Cooking with the Gumbo Champions MasterClass

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There's a community near the marshes of South  Louisiana called New Iberia. It's a place where   live oaks vow to touch the earth, where blue  collar, white collar, science and art live   together. A place marked by the presence of  the serene Bayou Teche. A place where making   the best of living off the land and gulf waters  transforms to stories of perseverance, resiliency   and unique flavors. It's gumbo, it's a network of  home gardeners, small farmers and local fishermen.   It's gumbo, it's what we do best. More than  food, it's community, friendships old and new.   It's a long history of assimilating  culture served up with a smile. Join us for   gumbo!   Hi, I'm Kernis Louviere, 10 times World Champion  Gumbo Cook and the recipient of the Jimmy Picard   Award. It was the first annual award that  I achieved and I'm gonna do a chicken and   sausage gumbo for you like a champion. Okay,  we're gonna go ahead and start our gumbo and   I'm just gonna let you know, my roux, this  is the way I do my roux. And, like I said,   everybody has their own method. My method is I  use one cup of oil to a cup and a half of flour,   and the reason for that is I like the consistency  of a roux like a peanut butter, and the reason I   do that is as it it's going to be thick when we  start, but as it cooks it starts to thin out.   I find it's just a better process for the finish,  so I'm going to do that and I'm going to add the   flour. And the way we're going to do it today,  we're gonna do a four stage, we're gonna do a four   stage roux, and by that I mean we're gonna start  on a high fire and we're gonna stir constantly.   And every time that roux changes colors, I'm gonna  lower the fire. You know, when we do the gumbo,   we like to use, we love our black pots. Our  black pots are cured and they're seasoned. They   call it seasoned, which has got the color to it.  And what you really want for your pot for a roux,   you want your inside to be very very smooth. What  happens is if you have the pores from a new pot,   the flour and the oil stick into the  pores, and that's how your rouxs get burnt.   If you burn that roux, throw that away. Don't  ever let anybody make you believe that if you   burn that roux, it's gonna be okay. It's not gonna  be okay. In fact, when we do the gumbo cook-off   in New Iberia, that's where we put our noses up in  the air and see who's going to burn the first one.   And you know anytime you go to a cookoff,  always have extra flour and extra oil,   always. And we just and I like to constantly  stir, and if I have an opportunity I'll have   a rum and coke or two while I'm stirring. And  we're going to stir it around, and we're going   to lower that fire to about three quarters of  the way. It's on high right now. We're going   gonna lower it to three quarters. It's going to  turn that color again. We'll lower it to half,   and then once we get to the fourth stage we'll be  on a low fire. You want it about right there. And   that's why they put a knob on the stove.  They have high, medium, low and super low some people like a really dark  roux the only thing you have to   be concerned about with a very dark roux is that  your gumbo is not going to be a thick gumbo it's   gonna be a thin gumbo because you've broken  down that flower so much and it's gonna make   a nice dark and it's gonna have a real dark  rich flavor but it's not gonna be thick now i'm at stage three of my color and i've  lowered my fire and it's on about a medium to   low fire we started out full and now we've reduced  it and we're at stage three as i like to call it so what you can do is if you're  really not sure about your ratio   you pull some of that roux out and you  can add it you can add it as you cook   it you can't take it out once you put  your vegetables and your stock in there and we're going to turn it off  this is where the magic happens   now hi stranger i'm gerald falk from a  board member with the chamber of commerce   long time cook-off supporter volunteer and head  of the security team you found yourself here   in bulandi plaza home and heart of  the world championship gumbo cook-off   you know everything happens here in the plaza  in fact if i were to sniff a couple of times   i can smell the gumbo now you'll look down  we have all of our misen plots done we   do my method is three two one for vegetables  that means in this particular i'm gonna use   three cups of chopped onions i'm gonna use two  cups of vegetables and when i say vegetables i   mean bell pepper and bell pepper or the red  yellow and orange and i use poblano versus   bell pepper i don't like the bitterness of the  bell pepper personally so my method uses the   poblano and then we're gonna finish with  one cup of celery so it's a three two one   so we're at the stage now where we have the  vegetables in okay and what the vegetables   are doing they're stopping the roux from cooking  what we're going to do is get the onions and all   the vegetables to translucent just clear we don't  want to cook them down all the way we just want   to make sure that we've imparted some of the  flavor from those vegetables into that roots and as these vegetables cook not one time  have you heard me say anything about garlic   garlic does not belong in a gumbo garlic  belongs in a stew you find a recipe it   shows you me some garlic and i'm gonna tell  you it's not a cajun that wrote that recipe and i'm gonna raise the fire because i'm about  to add that stock to this thing because this   right where i need for it to be my vegetable if you're gonna this roux is hot my stock is  cold if you add hot to hot there's a possibility   that this stuff will break apart on you and you  never and you can never you can never go back   with it so just keep that in mind when you're  doing it that you always want to make sure   if your roux is hot the stock is cold or  your broth if you're if you're using your   broth or your stock and it's hot you're going  to add the root to it you add cold roux to it and about five minutes from now it's going  to start boiling like you're about to see on   the edges it's about and it's going to foam  and what most people don't realize you want   you want that gumbo to foam because what you're  doing is you're breaking down the flour in the   root whatever part of that flour is not totally  finished cooking it's going gonna once it foams   it's breaking down that flour to finish that's  what gives that gumbo a velvety touch to it into   the mouth and you can see right now it's  bubbling and it's breaking down that flour   and it looks thick but you have to remember  as you add your ingredients like your proteins   your meats your sausage your chicken all  of those pieces of meat they have liquid   and that liquid is going to break down okay  and it's going to thin out that gumbo for you   so you don't have to worry if it's a little  thick by the time you're done it's going to   it's going to thin out the right the perfect  consistency that you're looking for for a gumball   you can add filet and i like filet and  there's two different kinds of filets   you know and they're both made with sassafras you  have the if you can find the people who grow the   sassafras tree and make the filet for you you're  going to see that that filet is a dark green   and it's a super super thickener versus the filet  that you find in the bottles those are are brown   that's a commercial i call it that a commercial  feeling but if you can get your hands on the filet   that the people in up around units in that  area they do have a lot of bottom land with the   sassafras trees like to grow in in moisture they  like low bottoms and stuff and it's a three three   leafs and they're all different shapes on  a sassafras tree that's the distinguishing   marks of a sassafras but back to the thickening  part you use very little of the the homemade   filet is what i call it very green and it thickens  your your gumbo or whatever you're going to put   in very quickly the filets that you've that are  commercial take a while they're going to thicken   but you have to be very careful because what  happens it doesn't look like it's working   and then all of a sudden it gets thick  on you you know so you have to like i   said the homemade filets are instant they're  gonna thicken that gumbo really really quick that thing smells pretty good you see we talked  about the foam earlier you can see it's starting   to foam right here all along those edges and we're  doing breaking down that flower for us and that's   what i want it to do whenever i'm going to add  the meats into it i want it i want this thing just   bubbling without any kind of foam whatsoever and a  lot of times once you add your meat and stuff and   you see foam once you add your protein if you  see foam start skimming because that's grease   i'm gonna give you a little secret about this  stuff too we do this to let for the thickness   you're looking for coat the back of that spoon  that's what you're looking for for the thickness   when i made my broth we took the heart  the liver and the gizzards and we   put that in the in to make the broth but we're  going to put that in the gumbo because every   chicken has all three of those parts in them why  throw it away so we're gonna add that to our