Convocation 2019: Saturday PM - Apostolic Preaching (Bishop Germaine Hurst)

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[Applause] come on let's just you've got a great big freeze if you know that he's wonderful oh come on you can do Jesus better than that one more time the one that you say that you love and we just open up my mouth and shout hallelujah just look at someone next to you and tell them I'm so happy to see you some Jesus looks good on you now that's you've got a praise even for your neighbor we thank God for allowing us to be a part of history tonight we certainly honor the elevation and another prince in the Lord's Church the Honorable Bishop calling let's give God a praise for him come on and certainly we honor the celebrants we thank God amen for all these wonderful men of God amen there are mr. burns Bishop Clark and Bishop Anderson and all these wonderful bishops and presider --zz I'm telling you when when I saw the preachers in here I said well if I get in trouble tonight I certainly can give someone the microphone but then I looked around and not one of you kept a robe on tonight I think you sent in a clear-cut message and so I thought I had some hope could I saw dr. Colley that Daddy Carly down there he had his robe on he even took his off so over 90 years young you've got a praise wonderful we honor the collie family as well as give God praise for slitty collie did family to all the bishops and pastors and I think God a meant for the man that laid hands and consecrated me my diocese in the Honorable Bishop Barrington Smith you've got a praise for him and I'm just surrounded by friends I want to thank God for the long lasting friendship of Greater Mannion simple going all the way back to our founding Bishop Bishop William Crosley our church was established in 1937 it started off in a prayer meeting in 1934 but we became an organized church in 1937 and our pastor was bishop at that time the New York state an Ontario District Council and he was good friends with Bishop Hall and Bishop rickets and we thank God for the connection over the years I think you all came around about 1967 a man birthed out of Shiloh it's good to know where people come from and I know I got some Rehoboth in the house and some Emanuel in the house and no matter what tribe you come from it's all the know that we come out of the name of Jesus Christ can we say Amen and so I'm just so excited to be here and honored as well as humbled I feel like the Apostle Paul I feel like I am the least among the Brethren there's so many others that I would say perhaps will be more qualified or be in this position but some reason God has me here and so since I'm here I pray that I do a pretty good job if not then I guess I'm in trouble but I pray that the Lord will say something tonight that would encourage your hearts along the way we think God for England being in the hollows in Jamaica being here and the Cayman Islands and all over and I tapped Bishop Colley I said while you are really loved and so it is an honor he is a wonderful man of God wonderful man of God the last time I was here and I'm ministered on a Sunday and we had a wonderful service together and then he had made an announcement to remind the young people that they were supposed to be a ministry meeting and teaching and I said well I have time let me sit in can I sit in in the class and I was so impressed by Bishop Colley had those young people they were speaking Greek and Hebrew and they were residing in the doctrine of Jesus Christ they were saying things that a lot of folks in this room don't know and it told me then that he's the real deal and so I am so excited that the Lord has placed such a man like this in our miss to elevate him somebody we can be proud of free of scandal oh you're not talking back to me somebody say no scandal Amen you have to be careful who you elevate these days amen because elevation doesn't mean advancement and so it's good when you elevate someone who is advancing the kingdom instead of causing us to decline and so everything will do you don't mind if we can just join hands with your neighbor as we pray and certainly we just want to give honor and respect to everyone everyone here I want to thank God for my Deacon Deacon Webb that drove me and I want to thank God for my the musician he surprised me a man he came and said I just drove and just came to support you if you want me to play I'm here I said man you don't go there and play I think it's wonderful that people that love you that will travel just to support your ministry can we say Amen alright father we thank you we magnify you we glorify you we recognize God that without you we can do nothing it's in you we live it's a new we move it isn't you that we have our being we thank you God because you have had your hand in this celebration all day long now God speak to us like only you can what would we do without your word speak to us God we know NEBOSH our host yeah we need to hear from you give us insight answer questions give us revelation of your word and we'll be mindful to give you name the praise the glory in the honor now Satan the blood of Jesus is against you somebody shout the blood of Jesus we plead the blood right now in this house the word will have free course we commend bodies to be healed squeeze that hand gently in the name of Jesus send power down the line mi llamo Oh Lord deliver