We might have offended every country in the world...

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Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. Before we get started in today's very spe— I N T E R E S T I N G ...episode... - Tickle, tickle, tickle! - ARGH!!! Practice socks! Get comfy in your practice wear. Go check it out at twosetapparel.com. Thank you so much for the support. This afternoon's video! Is about... What's gonna happen is, we have 12 excerpts, and one tiebreaker... ...BONUS excerpt, and we have pen and paper, and the goal is for us to guess as many correct country origins as possible, just by listening to the music alone. *groans* Is there going to be a prize? Bubble tea, for the winner. Ohh!!! - Alright, done, sounds good. - I'm so in. - Excerpt 1. - Excerpt 1, let's go. Ooh. I definitely know what I think this is! How is your stylistic recognition, guys? - Alright, let's see the answer. - Right. I wrote Italy. The answer was... - ...Vivaldi! - Yes! And it is Italy, indeed. Exactly! - Alright, excerpt 2. - Nice. Next! Oh, I know this! Oh, but I think I'm gonna mess it up. - I know! - Uh-oh! - It's one of those ones! - Yeah...! In the other side of the world. Oh, s***... It's gonna be so embarrassing, I know this piece! Alright, I'm gonna commit. Ohhh!!! Aghhhh!!!! Oh, dude! Which one is it?! Alright, what did you write? - Let's reveal. - Argentina. I wrote Mexico. (both) Ohhhhhh!!!!! (both) Ahhhhhh!!!!! - I went too indie. - Yeah. Danzón! That's right! - People play that! - Yeah I know. - In orchestras, right? - I know. Oh, that's so annoying. Alright, number 3, let's go. Let's go. Ohh-ho-ho! Dude, this could be anyone. - Dude, I don't know... - Oh, I don't know, this is... Argh...! Ahh...! Alright, first of all, do you think that was late classical, or early romantic? I...I...I... - I initially thought early romantic. - Early romantic. Yeah, but then I started thinking about all the other composers that could do this. - Yeah. - I was like, "Oh, man." Alright, I'm gonna go with my intuition. Alright, what is it? - I said Germany. - I wrote Germany as well. Haydn! F***!!! It's Austria! Austria! Austria!!! It was one of those two. But I got burnt by Argentina. I was like, "You know what, I'm going to play the numbers game. There's probably more composers in Germany." But obviously it's Haydn! Alright, next one. Oh, I know this! Ah, s***! But I don't know where's it's from, oh sheet. It's nice. Oh, dude. I forgot what piece this is. I don't know. Alright, I'm done. But, I feel like I'm getting duped so many times right now. Spanish, Brazil... Spanish? It's got the taste. I'm gonna take a stab. Alright! Let's go. I wrote Spain, because I'm in pain. What is it? - Yeah!!!!!! - Ohhh!!!!! Argentina, you're letting me down! Twice in a row! - You're simping for Tina, that's why. - Oh, damn it, Tina! Let's go! - Ooh! I love this. - Oh. It's so beautiful. Oh, I know this! I know this!!! I know this. Alright, let's go. - Alright, what do you have? - France. Ooh! Really?! Whoa...wait wait wait. I wrote Russian. - But I was thinking French, Russian, Japanese, - Oh. - they're the three that came in my mind. - Yeah. I just wrote French. Alright, let's go. - Yeah...! - Fa... - Poulenc, I knew, I thought it was Poulenc. - Poulenc! Yeah, I thought Poulenc. Poulenc, you fool-lenc-ed me. Alright! Number 6. Damn! Oh! Ooh. Ooh! Ooh-ooh. What is this? - I don't know what to guess. - Alright, there's two countries that come in my mind. Three. That last piano part was a bit interesting. Dude, who came up with this list? They're picking the hardest, most obscure ones. This is very hard. I wrote... ...Armenia, because I thought of Khachaturian. But, it's pretty obscure. I also thought maybe like Romania or something. I thought Romania, but I wrote Turkey. Nah! Nah. Well, let's move on. Wait. Tashkurgan. Where's Tashkurgan? Far northwest of China. Close to Afghanistan and Pakistan. (both) Ohh...! Wow, that's not even— This is not even... That was just a prank! I...feel like... I just got betrayed. Dude that was... You would not guess it's China! Chen "Gang"! Man, Chen Gang! You ganged up on us! Yeah. Damn it! - Dishonour family! - Yeah! Dude...! - Ohh! Okay, this is obvious. - Oh! (both) Alright. - What do you think? - Russian. - Russian. Yeah. - You said Russian? Yeah, Russian. It has to be, dude. - Yeah!!! - Ohh...! Yeah, yeah! - That dissonance, the... - Yeah...! - Yeah. - I was like, "Alright." It's Russian. See? This is more like it. - There you go. None— - Yeah. Oh god. That's pretty clear. - Oh. - Yeah, it's like... It's like Chopin or Liszt. I know this, I think this... Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah... - Can I try Hungary? - This is... Alright, what do you have? I wrote Hungary. You serious? - Yeah. - Oh. I put Poland. I'm 80% [sure] this is Chopin, 20... ...19% this is Liszt, - 1% this is some random pianist I don't know. - You know what, I'm gonna go Poland as well. - Alright. - Yep. Alright, Poland! (both) Ohh!!! Chopin! - Poland! - Dude! Alright, next one. You know what I just did? With that 80%? I listened to the "Poll... ...land." Oh...! Oh! Dude, everything sounds Russian to me. Alright. I'm gonna go with my gut instinct. - Yep. - What do you have? Russian. Finnish. (both) Germany?! The orchestration... ...and all that, it reminded me much more of Finnish, Russian. - Yeah, well...Russian... - It's got that folk influence. Well, whatever. - Got Humperdinck-ed. - Yeah. We definitely got Humperdinck-ed. - Alright, next one. - Alright. Ahh. Wait. Can we repeat countries? I don't know. Definitely not Argentina! It'll be so funny if it is Argentina. Ooh! Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, I think I know. Dude, this sounds like... - Ah, that's beautiful. - It's nice. It's a good pianist. - Alright, I got my answer. - No... No, wait! Come on! Stop "Russian" me! Russian, maybe it's Russian. Let me "Finnish"! I'm gonna go Czech, but I have no idea. Alright. - I'll go something else. - I have no idea. - What did you put? - I just wrote English. No way. Ohh!!! - Czechia Republic! - No! I should've wrote Czech! Oh, i went indie again, damn it England! It reminds me of one of those pieces I used to hate - playing in orchestra. - Yeah. - Sounds like a counting nightmare. - Yeah! And the weird sequences, and modulations, and switch keys every three bars. Alright, I'm gonna guess. Probably Chen Gang. America. - I thought America! - I'm writing America. - I think that part...feels American. - That...that just feels so annoying. The conductor's just like... I can imagine the conductor's face be like... Very beaty, making sure everyone's on beat. - I'm gonna go US as well. - Yeah. USA. Of course! It's Elgar, of course!!! No!!! You know, England, - you should just came one early. - TwoSet Apparel! TwoSet Apparel! I hate my life. Hey, but to be fair, America and England. - Yeah, quite...historically...yeah. - Culturally, historically, around that time... Around that time. Not now, but around that time. - I feel like I just offended all Americans and the British. - Yeah guys, come on. But you get the point. You guys get the historical point. What's the next one? Oh! Oh, I like this! Oh, so sustained! Dude, what is this? Oh, that's awesome! What a piece that is. America! That is not America! - Come on Finland, pull me through! - Is it Netherlands? - You can do it, Finland! - Dutch? I'm gonna put Finland as well. - Yeah. - Yeah, Finland! The Wood Nymph. Dammit, I lost that one! America, England the wrong way round, A R G E N T I N A ! I think our friend has a sense of humour, because the list finished on Finnish! And on that note, the video is finished! Don't forget to accent the like button, and legato the subscribe button, and check out our TwoSet Apparel socks - over here, guys. - Mmm...! That's so good! The best cotton, it feels so good. Alright.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 693,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: xryLlOoSIxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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