Playing 7 Stradivarius Violins (worth $70,000,000!)

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Wow. Wow. - Ariana Grande 7 rings, - Whoa... move aside! We've got 7 Strads here today! That's right, guys. So welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin. We always say it's a very special episode, but this is a Today, we're here with Fumiaki Miura... - Hello! - a soloist. And Sota, from Nippon Violin, who has... Very amazingly and generously gathered... not 1, not 2, but 7 Stradivarius in one room here today. That is just ridiculous. The table has a lot of resp- The table has a lot of responsibility. Yeah. So okay, so I mean... - I don't know where to start. - I don't know what to say. How much is a Stradivarius worth these days? - Just as a rough number. - Yeah, it's rough- - Yeah, rough... like few million to... - Ten... Up... yeah, around 10... or... yeah. Yeah. So for those of you that might not know, Stradivarius is probably one of the world's most famous violin makers. And for some reason, his formula just didn't get passed down. So no one knows how to make violins like this anymore. Yeah, he didn't write a book. He didn't make a video. Okay so, I mean... There's 7 here. Yup. In violin playin- Stradivarius has this period called the golden age period? Yes. So these 7 are all different period. - Yes. - We're very lucky. From there, that's... Next one is which Fumi... play... And this one is 1711. And this is 1717. This is... And this one, So golden period is from actually here to... here. Oh... - 4 golden periods. - Yeah, yeah. So that's when he made his best instruments. Yes. I mean, everything great, but... yeah, - Best of the best. - especially the golden period's. - I see. - Yeah. When did Stradivarius live? He was born in... And he died in... - So he lived for 93! - Whoa, it's a long time! - What!? - Whoa, how did he do that? No wonder he was a master. - He had like 90 years to perfect his craft. - Pasta, pasta. Pasta, yeah, pasta. How do you think the violins have changed throughout his life? First of all, it's the shape. Yeah, so... You know, everything looks similar, but slightly different, like 1 millimeter longer, or shorter. Mhm. Also the f hole. You see the f hole will change. The distance of the two f hole will change. And interesting thing is... As he get to the golden period, the shape is getting flat. - I see. - You see the violin is always like... - Curved. - rounded, curved. - But it's getting... flatter, flatter. - Flatter. Yeah. - I think this one is the flattest. - Yeah, this is the flattest. 1714. - Mhm. - Ohh... - You see, yeah. How does that affect the sound? The round or the flat. It's... round is more... warmer sound. Okay. - Yeah, generally it's sweet. - Sweet, sweet. - Mm... - Sweet sound, yeah. - But flatter one is so powerful. Yeah - Powerful. Very powerful. Yeah, also an important thing is the... It's not just the playing instruments... It's not just an instrument, but it's a piece of art. - Mhm. - It's like paintings. So that's why these violins are so valuable and expensive. - It's like the Mona Lisa. - So it's not- - Yes, it's like a Mona Lisa. It's like... - Wow... - Like da Vinci, you know. So... - Da Vinci, yeah. - Whoa... So these are the top top top. So I think we should... get Fumi to play them? Yeah. And then we can just kinda listen the sound, and we guess it. - Yep! - Gonna guess what it's like. - So this is the... this artist's work, 1687. - Yeah, 1687. It's a very sweet sound. Mm! You heard something like... I feel... cover, like silk. Brett: Mm... Eddy: Mm! With the sound. Not so... straight like that, you know. - Nice. - So this violin, I know it very well because I'm playing one. Mm... So from this period, it's getting flat, more flat. - Flatter and flatter. - Yeah. My violin has a bit darker sound. - Yeah, it's beautiful. - I see. Yeah, okay. Very different. - Mm, very different. - Already. - Yeah. - Mm! I mean how different can it get when we guess? - This is 17...14 - 14. Oof. This is like... It's a beam. - Yeah. - Yeah! - And this one is... 1717. - 1717. Somehow this violin has... simply focus. - Focus, yeah. - Yeah. The projection is very good. - That's why, you know, if it's too far, the sound goes... - Oh yeah. - Straight. - Forward. - Yeah. - Wow... And this one is 17... what? 28. It's got a sticker. Sticker. Sticker violin. - I like this one. - That's nice... I love it. - It's beautiful, right? - Oh my god... Yup. Argh!! And this... - 1732. - 32. - Also nice. - Also very nice. But yeah, it's... All so nice! difficult! Well, I hope you guys can hear a difference. We're about to test if we can hear the difference. - Oh... That's so hard... - Ohh... So hard... Ahhh... Sticker! - It's definitely not 3, it's- - 3. - Actually, maybe 3. Woo! - I think 3! I change to 3. - 3? - Yeah. Fumi: Okay. Brett: Which one was it? Eddy: 3. Brett: Alright. This... this is... 5. OH MY GOD... I don't know 5 very well. OHH!! You remember the 5 very well. Okay, but whatever! Okay. Next one. Okay... Oh... It's definitely within first three. Bingo! I'm gonna guess 1. Oh! - It was 3? - I said it too early. - Oh, but it was 3. - Oh, 3? - He says 1. - Oh right. Ting ting!! I thought the G string sounded like... 3. Cos the... It's so hard... Alright. I have no idea. Eddy: 4! Brett: I don't like it, the way he's laughing. 