Cool World: The GOONING Movie from Hell (yes I'm serious)

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[Music] Who Framed Roger Rabbit one of the greatest animated movies ever made released in 1988 this movie dazzled the world with its seamless blending of liveaction film making and traditional animation to this day I'm still floored by the technical wonders of this movie seriously the light on Roger here look at that how how'd you do that that's amazing it look at it look at it I want all of you to look at it now the story itself was a symbol who done it plot yet it was done extremely well it also features a cast of characters you could not help but fall in love with all and all a Timeless and legendary film but what if I told you that there was for some reason an adult ripoff of Who Framed Roger rabbits yeah apparently Jessica Rabbit just was not sexy enough Feast your eyes on [Music] Hollywood yes that's her name double the lust with half the personality and charm and it gets even worse folks what if I told you that this movie is also at its core a movie about gooning over a cartoon character one who wants to hook up with a human so she can become Human by doing him scandalous so for those who don't know this is coolor a 2d animated liveaction hybrid detective story that was released in 1992 I can see it now uh hey Roger Rabbit you cool if I copy your homework like just just a little bit don't worry I'll make it different enough though oh how you ask oh you'll see despite somewhat cing the premise and visual style of Roger rabbits cool world was a critical and financial failure the movie cost nearly $30 million to make and only made back about half that amount yep we got a Bonafide box office failure but saber what went wrong was it the visuals the story The gooning perhaps oh yeah it's always the gooning [Music] actually it was everything once you understand what this movie was about you'll realize that nothing ever good comes from gooning over your own OC Wu that's literally the plot I'm not even joking look can you imagine that level of Shame it's disgraceful it's disgusting I I can't I can't stand for it do not come them young boys them young boys coming what do you mean by that oh yeah I forgot to mention folks oh we got a new Sav spark summer pen at my merch shop don't buy it don't even look at it that you can't even have that no don't click on the link that's in the description down below okay also speaking of unmentionables this video is brought to you by meundies now if you're a goon or a goon you got to have the right Underpants I don't make the rules that's just the truth and me unies will provide you with unmatched Comfort they feature micromodal Fabrics that are breathable and hug around your delicate cartoon Contours with all of that nasty shaing now if you're worried about odor and sweating like me you know keeps me up at night then there's the move me line with the breathe fabric which will whisk away all of that moisture and will provide you with an odorless experience it's perfect for those unbearable summer days and long days of travel which I've suffered through recently I was sck at the airport for like 14 hours and me got the job done I'm not joking a good pair of boxer briefs will go a long way like invest in that invest in boxer brief stocks folks right now I'm a finance Guru with Underpants meundies are especially Perfect When I use them at the gym they hug around my Contours perfectly and don't creep up my leg even during my most rigorous routines like the last thing I want when I'm binge pressing and the Other Guys nearby are like what's peeking out no actually does why did I say that whether I'm hiking going about my workday or keeping it casual uh me uny stay in their intended places we do we keep that in the recording are they going to they going to kill me and all of this magical material is responsibly sourced sustainable materials made by companies that don't work their employees to death I think we can all get behind that does this all sound like Overkill to you by the way I don't know trust me it won't be when you realize how much regular underwear underperforms and the hot summer months you know I read this article recently about some like old lady from like 1860s who like was a billionaire but she wore the same pair of Underpants for her entire life you don't want to see the picture they actually have the Underpants like a picture of it which I'm like who saved these me unies is much better than that and if you're not happy with these undies then it's on me undies or their undies they have a good return policy as what I'm trying to say so let's not miss out on a chance to feel light and Breezy this summer head on over to saberspark to get 20% off your order and free shipping right to your door I'm sure if Hollywood wore Underpants she would approve of this all right back to the gooning put that on my Tombstone when I die so the story of cool world involves an ex Soldier turned detective named Frank Harris then there's a horned up comic book artist named Jack Debs and then the comic book artist OC Yu Hollywood when will it end uh the titula cool world is a cartoon Dimension that exists parallel to our own universe that Jack is like sort of a a psychic channel for he experiences visions of it and recreates it through his illustrations or like maybe it's always existed and he's just a a channel for I I don't even know the movie is very confusing on this front doesn't really explain it but the main Crux of this movie involves Detective Harris who gets sent to coolworld after his mother dies in a motorbike accident I hate when that happens he's been tested with trying to stop Jack from having sex with Hollywood uh because it would destroy the dimensions by the