[Annual General Convocation 2021] Sunday, September 5th (AM) | Pastor J. A. Brown

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[Music] oh [Music] all right [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's worthy [Music] [Music] is our righteousness [Music] jesus of jesus christ let's say it one more time is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i stand in proxy of i stand this morning in proxy for my twin until he gets here but i want you just to turn to the believer beside you and just say the mighty god is jesus i know you can't take off your mass but just smile with your eyes and just tell them the mighty god is jesus the prince of priests is he the everlasting father the king eternally the mighty god is jesus the prince of peace is [Music] jesus is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] when jesus comes again [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the is of god [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] where you are glory i'm going to ask if our multimedia or sound personnel can provide a mic for evangelist where she's going to come she's going to pray god's blessing i want you to keep the praise high they tell us in the news that there are hot spots for covenant but we want in here to be a holy ghost hot spot if you don't worship you undermine the hotness of the surface yes we need the holy ghost to move it's not optional this morning so we need you to work with us in the name of the lord i stand in proxy for my twin this morning as sister where comes oh it is jesus yes it is us it's jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to your great and your sovereign name this morning god hallelujah to you o god be all glory excellency dominion majesty and glory hallelujah angels bow in your holy presence with twain they fly with twain they covered their faces and they cried holy hmm holy shatayan holy is the lord god almighty great eternal wonder we stand in your holy presence this morning god we reckon that you are sovereign immortal invisible the only wise god you are our sovereign king hallelujah you ride in shama upon the circumference of the earth yes lord earth hallelujah is your footstool and heaven is your throne you reign suffering you rule you rule in their fears of men you are god all by yourself almighty creator holy ghost hallelujah be to your name this morning we stand in your holy presence if we say we have no sin the truth is not in us hallelujah and we become liars this morning god you said in your word on last night that you have an indictment against the church holy ghost well lord we stand in your holy presence this morning i stand lord hallelujah as a conduit lord in the name of jesus i come into the high courts of heaven this morning who glory to god i stand before the supreme judge i petition god in the name of jesus that you will sanctify us one more time in your presence this morning god you know every heart before you this morning every mind before you this morning god hallelujah nothing is hidden from your eyes oh god and so we present ourselves on the brazen altar of fire this morning caught let the fire of the holy ghost touch us this morning on the inner core of our being good god from glory we don't want to showcase beauty on the outside but inside is filth and mock this morning god sanctify us in your holy presence that your sweet anointing can have preeminence among us this morning arrest every mind every spirit let it be subjected to the higher power this morning god we give you this service hallelujah jesus the moderator the praise team the ushers my god the technical team the saints the ministers my god our bishop hallelujah and the minister and servant of the world today have full preeminence have your way this morning god disappoint every plan of the adversary subdue every barrier an ever hindering spirit in the name of jesus every diabolic force horrible satire every human spirit lifts up a standard in the name of jesus move by your spirit and have full preeminence in your house push back every forces that is not of you this morning lift up a standard in your house now god let this holy place be enthroned with fire shutter that everyone who stand to minister to the hearts of your people my god will be engulfed with the fire of the holy ghost move through this congregation this morning god scatter the fire from heaven and the four corners of the sanctuary have full preeminence take hallelujah preeminence god for you are the head of the body the church the firstborn from the dead that you may have all preeminence in jesus name glory to god bring christ come and let that praise rise come on come on come on come on come on we're going to get militant this morning come on zion come on let the high praise of god be in your mouth and a two-edged sword in your hand i hear your hand but i don't hear your voices come on push back with your brain glory [Music] we're going to work together this morning they were all in one place and on one accord then something sudden happened [Music] one face one accord one place one phrase as you are resting on your feet i'm going to ask you to stand in honor to the word of the lord we're going to matthew chapter 16 verses 13 to 20. and again we don't have the luxury of hitting and missing in the spirit this morning we don't have time to stand in gaze there are people in our midst that need god to do something super to the natural so we need the holy ghost to move from the left to the right from the front to the man so we're going to work together the anointed word is coming from matthew chapter 16 from verses 13 to 20 and i'm going to read it in your hearing when jesus came into the coast of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am and they said some say that thou art john the baptist some elias and others jeremiah's or one of the prophets he said unto them but whom say ye that i am and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and he said and i say also unto thee that thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven then he charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was jesus the christ i want you to turn to luke 17 verses 20 to 21 and it reads thus and when he was demanded of the pharisees when the kingdom should come he answered them and said the kingdom of god cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo hear or low there for behold the kingdom of god is within you i'm going to read verse 20 again the last clause the kingdom of god cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo there or lo there for behold the kingdom of god is within you and every glad heart give god some praise this morning hallelujah hallelujah you can tell the world about this you can tell the nation about that tell them jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] trees [Music] joy [Music] [Music] good [Music] my this morning [Music] [Applause] he would help me multimedia um evangelist lewis's mics are tied in my monitors this morning praise god somebody say fire fire fire fire when my soul caught fire hallelujah burn out corner nature hallelujah what a safe when my soul when my soul caps fire i'm waiting for the fire sound this morning i'm waiting for the sound i'm waiting for the sound from the right in the middle in the center i'm no longer shut up i'm waiting for the sound of the holy ghost this morning [Music] [Applause] this morning all right [Music] some of you if we sit here there's some casualties that need to be blocked this morning i need everybody in the house from the right to the middle to the left to put a praise in the atmosphere [Music] hallelujah [Music] somebody got to take it my voice with their praise lord lord you may be seated this needs to be a holy ghost hot spot this morning bishop would always say hit the seat and say fire i challenge you this morning to sit in the presence of god because in his presence fullness of joy hallelujah hallelujah i got to watch the time but sit on down one more time and give god glory [Applause] i want to remind us that god is not like us every single day if you were to calculate how many blessings god has given you nobody would have to tell you to praise him brother isaiah asked me two weeks ago brother jerome can you quantify how much god has done i said ask your parents i want you to think before i read the announcement think about one thing two things three things that god has done and in response i want you to jump up and give god some praise think when i think of the goodness of jesus [Music] hallelujah when i think yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah push that praise push that praise push that praise push that praise hallelujah you may seek your seeds god is not like us you can stop praising because i'm here but beyond me is god and he deserves glory i got to behave myself they have us on a god schedule this morning [Music] when i think when i think when i concentrate when i recall the goodness of god one more time give god an outstanding praise and put those hands together like the devil has been between them and give him glory hallelujah yes he's certainly deserving of the glory the doxology of psalms 149 tells us let the high praise of god be in your mouth and then he says with a two-edged sword uh put a high praise in your mouth we welcome you this morning to convocation 2021 let's put our hands together for you and for our online visitors who are watching us tonight uh here are our convocation announcements and they are as follows this evening our evangelistic service starts