gumbo   that foam is blown away so i know my flower  has broken down and it's where it needs to be   and i'm going to add the  rest of my stock to it now   and like i said i used i cooked  it so i'm going to use it   you know and and as you're cooking your  vegetables your vegetables break down   you'll notice your vegetables and in some  instances we'll add some chopped sweet onion   about 45 minutes before we'll add that onion  just to give it so you can have a little bit   crunch from the onion because you cook it  down and everything just kind of goes away   we're gonna add a little bit boneless skinless  chicken breast and it's already seasoned that's   why you haven't seen me with salt pepper or  anything at this stage of the game because my   meats are marinated and they have flavors in them  so we're going to try to impart those flavors out   of that chicken before we start adding any kind of  seasoning whatsoever to it so we're going to let   in the in this raw so we're going to it's going to  take a while to cook for that you know and i say   a while it takes 10-15 minutes for that chicken  to be cooked and we're going to start adding our   other proteins to it which is a smoked sausage  and we can talk about you know the different   varieties of the smoked sausages and stuff that  they're up there everybody out there has a smoked   sausage that they prefer we try to buy local we  have a local butcher legnan's boucherie who we   like to patronize for the grumble cook off he does  a really good job with his smoked sausages and it   just has a very unique flavor i think as far as  seasoning goes you can over complicate a gumbo   salt a little bit black pepper and i like chinese  red pepper okay those are my three the only other   thing i and i will stop at a certain point with  black pepper and i'm going to switch over to   white pepper and i'm going to tell you the reason  that i find why white pepper works better white   pepper is already it's a powder so once you  put it into your food whatever intensity of   of spice that that pepper gives off white pepper  is going to give it to you instantly black pepper   black pepper has to break down okay and you might  put it and you put it and you think it looks like   you don't have enough and you do because as it  starts to break down and melt it starts to get   spicy and before you know it it's too late it's  really really spicy with black pepper people will   handle the red pepper the black pepper is very  offensive to them so that's why i'll use i like   white pepper because i can taste it and get  what i'm looking for and stop at that point now we're going to add the smokes out there  we talked about it a little bit earlier   and you can see where we cubed it okay  and what we did we put it in the saute pan   get most of the grease out of it that  way i'm not fighting grease in my gumbo   and it's bite-sized pieces for all the  trollers so everybody get some sausage and listen and people do potato salad and they  use those potatoes from the crawfish boil no   yeah they'll take the potatoes that's left  and make a potato salad with that number   why because it tastes nothing but crab water   for gumbo is just potato salad with eggs and  and not a whole lot of stuff in it and then   you put it right in that gumbo you don't need  the rice you know but i don't know and it's and   i think it's just here it's just low kind of  local southwest louisiana kind of thing that   where we do the potato salad in the gumbo because  i went to south carolina and they did a gumbo   with potato salad john fose and told people  he said you put your potato salad in the gumbo   you know and they they're like oh my god it  was like like evangeline made sliced bread too and what i do is like and you look at these  chicken thighs and what i do to these chicken   thighs is i partially bake them i just want to get  enough of the grease out of it but when you flip   this thing over this is where all the fat a lot  of the fat in that chicken thigh is in these areas   here so what i'll do is i'll scrape i'll scrape  the skin on the back side get that fat off of it   and on this side right here on this edge  of a chicken thigh you have that fat   on every chicken thigh and  i will take that fat out of   every one i will pull that fat off every  time scrape it off of there and then i wrap   i wrap the chicken breast when i bake them all the  chicken breasts look like this when they come out   of the oven or even the smoke or whatever i'm  doing what it does it protects that meat on the   bottom okay if you pull that skin off on this  thing this bottom is all exposed and it gets   way way overcooked so you may try to make it cover  as much of that bottom as you can when you bake it and what we're doing with these chicken thighs is  they're pre-seasoned and they're partially baked   and what we're doing is adding  another layer of flavor into that   into that gumbo with that chicken thigh because  like i said it's not fully cooked but we're gonna   get it in there and all that liquid is gonna  come out and make it taste really yummy and   i don't know if you guys thought i was gonna  throw this away but look at here there he goes at this stage of the game we're gonna  add a little bit parsley fresh parsley   if you can get fresh as much fresh as you can if you add it too late you never really  cook out all the flavor of that parsley coming along y'all i'm gonna add some green onion fresh green onions  out of my garden that mindy just went cut and i   like to i like to use the scissors some people use  the knives and they're not good with the knife so this is what we use to make the broth this is the  chicken we only put it in there until a certain   point we didn't want to cook the chicken until it  falls apart we want to get some of the flavor out   of the bones from the chicken so we just use  a whole chicken drop it in there boil it for   about 35 40 minutes and take that chicken out and  then finish cooking finish cooking the broth with   the chicken and this is going to go back in the  gumbo and it only has to cook for about 25 or 30   minutes for it to be done so we're gonna add all  the eight pieces of the chicken to the gumbo now   you have the breast and the smoke sausage you  have the chicken thighs you have the gizzles the   livers and the hearts and then you have the  whole chicken that we just dropped in there and now at this point of the game this is magic and now if you look at this you'll notice  that this gumbo is almost done during all the   defatting processes that we go through skinning  and pulling fat off of stuff and cooking it down   and extracting the grease from everything  you can see our gumbo has zero grease to it this is a winner this is one  of them winter gumbo's this is   got some body to it that's the kind of  stuff when it's cold it's stick to your ribs we're gonna serve that one in  world championship gumbo cups so here's our finished product our gumbo  is done and what we're going to do is now   is we're going to go ahead and in a couple  of seconds we're going to stir it around   a little bit and we're going to plate it up and  everybody's going to sit down and enjoy some gumbo voila all right so here's the finished product i want  to thank everybody who cooked with me today and   hopefully i gave enough tips and little pointers  that will help improve some of your gumbo games so   with this being said this is our finished product  and we're fixing to sit down and need some gumbo check this out if you want to try some of this  you'll see us in october come and get something a sorry good afternoon i'm walter voris i'm  head cooked for uncle's barbecue sauce   here in new iberia louisiana i'm also on  the chambers board for the gumbo cook-off   i'd like to welcome all y'all here today we're  going to try to cook a melange gumbo for you   and uh melange gumbo if you're not familiar  with that according to our rules would be   any gumbo that is not chicken and sausage or  traditional seafood today we're going to be doing   a shrimp and okra gumbo some people would term  it as as a seafood gumbo but the main component   in our gumbo is going to be the okra so that's  what's going to make it a little bit different   than a traditional seafood gumbo so today  we'll have shrimp and okra gumbo i've been   with the gumbo cook-off from its inception over  31 years now uh i oversee the judging process   i have not cooked in the com in the cook-off for a  few years now but i do oversee the judging process   hi i'm alex patsy with uncle's barbecue sauce  and the first thing we do to make great gumbo   is we make a roux now it's quite obvious to a  lot of people how difficult a roux is and of   course it's not so what a roux simply is is flour  that's browned in oil that's it so what we do to   expedite it so it doesn't take forever is we get  the oil very hot we whisk in a little bit of flour   looking for the color of what we want the root  to end up looking like once we obtain that color   then we add some more flour and  we continue to repeat the process   until the thickness that we desire has been  achieved and when that happens your rule is done so one of the things about the the cook-off  uh is the time restraints that we have you   know when you consider that most rules are  going to take about an hour put together   chef alex has a unique