way it's extremely hilarious how for almost the entire movie Harris says this but does not explain why it would tear the dimensions apart and around here everything goes everything except one thing yeah what NOS do not have sex with Doodles right NOS do not have sex with Doodles so for like most of the movie He just seems like a a weirdo trying to stop Jack from getting his nut off no gooning in cool world it's just like Twitter so how does such a strange movie come to be well in the late 1980s Indie animation Rockstar Ral Baki would have a Renaissance of sorts with his show Mighty Mouse the new adventures if the name of Ralph bshi does not sound familiar to you check out my review of his 1972 xrated exploitation film Fritz the cats it was the film that jump started his career but his work would noticeably get Tamer and Tamer as the years went on and also more marketable too we always succumb to marketing by the sa pen in a time when t Vision animation had gotten cheaper and cheaper with the only goal seemingly to sell toys at Mighty Mouse the new adventures was a breath of fresh air one that would really lay the groundwork for a lot of the more zeny cartoons we would go on to see in the 1990s seriously look at the names of some of the people who worked on Mighty Mouse Bruce Tim Tom Minon Andrew Stanton Rich Moore and John K that guy uh just a name a few you know how people always bring up that Flapjack was the amazing training ground for so many animators that would come after it in the 2010s well that was the case for Mighty Mouse with its own wave of respective creators during the90s after Mighty Mouse wrapped up in 1988 back she decided he wanted to reenter the world of film a cool world would be back she's first film in 9 years with his last one being Fire and Ice and 1983 in the production of his other movies back she was getting paid around a million dollar in total per movie while his friends like Martin squarey and Francis Ford Copa were getting paid Millions with a S as in multiple Millions as high-profile directors backi wanted a piece of that and who could blame him one could argue that Baki was just as important to the animation industry as his liveaction aour counterpart were to their industry too and they were clearly valued why shouldn't he be backi would go on to Paramount to make Co world the original pitch for the movie was envisioned as a more of a a horror film than what we would eventually get back's vision for the story involved a man having sex with a cartoon character resulting in a child that was half cartoon and half human eventually the father would abandon his son and return to the real world and the child would go on a a hunt to to kill the father who abandoned him and back she's own words from an interview with IGN film Force he said quote it was a real horror film but the metaphor was basically why don't we understand our fathers and why do we become the worst of our fathers end quote additionally back she wanted the son character to be half liveaction and half animated he himself admitted that he had no idea how he would do that but it was an onscreen effect he had been dreaming about pulling off for years it was an unusual pitch but back she chose Paramount for a reason he had a good working relationship history with them for a period of time in the late 1960s he had basically run Paramount animation finishing a series of theatrical shorts that Paramount were contractually obligated to give to Distributors and that were left unfinished by previous staff now Paramount animation never went particularly far in fact after Ralph finished the contracted shorts he was told to lay everyone off however he did what he was asked and delivered on his end of the bargain he did his job and did it well so by extension he thought working with Paramount would Grant him a certain amount of security freedom and ease him from a lot of the hardships that come with Indie production but it would not take long for corporate meddling to rear its ugly [Applause] head baki's producer on cool world was Frank mauso Jr the son of Frank mauso senior who was the Paramount CEO and chairman Bei assumed that this would essentially Grant him cart blanch to do whatever he wanted I mean after all he had the big boss's son involved who is going to interfere with him well trouble began when cool world was apparently totally Rewritten from the ground up and done so without back's knowing and back's own words from an interview with IGN film Force quote Frank manuso Jr who was put on this picture as a producer and Frank manuso senior who put him on since he ran Paramount Pictures had written a screenplay in sequence and I was handed a new script on the set and the guy who did it I've blocked his name but he's got screen credit now for writing the script I ran into him and asked him how he could ever have done that end quote so an aour director who thinks he's about to make his big break gets to his sets only to discover that his entire movie had been Rewritten from the ground up without him knowing that's obviously messed up right I mean any artist worth their salt would be furious over that who could blame Baki for going through the emotions and the movie ending up the way it did well remember there are always two sides to every story and Michael Grace one of two credited writers on cool world has a very different recollection of events in an interview with Blake Harris of slashfilm Grace reveals that coolworld was already a bit of a show before he came on board in Grace's memory manuso Jr had reached out to him and fellow writer Mark Victor not long after agreeing to make baki's pitch the kicker though is unlike back she's telling where he came in with a completed story ready to go Grace claims that neither manuso