at 7 pm and again you can come 30 minutes before to go through the screening and signing process you can also watch it via youtube live and also facebook live you can also listen live by calling 647-494-5053 and the access code is as follows eight nine one eight seven eight eight two pound if you plan on uh joining us tomorrow uh the service starts at 11 a.m and it will conclude our annual convocation 2021 for our online viewers if you need prayer or if you would like to know more about jesus please feel free to reach out in the chat and our ministry team will reach out to you it is our prayer today and god's willing tomorrow that these services will not only be a blessing to you but for our viewers online i want you to put your hands together zion for our online viewers come on put something nice and loud in the atmosphere for our online viewers yes and we want to continue to worship the lord with our giving and you can do so by doing this by going through donate at mzac.ca or paypal and that's simply by visiting our website under the giving tab and you will see all the information for you to do so electronically finally uh tonight for off or today rather for uh offering we're going to ask you to follow the directions of the ushers you're going to stay in your sections and the ushers are going to pass the basket around and finally at the conclusion of the service we want you to follow the directions of the ushers as they direct you outside of the sanctuary and again in accordance to the covet protocols we're asking that right after service as directed you follow the ushers outside of the sanctuary this concludes this morning's announcements let's give the lord a praise one more time amen amen it is my privilege at this time to i'm going to ask you to stand to present to some and introduce to others the angel of this house bishop kali in the name of the lord let's put our hands together for him as he comes in the name of the lord [Applause] praise he the lord come on dropping him out and shout hallelujah somewhere somebody shout a glory amen you may be seated in this awesome presence of god that is in this house praise god i feel like praising him there's a spirit of praise in the house hallelujah hallelujah praise god don't let that mass call you back or praise the name of the lord amen somebody ought to praise the name of the lord for the name of the lord amen open up your mouth and shout the glory shout out of glory shout out glory shout the glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen my god all right praise god god is good god is awesome praise god god is awesome somebody said jesus i dare you to say jesus again who hallelujah somebody's getting a miracle right now chataboza glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i feel there's a miracle here ah god from glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god praise god praise god some people have just been added to the family ah clap your hands and tell the lord thank you ah there's an increase to the family praise the name of the lord praise god praise god praise god praise god amen amen [Music] solomon says king solomon says ah [Music] king solomon said has anyone seen whom i so love it hallelujah hallelujah i think i hear hallelujah somewhere around here praise god praise god praise god praise god i'm going to ask to come before me brother gutry to come up before me here [Applause] praise god praise god you know they they are a honorable member of mount zion but you know every year they had convocation but then i realized it was not only convocation he was coming [Applause] he was doing other business evangelist lewis praise god so he has found his his rib not the spirit the prime rib it's none other than sister taya lewis [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] praise god well do you have a ring to confirm your intentions well may i have it um wow that has come from far praise god praise god come a little lord hello come come praise god amen pass around praise god hallelujah almighty god praise god god is good god is gracious amen praise the name of the lord just stand with us as we bless this ring as brother gutry will amen confirm his intent amen to marry this damsel this bride this potential bride whose heart he has won praise god did a good job welcome into convocation praise god amen praise god the lord praise god father hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus we thank you lord for your favor oh god that which you have ordained marriage and that the marriage bed should be undefiled these two that stand before you today lord having made a commitment one to the other i pray in the name of jesus that your blessing would be upon them that you'd sanctified them that would be wholly given one to the other dear god and ultimately your name would be glorified we pray lord that you'd even touch oh god the womb that they would bring forth hallelujah you are gracious mighty god grant your favor unto man and we're in here today in celebration of these two that have committed their lives one to the other bless them in this ring right now oh god because we ask it all in jesus name amen pray amen praise the name of the lord praise god all right you got to put down those flow and then put those ring on put this ring on sir praise god praise god put it on all right in the name of the lord jesus christ all right it fits well praise god praise god praise god praise god amen and uh brother god tree sister as you know you're apostolics and there's a heritage that we must maintain as apostolic amen we want apostolic weddings praise god and i say that all the time because we must remain faithful to our heritage you're not yet married you're just engaged to be married and govern yourself accordingly praise god all right do your presentation praise god come on give the lord thanks give the lord thanks give the lord thanks amen praise god they they will be married in jamaica in december and praise god praise god and we are grateful to almighty god amen god bless you both amen in the name of the lord give the lord thanks for for them in the wonderful name of jesus praise god praise god praise god amen just be seated give me five minutes and i'm out away praise god just amen a few acknowledgements amen that we have to today praise god he may want to recognize some of our our excellent students who have graduate graduated amen and i want to recognize them and thank god for amen for his blessings upon the lives of four young children come on give the lord thanks for that amen our apostolic children praise god amen firstly graduated from high school his brother joel brown amen praise god where's brother joel steinberg let them see you and uh praise god he's moving into civil engineering at seneca college give the lord thanks amen and you will be praise god give the lord thanks praise god he graduated from post-secondary we have brother lloyd kerr amen graduated from business administration program at george brown college amen praise god praise god even then we have minister andrew white amen he graduated with honors amen welding and fabrication technician come on from sheridan college give the lord thanks my god amen i i'd like to see those honors beside it uh beside the the citation praise god amen then we have sister crystal daley graduated with a bachelor in biomedical science honors program york university where is she [Applause] amen praise god praise god praise god and somebody who's trying to to be like me amen uh he graduated amen amen minister jerome carley graduated with a masters of arts amen educational leadership amen in the name of the lord praise god praise god praise god amen praise god the youth department want to recognize some some very special people praise god amen who have been very instrumental in truth in the youth department amen these young people have been very active weekly in their weekly services on friday night amen there is eliana and chloe brown praise god amen there is brother fritz wayne fraser hey man there's brother isaiah grant professor isaiah grant praise god brother jayvon mckenzie come on give the lord thanks give the lord thanks give the lord thanks for them amen praise god you should tune in on friday night and hear these young people powerful amen just brilliant thank god amen and so they also want to recognize some some seniors i don't know if they are young senior miglate senior or senior cena but they fall somewhere in the senior category deacon david raddock praise god praise god elder steve campbell hey man sister jennifer thomas praise god and elder lloyd ricketts the young people on the record tonight they have been good supporters of them praise the name of the lord amen god bless you amen in the name of the lord [Applause] somebody's gonna be blessed somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle i know it's gonna be me somebody's gonna be blessed somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle and i know it's gonna be me come on help me say somebody's gonna be blessed somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle and i know it's gonna be oh somebody's gonna be blessed somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle and i know it's come on say one more time somebody's gonna be blessed somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle and i know it's gonna everybody help me say somebody's gonna be blessed somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle and i know it's gonna help me one more time say somebody's gonna be better somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle and i know it's gonna help me say oh somebody's gonna be blessed somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle and i know it's gonna be me hey somebody's gonna be blessed somebody's gonna break free somebody's gonna get a miracle and i know it's gonna be me and because he's worthy tonight this morning can you just give it to him can you just give him glory this morning hallelujah i sit and i observe i sit and observe or stand and observe i want to make the reiteration our praise and worship collectively sets atmosphere sets atmosphere the strategy of the devil is to have us come and not worship on one accord it interferes with the delivery of the word it interferes with deliverance so when all the saints worship something is going to happen but if you sit and not worship you sit and you gaze it interferes with the movement of the holy ghost i need every person to stand on your feet i'm getting radical right here everybody stand on your feet and let's give god some glory this morning somebody give him glory glory glory glory glory glory glory chloe [Music] our elder is coming but i want to challenge us this morning i want to challenge us from walking out of a service and complaining that god did not move and god has given us power to move things i want you to get militant this time i want you to get angry and i want you to put a militant praise in the atmosphere i want you to move your feet raise your hands and just give god something put a missile in the atmosphere put a missile of hallelujah put a missile of glory to god hallelujah you're strong and mighty mighty in battle who is the lord of hosts the lord strong and mighty the lord might be in battle lift up your heads zion sign lift [Music] go away i'm gonna hand over but the devil should never feel comfortable in a holy ghost service the person that doesn't have the holy ghost shouldn't feel comfortable in the house we've made it comatose so they feel comfortable but in the day as minister michael would say i'm a harlem park baby the holy ghost was around us [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] hallelujah i gotta come out of the way i gotta come out the way but i still need to hear another praise god still needs to hear another praise jesus loves to hear the sound of praise yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes glory [Music] the holy ghost power is still right i say elders and mothers we must maintain the sound of the holy ghost so that the next generation knows what holy ghost sound like know what holy ghost look like we must keep the standard high in the worship we must keep it high zion awake zion awake the way can trim your laptop [Music] where's the hush the holy hush [Music] i didn't ask for a shout there [Music] let's give the lord praise one more time [Applause] i'm going to invite i'm going to invite everybody just say jesus somebody just say jesus i want to hear that name above the mass somebody say jesus [Music] jesus in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah jesus jesus [Music] glory i'm going to invite our assistant pastor to come i wish we would get it this morning [Music] somebody needs a breakthrough this morning somebody needs to get the holy ghost somebody needs healing glory elder lord i'm going to invite you to come now i want you to put your hands together i did it [Applause] yes yes yes i hear it i hear it coming i hear it coming move it beyond the hindrance in the room move it beyond the observers move it beyond the person and get in the spirit of the whole and he heard a voice from heaven and this is what he said i'm alpha and omega the beginning and the end beholder evangelist brooks behold i want you just to get in the aisle for brother steve and just do a dance just do a dance for brother steve somebody just dance with sister brooks evangelist books and put a praise for brother steve yes yes yes yes yes [Music] god canceled that death god changed the death certificate overseas [Music] he canceled the death certificate yay [Music] go away what you think about jesus this morning [Music] he's all right what you think about the holy ghost he's all right [Music] can you put your hands together as elder lord comes i want you to put a praise as he comes i want the fire of god to just come out of your mouth as he comes in the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah yes jesus yeah yeah that we're gonna have the preacher come to you we need a word we need a word the preacher needs to be ready none other than elder brown from windsor ontario he's coming to us i want him to come in this atmosphere even now come on put your hands together for the man of god we need a word today brethren if we don't have a word what shall we do elder brown to you in jesus name i'm not sure if i was um dreaming or something did i see my son here where is he how could you take your place in there [Applause] you may be seated for a little bit um [Music] we're just gonna have him just bless us with a sermonic song right now very short i believe some changes will take place today [Music] something something happened and now i know he touched me and jesus made he made me whole [Music] one sunday jesus touched me [Applause] he touched me hallelujah [Music] that floods my soul something [Music] something [Music] he touched me then he made he made me whole cause touching jesus is all that matters and your life will never be the same there is only one way to touch him just just believe when you call on his name praise the name of jesus [Music] just [Music] believe as we call upon the name of the lord [Music] holy spirit we [Music] honor you this morning we truly do we thank you for gracing this house with your presence thank you holy spirit and to the honorable pastor of this assembly reverend dr colin cawley greetings to you sir in your precious name of our lord jesus christ and to all of you my heavenly father's children accept greetings in the precious name of jesus to those of you that are viewing us from your respective places in cyberspace online in this nation and beyond this nation today i bring you greetings in the precious name of our lord and savior jesus the christ [Applause] it is truly an honor that i stand before you today as reverend dr cauley so graciously gave up his time at this holy pulpit on this day it is a privilege that i take very highly and humble myself to be able to speak to this congregation today some of you coming to expect the usual i know some of you came to expect the usual but there are few among us is praying god let it be today let it be today when you show yourself to be the god that i believe you to be is this is there someone am i talking to you here is there someone here that says god today i want you to show yourself to be the god that i believe you to be reverend bishop dr cauley is in fact my pastor and this is not you know there's a statement that you know people make i'm hearing now so he's my pastor he's actually my spiritual father in the gospel one that i highly respect and would not allow my lifestyle to stay in his reputation how much more god [Applause] and he's just a mere man how much more god who sees in the dark and in the darkness of our lives let us turn to the day's texts found in the gospel of matthew and the 16th chapter i will be reading to you from the king james version of the oldest scripture i'll read to you from the 13th verse and to the 19. and i'll begin when jesus came into the coast of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am they said some say that thou art john the baptist some eli elijah and others jeremiah or one of the prophets he said unto them but whom say he that i am and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood had not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and i say unto you unto thee that thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on the earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on the earth shall be loosed in heaven you're in the conclusion of my reading of the text today you may be seated in the house of the lord at this stage of our worship it's up to you what you do from herein this is very important and also whatever isn't is is asked of you or myself during the course of this sermon opinion of people the opinion of people regarding who you are matters a great deal these opinions help to facilitate what actions come towards you or reactions if these opinions that people have of you and me is formed from assumption with false information then we could suffer serious negative consequences how many know that's true it is for this reason why the opinion of those that is closest to us matters truly matters i'm not talking about what people think of you because jesus didn't ask that question he didn't ask what are they saying about me what do they think about me he said specifically who do men say that i am it doesn't matter what you think of me who am i we are so caught up in people's opinion with respect to what they think of us that it crippled us to act at times in an appropriate manner allowing fear to grip us by simply thinking what are they thinking about me jesus was not on that road his question was specific what are they who do they say that i am my brothers and sisters i'm going to take my time and i am not going to be right in the ways of your praise i've passed those ways a long time i just want to bring us to the level where god can change somebody's life today [Applause] that's where i want to be the people confirm they confirm