process where he cooks  that ruined you know 10-15 minutes most of us   are taking an hour to an hour and 13 15 minutes to  cook that roux and so the first hour is that for   sure is involved in cooking room and sauteing  vegetables and getting the stock up to temps it's hard to believe so the concept is you want to stop the cooking  process if you left it in the skillet it would   continue to cook so if you reach the color you're  looking for put it in a separate pan and let   it cool down laissez le roulette chef started  i'd like to tell you the components that we're   going to be putting in today's gumbo starting of  course with garlic uh we're going to use about   a pound of garlic the gumbo that we're going  to make is going to be about a 5 gallon gumbo   we'll have about 25 pounds of shrimp we'll  have 15 pounds of okra and then we'll have   uh two and a half pounds of celery two and  a half pounds of red and yellow bell pepper   uh and i think that's it we're going to  be adding a tomato component to this gumbo   so we'll be using some tomato paste  and we'll be using rotel tomato   at this point i'd like to go ahead and start  we have a pound of butter in the pot melted we're going to go ahead and start with the  garlic first today's gonna be we're gonna   have a right at a pound of garlic  that we're gonna saute into this   i like to cook in my hard vegetables uh before the  onions so we'll go ahead and we'll add our celery the sauteing process will take about 20-25 minutes that's our onion going into the pot over the years we've seen quite a few different  types of gumbos being made at the cook-off   we've seen things that really blew my mind people  putting beef in gumbos of course the melange   gumbo's with having just about anything imaginable  from wildlife to alligator to guinea to turkey   and it's an interesting category  the uh the cook-off has been   one of one of my pride and joys i've had a lot of  camaraderie and made a lot of good friends over   the years you can imagine after 31 years and  having a multitude of 75 to 95 teams at a time   there's quite a few characters that come out on  the plaza for this event and uh that's that's   the thing that makes it in my mind is the people  you know this is this has been a a wonderful event   for the chamber but a even better event for the  community and for new iberia and iberia parish   it's just amazing to see the little mom and  pops that come we started a youth gumbo my   friend curtis luviere he started a youth gumbo  and i think we have about eight to ten teams that   compete in that event that's been going on for  four or five years now and it's turned out to be   a nice little event to start bringing in younger  people to evolve into the into the cook-off welcome to iberia parish which is located  on the bayou test national paddle trail   it's the home of tabasco unique island adventures museums and   plantations and even a 100 year  old rice mill that you can tour with so much to see and do we  invite you to visit   to plan your trip today see you soon okay so i'm gonna go ahead the onions and the  garlic and the and the celery has started to   wilt i'm going to go ahead and add in our red and  yellow bell pepper and we have green bell pepper and that'll be the combination  of all the vegetables   that's going into the pot we'll get that  cooked in and then we'll add our roux in we've got our vegetable sauteed pretty good i'm   going to go ahead and start  adding in the tomato paste we'll get that incorporated real  good and then we'll put our hotel in over the years you know in the beginning  it was just pretty much local teams that   would come in for the cook-off and we've  seen teams come as far as japan california   we have teams from mississippi texas uh i think  we might even had a group from memphis at one time   and uh new york city so it's uh it's gaining some  some worldwide recognition if not worldwide for   sure some u.s wide recognition and uh it's always  nice and interesting to see these other teams   come in because they always bring another kind of  element in uh the one thing that that i've noticed   about the the guest teams that come in is how much  they like the cajun people how much they like the   culture in iberia parish and new iberia the fun  that they have and the people that they meet   this is a very very colorful gumbo we've got  reds and yellows and greens and whites and   and some brown it is a it's  a gorgeous start for a gumbo uh in a few minutes we're going  to go ahead and incorporate our   seafood stock and then our roux  you ready for that now okay so we have about two and a half gallons of  stock here we're gonna go ahead and incorporate   and i don't think i'm gonna put quite all of it  yeah the seafood stocks can sometimes be a little   bit potent so we're gonna back off on instead of  using the whole amount we'll water that down a   little bit okay so the stocks the seafood stocks  uh it's kind of interesting some people prefer   using shrimp some people prefer using crab some  people use the combination one thing for sure   about seafood stock is it's a delicate stock and  and so it's really important to not boil it hard   we like to you know myself i like to put a  mirepoix which is a combination of different   elements we put carrots garlic onion we put lemon  and whole black peppercorns and we'll we'll tie   that up in a cheesecloth and we'll drop that in so  that we get those flavors into that stock as well   but we don't boil sea chicken we don't boil  the seafood stock for very long and we don't   try not to boil it at all actually try to get  it just to where it's in the 8 185 to 200 range   and uh it only takes probably about an hour  to put that together we basically will uh   remove uh any of the gills from the crabs so  that we don't have that bitterness in there and   and use the crab shell caps and any fat or  anything that might be left over from picking   in the shrimp we'll use the heads more so than the  bodies and if we if we do use fresh shrimp heads   we start a process where we sweat those heads  and a little bit of butter in the bottom of   the pot before we add that water and that  fat's going to cook and it'll turn that nice   orange reddish color that we like to  have for the color in the in the stock   so the seafood stock is a very important component  sometimes you don't have you know depending on the   weather and elements and stuff in hurricanes  sometimes we don't have those so we'll use uh   seafood bases the one thing that that we like  to do is we check the sodium count make sure   that we don't have a high concentration of salts  in those bases and we'll go ahead and make our   stock like that as well and it gives pretty good  flavor it's not mandatory but i can tell you it's   hard to beat fresh shrimp heads that are that are  sweated and the fat cooked like that for the gumbo   today's stock was made primarily with  crab shells is what we had available   uh with a hurricane two hurricanes blowing  through here in the last couple of weeks   it put an interference in in the  amount of shrimp that were available   so we made with what we had on hand i think i'm  gonna go ahead and add another gallon of water so in the roux you know i like a i like a  light rule with my uh okra gumbo so that i   can see the the beautiful green color of the  okra i don't want to wash that out and uh in this gumbo 5 gallon gumbo we're  going to use right at a quart of room okay we're gonna go ahead and  bring that into the gumbo now so like chef alex was talking about earlier   aru is uh just two elements you know it's oil  and it's flour so we love cooking with oil in   south louisiana we love fat we love oil but we  like to cook with it we don't like to eat it   so at some point if there's if there is oil  that develops on this gumbo we're going to go   ahead and pull that off but usually there's  not much oil to come off of an okra gumbo   we're going to try to cook this hard for about 35  to 40 minutes and that way we can get the oil to   separate from the toasted flour and we'll get the  thickening consistency that we need from the flour there in dalcombe at least mushy's mother uh they  they would take those pre-cooked potatoes and they   would mash them a little bit so that you didn't  have great big chunks and uh you know the trick   with a good potato salad in my opinion is i don't  know that i want my potato salad to be al dante   you know where it's got that that firm texture  to it i like for it to just sort of break when   i bite into it and so the potato salad their  family had was kind of like that you know   and they'd have a little bit of onion and they'd  have a little bit of celery but if you had that   little bit of onion that little bit of celery you  better chop it really fine okay because what they   didn't want to have was great big pieces of  that coming in there they wanted to be potato   salad so they wanted the other stuff to be less  noticeable in the potato salad myself personally   if i'm going to do a potato salad i like to take  my egg yolks and blend them a bit with a little   bit of olive oil and mayonnaise to make mine i  personally like sweet relish and i'll use a relish   i've eaten it both ways i prefer my potato salad  on the side but depending on the gumbo that you   have in the thickness of the gumbo if it's just  gonna