Can You Tell the Difference between AI and Human Composers?

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Hey, how's it going? Welcome to back to another episode of... Today, we will be taking on the almighty AI again. The Terminator. They are trying to take on the musicians' jobs! We must defend with honor. - I don't know where I'm going with this. - Yeah, that's right! Today's episode is about guessing if the composer is an AI or a human. So we've gotten someone to prepare for us a list of different styles of music. For each category, we have to guess which one was composed by a human, and which one was composed by AI. Can we tell? I don't know. I'm nervous. Feel free to play along, guess along. See if you can tell. Also, this video will get copystriked for sure. - Yeah. - So, if you want to support us, check out TwoSet Apparel. We want to make this the brand for musicians, and it's just a really cool project we have going on. Yeah. Thanks so much. Let's go. Alright, first one. In the Baroque style. I wanna compare it. Number 2. Are these all played by actual people? - Yes, they're played by people. - Yes. - Alright, I know which I'm going with. - Yeah. I think first one is the human, - Yeah yeah, human. - Second one is AI. Yeah, that sounded weird. I think our friend here deliberately picked like, the weirdest sounding human composition. Alright. Look, to be fair, I thought number 1 was AI - because there were some weird harmonies. - Me too, me too. But when I heard the second one in comparison, - I was like, "This is getting weird." - The second one sounded so not Baroque! Wait, let's listen to number 2 again. Wow. Wooow. Our jobs are being taken away. - What is the purpose of existence? - I know. What does it mean to be human? Are we even alive? Is consciousness just 1's and 0's? Alright, next! I'm so like, I'm not sure. I'm not confident anymore. - Alright, Romantic number 1. - Yeah. Okay. Go ahead? Number 2. Okay. I... I feel confident but I'm doubting myself, 'cause I was so confident for the first one. I thought the first one was the human. Oh ****, I thought the opposite. The whole like, 6/8. And then the... And it was a little bit too repetitive. It reminded me of the... - That's true. That's true. That's true. - ...Huawei one, where it's very repetitive. 1 is computer. - Oh, god. - But it's really hard to tell. This will be hard! Cinematic. Oh, but cinematic's so... - It's already pretty much AI. - Yeah. No offense to cinematic composers, but... - We didn't say that! - Yeah, we didn't say that. It's like those royalty-free YouTube... Ooh. That's really nice, if that's AI. - Dude, if this is AI, I quit life. - Just change— - Yeah. - I quit life. Okay, let's go. Second one. That is so impressive. Dude, this is good as well! This sounds like what you'd hear in a movie! If I didn't know there was AI among this, if I was a filmmaker, and someone brought me that as a score, I might be fooled. - I would just be like, "Oh, nice." - Yeah. Okay. That's really nice. Next? Bro, I... I don't know. They're all really really nice music. I reckon this one's AI. Yeah, I think so. - It's a bit too, not refined. - It's too like... - It's just like, it doesn't know where it's going. - Yeah! But, I could be totally wrong! Okay, 4 is AI. - I reckon 3 is... - I feel like 3 is AI. - 1 and 2 is human. - What?! Nah nah nah nah nah! 3 is human. AI cannot compose something so beautiful. I will no longer believe in love. I'm just taking my bets. - Alright, this sounds like love, bro. - Yeah, that's true. - If an AI can make love, then - - Well, AI means 爱. And 爱 in Chinese is love. So therefore... I reckon 2 and 4 are AI, 1 and 3 are human. First one... - Is... - Human. Okay. - Alright, we both got that. - Yeah. Okay... - Second one! - Second one is... - Computer! Third one is... - Computer! NOOOOOO!! NNOOOOOOOOOO!!! See? 爱. And we thought the last one was AI! I'm retiring. I'm not a musician anymore. Dude, this was composed by an AI! Listen to this. - This sounds like a scene from Lord of the Rings! - It does. And now we know how cinematic composers compose. Jokes! Alright, last one. - Dude, I've lost the will to live. - I've lost... Yeah. - Dark cinematic! Oh... - Okay. Dude, I don't know! - I mean, it's good. I like it. Yeah. - It's done pretty well. Next. That's really good as well, dude. - Batman's coming. - Yeah... They're all like... Eddy: Yeah... The armies. - Dude, this is the AI coming! - Yeah. The AI's coming to take over our world! Humans, unite! That piano's a bit suspicious. That, yeah... And the... That fifth. It took a turn that was a little bit too bright for me. But hey, maybe it's a human. I don't know anymore, I give up. - They all - - Up 'til that... - ...and the piano, everything was so convincing. - Yeah. This is good as well. It sounds like Batman. Love the... - This has to be a human. - Whoa... - If this is not human, I will... - It's... I will become Batman. Yeah. "You! I'm Batman!" "I've joined the dark side!" Nah, this is too good. This is too good to be AI. I like it. - I like it. Yeah. - This is my favorite one so far. Alright, last one. Oh, god. Imagine it was AI. I... I feel like this is an AI. Yeah. But I don't know anymore! Yeah, I don't know. I can't tell. - I just, I'm gonna vote... - I'm just gonna place my bets. - The third one is human. - Yeah. - 1 and 3 are human, 2 and 4 are AI. - I'm gonna say - 2 and 3 are human. - Okay. First one is... - Oh! Oh, I'm right - Oh, you're right. - And then the second one is AI. - Computer, computer, computer. Good. - Oh... - Good, good. So you were right with the piano. Yeah, piano... - The piano ticked me off a bit. - Yeah. Alright, third one has to be a human. - Good! - Ohh! And last one's AI. Faith in humanity restored. Brett: Dude! Alright. How did you guys score? Thank you for being with us, here, in the times of human times, - Yeah. - When AI comes, we don't know anymore. It was nice knowing all of you. Please accent the like button, and legato the subscribe button. And remember to keep practicing, because that's what being human is all about. And don't forget to check out...
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 578,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: PmL31mVx0XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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