that jesus was a prophet of god they did a mouthpiece of god if you will they lack the clarity as to which one of the prophet that he was with respect to reincarnation they were not clear whether he was elijah jeremiah or one of the prophets but they knew he was a prophet they knew he was a prophet and this knowledge came from what they have heard and what they have seen god's revelation to simon peter revealed to us that jesus was more than a mouthpiece of god [Music] i'm going to take my time and go through the text as a prophet of all are known as to be the mount peace of god the revelation that peter got he was in fact the very mouth of god out of which came the very living word of god manifested in front of them in the personhood of jesus christ this changes everything that they knew about god changes everything that they knew about god this revelation changes everything that they knew about god everything the lord jesus christ bless peter and confirm the answer to be absolutely correct and inform him that it was god who gave him the answer jesus did that god who gave him the answer to his question this revelation from god to simon peter as to who jesus is change the trajectory of peter's life forever the direction the angle in which his life was going was completely altered by the revelation of god my brothers and sisters i want you to know today god's word is alive god's word is live there are some things you cannot go to college and learn there are some things you cannot know by research there are some questions you cannot get the answers to by asking uh your fellow human being there are perplexity that has no solution that you could find this church operated on another level of human understanding of where knowledge comes from [Applause] the world does not have all the answers the what the science is not always conclusive it cannot get to where god shut the door because he has the key he has is the key my brothers and sisters there was a time in human history where god spoke to a man and tell him i want you to build yourself an ark because i'm going to send rain upon the earth [Music] when that revelation came there was no knowledge that it would ever rain upon the earth when that revelation came no one knew what god has said but noah and his family it's going to reign [Applause] that knowledge didn't come from him studying the heavens through research and development but that knowledge came from the creator he gave the knowledge rain is coming never see rain before great kings and men of dream dreams god gave joseph advance knowledge of his elevation in the ranks of human authority he was just a boy when god gave him the knowledge i'm talking about there are certain things you can't get from studying [Applause] you must hear the word of the preacher [Applause] daddy daddy daddy i got this weird dream last night i saw the stars of the heavens i saw the moon bow in before me daddy what mean it this joe jacob says boy are you crazy your mother and i will we or if i'm gonna bother no that's not happening and then the devil set out to block the revelation to stop it from coming to pass that which god already pushed out [Applause] this church was stole decades it's time to push out the walls you may think this is pushing out but she'll be branching up all over in a short order because we have got to advance the kingdom pastor paul you didn't give us a subject matter here it is breaching the gates of hell [Music] breaching the gates of hell it's time for the church to breach the gates of hell breaching the gates of hell pharaoh in his empire with advanced knowledge where egypt was the center of blessings through joseph and after several centuries moses showed up and said god said this and that is going to happen and pharaoh they did not know they tried everything to block what god has said but it came to pass what am i trying to tell you you won't study at harvard or uft or york or the high school around the corner to get everything that you need about god [Music] upon god's revelation to peter jesus took advantage of the moment oh i know he did took um because god spoke and jesus confirmed the knowledge that you've just deliver peter you could not study this you could not ascertain this true observing what i do this had to come from the father [Music] this had to come from the father [Applause] it had to come from the father and so jesus used his advantage and at the moment he began to speak words of revelation to simon peter and reveal to him what was in the mind of god god had the church in his mind and he never revealed it to moses god had the church in his mind and he never revealed it to the angel he had it in his mind jesus took the moment and said peter simon son of jonah said bar means son jonas is his daddy's name so by jonah i'm gonna give you more insight into the mind of god help me holy ghost [Applause] jesus then established the building of the church and set it in an attack mode y'all need to follow me is set the church into an attack mode and some folks think the church is a passive place lovey-dovey and fluffy fluffy no the church as that my brother is in a military uh set it is in an attack mode and look at peter says the gates of hell [Applause] [Music] shall not prevail against this church the problem reverend is that we think because god called us and put us in his church left us there to take care of it when now it says brown's church which church do you go to i'll go to brown's church rock brown take your time bro jesus using moments and they're clear absolutely that the gates of hell will not prevail now brothers and sisters hear me this hear this the gate gate are often used as a controlling mechanism not for flow in and flow out and also protect those beyond the gate and keep out those who are not welcome in a fortified city or town the most heavily guarded place is the gate to the entrance of where you want to go jesus christ took the opportunity because the father revealed the mindset of god to a mere mortal man come down are you gonna calm down jesus realize the heavenly father gave this mortal that will in a few more days deny me if the heavenly father gave him a mind glimpse i've got to tell him what had left in the mind of the father a gate is secure so jesus serve notice to the leader of hell that we're coming in we are coming in to put out the souls that are being trapped from millennium we're coming in and you can't prevail against the breach we are coming to breach the gates of hell you can guard it with the pit bulls of hell but the church is coming for an advancement i'm coming in shoot up brothers and sisters put on your armor that we're going in for battle [Applause] the church is coming in to take back every soul [Music] that is trapped in hell the gates of hell will be breached by the church of the living god it will be breached by the church of the living god we are not a passive group of people but we have been bamboozled to think that all you need to do to have a wonderful church service is make sure the music is tight make sure your praises go up they never don't care about father's worshipers he knows you by your name but those that have been called by the lord and sanctify the devil don't want you to praise god because praise has done something to the bars of heaven it shake it and lose the captive soul i'm not here to tell you to praise god not this time [Applause] help me holy ghost not this time i'm not here to tell you the prayer is gone not this time brothers and sisters jesus said i'm giving you authority now peter i've just revealed to you what's the plan of god i jesus will build my church i'm building my church and if god through jesus christ bill mount zion where is the power of the kingdom in mount zion to bring up the deadly disease the rocking the body of the worshiper where is the power of the anointing of the kingdom to lose the drug addict lose the womanizer from the spirit that binds them well the kingdom is advancing up your street up your community [Applause] beyond this region doc hell has many gates i look at the new jerusalem and hit and have many gates gates is to keep you secure gates are heavily armed but jesus did give notice to the leader of hell the church is coming in the church is coming in and we are going to destroy that which you have put in the lives of people the lies of vanity is ripping the souls of generations dead ripping the soul of generation x the lies of vanity telling you you're more than you ought to think but i want you to know this morning it's not just the young people that are in trouble it's not just a young middle ager in trouble mothers and fathers of zion who should have been on your double watch you want now to be like your own little daughters if she can look nice but i can't look nicer it's not about looking nice you've got to be charged up you've got to be passed up [Applause] so when your children leave the gates of your house they have the protection of your prayers and you don't worry that your blood pressure rises because i prayed last night that god when they wake up in the morning and go wherever they go keep them from following jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's talk about the power i even get to the key at doc [Music] the early church in the 21st century fathers and mothers brothers and sisters they were fearsome fighters in the first century there were fearsome fighters they breached the gates of hell in their time at the first opportunity that peter get when jesus left the scene and show him the key because he didn't