fall to the bottom of the gumbo in the   broth i don't care for that too much but if you  have in the wintertime when it's real cold and   you have a thick pasty gumbo i can i can do that  on the bowl a little bit i like that so this is   fresh okra that was cut last week and about some  good friends of mine some some people from uh   baldwin that we do a lot of bartering i cook  for them and they they bring me fresh vegetables so today we're going to put 13 between 13 and  15 pounds of cut okra and we'll start cooking   that down some people like to saute their  their oprah down because of the slime and   my reality is is that the slime is a good element  but if you cook it long enough you're going to get   it out of there anyway so now we have a a full pot  uh we used about four four gallons of liquid but   we're going to end up with the with the components  that we have in here we're gonna end up with   almost seven gallons of product so shrimp gives  off a lot of liquid we personally if we're doing   a seafood gumbo normally we would pink our shrimp  and when i say pink the shrimp we'd go ahead we'd   put that in a pot with a little bit of butter and  we'd season it only with salt and cayenne pepper   and we just get it to where it it has that  color where it's not opaque anymore where you   know the shrimp are cooked they're not cooked  100 they still have a bit of moisture in them   but about 50 percent of the liquid goes out of  the shrimp when you pick it when you pink it   then you can add that into it without  disturbing the balance of your roux very much   we've got everything incorporated into  this gumbo that we need incorporated   minus the shrimp and the seasoning the okra needs  to cook for at least another hour hour and a half   and then the shrimp another 20 minutes and about  20 minutes to season so at this point we'd like   to leave this pot cooking and we're gonna bring  you to what we call a chef's pot which is a much   smaller there's about a two gallon gumbo that we  did and we cooked this up earlier in the day and   it is seasoned and finished to go and i'm ready  to put the shrimp in now so i'm gonna go ahead   and drop these shrimp in i've got this the uh the  base boiling good and hot i'm gonna go ahead and   incorporate the shrimp that we have today we're  gonna use a deveined and peeled 70-90 count shrimp   and we'll go ahead and drop these in at this  point we'll have right at six pounds of shrimp   going into this gumbo here so i'll go  ahead and get these out drop that in   now this gumbo has been seasoned already  and um yesterday we finished this with   the tabasco habanero hot sauce  which is my favorite hot sauce   i'm just in love with the flavor of habanero  peppers so tabasco has a wonderful habanero   hot sauce and we like to use that when  we're cooking our gumbo at the cook-off   up top here we've got their traditional  this is their flagship sauce right here   i don't have any habanero because i  used it all in the gumbo yesterday   you know when you when your temp of  your broth is in the 200 degree range   uh 10 to 15 minutes is all you need to actually  cook that shrimp some people cook it longer i   find the longer you cook it the more water comes  out of it the more the meat tightens up i like for   it to be kind of soft and tender so i'm going to  try not to cook all the moisture out of the shrimp   but we have a real nice color today um we've  got uh that that blonde roux has got us right   where we need to be we still have some sizeable  chunks of okra in there uh the okra is the main   thickening component we use some roux but the  okra is the element that thickened this gumbo   okay my name is ross freeman this is my wife  tony we own and operate freeman's food in   front of you here in your iberia a supermarket  and furniture store all in the same location   each year we cook uh rice for contestants that  the gum will cook off normally we cook about   12 to 1500 pounds of rice just  depending on how many people   are participating uh we ask everybody in this  area whenever you come to new york you got to   come to freeman's you come here and you'll see a  lot of things that you won't see in other stores   that we do uh each year we uh we we make sure that  we tell all our friends everywhere the week to   come to new iberia is during combo cook-off it's  a blast it's a lot of fun and a lot of excitement today we'll serve this gumbo on jasmine rice uh this is going to consummate  our gumbo cooking now i'm going to   invite our guests to sit down and have a bowl of  this delicious gumbo that we cooked today i hope   you all enjoyed our little segment we want you all  to come out next year and join us at the cook-off hello everyone my name is chef roman  landry for cypress valley casino   today i'll be making some seafood gumbo for  everyone we'll be having like crab meat shrimp   lump crab meat we can go over and i can show  you the beginning of the gumbo right now i have uh some uh shrimp stock and craft stock  going on right now and i already dissolved my roux   that's right here in the pot with a little bit of  dried shrimp and shrimp powder already in the spot   this is the main thing for the gumbo is the roux  basically a roux is a one part flower for one part   uh all and you want to uh cook it until it gets to  like a reddish brown color for seafood if you want   it darker that'll be more like for a wild game or  chicken and sausage gumbo but basically that's the   type i want to go with like a reddish brown color  for a seafood gumbo you don't want to go too dark   the darker it is the the more intense it's going  to be and basically this is this how the gumbo the   color will come out to look right here yeah for  the stock we you can do a shrimp stock we take you   know like if you peel the shrimp just keep the  heads in the shells and basically you're gonna   cover the shells with enough water and you add a  little salt in it but i add onions bell pepper and   carrots to the stock to give it flavor just  like with a crab you want to cut the crabs in   half and break them up and let them you know cook  in that that stock to give them you want to cook   it at least for a good 30 40 minutes to get a nice  flavor from it then you're gonna strain it through   a column that'll get just get all your uh just the  broth from it you don't want no shells or anything   in it for this gumbo i end up with uh at least  a gallon of uh crab and a gallon of shrimp and   it's gonna come out to almost three gallons of  gumbo because i put one gallon of water in it too   to balance it off and once you get that started  you're gonna start all that together your stock   and your water with all your you know your onions  your bell pepper and your celery to the gumbo and   your garlic uh bring that to a ball once they come  up to a bar then you add your your magic right   here your gum your root we make this from scratch  there's no store bought anything but if you want   to go store bought you can go out there and buy  it they have different kind of companies that have   the the rue already they got the light they have  the dark they have the one that's just you know uh   made with flour just a potted one if you want  to go that route and basically like i said we   we all get all our seafood from louisiana we  we don't get nothing from overseas or not like   this this is from louisiana our uh 60 70 count  shrimp our claw crab meat and lump crab meat and   basically this is this is some uh  good stuff right here that gives   gumbo a good flavor here's your your  dry shrimp and your shrimp powder   and a few of the seasonings right what i have is  some black pepper onion powder granulated garlic   cayenne pepper and gumbo filet and we have a  little creole seasoning right here and some   salt and i add my onions my bell pepper celery  and garlic in there basically right now is the   rooting dissolve and then trying to bring it up  to a ball for it can be you know get the roux   flavor out you want it to cook for uh at least to  get your onions started for at least 20 minutes   then after they get your roux wants to come to a  ball so it can dissolve you know you don't want   to have no lumps from the uh ruin there you want  everything to be smooth no greasy gun i i don't   like a greasy gumbo you know uh basically you  want to skim all the if you have making your   roux from scratch let it cool skim the grease from  off of it where you can have a nice clean gumbo i welcome people to iberia parish barrie  parish have a lot to offer we have many   places that people can visit such as the  conrico company here where i'm at the   conrico company which is a company that have  been existing for years and years and years   who have great state parks that people should come  to visit not very paris such as lake faucet point   sipamo point these are a couple that we have in  liberia paris that people should come to visit   jefferson island tabasco avery alvin the more  you learn about iberia paris the more i think   you're going to want to visit our berry parish  we have great culture we have great food we   have great people noah very has lots to offer you  know we have a downtown museum the bayites museum   we have a national award-winning historic district  and it is a national registered district so we   have tons of architecture tons of old buildings  to come