6! No, what- We'll lock it in. Which one? Last chance! Oh no, I don't know! Go! - 1! 1! - 7! - Lock in! - 4! - 4, alright, 4. It's not 4, but I'm gonna lock in 4. - Okay, 1, 4. 1, 4. It was 3. OooOOoOoooOHhHhhh!! Brett: Why you... It's so annoying!! I heard the G string! - I thought- I heard the G string, too! - I heard the G string!! It's that- It's the G string! Yeah, okay, whatever... Okay, next one. He plays the same one again? *evil laughter* - He's messing with us psychologically. - Yeah. Eddy: It's not 3 for sure. He's not doing 3 again. I think no way. Hmhmhmhmm... okay. I think 2! Me too. 2. - Me too two. - Bingo, bingo. Bingo? Yeah! Sota: Wow... BAWWWW!!! - Alright, yes! We're getting- - I got 2, he got 1! Nah, I need to get one more! Woohoo! Alright, come on. Okay. It's too difficult to pick the violin because... Sota: Okay. Fumi: You know... Sota: That's right. - He helps with the picking. - Okay, okay, okay. Oh, so it doesn't make a sound. Oh, okay, I got it! Okay, okay. Brett: It's psychological now. Fumi: Mwhahahaha kon kon kon! *Brett laughs* Just all these Strads- - Don don don don don!! - Every- every knock is like 10,000 dollars. Yeah. No! Sssssss Six? Alright, I'm (going) 6. Lock it in 6. I initially thought 6... Yeah. - But now I'm thinking 4. - Okay? I just wanna be different, so 4. 1. OHH, I THOUGHT ONE!!! I did think one!! I DID THINK ONE!!! I ' M N O T J O K I N G ! ! ! ! 1!? Hahahaha! No, because the E string was a little bit softer. Yes. Alright. It's alright, I'm still winning. That's all that matters. I think we have more chance trying to like, guess... Fumi's psychology. Yeah!! - Like which one he's gonna pick. - Okay. 4! Why is he laughing? 4! Did you do 1 again? - I'm gonna go 1. I have a feeling it's 1 again. - He picked... No, you're going with 1! Fumi: Okay uh... It's 6. Sticker violi- Fumi: Okay, that's it? It's too hard... Fumi: It's too difficult, I think. Brett: All those... Dude, we got like none of them. 2, 1. - You, you won. - I won this one. I think so. Bravo. Bravo, wow! You know what, I'm just gonna do something... Brett: That's not gonna help you! *laughs* Eddy: No, no, no, no! Sota: That's meaningless! Brett: What are you doing? Sota: This is... This one's flatter. Number 4's flatter. Oh, we'll tune it. Eddy: No, no, no, no... you keep it how it is. Sota: Yes, it is. Brett: Okay. Eddy: Mhm. Um... Uh... Enough, enough! - Huh? Enough? - Whoa... - Whoa... which one? - What!? I think it's... Both 6 lock it in? Yeah. Oh. 4. 5! 5. Hahahahaha!! Shiiiiiii- Fumi: Fffffshhhh... Brett: Okay, next one. Stop knocking it. Oh my god... Which one? Play an open A string? Nah! *laughs* I think it's... 3. No, it's not 3. I don't think so. I feel like it's 6, but then knowing Brett's personality, I think it's 5. Cos he's gonna repeat it. Lock it in? It's 6! IT WAS SIX!! IT WAS SIX!! NOOO!! I thought it was 6! Ah... so close! - Okay, are you ready? - Okay. Oh, come on... Ha, it's okay. That's... It's very clear. I know what it is. Really? But then, I don't know. Keep playing! I don't- It's in the first three for sure. I reckon it's 3. Yeah. OHHH!! Yeah, it's 3. Yes! Nice, nice! Okay... - Hahahaha! - Dammit! It's... it's 2. I was tossing up between 2 and 4... Can you play the A string? Like something on the A string, not open A! - Like something on the A string. - No, no, not too sharp! Are you sure it's 2? Yep. - Are you sure? - Yes. Are you triple sure? No. But I'll go with 2. It's 2. *cheers* That's good! - That was great. - Ima- - Yeah, it's the violin you play on, right? - Yup! Yeah, yeah, yeah, nice. Okay, last one. Okay. Last one. Eddy: Oh, here we go again. Eddy: I don't know. Fumi: It's 6. Eddy: You reckon? I'm sure. Eddy: You're SURE? Fumi: Yup. Brett: Ooh... I'm pretty sure. Sticker one. Oh, no, no, no! I change! From uh... Now I'm... really sure. It's 5. Eddy: Ooh... Eddy: Maybe... Lock it in, guys! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!! Yeah, I have a feeling Brett's gonna like - do 2 again or something. - 5! 5 and? I'll go 5 as well. It's 6! Eddy: It is 6! Brett: HAhAHahaHAhahA!! You were right! You were right the whole time! Sota: Fumi said it's 6 at the beginning. Yeah, he was like "6!" Sota: Yeah. And then he changed! He freaking changed. Ohh... sh- Well, at least you got your violin. Yeah, that would be embarrass- Fumi: Okay. Eddy: Alright! Alright! Okay, that's it! Alright guys, we hope you enjoy the episode. I think it was very interesting. If you enjoy this video, go... check out Fumiaki on his website, social media. And also Nippon Violin, and Sota. Brett: All the links will be below. Eddy: Mhm. And also, check out our merch so that one day we might be able to (have) 5 Strads. or 7. Eddy: It's a new design. Coming out soon. Brett: Yeah. Alright guys, subscribe, like the videos. - See you! - Thank you. Can I- Can I buy all of these today? - Of course! - Maybe I'll just... *laughs* Black card!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,527,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, piano, stradivarius, orchestra
Id: AxQxaTYq0Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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