give him the key while he was here he had to kill himself that's why doc jesus can walk in any room and change the situation because he had the keys to the kingdom [Applause] because he had the keys well i feel someone pulling now i love the pro that's good your praises are moving but your pull does you're pulling and pushing cause me to go deeper in god they're fearsome fighters they demonstrated the power of using the keys of the kingdom they breached the gate of hell and pulled out countless souls on the first day the church was facing the public um square they went deep into the heart of hell trying to honor the anointing and while peter and john took the lead the rest of the 118 folks and they were still rejoicing and praying while peter preached somebody was praying why peter was preaching john was saying i'm with you i'm back here i don't need to take the mic go ahead preacher preach the word if it's my turn to use the mic so be it but until then i will support you so peter have the lifeline of prior [Music] lock him in peter went into the bars and the chambers of hell and pull out three thousand souls he had balanced cars but they were healed at the touch of jesus he had balanced guard but he was healed what was the gaze of hell just look y'all i work let me use this term very loosely our beloved premier and the prime minister is not the enemy of the church rome was rome was if a man used to stand very loosely rome was forced to show their hands but the devil was hiding behind the religious leaders that's where he took the seat of power we wrestle not against rome but against the principalities power spiritual wickedness in religious sentence and doc they cannot stop the advancement of the kingdom of god we will push beyond this vocation while you hold on to the northeast gate and with the saints i will lock down an south gate south gate and will burn against us now we'll pull out yes the drag headaches will pull out those who are on the streets we pull out those who have been lied to [Applause] the church in essence with another place you was really designed i'm not maybe i'm incorrect in this we could talk about it privately but i don't think the church was designed supposed to be jumping up and shouting and that's why we pumped you so you're going tired the church was designed for you to pray pray while the word is going forth sing songs in your heart but pray when they come to church the place will shake not because your organ is louder but you're praying god we're going into the south gate of hell today god will go into the north day of hell today god help us in the eastern gate of heaven we're going to preach it in your name and we need your protection we need your anointing god help us as we go forward [Applause] there was a time not too long ago where respectable men and women of society would not be caught walking in tattered garments sinners went to church in white gloves because it was such a special day they were the best of their best to the house of god because it was a special day now we see the man of god on the woman of god not that god has instructed them to do this without they put on to tear up jeans they put on the brussels shirt i'm just want to be with the in crowd god has never told us to be with no in crowd but i send you to pull out souls you can go there under his armor [Applause] but you know what that is that's the fashion of the world that is the way of the world and the church that has no anointing will go with the wind of the world plus wearing bum hugging skirts low cut blouses to show that my push-up breasts can still show my breasts looking fine where have we gone from from the start of the ministry to now where it's all right to parade yourself and you have no power no anointing that's why you're still sick though you're praying you pray all night that's why you're still in trouble not because of how you dress but where your mind is at again not how you're dressed there was a time lady phillips where spendex was an absolute undergarment where is it now the chief garment on the outside that won't bring you to hell but tell me where your mind is at it tell me where your mind is at you can't go to hell fighting to pull out dressing just like them and don't tell me you're doing wearing camouflage the devil can pick you up from a mile away you gotta go there charge up you gotta go there in the distinctiveness i come to you in the name of the lord you are goliath i am david you made me have experience in warfare but i've got secret training i've gotten to know i know the god that i serve [Applause] the first century christians they pull out soul the nature of the church my brothers and sisters it is spiritual you may be seated and those of you in line the nature of the church is spiritual but it's very challenging sister miller to see that spirituality today those who have the eyes of the spirit no it's not in the noise no it's not in the music always god did bless us with the music those who have the eyes of the spirit know the spirituality is not dressing like how i look right now that is a form of spirituality but my spirituality cannot be where on the outside you have got to be spiritual on the inside so you never don't mind you're wearing the long robe if you're corrupt inside keep wearing it he doesn't mind [Applause] but if god has my mind as a 70 year old grandmother and god has my god as my mind you will never find me in the spandex you'll never find me pushing up my bra to say look i still got it and then you want to tell the young people theirs is too tight then you want to you want to tell it they look at you my dress it's mine that you're wearing [Applause] i went to god and the children would say i am young but i know god did something for me i saw my daddy i saw my mother i heard them in fire and oh it stirred up my soul i could not go to the club because the prayer held me in my room is there somebody that said god bring me back the way the power is for real where the power is for real [Applause] it's time to suit obsidian it's time to suit up for battle and go in and breach the gates happy hell in a northern eastern region of yale where we are right now the modern eastern division of hell the gate in toronto is fortified our eyes have been closing to think that the anointing come with how we run through the aisles if i walk to this time if god told me to go through it and said touch my hand of my garment i'm anything in my garment and you shall be healed it better be a reality not for me but for you because i'm telling you god tell me to go through the heart i can't blame you if you still have your sickness it's blocked up with me and our feelings telling me to go through their eyes though [Applause] i feel it's telling me to go through the arms [Applause] and when i go through the house those of you in your respective places in cyberspace believe through faith you can touch the preacher's garment and your healing comes to this screen what do you mean pastor brown let me slow down doc there was a time there was a time where it was impossible to stay in israel and talk to me at this pulpit impossible and what you say in israel i can correspond with you now we know it is definitely happening today what caused a device known as a telephone what caused it for me to say jesus i love you from the pulpit of the northeast gate of hell because we're in hell i'm gonna pull the souls out of there and the words of my mouth reach bangladesh instantaneously as i speak it from this puppet i didn't see the words left my mouth but the bangladeshian is rejoicing because he heard that the help is coming in this region we can advance human ingenuity and we dare to doubt god to heal you right where you sit without god to bless you right at home if we can do it how much more the creator you know what i heard [Music] the dark matters [Music] of the universe cannot be seen with what we have currently in inventions but based upon the behavior of the molecules that we can see we conclude as a human being that there is other influence upon these molecules and they call it the dark matter in other words just like the iceberg what we see is only a small percentage of god of what we can't see because god has the key and he locked out mankind our imagination because he saw what he can do it communicate crypto wise it communicates through space satellites i can't show him my glory it is filthy state so god shut it down and shut it down the nature of the church is spiritual its government is spiritual not carnal his government is spiritual the authority given to simon peter came from the headship of the church which is located in heaven that's where the authority came from it was not from an ordination it came from the throne room of heaven oh i know i'm telling the truth here the bible jesus the christ told him to use the key and to do loosing and binding another preacher touching the key in friday let's take a quick look at it the keys to simon p given to simon peter you know those keys they were the keys of heaven right the kingdom of heaven it was not the key to the kingdom of heaven i know sometimes we get confused there or believe that but let me explain to you what god has laid with my heart amen the keys given to simon peter are not the keys to the kingdom but rather the keys off the kingdom of heaven these keys therefore open doors and within the kingdom and are not the door to the kingdom only one person have that key these keys are in use already in the kingdom of heaven so when you see the term whatever you lose is already