like only you can Jesus touch and we shall be healed day - thank you for it right now and we decree that healing is released favor is released blessings is released right now in Jesus name can we say Amen now put them hands together like the devil's in between them and give them with the lower ring if you have your Bibles or whatever you have with the Word of God on it and if you can go with me to the book of Joshua the book of Joshua and I'm going to read two areas of Scripture and I hope that it will bring some clarity tonight so my assignment as I add to what God has been saying to this house I've been hearing that you've been having such a tremendous time and it's good that we're still in good fellowship so in the book of Joshua chapter number 18 I am very familiar with the theme text and I will be dealing with the texts but the Lord is leading me in this direction I'm gonna begin us begin with Joshua chapter number 21 let's do that first Joshua chapter number 21 and verse number 43 if you don't have your Bibles and pretty sure they perhaps can have it on the screen for you amen Joshua chapter number 21 in verse number 43 when you have it say Amen so then the Lord gave unto Israel of the land which he sware to give unto their fathers and they was that word and some on a little bit louder thank you that would help me preach and they possessed it and dwelt very in and the Lord gave them rest roundabout according to all that he sware unto their fathers and there stood not a man of all their enemies for them the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand their failed not out of any good thing which the Lord had spoken into the house of Israel all came to pass somebody shot all came to pass go to chapter number 18 normal read many scriptures but we need this for clarity tonight Joshua chapter number 18 and verse number 1 it says in the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at was that word a little bit stronger what's that word Shiloh which means resting place or a place of rest and the whole congregation of the children are Israel symbol together at Shiloh and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there and the land was subdued before them and there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not yet received their inheritance and Joshua said unto the children of Israel how long he slack to go to possess the land which the board God of your father's have given you give out from among you three men for each tribe and I will send them they shall rise and go through the land and describe it according to the inheritance of them and they shall come again to me let everyone say Amen I'm definitely one of those tell your neighbor breaches to look at your neighbor real quick amen they're not gonna change between now and Sunday too much but get a good look at your neighbor look your neighbor in the eye and if you can't look them in the eye look them in the forehead and say neighbor you and I have to fight for it tell somebody fight for it just push on somebody and tell them fight now some of you don't act like you from the island you should put a little pot pie and it put a little some energy into it Amen somebody some of you a little too passive I want you to just push on them a little bit come on grab your neighbor and push on them push on them like you want them to pass the callaloo and say fight this is why some of us are still broke so let me help you this is why some of us are still sick this is why some of us go to church and nothing changes tell somebody fight now tell them fight for it Amen you may be seated that's what we're gonna talk about we're gonna talk about from the subject fight for it your thing possessing the promise my assignment tonight from God as I prayed before I came he gave me one word when I looked at the word promise he said compromise some of us feel that the promise has not been received but I'm here to tell you some of us haven't received it because we have come from I so my focus is not going to be about talking so much about God's promises because that's already taken care of we need to talk about how to possess it we must fight for what God has promised us he tells the children of Israel I have given you the land to possess it I have given you the land to [Music] possess it there are three things we need to know when it comes to the promises of God not the possessing of promises but the promises of God number one God doesn't delay his promise the Bible says in 2nd Peter chapter number 3 verses 8 through 9 but beloved be not ignorant oh this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years is one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promises as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance a lot of us really pick up on that Scripture when it says that the Lord is not slack concerning his promise but the revelation of Tex is in the scripture before it where he talks about God's timing he says be not ignorant of this one thing it was that the scripture was not about the promise he told you don't be ignorant of this one thing and the one thing is he says that one day is with the Lord of thousand years and a thousand years is one day which means when you are slow food' doing what God called you to do is too long for him you're minute waiting too long is like a thousand years and your thousand years waiting on God is like one minute