and explore if that's what you like   we have the historic bayou test it's 290  miles of our history running right through   the middle of our community so bayutesh is  a great asset we have walking tours looking   to do something come to liberia spend a  couple of days with us it's well worth it   what i'm gonna be adding is  some of the uh creole seasoning a little black pepper a little gumbo fillet and uh some cayenne pepper and onion powder and garlic powder you want those ingredients to cook and then  i'm adding a little bit parsley parsley helps   to filter the root flavor to get the bitterness  from it and i had a little green onions in it too   all of the dry seasoning therefore you want to  put at least half of it to start it off to give it   flavor then you can always go back and adjust your  seasoning to the taste how you want it you know   but uh you don't want it too spicy everybody  thinks louisiana is spicy but we down here   with flavor we love flavor out here and uh just  the basic this is the creole season which have   everything in there but you can always use that  but you always want to add extra stuff to it   that's that's the way i was brought up with my  uh my grand grandparents and my mom them they   they showed me when i was young how to uh  cook uh basically my my great-grandmother   i learned from them and my my grandmother and  my mom and my aunt uh you have some special ants   that's out there that's you know rest they sold  right now but they they showed us a whole lot   and uh i keep that to heart now i'm gonna add the  uh shrimp in it there's some uh 60 70 count shrimp   and this right here that's like a pound  and a half of shrimp to once it gets to   a pinkish color then i'll i'll add the crab  meat and let it simmer for another 10 minutes i'm gonna start adding some  of the crab meat right now this is the claw crab meat  say a pound of claw crab meat and a pound of lump crab meat this this part right here will feed at least i  want to say 10 to 12 people depending upon what   size bowl you're serving because we love to eat  in louisiana you know we like the big quantities i'm freddie de court married the city of new  iberia home of the world famous gumbo cook-off   it's not happening this year  i'm kind of bummed but it'll   be back it's coming back next year in  october bigger and better than ever   and while you're in new iberia please  don't forget about shadows on the test   enrico our award-winning downtown and our  historic district we've got so much to offer   please come visit and get ready for next october  gumbo cookoff will be here bigger than ever y'all can see how it's then  married together and how it   the simmer once that simmers a little for about  10 minutes you can go ahead and put it in a bowl   and serve it with some hot rice and garnish  with a little parchment green onions   and for a side you can go ahead with  some potato salad of your choice you   know or you can do a baked sweet potato with  it that'll uh go great with the with the gumbo   that's how we do it in louisiana and uh louisiana  style i can't wait to let the family taste it or   you know good friends that come by the house when  i see the face light up that that brings joy to me you have to show your love when you're  cooking you don't want to uh just play   around in the kitchen if you if you don't love  what you do you don't need to be in the kitchen yeah i have a few other secrets that's in this  gumbo but uh i can't tell you this y'all not   ready for this y'all some beginners this is some  uh professional stuff right there that's going   on this would brought me back right here this  professional uh jumbo cookoff trophy right here   on the 29th of uh this anniversary we had last  year and uh i have some good uh co-workers with me   well we don't call co-workers we call them family  and uh like i said uh this way we do vlog in uh   southwest louisiana with the with the  perfect roux we have right here and an uh   nice stock you want to have a good  stock to start off this gumbo and uh   good seasoning and you're good seafood right here   all right i'd like to see y'all next year at  the world championship gumbo cook-off in liberia   louisiana it'll be in october like the second  week of october and i love to see y'all there i'm wendell burrett i'm with louisiana direct  seafood and we're here for the seafood portion   of our movie and our special chef guest  our chef john reason and chef david hewland   they're going to be featuring our products of   vermilion-based sweet shrimp and vermilion-based  sweet arches which you can find on we also have miss  kim clay who's going to be taste testing for   us today so she's got the best roll of all so  thank you for joining us and we hope you enjoy   how you doing today folks i'm chef dave with  cajun 180 and i have with me today chef john   reason from baton rouge louisiana and today  we're going to showcase a couple of items from   louisiana today  we have vermilion sweet bay oysters we're going   to do some oyster shooters that is a bloody mary  oyster shooter and then we're going to have royal   oysters on the half shell featuring the cajun  180 ultimate seafood probe oil so we're going   to get started today we've already mixed uh in our  container here we've mixed with a bloody mary uh   home-based bloody mary mix we've got a little  cucumber vodka in here and a little bit of uh   hot sauce some worcestershire sauce a little black  pepper a little lemon juice and so we of course   we already started with our oysters on them that  are de-eyed we're going to pour this right in here   and get started now these glasses are rimmed  with the cajun 180 premium cocktail rimmer real simple real easy this is great for a  cocktail party this is great for a backyard   barbecue party anything you would like to  get started perfect way to start your day   all right so now we've got the oyster shooters  here again we have the raw issues on the have   shell all we simply did was we put a little  worcestershire sauce on that and then we dusted   the top of those oysters with the ultimate pro  seafood boil and so all we did was what dusted   the top of those sprinkled a little lemon juice  on them and they're ready to go cheers you guys mmm lovely lovely that is fantastic and then  you taste the sweetness of that oyster in there   all those flavors melt together and blend  just well oh yeah perfect million-based   voices perfect for this dish right  wonder would you like to for taking the   royal oyster there on the half  shell tell us what you think how's that wakes up those flavors huh tastes  good such a mild flavor you can still taste   the sweetness of that vermilion sweet bay  oyster it's fantastic folks you can't go   wrong with buying these oysters these are these  are harvested right out of grand isle louisiana   perfect louisiana seafood for you get it fresh  right direct to your doorstep and now we move   right on to the next dish chef john reason will  feature a shrimp toast let's move right on into it hey everybody chef john we're gonna go  ahead and get into our shrimp toast recipe   and the first process we're going  to do is bring it over to the   food processor and we're going to actually  bring it down and break it down to a paste   that way it'll actually form and adhere to the  bread so when we go to fry it it'll actually   stay on the bread instead of falling off all  right so we'll go ahead and put our shrimp in   and normally you want at least a pound to  two pounds of shrimp don't want to go over and then we're going to go  with our sauce and this is a a red curry paste or red curry sauce and the  way that is it's got more lemon grass and   aromatics in it so it actually brings more  flavor to the shrimp and this is our garlic and just a little of the cajun 180 then  we're going to go ahead and bring that   to a paste or bring it down to the face form  we're going to pulse it just to get it started   and then we'll go down and you want to get it to where it just rolls a  little bit and that's when you know it's done then   that's how your pace is going to look i like  transferring to a different bowl instead of   staying in my processor that way i don't have  to worry about the blades or anything like that   and if you have too much or you overdo it  then you can actually freeze it for later so and as you can see it's a really good paste it's got good color to it you can actually  smell it too and you can smell the the seasonings and the blends and what we'll do  is we'll lather it so you want to put a good bit   on your bread you want to mound it up but you also  want to make sure you seal in your edges so when   you push it push down on your edges just a little  bit and that way that will actually seal and close   to where when you're frying you don't have a lot  of grease going underneath and pushing it out so you don't have to be stingy with it so now that we got our sesame seeds all on we'll go ahead and cut a little corner make  it some triangles cut it at the bias you can   go corner to corner or you can cut it in  strips however you want i like to do it   in little wedges or a little paper football  so to say that's what my son calls them   okay so now we're ready to fry so we have our  oil already pre-done at 350 degrees and that   actually gets it a good toasting and frying of  the bread plus it cooks