes. That performance was.. - They show the part where she played in the wrong key. - Out of tune! She played the wrong key just then! Alright, this list is dead. Done. We head next to the mighty rhythm section, where this lord of the low end holds down a steady beat to anchor any song. Look, every instrument is unique, and has their own place, but... Typically, in a band situation in high school, right? The bass guitar is always like joked as... - ...the least popular one out of the group. - Exactly. It's a bit like the viola. Like, the whole stereotype is... - the lead singer gets all the, like... - Mhm. popularity, and then the main guitar person, - and then the drummer. - Yeah. And the bass guitar is gonna just like... - Just playing the bass. - Yeah. Yeah. PG channel! Skipping! Elsewhere, the saxophone was put to good use in both R&B and rock. Not to mention the classic big band sound of its deeper toned cousin, the baritone sax. I think when I was in primary school, I wanted to learn the saxophone 'cause I thought it was really cool. Lisa from Simpsons nailed it. Yeah, Lisa from Simpsons got it. Pretty sure there's- I can name a lot of other cool instruments - off the top of my head. - Yeah. To me, synthesizer is like... Garage Band? ♪ Blue jean baby ♪ - Piano is pretty cool. I'll give you that. - Yeah, I'd say piano is up there. - I always feel like they're always combining instruments together. - Pretty cool. - What do you mean? - They never show just one instrument playing by itself. - That's true. It's like, he's singing. - Like singing now. There's more singing in this than the piano. - Yeah, if any- It's showing Elton John. - Not the piano. Yeah, not the piano. The piano has a lot more to show. - Actually, if you listen to the piano part right now, - It's like "duN-Dun-dUn-dUN-DuN..." - it's very not cool. - It's like "duN-Dun-dUn-dUN-DuN..." D u m b M o j o ! Everybody loves the drums, even your neighbours! - Ha ha... - Funny joke, mate. ...just something primal and propulsive about this ultimate rhythmic instrument which makes it an icon of cool. I don't know, man. If anything this video makes me feel like... all the cooler instruments are not cool. - Yeah! Yeah! I know. They're not- - Like they're no longer cool. Like, I used to think drum kit was cool, - but now I'm like... - Yeah, I'm like... - Dude. Yeah. - I don't know. It seems kinda lame now. Alirght, thank you so much for watching, guys! Please accent the like button. Legato the subscribe button. And remember... Go practice!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 432,306
Rating: 4.9583082 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: LsOfoM1Hcv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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