God's time is not our time he's on a different time parameter he's never early and he's never late now sometimes we're early and sometimes we're late but God is never early he's never late he's always tell somebody God is sometime he's not slack slothful part of the phrase but the original Greek he's not God is not mentally disabled God doesn't speak things he's not schizophrenic he doesn't speak things that he's not willing to perform so he's not slow minded that's what he's saying when men make Oslo God is always on time Ezekiel twelve and twenty five God is speaking to the Prophet he says for I am the Lord I will speak and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass it shall be no more prolonged for in your days or rebellious house will I say the word and we'll perform it saith the Lord God even in the a rebellious nice table was still hastened to perform his word in other words God will always do his part even when we don't do ours I'm so thankful that God didn't wait on me to do his word what about you number two when we deal with God's promises I'm not gonna preach on promise tonight because I got to get to possession but number two God's promises are always yes and amen amen means so let it be the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 1 in 24 all the promises of God in him oyez and in him amen and to the glory of God by us make sure that whatever you believe in God for that is in him and not in yourself because some of us are waiting on stuff that God never said that he would do make sure that the thing you said that God promised is in him and not in your mind y'all mighty quiet make sure it's in him and not what the preacher said last week lord have mercy I'm here to tell you that many times we can wait on something and it's just not coming y'all y'all y'all mighty quiet right here see the thing is is that we live in a time now where people think they can just speak things and place God on demand that they can just save money comments but it ain't coming if you're not iDEN [Applause] so that you can't wait on that promise because well it's called curse cometh y'all mighty quiet out that's a whole nother subject but it's very important that when God says something it's always a yes and it's always his own amen he doesn't need people to approve his word God says when something is good when he says it he knows it's going to come to pass number three when it comes to promises this is a good one that I love about the word iiiiii when I was a lot younger I used to believe that God can do anything but God cannot do anything it took me to study the word to find out that God the Almighty one cannot do anything and everything so number three with a promise what I found out is God cannot lie tell your neighbor God cannot lie cuz even if God tried to lie by the time it comes out of his mouth it becomes the truth tell somebody God cannot lie in numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie even son of man that he should repent yes he said it shall he not do it perhaps he spoken it and shall he not make it good so somebody is all girly when God gives you a word it will not return until him boy just like the rain and the snow that comes out of the sky to the earth it can never return back up to the sky he says so is my word when I speak it it will never come back to me boy somebody shout out a healed someone somebody shot him healed we gotta have our confession and our profession homologue the old which means same word we got to speak with God's peace in the earth and recognize that it will not return to Him boy just somebody next to you and say be healed in Jesus name so brothers and sisters the challenge tonight in possessing the promise is not the promise itself the challenge is the ability to possess what he promised and here's the struggle because God has nothing to do with the possessing he's in the promise we are responsible for what we possess is mighty quiet now look at your neighbor say neighbor if you broke tonight tell em s your fault if you don't have no joy tonight tell them that your phones if you don't have any peace tonight that's not God's fault that's your fault see y'all not liking me already I can tell already because we have a tendency that we want to blame the devil and God for our shortcomings and the truth of the matter is is that the devil has no business he can't take your promises he just hinders you from getting it tell somebody the devil can't take what belongs to me understand the origin of the promise Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Moses Joshu Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Moses Joseph out of that group only one received the promise and the others didn't and I got hope because I gotta give you bye before cuz I know some of you looking at me already Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Moses they didn't get it you're gonna find in Hebrews chapter 11 where it lists them all five of their names as the men of faith but you're going to find that Joshua's name is nowhere in chapter 11 of Hebrews put this on the screen somebody help me preach on that screen I want you to put hebrews chapter number 11 and verse 39 after he lists Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph and everything that they done Moses and all the great things they didn't say this is what the Bible said about them and these all having