Jr or more importantly backi knew what they wanted the movie to be Beyond broad Strokes when they finally did Pitch their version of the movie to Baki he wholeheartedly endorsed it even declaring them his guys Grace goes on to say that he and Victor basically had to hold themselves away to write and did not really interact with bakshi much just because of how Ecentric and scatterbrained he was on top of that Grace and Victor were having such a hard time with an ending for the movie that a third writer Larry gross was brought on to help cool world cross the finish line and if you've seen this movie this is super obvious and if you have not seen this movie then I envy you consider yourself lucky don't let the cartoon girl trick you she's not worth it they never are now while the movie is all over the place the third act feels extremely different in tone from the first two in a very jarring way to make matters worse Grace goes on to say that Bley actually fought them for sole screenwriter credit for those who don't know when a film is complete producers have to submit a list of final credits to respective guilds and unions in the writer Guild's case this involves people who helped write the movie in various capacities the problem is that different credits have wildly different residual payouts so when a project reaches the Finish Line it can sometimes become a bloodbath to get that final writing credit writers and their agents completed their respective cases and arbitration to the writer's Guild this is what supposedly happened with bakshi manuso JR Grace and Victor but Grace and Victor would go on to win the case due to them having pages and pages of receipts to prove it a casting was another inst where back she would have to make many exceptions a cool world would be one of Brad Pitt's earliest roles as a young actor on the rise and was someone that back she really wanted to work with however he was not yet the box office Juggernaut that he was now so he had to compromise on the casting for Jack and Holly who would go on to be played by Gabriel burn and Kim Basinger respectively in an interview with Patrick Nagle for DVD verdict back revealed that he wanted Drew Barrymore to play Holly he also claimed that Kim Basinger often buted heads with him because you want to cool world to be the type of movie she could show to sick kids in hospitals yeah that won't make them feel better it just actually probably kill them on the whole He imagined the project to be a lot younger with its cast than it ended up being now the actors did do a fine job but there's honestly nothing to write home about when it comes to their performance formances a Kim Basinger as Holly is particularly grading especially when she enters the real world it's like she's trying to sell hly as this fish out of water which you know is fair considering her motivation but something about it feels off and not in an intended way however it's hard to blame her or anyone else for that matter for the dialogue being as awkward and stunted as it is because the story is all over the place half of the actors feel confused all the time and to me that's because the story does not know what it wants to be or at least can't communicate it properly like look at Roger Rabbit look at the eye contact with the liveaction actors to the animated characters that's authentic that's genuine now look at Brad Pit looking at Holly yeah not the same the dialogue sounds like gobbledygook and often times it comes across as the story itself doesn't know the answers to its own question questions so the line reads of the actors come across as stiff and like they're having a hard time believing it let alone selling it to the audience take Brad Pitt's character Frank for example Frank spins the entire movie telling Jack that he can't have sex with a [Music] doodle but the movie does not tell you why that's a bad thing until the third act so it often feels like Frank is just reprimanding Jack for no particular reason he's just a Puritan at heart and he won't suffer this smut on his Newsfeed get it out of here or take the resurrection of Frank after his death in the real world in the last few minutes they just casually tell you out of nowhere that if a doodle kills a human in the real world they can be resurrected as a doodle in cool world but offer absolutely no reason why that's the case stuff happens just for the sake of having stuff happen there's no meaningful Stakes throughout the entire movie because they don't set up the rules for the audience with enough notice to let it have any impact so major events in the movie feel hollow and arbitrary the animation itself also leaves a lot to be desired which is surprising you think they'd be bringing their aame but the movie swings wly from some really gorgeous animation to stuff that you can just tell is the same cycle running and a Non-Stop Loop in the background to draw on the Roger Rabbit comparison again both movies have scenes that happen in night clubs when you look in the background of the Roger Rabbit scene I feel like you can look in almost any direction and find something to look at some mini story happening with another background character it makes the environment and the world of the movie feel alive now when you compare that with the club scenes in cool world Everything feels so lifeless a sure there are things moving and on a technical level maybe well animated but they just aren't doing anything of note they're moving just for the sake of being something to look at it makes the whole movie feel incredibly stale and superficial and this is not helped by the horrible compositing of the animated characters with the liveaction actors any moment of tenderness or sensuality is is immediately undercut by how poor the two