Cool Things I Learned On Tik Tok

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hello friends it's me and today i thought we would check out some more cool things that i learned on tik tok tik tok taught me that mice can scream ah to you too so apparently when they find out that they can scream they'll keep doing it they're like whoa i got a voice i can say something i can be even more annoying and best believe they take advantage of that y'all ever thought how do they take trees out of the ground because i think about this a lot so this one was pre-bagged and all they had to do was just like boom lift it up out of the ground and to your nearest tree shop but if it's not pre-bagged there's this big bully-looking machine that stabs these four giant shovels into the ground and picks up the tree and that's how you transplant a tree someone told me a story about this millionaire who got married under this hundred-year-old tree and then he was like i want this tree in my backyard so they picked it up with one of these claw shovels got a helicopter to pick it up and put it into his backyard oh so you rich rich then here's our survival tip for y'all you can actually eat cactus sir it tastes almost exactly like a green apple first i have a cactus ah this looks like this is gonna pop off so there we go oh crunchy you know it is like a green apple but without the sugar more like the skin of a green apple this is how they do booby implants they put it in like a frosting tube and then just like boom squeeze it out and then it just like goes in there like that how you get that big old thing through that little hole that's what she said it's like i'm frosting a dang cake how do you wash your car bucket of soapy water right and then just this dude puts a car shampoo straight in the hose puts a little head on and then what bam you got some soapy water it's all fun and games until your little cousin playing outside gets thirsty and then goes to drink from the hose why does water taste like lavender this is what a nuclear explosion looks like from an island i'm telling you the things i find on tick tock imagine just chilling on this white sandy beach and they test in bombs out in the ocean it's like the sun but brighter whoa it doesn't even look real look at like a cluster of mushrooms from the whole foods this is how people sneeze in different countries america sorry here's the vinegar let's do the light germs never heard of her that last sneeze had a whole entire plot protagonist antagonist climax and all that it's so good this is a very cool car feature i've never seen before it's on a lambo and when you're sitting at a red light it tells you how long it's gonna take so basically counts down the red light so you know when to floor that gas and go skirt i feel like that would feel illegal information i'm not supposed to know this is what happens at car dealerships when the car salesman walks out of the room that's why you can't trust anybody we're out here at the car dealership about to buy a car and they they leave the phone you see they leave the microphone on on the phone and they go in the other room and listen to what you're talking about so they leave the speaker of the phone on walk out of the room pick up another phone and then listen into the conversation of you negotiating the price scumbags i tell you and if you have a younger salesman you basically have to watch out if they have their air pods in because they'll leave one airpod on the desk and then one airpod in their ear and they'll leave their phone somewhere around their desk and then basically listen into your conversation when you and your family are trying to like negotiate the price there is no privacy if you want privacy in a car dealership you step outside this guy attempted to record this girl in the dressing room this is something you should always watch out for the way to remember if a mirror is two-sided when you put your fingernail to it if there's no gap then it's a trap and then there's this guy who has his phone on the outside and he's just like angling it with his feet he thought he was slick and i'm sure this has worked for him before but like next time y'all go into a dressing room like look everywhere check the mirror check the floor check the cracks for any hacks ever wonder how they make the fake frost on display windows yes actually the ones that look like snow so it's just a spray but what kind of spray so it's just glass broth and a can so you spray it and then it makes this really cool ice crystal effect that's all it takes and then you could see them growing in the glass right before your eyes very cool i did not know that this is how you put extremely long hair up into a ponytail it's so silky i could barely manage inches of hair and here we got her with several feet probably even measure this in meters oh at first i thought we were just doing a ponytail and then she puts the whole entire thing up that's crazy this is what happens when lightning strikes a tree [Music] i thought we were gonna watch lightning i wasn't expecting a whole destruction of an ecosystem oh man i'm sure did you know you could do this so this handle in your car is not for when it gets a little too rough when you're driving with your mom and you go 25 and a 20 and she like holds on for dear life basically these little hooks will pull out of it so you can hang up your dry cleaning people still dry clean their clothes i mean if you got a fancy job or you wear suits or whatever i would imagine it's just not me i barely wash