obtained a good report through faith received not the promise none of them the reason why is because Joshua was the possessor watch this now because we're going to learn a lesson now how to possess all of them operate it in faith but Joshua didn't Joshua operated in power and authority not saying son stand still that's not in Hebrews 11 cuz it wasn't faith it was the authority he took his own sword and took it not by faith by authority he didn't pray he taught he fought for it he didn't fast he killed he was not a priest and he was not a prophet he was a warrior the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent you trying to pray for it you try to prophesy over it what's the difference Abraham Isaac and Jacob they operated with these different strategy to get the promise they operated with faith and worse but that's limited because you're gonna have faith and works and still not getting the promise and be very faithful to the Lord and still be broke you can be faithful and work for the Lord and have faith in God and still be sick when they got to Joseph Joseph he wasn't operating in safe Joseph wasn't operating worse he was operating in dreams and visions at many times we can serve the Lord and have dreams and visions and still not get the promise oh you see a whole lot you vision a whole lot you have a whole lot of dream oh you see God's gonna do this in that oh I believe God for a miracle and you can have all the dreams in the visions and still see some of us we know to do better but we don't make moves Moses he was limited not because of faith and works like Abraham Isaac and Jacob not because the dreams of visions gift was prophetic gifts and miracle and I got the pause here for me because a lot of us are still operating in the prophetic and the gift was still not possessing the promise because even though you may be able to prophesy you still got to fight to get what you believe God Joshua was introduced in Exodus chapter 17 that's what he's first introduced to us and he's introduced in the battlefield it was there at the valley of referendum we know the story how the Amalekites they were fighting Amalekites and Moses sent Joshua in the valley to fight with the sword and he was holding up the rod operating in the prophetic that was the first time the children of Israel ever had to defend themselves without a miracle from God they thought they was going to fight and partner with God that was the first time they had to shed blood for their freedom so while the prophetic is in operation with the rod up the fight is going on against the enemy when the prophetic would ease up the fight is done can I help you no fight with the prophetic is pathetic no fight if you don't have no fight with your prophetic it's pathetic because it doesn't matter how much you operate in the prophetic you have to put some fight with it Moses was up there but somebody had to be in the trenches making it happen Oh somebody ain't gonna talk back to me tonight Joshua his gift with swords and war our methods may have to change keep the message now but are you still trying to work with the ride he didn't have a ride he had a sword not required in here Church see some people's victory is totally based on perspective somebody's our perspective God will use you according to your personality tell somebody all have to be like you forgot to use me you're not getting the promise cuz you're trying to be like somebody else [Applause] abraham was in faith so when he saw god he testified and said mr purse i saw i saw three men and they came to my house and I fed God and we had a conversation about promise and purpose I said wow that's what you saw when you saw God Abraham Joseph said I saw God in my dreams I saw the hand of God moving and blessing my people whenever I go to sleep I think Moses said I see God dough as a matter of fact I see him in a fire one day I went up to the top of the mountain and I saw the backside god I saw eternities pass all of those men will testify with their own testimony of what God look like in each one based on how they're perceived God that's how they operated in their ministry one three men at a table in my living room another one when I go to sleep at night I see him in my dreams another one I see him face I talked to him he speaks to me I saw the backside I saw his hand I saw these wonderful things on a mountain but Jacob and all of them learn from their father but Joshua said hearse when I saw God I didn't see none of that I didn't see a cloud as a man after Moses died the Cloudant show up until Salomon the cloud went away he's a casino cloud he said he never came to my house to eat dinner and fellowship with me that's not what I saw I dream but I never saw him in my dreams but what was it the burning bush no that was my spiritual father he saw him in the burning bush he was prophetic you know he see all type of weird stuff how he sees God because he operated in the prophetic but I'm not a prophet I was in the morning because there was a battle Jeremy and I thought that as my witness of a the land that I was the only one there and I found out there was God you saw God yeah what did he like he had a warrior's uniform on and a sword in it was that's what Joshua saw when he first saw God he saw God he looked like a man with an army uniform on with a sword now what you want that man to do you go act like what he see and he said who