everything well done   so what you do is we're going to go ahead and drop  it in and you can drop it in face up or paste down   i like to do it to paste down so it'll actually  roll in and you don't want to do more than three   or three at a time on it because you just don't  wanna cool your oil down and then bring it back up these are gonna fry for about two to maybe three  minutes and you just want that good golden brown   and delicious look you can already smell it  to where it's starting to smell really good   i love this shrimp because of the flavor  and it's wild caught here in louisiana   i don't want anything imported  and i know what is in our seafood   i know what is how much care they have especially  when it's it's hand shelled and it's deveined so   they take their pride in the food so as  a chef that's what i want to look for is   what they have makes it to where i can actually do  it and plus with it being a wild seafood it's our   commercial fishermen working not somebody else not  big factory or anything like that it's our people   working and that's what i love supporting  and promoting is our commercial fishermen   and that's why i always thank our commercial  fishermen every time i get something from them all right so these are ready to come out   so we'll go ahead and get them pull them out so we  can get them all dredged and plate it up for you we'll go ahead and do a little  garnish this is some green onion   all right this is our romalod sauce that we made  just do a little drizzle on them get it to where   you get the flavor of the  bromolove with the shrimp shrimp toast louisiana style   and here you go this looks amazing so do i have to  be a professional chef to be able to cook like one   no ma'am you don't uh all you got to do is just  follow the recipes which are our guidelines   and follow the recipe and stick to it and  add the love gotta have to add a little very good thank you very good so the third and final dish is going to be a  red snapper on a half shell we're going to do   some char grilled oysters featuring the the  trinity compound butter and we're going to   do some asparagus tops so let's get prepping  and then we're going to go out to the grill   and we're going to cook this up so what we're  going to get started with is we got some fresh   a fresh filet of red snapper on the half shell  this all came from louisiana direct seafood shop the way i like to get this filet and you can see  how beautiful this is guys this is wild caught   right out of the gulf of mexico here in louisiana  so what i like to do is take this nice big fillet   one of the questions that i get asked all  the time is how do we incorporate the flavor   into the seafood that we have here so  what i like to do is i take a fillet knife   and what i like to do is score  fillet right on down almost   to the to the shell right so we get  some nice deep cuts into our seafood then also featuring the louisiana i'm sorry the  cajun 180 trinity compound butter we have the   recipe for this that you guys have we're going  to take this and what i like to do is take this   compound butter and incorporate it right into  those slats so that way we get that flavor   all the way down deep into the seafood  so we can slather this right on top so the butter is actually going to help this to to  blacken and char on the top it's also going as it   cooks the flavors of this is gonna run right down  into those slots and cook right down to the shell okay real simple real easy  we got the butter on there   now we're gonna take our actual trinity  we got some of this prepped up already so   we're going to take some green and red bell  pepper we'll sprinkle this right on the top make it look nice and pretty on there we have some slotted medallion sliced  onions we'll put that right on top as well we'll take some chopped onions we'll put that  on top as well then we're going to top this off   so that the cajun trinity is nothing more than  the cajun trinity that we just put on top of   this in a powder form now to add the heat on  top of this as we call it we're just going to   sprinkle just a little bit of the location gold  all-purpose cajun seasoning right on top of that   it's that simple we're ready to put this on  our we're going to use some aluminum foil   we'll pick this fillet up we'll  set it right on top of this we'll fold it over and make a seafood  packet as we call it here in louisiana and this my friends is ready to go  to the grill the next thing we'll do   is we'll do the char grilled oysters  so i have here a black iron skillet my shelves and one of the things  that i get asked all the time too   is how do we get the seafood prep so i'm going  to put my my seafood right here down this is a   fresh caught vermilion based sweet oyster this  still has the eye in it so i'm going to diy this   oyster simply going to take my finger i'm going  to fill where the eye is in the in the oyster i'm   just simply going to take a fillet knife and cut  this eye right out of here a lot of folks don't   like the grittiness of the eye and we're going  to bring this right back down to this moisture put it all back together we'll simply  just put that right on our shell   i have another one here that's already died for us it's right on the shell and this is how simple  this is we're going to take some parmesan cheese   we'll sprinkle this right on top then  i have some trinity compound butter   already in its medallion form we're going  to set one or two pieces on top of there then i'm going to go back right  on top with some parmesan cheese it's that simple these are  ready to go to the grill third and final piece to this  dish we'll take another black   iron skillet since we're cooking on the grill fresh asparagus tops we'll just simply put these right  onto the cast iron skillet here again going back to the trinity compound butter  already have them cut in its medallion form   and we'll just put a couple of those right on top   folks it's this easy we've done all the work for  you again you can get this cajun 180 product at it gets shipped  right to your door along with your seafood and there we have it this stuff is ready to go  to the grill amazing simple easy to do dishes   anybody at home can do it we're ready to go  outside and grill let's take it to the grill   all right ladies and gentlemen we're now out  outside of our grill we're gonna use our fresh   wild caught louisiana seafood we're prepared this  now it is ready to go right to the grill so let's   get right to the grilling got our temperatures  up now i'm cooking at about 400 450 degrees we're   gonna take our plated vegetables here we'll stick  them on the top shelf we'll get those ready to go we have our red snapper on the half shell  we'll go ahead and we'll put these on the grill   make sure that that foil stays nice and sealed to  keep all that moisture and retain all the moisture   that comes out of that when that butter starts  to melt it's going to release some steam that's   also going to help to cook your seafood as well  then we're going to take our char grilled oysters   set those right on the grill as well you'll  notice that i have a little bit of aluminum foil   already on the grill that helps me to keep those  juices from dripping down and making the fire   come up and char those oysters  a little bit more than i want all right folks we got all this stuff on  the grill these things are going to cook at   different stages your oysters aren't going to take  very long it'll take about three to five minutes   maybe seven minutes for those to cook the fish  we're gonna wait till the fish is we're gonna   check this periodically we're gonna make sure  that it's nice and flaky once it starts to flake   i'm actually going to pull this off the grill  and allow it to rest and it's going to continue   to cook a little bit after that and it's going  to be so perfect and so moist you'll be able   to taste that louisiana goodness right onto your  tongue and the vegetables of course we're going to   wait till those wilt down that butter is also  going to help to get that nice and and crispy   once it begins to cook at a high temperature  so let's close it up let's start cooking all right ladies and gentlemen we're about 20-25  minutes into our cooking process the oysters are   looking fantastic they're ready to come off the  grill and store our vegetables and this will also   give me a great opportunity now to look at our  fish and make sure that it is starting to flake   and see if it's ready to come off but before  we get to this we have a special message from a   very special guest here in new iberia hello my  name is roy esquire i am the goodwill ambassador   for the world famous gumbo cook-off on the second  weekend of october every year new hamburger is the   best place in the world to be to enjoy the best  gumbo and food in the world i'll be waiting to   shake your hand and help guide you to the best  weekend you will ever experience see you there   so as you can see here i've opened up the fish  it's looking nice and golden brown on the top   you can see here how the butter has caused it  to blacken as we call it here in louisiana and   because i made these slits in it prior as i pull  it back you can see how the fish here is flaky on   the inside this is ready to go this is how we  know that this is done so now let's take this   back