past tense loose it because the keys are already in operation in the heavens they started their first these kings only lose what even have loosed these keys only bind what heaven has bind that's why it's like oh i got a revelation from the lord this key my brothers and sisters okay calm down calm down [Applause] let me bring it up to the natural reverend ricketts you have a key off pemmican court dr carley you have a key off pemmican court lady andrea and others i could call names and even though some of the names that i've called do have the key to playmaking court the key off pemmican court open the office door of reverend ricketts the key that opened the office door cannot open the front door because it's not the key to the building the key that reverend dr carley has to open his office door will not open the door to the building because that's a different key imagine if god defeated the keys to the kingdom lord of mercy what will happen but that is reserved for divine that is reserved for divinity so you see when he said whatever you loose in her people get confused but it's already losing because the keys are already in operation the functionalities of the key have been preordained they are already set in heaven yes everything manic hole upon your life to loose hallelujah the grip that the leader of hell has upon this earth heaven already loose it my brothers and sisters heaven i really lose it peter can't say well i'm the big man now but i reckon it's over there i'm the big man now i have the key i'm going to open up some doors in the banking arena on bay street because god gave me the key the financial devil would knock the light out of you because god didn't give you the authority to go outside of divine authority hear me today the federal bureau of investigation that division of our governments they have several different units and divisions that have been trained and specialized to work and infiltrate and investigate the societal groups that are within our society they do not send the drug squad to bay street because that's not where the drug problem is being festering in society they will send a drug squad to investigate in their inner city in the ghettos and then in the lower economic depression area because that's where some people are using all matter of things to bring themselves afloat from the crutches of darkness if they're sending a financial unit on bay street they're trained an arm to do that job dot i think we're sending the drug squad to bay street and every time we get defeated because they use your financial jargon and we say oh all right we're sending financial warriors to the drug squad where his drugs were supposed to work and telling they pray of mine it's time for you to invest invest what they don't even know how to count up to 100 how are they going to invest a million dollars when they never can dream beyond that so what they do our children see the work that is put in by the elders with your zip code and you ride that is almost self-driven i said i got to get me one of those two but they don't want to put in the time of the education can the devil tell them you could get it faster than your parents but you get faster into the penetrating that your parents have never seen because they will only see it when they visit you young people hear me today god is saying to this church that he build is time to exercise the keys to the kingdom it's time to exercise the keys to the kingdom so the keys that dr carley used to open his office i dare him to use the same key to open the front door because what would happen if 10 people have the key to the front door to open his office 10 people have access to his office and because they have the key they have the authorization to use the key unless it's stolen keys these keys therefore open doors within the kingdom but not to the kingdom they are in use in the kingdom of heaven already to bind principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in the earth and in high places these keys my brothers and sisters have the same function that they do in the kingdom of heaven as they do in the earth the same function so god is saying to the church suit up get ready for battle it's time to breach the gates of hell the question that jesus asked of his disciples change the era of mankind the god of el shaddai doesn't have a son elohim never been taught that he have a son el elyon they never said he had a son until god himself [Music] said this is my beloved son new era and the spiritual hell that the church was going through it was not from rome merely alone it was it was in this religious setting where the folks fought them we don't want you to preach in this square in the public square we don't want you to talk about this jesus we don't want you to do nothing but the first century search said we cannot but speak the things which we have heard and seen what are we doing in this 21st century we have 21 years already into the 21st century and the church is still silenced in the large arena of the life of public 80-plus years to go we don't know in fact most of us will not see the end of the 80 years which is the end of the 21st century but there are some children maybe might make it what will they get if we can demonstrate that god is still in the 21st century we've got to show them that the god of our appearance is still alive in the 21st century we go into 21 days 21 years [Music] i don't i want to ask you to stand i'm almost certain at least 40 to 50 percent of us have some healing that we could we could say thank you god for in other words we would love to be healed today we have the power of god and the advancement of the kingdom has got to demonstrate not just are we talk about healing and that one day would happen to me but that we will speak about the healing that we have experienced the the the word el shaddai is a human experience that coined that phrase that name goddess in my name is el shaddai it's what he has done for someone now call them to say you are el shaddai god name in our jehovah rapha is the experience of someone who felt the healing power of god and said he is jehovah what will we call him in the 21st century [Music] what is jesus to you what is jesus to you this is a question we're going to reach the gates of hell we are not just here to jump and shout we've got to pull out those folks who are being bamboozled by the lies that the devil told them we cannot die in this advancement and even if we die we should live again it's a win-win situation my brothers and sisters just has heaven has keys hell did that did and has spoken past tense purposefully because they lost the authority because jesus christ infiltrated the chambers of hell and put up the authority from that's why we can breach the gate jesus exposed hell to us and we're still like peter sitting and watching looking in the edges of poker and afraid to go in because we don't know what to expect jesus breached the gates of hell took the authority from the leader of hell took the keys from the chambers of death and said i'll go in and pull some souls out and with you wondering [Music] their tattoo is scaring me his sophistication scared me the folks are not only afraid of how people dress people are afraid of how people status are in society [Music] don't you know god has a banking squad now you know god has a governmental squad that can speak in fact god pick up a persecutor and turn him to a state man to speak the heads of dignitaries and not afraid to speak to them god still have those divisions [Applause] it's time to breach the gates of hell we've got to go in sister calling we've got to go in there and pull out the souls these churches that were about to be filled with souls they have got to know that when they get in the church that is not business as usual god will change your smoking habits god will change your sex addiction god will change your worthy exposure he will turn your life around look at me look at me you ought to say to yourself if god did it for me i know we will do it for you but some of us are not coming from anywhere you were born in church you had silver spoon in your mouth so when the tattoo was born again and god brought him into the sanctuary you sat in your favorite seat and he or she didn't know and they came and sit next to you and you slowly move away not knowing that god has brought that vessel in so they could see how you operate that they may mimic the glory of god that is seen in you where is the glory of god and how you speak to your fellow man where is the glory of god and how you walk dignified if i can't see it in you then how can i know that god is among you [Applause] how can it know you're telling me that god is good what you mean to me you tell me god is a god of love but you tell me don't cross my path [Music] this is my territory you tell me that god is a god of mercy but you tell me one more time when you're done it reminds me of someone that jesus spoke about an accountant who was taking a fair ah their fears of his master's goods owe some money a lot of money master says you need to pay up oh please bear with me please help me i will do it in a hurry and he went out and he uses accounting skills and collect as fast as he can is your master's here oh god he said what great but then the accountant was owed some money way less than what he owed took the man and truman jail so the mercy that he received never registered to him the love that god gave to you so you don't seem like it registered to you when you when you you meanly entreat your fellow human being the