are you he said I am the captain of the Lord of Hosts yes shoes off in my present Joshua said that's what I see territory that I was trying to take he was right there before I was tell somebody it's time to possess it right now Moses Moses Moses but when he died all of that died with him in some of us are stuck because you trying to resuscitate a dead move you trying to get God to operate through someone's personality when they're gone y'all mighty quiet right there yeah this is what is getting deeper now yeah because God had to deal with Moses as a prophet because that was a gift please understand the introduction when Moses closes out in God what was the issue with Moses watch this now what was this when Moses Moses was told by God this time when the people were murmuring and complaining he was told by God he said look I want you to give them what they want they're thirsty and give them what they want now now now that the rock is still there he's been following you around for a long time and the Bible says that that rock was Jesus now inside of the wilderness God tells him now the first time you did it you smelled the rock okay you took the rod that I gave you you smoked the rock I honored your gifts I honored it and then now the water came out but this time what I want you to do is I want you to to the rock I want you to speak to it okay now what happened was the people got upset with him and because he was not able to shift because his personality he went there mad and what he did was he took his rod his prophetic gift instead of speaking to the rock he smoked yeah and the water came out but when he smoked the rock this time when he smote it God said whenever you are not a woman to shift you will always offend God see the thing he is is that that rock was Jesus so you can only crucify him one time all over again I want you to speak I am if you tell me because he was he all the time I need somebody because you Joshua Moses prophetically called him Joshua or Yahshua I'm the same name as Jesus oh you're mighty quiet right there see Jesus were always the job done brothers and sisters listen to me he says well since God said I'll tell you what I'm gonna bring you up to the top of the mountain and before you leave here I will allow you to see the promised land now I got a problem when I'm reading the text cuz I'm saying God well if you were able to show him in the first place then why you got to walking all over the wilderness when you can take five minutes to show him there it is [Music] he shows him the promised land why does he do that he's a prophet so therefore God had to his eyes because he's a bishop Ricketts has got to be here somewhere Sanders has to be here find me there I was dealing with a group that was in the wilderness that died they didn't know Aaron they were born in the wilderness I wish I can say that we're preaching to a generation that will go all the way back to Shiloh and rahova but they're not here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was time to fight about 20 years ago but it doesn't mean nothing if you ain't willing to fight for it [Applause] nobody oh you might acquire y'all don't like that yeah to see what the rod in Moses represents is God doing everything but then what Russell was him everybody gets your sword [Applause] [Applause] he says so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you didn't study for the exam all day and lost your job help me I feel like Jerry Maguire want me help you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the past [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he had a sword and a word see the challenge is some of us don't want to fight this is why some of our churches when it comes to the area of leadership and discipleship we're declining because people are trusting in superstars to get the win and if you can't did it I was going over here we're still going with the Moses model one man when it all but Joshua said we fight together yes that this is our land and everybody getting the peace so we want to fight for your property $1 but we won't fight for it because it is so that's why we're here because it's about the kingdom and some of us are trying to get our own promises from God that's too small to Bluffs my door and no more [Applause] he told Joshua because Joshua was leading a nation and he got to the point where he said listen you all can do what you want to do have answered me a mile we don't know you can choose who you go serve so that's for me and my house but see Joshua operated like this and those of you that don't serve them see that's why sinners love the Moses model the Moses motto is when we do wrong in the bishop dispray they gotta forgive us go see sir see I come from the most coolest onyx they'll kill you right where he is ain't no meetin they told you right different pulpit how many you came from that school where they told you shut up and sit down Oh y'all mighty fine now my feelings hurt they silenced you until give you no date and one no secret they told everybody what you did and why you sitting and we weren't trained to go and pacify people you know it's all right it's all right no we didn't even talk to you huh and don't let us test anybody in the parking lot talking bishop and I heard brother such-and-such there running his mouth on you and what happened brother substance that carted office cuz we don't play with