inside and let's get it plated all right  ladies and gentlemen we're back inside we're   ready to plate our dish this food just came off  the grill about 15 minutes ago it's a lo i've   been allowed to rest a bit and so that way the  flavors can then marry and become incorporated   so what we're going to do now is  we're going to plate this fish and we'll plate this whole fillet so we'll set that right there these cast  iron skillets are still a little hot   we'll plate this right up here right alongside and then we're going to finish it  off with the grilled asparagus tops   look how beautiful nice char on those you see  the cajun trinity seasoning still on those   and that butter has incorporated all that flavor  miss kim are you hungry and ready to eat fantastic   so we have here prepared for you  red snapper on the half shell   char grilled oysters with asparagus tops and  folks let me remind you you do not have to be   a professional chef to cook like one let me tell  you the difference the difference is a trained   chef is educated in presentation but here in cajun  country my grandmother and grandfather were not   trained chefs but i guarantee you they can cook  a delicious savory dish just as well as i hear   i did here and if i blindfolded you and put these  dishes side by side you wouldn't be able to tell   the difference whether grandmother and grandfather  cooked it or whether a trained professional chef   cookie so you can cook just like this at home just  follow the simple recipes that we provided for   you today and you can enjoy these dishes just as  well as we are here today thank you for watching well welcome to the new iberia gumbo cook-off my  name is jd rigard and i am the chief nut officer   for kane river pecan company located here  in new iberia louisiana where my family has   been in the pecan business since 1969 and today  we're going to be cooking a bourbon pecan pie   and i'm going to make sure that you  know how easy it is to make one of these   southern staple dishes we got the recipe from  our cookbook that was written by my grandfather   called pecans from soup to nuts and we are  broadcasting here in the cane river kitchens   in new iberia louisiana and if you think making  the pie might be a little too difficult for you   you can always go to cane river to  order your own pie we do mail order these pies   and we have a catalog that we send out as well  so if you're at home and you want to learn a   little bit more about pecans and maybe buy some  pecans and have them shipped to you this year   you can do that at cane river pecan dot  com so let's get into it bourbon pecan pie   okay folks the first thing we're going to do  to get the pie started is you have to make a   crust now i know some of you were thinking that  making a crust is intimidating but i'm telling   you that it's not uh it's very very easy we've  got a surefire recipe so i'm going to show you   how to make a crust but just in case you get a  little nervous you can always run down to your   local supermarket and get a crust so we're going  to start with a cup of flour and a stick of butter and we're going to take our hands make sure  you wash them first and we're going to work   the flour and the butter together the butter can  be room temperature it doesn't have to be chilled   just has to be room temperature  so we're going to work this butter   with your hands just like this so once  we work this butter in a little bit   we're going to take just about two  tablespoons of water put it in there   and we're gonna work it by hand this is kind  of the dirtiest part of the whole process you're gonna make a nice ball with your dough so there you go should look just like this very  very simple after you have your ball of dough   you take your black iron skillet if you have one  this is an eight inch black iron skillet so you   take your dough you put it right in the middle  and from there you actually press it out by hand   now this is the part that takes the  longest you just want to work the dough in a circular fashion with your fingers   and what you're doing is you're working the dough  along the bottom of the pan or the skillet rather   and then you're going to slowly work that  dough all the way up the sides of the skillet   just by pressing it in there now this takes  a few minutes you want to take your time   this might be a great time to preheat your  oven so 350. somebody needs to put that oven   on 350 so it's warming up and it's getting  ready to put our pie in in a few minutes   so i'm going to continue to  work this until it looks perfect so when you're done your pie  crust auto look just like this   takes about seven or eight minutes  you can see all the little finger   indentations kind of gives your crust a little  character and that's what it should look like   when it's in your black iron skillet of course  you can use a pie pan a regular pie pan as well   now we're going to make our mixture for  the pie we're going to crack some eggs everyone's got different ways to crack  an egg i just do it the old-fashioned way once you get your eggs beaten these are  three eggs we just beat we're gonna add   some vanilla now let me tell you this is an  important step good vanilla yields a good pie   here at cane river pecan we use a company called  vane v-a-i-n and they're out of st louis missouri   we discovered these folks a couple years ago  they make several different flavors of vanilla   and the one that we're using today is a mexican  vanilla extracted in kentucky bourbon so we really   like to throw a little bourbon in this pie when we  can in two different places and this is one of the   two places so we use two teaspoons of the vanilla  extract and so i like to pour like a bartender   pores you know i don't really have to i sometimes  overflow a little bit because you know it just   makes it good so vain vanilla but you can get  vanilla at your local store it doesn't have to   be this particular one we will be carrying this  soon on our website so you can get it from us   if you wish i'm going to go ahead and add the  bourbon now because i put it in my egg mixture   we use maker's mark bourbon now you don't have to  use this bourbon i've tried this pie with several   different types of bourbon and it all works but  i tend to enjoy this bourbon a little bit more   so we're going to do two  tablespoons of butter a bourbon one two good bourbon after we add the bourbon  and the vanilla to the eggs   we're just going to stir it up a little bit  more get that all in there in the meantime   i've taken another stick of butter  it's our second stick of butter   and we have microwaved it and we are letting  it cool you don't want to pour your hot butter   and mix it with your eggs because it will  begin to cook the eggs so you want to let   that cool a little bit so we put it off  to the side and we're going to let it cool   in the meantime we're going to go ahead  and make our sugar mixture right now   this is a cup of white granulated sugar and in  this bowl we're going to put some cairo syrup   so that's one cup right there and this is time  to add our secret ingredient and this is the   steens molasses this is a little different  than their cane syrup this is the molasses   i put just about a tablespoon of molasses  in my pie i add that to the cairo syrup   so what it does is in my opinion it kind of  evens out the sugar there's a lot of sugar that   goes in pecan pie and it's one of the things  that some people don't like about pecan pie   but if you add this molasses it kind of takes  the sweetness out of just a tad bit which is   nice we'll take the carrot syrup and the molasses  and we're going to add it to the cup of sugar   so that's our cup of sugar that's our caro  syrup and that's our steamed molasses so   what we're going to do is we're going to lightly  mix everything together but before i put all the   ingredients together the other other ingredient  we want to put is we want to put a little salt   i like to use about looks like about a quarter  of a teaspoon so i'm going to sprinkle that   sea salt in there and i'm going to put my egg  bourbon and vanilla extract mixture in there   and i'm gonna cook put my warm  butter this is one stick of butter   in there it's been cooling for  a few minutes so it's not hot   and finally we're gonna add a cup of cane river  pecans let's do that now we sell these pecans   in these nice bags here in new iberia we  also ship these pecans throughout the country   these are our mammoth halves and i'm going to   go on a limb and say that probably most of  you've never seen a pecan this big these are our mammoth pecans and you can see they're  called mammoth for a reason they're huge   you can toast these pecans if you  want before you put them in your pie   we're gonna add our cup of pecans to our  mixture look at that that's beautiful and   then we're going to take a wooden spoon and we're  going to slowly put all the ingredients together every time i go to a party or  some family gathering and i   show up with a pecan pie and a black iron skillet i get the seat at the top of the table once we get everything mixed it's  time to add it to the pie shell man look at that like we say down  here keyhole that's beautiful   once your oven has preheated to 350  and you're going to put your pecan pie   at the bottom rack that's real important at  the