forgiveness that god has afford you somehow you can't find it within you to forgive the one sitting next to you person not coming off the street the person that doesn't know what it is to put needles in their arm to let them feel unconnected to the pain that you're going through but this person has no dealing with that they've been privileged all their lives but god says it's time for you to see the greater purpose of your life how do you minister to that person we don't need your money who you can't tell them that god will deliver you and pay your bills they don't need all of that that we need a division that we're gonna gonna speak to those people our church is not just filled with the the the folks that were hardship in life we have doctors and lawyers policemen government officials in the body of baptized believers who are seriously saved god doesn't make distinction and only for the poor that's why i tell judges you don't care you don't treat your mother differently then you treat the stranger let me wind up tonight today the question before us today is what do these keys open what do they open that is absolutely correct they open everything in this earth seen this is the reason why not everyone in this building right now could use those keys dangerous in the hands of the ignorant and the ignorant is one who failed to study the word of god you have to be spiritual because this is a spiritual house you have to be well connected to the creator it's not about coming up here and shouting and speak louder in the mic to excite you no you have to know my brothers and sisters these keys are functional in the heavens and this is a spiritual thing we've got to lose our young children from the prison system [Music] the greatest majority of prisoners are the least minorities in our society you only know when i say it's not those who want to harvard the uft and york universe and ryan that are filling the prisons now the church has got to reach them before the police reach them the church is going to rescue them before the devil destroys them we have the power [Applause] to go beyond the gates of hell and pull those children back from the from the disaster that's awaiting them hear me today my brothers and sisters you cannot use a ski in chronology it will never work it's like having the key to doctors dr carly's office trying to open in the front door it will never work and as a result i'm saying god from this day this day meaning the time we're in we have got to go back to the word of god search the scriptures to see where we of errored that we might find our place in the rightful place within the kingdom [Applause] not so that i could say not lady in the red hand wearing the red blouse i mentioned oh there's one with red so we don't want okay that lady in a pink hat wearing the yellow blouse wearing the yellow shoes so i know there's no one here like that cause that's kind of weird dressing come and let me pray for you because you're sick we're not looking for that i actually didn't see that in the scripture the devil liked to show himself to say you know stuff you know he's able to operate sometime from pulpits but god can just walk by and with you saying god let it be today and you touched the hem of his garment and he turned around and says who touched me he's going to even says who touched me jesus was not paying her no mind he was walking with his entourage and someone in their own little world is there someone in their own little world if you notice the music is not playing people not jumping and shouting but if you have faith your healing is today [Applause] if you have faith enough your healing is today your healing is today your healing is today we get so used to the church jumping and shouting and jesus was walking and someone touched his garment [Music] someone just touch his clothes i'm not jesus but he's inside of me and if you have the faith i guarantee you you're healed today [Applause] and by the little children the example will be a reality [Music] does it mean that they're hearing the preacher hear me my brothers and sisters jesus stop and he turns and says who touch me [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know those of you were in line send in your testimony let those were in the building know that god was here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm not a healer and never claimed to be a healer but i believe what god said i came for you come with me [Music] [Applause] jesus never walk with a woman like this jesus never talk hardly to a woman like this but if you have a need sister when you get to the front with me that need is settled that need is taken care of that need is finished the glory of god has come to your house in the name of jesus [Applause] what will we do in the 21st century that tell will heal us and it come to pass in the 21st century is there a god among us [Applause] one man said we're gonna prove it today get me two blocks he said [Applause] get me two books zion if bishop ricketts is the one that keep this church alive we have to prove it today is it dark wickets or god [Applause] and the people answer the prophet not a word doc not a word so the prophet said okay you all go first do your little thing go first let let let the praises let go first and they and they call on bail [Applause] and they cut themselves go first go first everything that they did was business as usual they cut themselves but with no result business as usual our church is not business as usual today i got a good doc as soon as i leave the north east gate i gotta go back to the southgate to breach the south gate and i've got to go in a hurry but i want you to know mount zion nothing happened for more than five hours i praise offering to bear nothing happened for 21 years in the 21st century show me the god of rapper show this is 21 years into the 21st century where is wheelchairs where [Music] [Applause] so we could do something ridiculously foolish and extraordinary it's time for god to prove himself [Music] that he is god the people say that sounds good repair that broken down i want you to tear it down [Music] and i want you to remove any ambiguity with respect to how fire operates dig a trench around this altar put the meat on the wood [Music] and pour water on the meat wood so the people see it and they did that and elijah here do it again and they pour water on the meat and wood and now the trench has water settling it and he heard god said do it again oh lord have mercy i would walk around one more time and he pour water one more time he's already done is it only one need more water no no no three times he buried the heart the altar with water water trench and then the man of god said no there was no music there was no praise offering there was no tongue talking holy ghost roller he said god i'm not quoting for brethren now prove yourself to be the god that you are and god heard the prayer of this one little bearded man and god you said this is a day that zion will be demonstrated god is in your midst god according to his infinite mercy spoke to the thunder and lightning came down like lightning fast and blick up the offering with fire and burn up the water evaporated right in front of their eyes the thoughts drop not to their knees but a drop prostrate god is the lord the lord is god the lord is god the lord is god the lord is god the lord is god they couldn't stop saying it fear gripped their heart because they saw what god did there was no music [Music] [Applause] young folks and older folks god is right here right now bless you elder [Applause] the glory of god must be seen the key must be operated the key must be operated the key must be operating i say you are peter and up on this rock this revelation that god gave to you i'm going to build my church does this look like the church built by god when a majority of folks could use a miracle right now when god declared to the israelites or stiff naked who was rebellious the disease i put on israel not an egypt it will never come nigh your dwelling if you walk in obedience to me there's someone here today [Music] say reverend dr carley and the ministers here of this church [Music] my backsliding days are done this work came for me today i am about to go nuclear on the gates of hell [Applause] nuclear leave great creators there is evidence that you were there [Music] there is evidence that you were there when we leave this building we have got to leave converted that the power of jesus christ is present to heal through this man and his ministering servants that are here that the power of christ is present to heal as a word go forth i realize it doesn't take all of this and all of this for god to walk in [Applause] but it take an obedient integrity and for someone to say this is my miracle time i know i'm not out of the book dark i believe i read that the shadow of mortal men who was connected to the divine folks had the nerve to believe even if this shadow pass over me i'll be healed i was told that they were healed because they believe because they believe because they believe and that's why i know we're in a change mode the church is not passive it's in an attack mode the gates of hell can't stop it in the 21st century we have got to demonstrate to our forefathers we believe in jesus christ in my name he said we're gonna cast out devils can't cancel the devil by telling them to leave you have to have the authority to cast them out cast me throw out the devil out of your life we are as the murphys we are we are rejoicing with some music that folks within christendom