that oh you don't want to believe it when Moses sister and brother was talking about his wife there was ton about how black she is because he was from Ethiopia that black thing that dark thing Miriam was going in on she's a prophet as you know if you look at was Aaron that was doing all the rods and the miracles Moses in the background he got beside himself you know show me they got to talking and God heard it and God told Miriam you don't like black so much I'm gonna make you so white [Applause] i'ma show you're gonna miss black when I get done with you you will love black throwing up Moses watch this here's the sad part Moses was there when they were talking and he never rebuked them so he prays and says God don't kill him everyone's ain't nothing he had that office God respected the office they was in because he didn't kill the high priests he recognized his office but he got the prophetess in the praising and the dancer he got the music ministry young mighty quiet and when he's praying God says they think you dare your equal he says to Moses I speak to you face-to-face I don't talk to them like that he says now if she insulted her father but should he spit in her face and slap because she got her place should he spit in her face slap put in a place he said God don't kill me he said fine put her out in the camp for let her think about what's she doing Joshua never had those kind of problems want me tell you what can I help you let me tell you why let me tell you why because when Joshua had a saints of me he said we trying to win and we trying to get the promise everybody say yes Lord we trying to get the promise we're going to get the problem everybody was on board he said listen God told me to tell all you once we get past this little city called Jericho I don't want not one of you to say nothing every last one of you better not say nothing just do what I tell you walk around so many times every day when we get in don't you touch the spoils don't you take one silver one golden don't come nothing that's God are we clear ain't no prayer Mian ain't no fasting I'm trying to show you how to get the promise no no you do it you die period they go everything's great no one talks they go all week and you know they went on the seventh day seven times blew the horn got the victory but there was one seller some of you don't know that Joshua has an anger management problem remember when God took some of the spirit of Moses and put it in the people that showed up at the meeting after the meeting there were some other guys that were outside the camp but the Spirit of God came on them and they saw the prophesy Joshua he pulled a sword and I said they weren't at the meeting we need to kill him out here prophesy and what they disobedience elves Moses said hold on it's all right he put the sword back he got anger management problem because he's a warrior militant people are militant they get up early they get translated militant order the problem is the church is out of order [Applause] we're not militant anymore the storefront we were militant have money we were militant we prayed we fasted we obeyed if you want to preach I gotta ask my pastor first if I'm in a church militant militant if I'm with Bishop Clark and I'm under him he's my bishop I'm a minister if I act up I can't go to Bishop Barnes and him launching me no cuz the birds gonna call him and say hey I got a renegade one of yours he said I can't use him unless he's released but then you tell me I got to go back now what I gotta do I gotta serve my time but now we're dealing with the time which people so hungry for members that the kingdom is not growing just transplants they win Jericho everybody say we're going all the way say we going all the way they win the battle one brother named Aiken he went in everything was good until he saw the silver and gold and clothes the Bible says he took some of the dog some of the silver and the babylonian garment and the prove you that he knew was wrong he went dig the hole and buried it and hid it in the stick now I hear it hear something brother when you won't wear it we gonna know where you got it from you know you got different but he was coming no one knew they wouldn't go fight little by little small group he said just send a few and a I told him we wonder why it's the small stuff that's hindering our turkeys it ain't the big stuff it's the small issues that's hindering us as a people he went to go pray like his father talk my father said we pray only say he prayed and God said get up you're not no prophet get up find the criminal that's what you do that's what you're good at you're good at finding and punishing but stop praying Moses would pray all night the cloud would come down and then God would open up and that's what we're depending on we want God to do everything we're not in that dispensation he went to God God gave him a strategy that he got up in bidding he said now I just need anybody in this room God says somebody here to send to camp somebody did something able to do that's why we lost so before we do any funerals we're gonna hold keep the keep the body's cold we're gonna find out who's the blame cuz somebody pay for this somebody shout yes Lord yeah that was your boy that got killed over somebody else's sin we gotta see we gotta get so upset we gotta stop drinking that stuff that's killing the church you know it ain't cute that you're