bottom rack in the center for one hour   all right folks it's been an hour and a little  bit and we've pulled our pie out of the oven   and we've let it cool you want to let a pecan pie  sit for about three four hours you want to let it   really set is what they call letting the pie set  and this is what it looks like absolutely gorgeous   you got a beautiful handle here hold it when you  bring it into the home or the your your party   you can walk in with confidence holding your  black iron skillet and um well we just think   it's beautiful you can see those big beautiful  mammoth pecans on top some people like to use   pecan pieces i like to use whole pecans it  might make it a little bit more difficult to   cut but it makes such a better presentation at  the end of the day the very last thing you want   to do if you want to give it a little bit more  bourbon taste is you can take a barbecue brush   pour a little bourbon in a cup take that brush  and lightly brush the top of the pecan pie   with a little bit more bourbon take the bottom  half of a teaspoon doesn't take much it'll make   it just a little bit more fragrant and this is  our bourbon pecan pie in a black iron skillet   straight from cane river pecan company in new  iberia and we hope to see you next year at the   world championship gumball cook-off in new  iberia louisiana our hometown you all come my name is philip media and today i'm here  with my father stephen maddie and my brother   jonathan merrier and collectively we're the  owners and operators of distillery acadian   located in new iberia louisiana here at distillery  acadian we make two main products we make a   product called t-moon which is a aged spirit and  we also make a product called cadence cut which   is louisiana straight bourbon whiskey we also  have a special whiskey that's aging right now   we're patiently waiting and we think it's going  to make a big splash in the whiskey market here in   the not so distant future so we're here today and  we've been asked by the iberia chamber of commerce   who very graciously asked us last year to  be a part of a demonstration for the gumbo   cook-off last year where we came in and we taught  individuals how to make their own drinks so that's   why we're here today we're here to teach you to  make some of our favorite cocktails that we have   so why are we here we're we're here for the gumbo  cook-off we wish we were there in person but this   is the next best thing as most of us growing  up in louisiana we often learn early to make a   good gumbo there's a couple essentials you need  to make that gumbo one is a pot this is our pot   here at distillery acadian it's a 300 gallon pot  but it's certainly essential in what we make here   at our distillery the next things are ingredients  there's a variable nature of ingredients that are   out there but essentially that's what you need  to make a good gumbo two very important things   that also come with a good gumbo are love we put  a lot of love into our products everything is   done here in-house whether it's mashing the grains  distilling the alcohol bottling and even labeling   every single bottle that we do here in house so  there's a lot of love that go into our product and   lastly patience you need a whole lot of patience  to bring forth a really good gumbo also bring   forth a really good bourbon and distilled spirit  both products age for at least two years to bring   the best possible product we can to the  marketplace now we come to the part where   we're ready to show you and teach you how to make  one of our favorite cocktails which is a play   off of old-fashioned now old-fashioneds are easy  bitters sugar spirits but here at distillery kitty   hand we do things a little bit differently and  with gumbo you always put filet in it which is   a little bit of spice that's what we're calling  this this cocktail today filet fashion this would   be an old-fashioned with a bit of spice in it so  to start we'll start with our cages cut bourbon   now this bourbon is 94 proof it's made with four  grains corn rye wheat and barley malt you get the   sweetness of the corn coming through on it you  have the mellowness of the wheat as well as the   spiciness of the rye that's why this bourbon lead  perfectly to an old fashioned so we'll start today   and we're going to go ahead and  we'll add two ounces of bourbon one next we're going to add a dimmer syrup now  this particular denmark syrup is out of new   orleans louisiana it's actually a spice demerara  syrup which will put a little bit of a play on it   give a little bit of spiciness and old-fashioned  would be a perfect uh exact match to what we're   looking for today so i'm gonna go ahead and  i'm gonna add a quarter ounce of dimmer syrup and then i'm also add two dashes of angostura   bitters now i'm gonna go  ahead and give that a stir and next i'm gonna add a large piece of ice now finally i'm going to add a peel of orange   and i'll go ahead and give that a little squeeze and put that right in my drink  and give it one last stir now let's go ahead and try  it oh wow that smells amazing the citrus of the orange coming through  the spiciness of the demerara syrup   the the boldness of the bourbon this is an  amazing drink i'll tell you throughout the world   most business is done over alcohol and  this is the exact drink that i think about   in that type of situation so now we'll go  ahead and we'll clean this up and i'll bring my   father along so he can tell you a story about our  friends down the road all this talk about whiskey   uh reminds me of some good friends of ours and  actually these are good customers of ours too   and appropriately they're named thibodeaux  and boudreaux like every saturday night   they go to the city bar and last saturday night  as they were drinking for a couple of hours   thibodeaux all of a sudden just fell  off his stool backwards hit the floor   passed out cold and you know budo looks  at him looks at the bartender and says   you know that's what i like about thibodeau  i really admire him he knows when he's done all right so we're back phillip thank you for that  filet fashion dad thanks for that uh joke that   reminds us of knowing when to say when  we're gonna get to a little more refreshing   drink here it's what we call our tea slush our  tea slush pairs perfect with a hot louisiana day   and as most of you know that can be august they  can even be january so this drink is basically a   year-round item that you can make for yourself  enjoy for yourself or your friends and family   first of all we're going to start with t moon we  mentioned this a little earlier this is our very   first product that we put out onto the market it's  a unique spirit in that it's not quite a whiskey   it's not quite a bourbon but we add louisiana  cane sugar to our mash prior to distillation   so we'll start off with the first ingredient  one cup of tea moon you heard that right   one cup we like sharing here in louisiana  and this certainly facilitates that this tea moon has a nose for freshly baked  bread with tasting notes of caramel sweet   florals as well as other peppery notes that come  through when you're drinking our next ingredient   is a nice tea again equal parts so we used  a cup of tea moon you use a cup of tea this   can be sweet tea or unsweetened tea it  all depends on how your tooth wants it   next we'll use a lemonade and by the way any lemonade or tea  will do it's all in your preference   we like to support local  here at distillery acadian so   typically we'll go out and find a lemonade in the  tea that's brewed either within our city or region again equal part another cup of lemonade   now for the flush and what the  slush is is ice typically we like to typically we like to add two to three cups of ice   depending on your preference you  want it more slushy you add more ice   you want it less flushy you have less ice it's  going to be good either way let's blend this up you're going to want to blend it until all of  your ice is completely blended in your drink get a nice pour oh nice and frothy perfect for the pool   perfect for being out in the  field on the first day of dove we're going to go ahead and garnish  with fresh blackberries and limes i'm gonna be the first taste tester oh yeah just like laying around a pool with a  nice drink a nice tea slush well there you have it   there are two drinks that will  suit two very different occasions   whether your chile fashion or your tea slush  enjoy yourself and then drink responsibly   we'd like to leave you with some words of  wisdom you know we started our business   on a dream about five years ago with some hard  work everything has worked out what we'd like to   tell everybody is that if you have a dream go for  it i mean go all the way put everything you have   into it there's going to be ups there's going  to be downs but the trip is going to be worth   it you know alcohol is not going to solve  anybody's problem but why not take a shot rocking in the cradle of the south you
Channel: Iberia Travel (Iberia Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau)
Views: 35,754
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Id: QztkEcVmluU
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Length: 96min 18sec (5778 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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