wrote and they're addicted to pornography they're addicted to drugs and they go in the studio and do it put on their professional suit and sing about how much i love him somebody even dreaming about their carnal love the church need to recognize the snake head and cut it off because if he put his poison up on us we worship but god not there as a preacher we're saying i i am this this is a day that i know that you're there and i'm there where you're going to see a difference in the church i'm not going to beg you to praise god i'm going to beg you to study his word i'm going to beg you to attend the bible study class i'm going to beg you above all things believe the word so miracles can happen in your life the word of god said when peter opened the first door and the glory of god fell upon those folks people get so excited they want to be a part of it and doc you have to watch those folks as god dropped that first nuclear bomb and folks are coming like crazy watch the folks who come in and i said i want to be a part of it doc i tell you watch them opportunist oh i know doctor called you a long time let me know oh i know this is my church to watch the opportunities because it's coming the glory of god is coming back to zion baptism in the holy ghost and in water will be irregular in this 21st century we have got to experience the move of god among us so we say yes god is back in the house the glory is back not achaban the glory is back the glory is back now let me say this all of us ministers have different style of delivering the word but we better be delivering the word of god i understand before you today to let you know that a mortal man was spoken to by the creator backed up by god in flesh reveal and then jesus took the opportunity to peter you could not get that answer my daddy gave that to you i'm going to take this opportunity now peter to give you a little more insight i'm going to build my church i'm going to build my church and some of you look at your brother's past and it can't pass your brother's past when god has put him on a trajectory and all you're seeing is where he's coming from the devil is a liar all you are looking at is where he's coming from and not where god has taken him [Music] jesus knew when he spoke into peter's life that he would deny him but he look at the totality of the man's life don't judge me for one day my life is not sum up in one fall your life is not the totality of one mistake or shareful mistake peace oh god how much time should i forgive my brother then should i forgive him seven times jesus if peter said should i forgive my hundred times jesus would have doubled that too because he used seven jesus he was seven and the trajectory of peter's life is why we have the church here today still and mother peter and i had no i got to quit peter church was growing good folks are coming in like crazy doc and you'll see that so they will come doc i just want to bless you with this you know it's only fifty thousand dollars and now if you don't be careful oh my god yeah you know and they have a minute or something oh my god i said all this money so they promised god a hundred thousand but they know doc would be happy for 50. will you try that in the 21st in the first century you open your mouth and say god i'm cashing in my stocks and i'm gonna bless the church with one hundred thousand and when you take out the money you say one hundred thousand that's too much okay put fifty i wasn't there when you promised god that well you know me see 50 me go whoa what peter didn't know peter didn't go whoa peter didn't go la la peter says whoo baby no he said is this what you sold the property for oh yes oh yes reverend i stole my stuff and i gave it all to god because you know i wasn't there when you put away the other 50 000. but you know i would be impressed with 50. but because brown is not connected i jump and shout hey you all there is a blessing in the house god does bless us with i can't even tell you how much it's all good but peter said okay you'll wait right here did you listen yes and something happened something happened to the man he should have a chest pain from a chest pain he sat and never got back up don't tell me peter kill him he did not lie to the holy ghost here comes wifey coming now and they didn't tell her nothing you know then put the corpse put it over there did your husband oh yes yeah but yeah i mean well you know we we just love god we know god is doing a thing in zion and we you all know how those could work right that's how it happened in the first century she had a chest pain too and she fell and never got back up [Music] imagine if that key is unlocked in zion how will the manner in which would conduct ourselves not only when we come up here in particular but when we treat each other that's the kind of power that cannot fall into the wrong hands doc we are not seer men we are not palm readers preachers that's not what we do don't come here first to tell us tell you what's going on in your life i'm not gonna happen to you tomorrow that's not what we do here the word of god is what that which transforms lives in a disruptive way god bless you today god strengthen you today god prosper you today and those who touch by faith you will testify you will be the witnesses of christ [Applause] that is not always the noise that brings the glory of god it's a sincere truthful integrity life mothers be mothers in the church fathers be fathers in the church young people the vanity of this world is just that vanity it only lasts temporarily temporarily let us get ourselves a position that we could go out with an associate from young and bay or bay and blow or wherever in your city and have a sit down chat with them and talk christ with them and don't feel that you're inferior god gave us those divisions as well i don't have to put on a tear of jeans to go into jain and finn said wait what's up dog jesus is dope we love you what kind of nonsense is that but it's happening don't you call me no dog and you tell me that god is dope are you mad oh no that's the young people that's gonna be real the young people want you to be real show me a real jesus show me a real god show me him god bless you in jesus name [Music] praise he the lord stand everyone in this awesome presence of almighty god praise god and the lord has spoken again i said the lord has spoken again praise god praise god and i know right now i know right now somebody is healed i know right now somebody's delivered praise the name of the lord can you believe can you believe god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] if you can believe in me as the scripture has said amen if you can believe the word that the preacher has spoken right where you're standing right now your deliverance is there praise god praise god nothing more to be added to what has been said by god god has said it just believe [Music] all jesus said to the ten lepers go show yourself to the priest and he was finished and something happened praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm taking my promotion anybody taking your promotion right now through the word of the lord amen praise god praise god praise god this good note three members were added to the family today [Applause] amen sister shelly stevenson [Music] hey man brother nicholas frazen aliyah fraser was added to the family in the name of the lord praise god amen god bless you today god bless you god bless you amen just raise your right hand in acknowledgment that you have received even the word of the lord that was sent by his servant today amen and he send his word and heal them and heal them and heal them send his word and heal [Music] i've been trying to tell this house for a long time evangelist books and you know it i've been saying you don't have to do all of that just speak the word just speak the word praise god praise god god bless you hallelujah just speak the word and if you can receive the word the work is already done praise god amen amen all right we'll be back tonight at 7 00 pm praise god for the overflow in the name of the lord amen look forward to see everyone at 7 pm amen as we come back for the overflow give the lord thanks for pastor brown in the name of the lord amen and amen god bless him god bless him in the name of the lord all right raise your right hand in the presence of god and the holy angel and this saturated permeated atmosphere of the holy ghost right now it's right around you praise god as we say we're benediction right now amen now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present us thoughtless before the presence of his glory with exceeding great joy to the only wise god our savior to him be glory majesty dominion and power vote now and ever let all god's people say amen tell somebody see you tonight see you tonight we'll be back even for the overflow brother michael good to see you amen praise god praise god praise god god bless you please be directed by the ushers amen in the name of the lord and remember there is no congregated outside inside amen please please vacate the building we gotta leave the building no congregating no congregating anywhere amen god bless you we'll see you tonight at 7 00 pm today at 7 00 pm tonight in the name of the lord amen please adhere to the ushers as they die
Channel: Mount Zion Apostolic Church - Toronto
Views: 2,496
Rating: 4.7692308 out of 5
Id: RVKvPSv1Bv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 30sec (9750 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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