a man and you're carrying the purse thank you that's not cute it's not cute that you must be a man of God we're women on the side I'm Sam let's go there excuse me excuse me I'm out there now Shiloh we're trying to drive thousands of people tens of thousands nobody confess the bodies are stinking now people are crying weeping no one would confess they went namesake the names ain't no one confessing when family intermediates family no one confess got down the person the person purse in the purse now look at the people here we can't compare to the nation could you imagine going to one person each one trying to find out who sinned you know how long I believe Joshua had his sword on the desk let's get this over with I'm mad now let me tell you why they didn't mess with him after this akin said it was me he said why don't you confess and give God the glory he said I saw it he said where's that I sent some people to go find it they dug it up and found it he said bring everything he stole and his family and everything he owned thank his mama his daddy his grandmother his wife his sisters and brothers and children and his donkeys hid everything he owned bring it we bout to handle this you're dealing with a warrior and can you made war with me you made war with me brought them to the valley of Achor everybody why the mother and the fathers and the kids because when he met with the family nobody didn't say nothing they covered it they covet this is why some of our homes are not getting our promises cuz we got too many people covering up our mess I [Applause] know I might not be back but I'm gonna but since I'm out here since we say holiness we talk about home holiness is not what you're wearing holiness means purity you dress right because your heart is right but you got to do right and you got to live right and when God says no no means take them down there burn them alive stolen warning everybody after you set them on fire they stir every last one of you everybody in here I want you to get a stone and you better throw it and he up there with a sword you better throw it every last one of you better throw it because some of us that's my brother that's my sister I don't want to throw it do you want to be with them I suggest you through it you're not throwing it at Eichen you're throwing it at the offense stop trying to make God's church his kingdom a non-for-profit the world has that we got that this is a kingdom and all kingdoms run by voice and with the word of a king is who's going to tell that King what do is that when God speaks something we do it that's why he didn't have no problems cuz they knew he would kill for it see some of us then get the promise cuz you're not willing to kill for it you're not willing to fight for it fight through your family stop putting on somebody else to pray you you lay on your face you praise God for yourself stop feeling sorry for yourself that you are passive ain't nobody getting with me well if you want the promise you stand you stand you and God and when you stand God will elevate you and God will bless what you have you've got a praise right now I'm so proud [Music] bishop car is gone come on come on stop trying to find old rides you got us you [Music] going with a rod today then what was that stick gonna do if God's not in it is just a stick Lord be with my blade that whatever I cut down fishing on top of hacia Holy Ghost be with me that's how you possess it's not just faith it's not just prophecy it's not just dreams that's why Joseph didn't get it Abraham Isaac Moses didn't get it don't read the Bible when you get home they all and Hebrews 11 about faith Joshua not even mentioned but he's the one who got it you know why cuz he was willing to fight for what was he how many willing to fight for what's yours tell somebody I need my own stuff can I pray bishop can I pray can I bring right now right now right now those of you if this word has echoed anything in your spirit about possessing I know you have promises but he's given you the promise to possess you you have to fight for it [Music] does somebody fight for it how do I have to fight for it they have to fight for it because they were already there and they left it they went to Egypt and they stayed too long and because they stayed needs it too long there are rows of Pharaoh that knew not Joseph and now they needed someone to help them get out a lot of us are missing our promises because we are staying too long in certain things you're not moving you're not progressing you're stuck apostolic we're stuck I'll talk to myself too we're stuck so we'll take pride in nostalgia in history but you ask us what's our future what's our future what does the future what does 2030 look like for the Apostolic Church we are nervous because we're looking at a group of Millennials we don't know what to think because they're not trying to get our rods they don't want to ride they want their own sword and we are giving them something they can't use you put them in a battle with sticks and want them to be honest and Nations come on we must change our paradigm I'm not talking about sin and worldliness I'm talking about really moving on God's Word and understanding that he's a God right now whenever we keep talking about what it used to be you know we know it were saying we're saying we Baxley let's see I don't like that listen I don't like that when I wiki talk about how