mine what's happening look i had a glass of milk and it's shot glass and somehow oh look at this pass fits in this glass look at it look look look look all of it all of it all of it what in the hell what's happening this was crazy at first the first time i watched this i could not wrap my brain around it like there's no way look how quickly he poured out all of that milk into that little shot glass but it's actually one of those like trick glasses that only holds liquid around the rim so the whole inside of the glass is empty that's why it fits you can't hurt me anymore i know these chicks now did you know that in rainbow it's actually watermelon and not cherry did you know that cookie craze is actually vanilla ice cream just dyed blue there's no actual different flavor did you know that peanut butter and jelly is actually raspberry jelly and not grape jelly did you know citrus twister has pineapple lemon and orange all mixed together did you know bubblegum is just actually cotton candy with bubblegum pieces in it and the bubblegum pieces are actually real me and my friend were arguing about this because she loves cotton candy ice cream but does not like bubble gum i'm like it's literally the same exact thing and she's like no the cotton candy hit different one has bubble gum pieces in it and one doesn't but the actual ice cream is still the same just different colors i thought this guy was making food right so he's like mixing all these ingredients up scoops it up and takes a bite i thought it was some orange sorbet he was making dessert at work or something but no he's making a mold of his teeth so basically you bite into this it makes a mold of your teeth and then pour in the next step and then we'll bam here's a copy of my teeth will you marry me nothing says real love like a row of my teeth and that's how they make a perfect mold of your teeth and then they make invisalign out of it oh meow thank you dentist man very cool random things you probably didn't know the use of part one blue side of the eraser is used to erase pencil on heavier paper you can also erase smudges left by the pink eraser the blue side should also be able to erase pen marks or at least smudge them a bit have you ever wondered why there's a 57 on your ketchup bottle if you tap it your ketchup will slide out faster only 11 of people are believed to know this i despise these glass ketchup bottles because you gotta basically like hold it and like karate chop the 57 on the front that's how you get the ketchup out it's a struggle your hand will be sore grooving the top of a tic tac dispenser helps you dispense one tic tack at a time but no one eats one tick tack at a time when you open the tic tac lid it gives you one like here you go blessed be the fruit meanwhile we animals like emptying half the thing like they taste good you already ate like hello six hours like kiki i'm popping pills what you didn't know about the alphabet a b c d e f g h i hi the alphabet has been saying hi this entire time have you never said hi back but here's where it gets crazy just kidding laugh my nose off oh that's a good one family friendly mothers will approve laugh my nose off is that what happened to voldemort he very funny on tiktok i came across a smart notebook and i've never seen anything like this before so this is a notebook it comes with a rag and a special pen and it is a very high-tech notebook i have never seen a high-tech notebook what do you mean it's just paper how you make it high-tech you'll see these symbols at the very bottom for example if i was in school i could put math science history english et cetera and then on the page i can put notes obviously this is math so i'm going to put an x over the symbol there's an app on your phone where you could set a destination for each symbol for example you could send your math notes to your google docs on that same app you can scan this entire page and it will notice you put an x over that symbol and automatically send it to the location of your choice once you scan the page all you have to do is get the rag wet and it will just wipe away because you have that special pen and then you can reuse it while still being able to save all of your notes electronically wow so basically you write in the notebook select where you want it to go and then it will organize all of your notes electronically so you have them on your phone laptop wherever i think this is insanely cool and more people should know about this when your dad is a color chemist so this is his first time watching this and they're putting all the colors in we got yellow blue red white i think it's going to be like a purple i never get these right though brown beige brown beige that's it purple and then they mix it all up no they added yellow to the purple so he's right he's right it has to be brown beige okay wow wow i mean this is literally his job i would hope he sees the colors and instantly recognizes what color he's making but yeah that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope you learned something new if you did make sure to like button and let me know what you learned and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack oh i upload a new video every single day i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,534,147
Rating: 4.9387178 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tik tok, tiktok, tiktok meme, memes, cool things i learned on tik tok
Id: RwnnN103mvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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