worlds are Blended together for instance any moment uh with Frank and Lynette feels laughable and the sex between Holly and Jack is well anything but sexy a quite possibly the most revealing aspect of how low their budget was lies in the literally flat sets that just give the whole movie A veneer of cheapness the stand out animation is all in the Holly scenes that's where the budget went and I I get it but even those start to become boring Holly has none of the allore or personality of a Jessica Rabbit once you see one of her scenes you've seen them all the movie also is stuffed to the brim with gags that not only go on for way too long but that also have absolutely no bearing on the plot whatsoever for instance there's a part of the movie where the plot necessitates a police chase but instead of just doing the chase we have to sit through this 5 minute sequence involving a rabbit losing a dice game and arguing with the cops all while Jack gets introduced to Holly's goons and then finally the police chase DS oh yes that part was totally necessary and not included to pad the run time uh looking into the animation production for this movie it is no wonder that so much of it feels that way in the book unfiltered the complete Ralph backi by authors John M Gibson and Chris McDonald backi reveals that not only did the animators never receive an actual finished script but they were just animating whatever they wanted for Laughs a backi is quoted as telling his animators quote do a scene that's funny whatever you want to do end quotes So animators were basically just flying off the cuff animating whatever they wanted and then just having that slotted into the movie if Baki happened to find it funny enough a bold move but you cannot make a big Studio Movie that way it's way too chaotic now while this is not 100% confirmed there is some additional information that gives my padding for time theory some Credence according to Grace in the previously mentioned slash film interview backi had shot just about 20 days of footage which were in Grace's words unusable and just terrible 20 days of useless footage especially when you remember that this was shot on film is just absurd and quite frankly wasteful like if this is true and I'd be shocked if it wasn't like no wonder the final product feels as dinted as it is Paramount would also see a leadership change up at this time and the new CEO was confused about the project altogether which led to its rating change from R to PG-13 could you imagine that guy looking at the the movie being like what the is this about and mind you that adult animated films at this time were a Dying Breed while the Disney Renaissance was taking off so take that for what it's worth cool world would go on to be released on July 10th 1992 and was met with near critical disdain and audiences too weren't liking it either it opened up six in the box office losing out against movies like A League of Their Own universal Soldier and Sister Act while a wider release to more theaters was planned the following week a Paramount would actually cease all advertising for the movie after opening weekend it would go on to make $14.1 million on a $28 million budget and would be the final nail in the coffin for Ralph Mai's film career was it good for you it wasn't what I expected overall could things have gone differently for cool world maybe for one thing the movie needed a more definitive Vision after doing the research for this video the conclusion of come to is that for all of his importance to the animation industry Ralph bakshi didn't really know what he wanted this project to be you know despite what he says this led to his other collaborators like Grace and Victor having to piece together fragments of his Creative Vision and try to make sense of it it's crazy to me how dismissive he is of them in interviews about the movie postrelease and the fact that he tried to take screenwriting credit from them really sours my look on him cool world is the type of project that needs a strong Figure Head that those working on can look to for guidance and a definitive voice Roger Rabbit 100% certainly had that Vision But ultimately for coolor it feels like Ral B wasn't that for his team and while it's easy to blame the corporate meddling I also can't help but think that if back she had a more concise vision for what he wanted for cool world then maybe the meddling would not have happened as much as it did as it was cool world was never going to be destined to be his coresi or Copa moment when I think of those directors I think of the strength of their vision and the understanding they have of their stories something back she seemed to lag which made it easy for corporate to come in and start cleaning up now I have a lot and I mean a lot of respect for Ralph Baki so I don't want this to come across as me hating on him it just seems that over all he wanted too much he wanted the financial freedom and security that comes with working with a big Studio but he also wanted that big Studio to let him make his movie the way he had been doing independently cool world to me is less so a story of the dangers of corporate meddling but more so a story on the dangers of lack of vision and Leadership it should serve as a cautionary tale for any creative you don't need to have all the answers but you need to have at the very least a vision and communicate that Vision so it does not fall apart oh and uh and and probably less gooning or more yeah you know what the answer is always more yeah more gooning [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 256,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, animation
Id: D5G3pOFiiVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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