wonderful things used to be and how we used to praise how we used to give how we used to preach we're saying corporately in the church we moved back we didn't progress when there are things we deal with today that your forefathers will have to scratch their head and say same-sex marriage Facebook how do you how do you discipline that how you deal with a transsexual in your church what bathroom they go to they know you need a Joshua they know how to kill a florist and not pray about it do something about it we're praying in there making change in a policy and we're not allowed in policy because you trying to be a prophet you gotta be militant Trump is militant you don't care what you think Trump don't care what you think he's militant mine he'll put the name truck on Canada if you let him this is all mine cuz he's militant we need people like that in the kingdom and right now if you made up in your mind you're not giving the devil another inch of nothing I want you to come to this altar and claim your territory stand on the behalf of your family your ministry your house your land your investment your business your church come out I'm calling sons and daughters to claim what is yours no longer being passive about it stop apologizing for being apostolic stop apologizing for not being politically correct you will never get anything being politically correct you'll be at a standstill Joshua didn't do no voting tomorrow we get up at 6:00 a.m. to get Ian let's go what'd you say no politics no policies no policies let's bring order back to our homes let's bring order back to our mindset let's bring order back to our ministries let's bring order back to our city there's enough people in here to turn some cities upside down we got Church down pat we know how to do complicated we got that but help us to bring this same the world cause it's energy help us to bring the same spirit out there let's conquer some stuff instead of trying to conquer each other that's Lord over some stuff let's stop trying to lord over each other let's Lord over what God says is a hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah open your mouth finish now hallelujah come on open your mouth and shout hallelujah come on your son need you to stand up your daughter needs you to fight your grandbabies need you to fight Moses my servant is dead Bishop too many of our fathers are dying early and then the hellraisers live long what does that mean why are the pastor's why are the Saints I live in the pastor's the ones who carrying the vision dying early and the hellraisers living wrong something wrong with that we have to change that perspective and right now lift your hands and give God some LMI some glory in here come on from your spirit somebody needs to repent tonight somebody is in Lord I'm sorry that I have not been in place Lord I'm sorry for having things out of order in my life Lord I'm sorry that I should be making moves and I'm standing still so father in the name of Jesus somebody help me pray right now Lord we [Music] in the name of Jesus we come again in the kingdom of God in your house right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm not staying back feeling sorry for myself [Music] [Applause] right now open up your mouth [Applause] [Music] let me tell you what your sword is word is spirit you gotta use the sword of the Spirit you got to decrease some stuff in the atmosphere and when I count to three we're gonna give God a Shabbat we're gonna yell in this atmosphere a great big glory and we believe that the Satan is the Prince of the power there some stuff has got to move and we're gonna do it corporately we're gonna shout glory on the count of three are you ready one two three [Applause] that was [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] five [Music] [Applause] take somebody by the hand say neighbor I don't care what kind of dance let's in half right now see what I love about this is that Joshua he didn't have Miriam no more see we wait for Miriam and we said Miriam cute and that's why some of us don't get our promise because you're waiting for somebody else to place they get so breakthrough but I will bless the Lord at all times we won't fire Miriam let everything why is it Lord [Applause] No to a t-table my bags [Applause] give all my fans double my dance it is provocation people madad [Applause] [Music] dear acceptable my dance [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on bishop ha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rising rising rising rising what's going [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got it I got it I got it I got it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody did some in your hand this means this means what blame your territory bribe your space a place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mount Zion Apostolic Church - Toronto
Views: 6,112
Rating: 4.652174 out of 5
Keywords: cawley, ricketts, apostolic, mzac, mount zion, preaching, sermon, mzactoronto, pemican, holland park, pastor cawley, UPC, PAW, united pentecostal church international, pentecostal assemblies of the world, Germaine Hurst, possessing the promise, convention, convocation, ordination, consecration
Id: dhk9WSxGg3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 48sec (5568 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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