Unplug - The Bishop Dale Bronner

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welcome to c3 San Diego need something fresh real and powerful in your life connect with us on social media get live stream service notifications podcasts and up-to-date information on upcoming events we are so glad you're joining us for a powerful life transforming message from one of our c3 San Diego pastors we would love to hear about how God is impacting your life through this ministry please share your experience with us at info at c3 san diego dot-com if you'd like to be a part of what c3 church is doing in the city of San Diego and beyond you can contribute financially by going to c3 give calm and choosing the giving option that works best for you we hope you enjoy this message there are so many things that are bouncing around in my spirit right now I feel like a mosquito at a nudist beach I don't exactly know where to stick in you know you know but uh I'm so glad I'm so glad that I'm here with you today you do know that the Bible says that laughter does good like a medicine and I know some people who need heavy doses of it just it's it's it's a blessing it's a blessing and so I'm just so honored to be hope that there's something in the message today that will be meaningful and impacting in your life no matter what age and stage you are a pastor people my oldest member is a minister who's on staff a lady she's a hundred and two years old so you know I hope that there's something here today doesn't matter whether you and your tender things your teachable twenties your tireless 30s your forceable 40s your fearful 50s your seasoned 60s your settles seventies you're a kanay ts your nebulous 90s or your per dishes hundreds wherever you are I hope that there's something that will just speak to you and that that something will echo in your spirit and you will say lord I thank you that that was for me one of you what have you turned your attention to psalm 46 verse eight ten and eleven there and it just simply says this be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the heathen I will be exalted in the earth the Lord of Hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge Sayla and Sayla is a musical instruction because remember these are songs Psalms are songs and this was a musical notation to the musicians telling them when they saw Saila it meant ad-lib play in the spirit and meditate on what has just been said let it marinate in your spirit so it gave an interlude for them to just let that sink in let that sink in because here's the deal that reflection turns experience into insight reflection turns experience into insight so we're saying what has just been said pause don't rush past this he says take a little time and think about what God just said it to us be still and know that I am God another version puts it this way cease struggling stop fighting stop wrestling with things because you don't know how to handle it and they're things that we like Jacob wrestled with all night long and God says stop wrestling stop struggling stop stressing out over this and so I want to just talk for a few moments from the subject unplugged unplugged unplug because you have to unplug some things it is interesting that the kingdom of God operates in total opposite their weight the way that the world operates the world says show me and then I'll believe you God says believe me and then I'll show you the world says get all you can God says if you want to get give then the world says climbed up to the top as fast as you can God says the way if you really want to go to the top he says humble yourself in the sight of God and God will exalt you in due season so opposite kingdom and so it is way in the world when every every night you know what we end up doing we end up plugging in our cell phones we plug that in in order to recharge it but the way that we charge the human soul is to unplug when you unplug from the news when you unplug from social media when you unplug from trifling people that drain your energy you know those people that call you on your telephone and in that crazy the phone will give you an option saying answer or ignore and there are so many people that are actually omit they they are just cantankerous contumacious iconoclastic kind of people and you really don't want to answer their call because it takes a certain amount of energy to even listen to them anybody know somebody like that I hope that you're not with them here just look straight ahead look straight so that there are some people that are energy drainers and and and when they are energy drainers just just seeing their number comes up creates stress in you because you just see their number and immediately their name comes up on your screen and your your question is what do they want now I mean you know that there's a certain kind of people in the world they only call you when they want something they're not calling to check on you they're not calling to bless you they're not calling you to give you a word of encouragement they're calling you and doing small talk but you know that it's gonna lead around - they're asking you for something that they need and see these are the kinds of things that are energy drainers and so you have to unplug periodically just so that you can recharge your own spirit your own mind and you see we have break down when we add to today the pressures of yesterday or when we add to our to our own lives things that are designed to be cast on the Lord we are not God and if people are trying to cast their issues and their concerns and dump on you and then we get burned down burned out and burdened down with the issues of other human beings that's why we have this incredible need to just chill out I like to call it relaxing and where you you are able to just chill out and what better place to do it than San Diego oh my goodness it is unfair that you guys have such moderate temperatures year-round this is unfair I just want you to know if you live in San Diego in any way in the metropolis here you you're blessed and highly favored and favor is not fair it is not fair in in the crazy that our world is so convoluted we are so busy all of the time that we have to actually have devices I wear my Apple watch so that it it reminds me to breathe you know that love assemble and in in it starts inflating and you sort of inhale with it because we breathe too shallowly and we it we don't pause enough to take deep breaths to reoxygenate our souls and discouragement is when your soul runs out of oxygen when you encourage a person you breathe into them we you inspire them to inspire means to breathe in God inspired man he breathed into mankind and then we became a living soul he inspired us breathed in us and so when you don't have the time to inhale the breath of God and then what happens we inhale but we forget to exhale and then when you hold it the tension begins to bill because we hold on to too much too many toxic faults too many toxic emotions and God is simply reminding us in psalm 46 be still and know that I am God because it's a principle stress stops your flow stress stops your flow and your life opera at a premium when you are in this thing called flow basketball players do it when you're in your flow it were a football player when you're in your flow a soccer player when you're in your flow things just happen you operate at your peak when you're in a flow it's a zone where you can do this thing without even having to consciously think about it you're operating in your flow and that's what the anointing of the Holy Spirit does when it comes in your life he relaxes you so you operate in your flow stress makes it tight tense if you ever noticed when a person gets stressed their voice gets high because you add tension to the vocal cords and the more tense that the vocal cords are the higher your voice is and that's why when you first wake up in the morning your vocal cords are most relaxed and they are low long gated elongated and your voice is deeper sing in the morning it's a sign that you are relaxed we have a lady in our church her voice is so deep then you call her in the morning and people say sir is your wife home but your vocal cords have had an opportunity to chill out and God is saying I want you to just breathe just allow yourself to rest because you're mindful of too many things you've been carrying too much on your mind you're stressed out and if it stops your flow it stops your creativity because here's what happens we are called we are human beings not human doings is this not about what you you do it's a matter of what you are because what you do is a natural outflow of who you are God is love so God loves as an outflow of who he has already become it's who he is he doesn't have to struggle he just is it when you go to an aquarium and you watch if I if I want to go down to SeaWorld and I don't have to you when you when the people get there nobody instruction to the fish and said okay the people are here now do the fish thing fish do what they do whether you're looking or not it's what they do that's who they are what you do has to be a natural outflow of who you are that's why you have to be comfortable in your own skin in order to make it do what it do you have to just be relaxed you have to be relaxed and and until you relax you can't have that flow it's just doing that this is why you know I've got four daughters in one son and all of my kids are married but my four daughters I had to get them in the right mindset because I didn't want them to be obsessing over when their husband was going to come and and I shared with my daughters I took each of my daughters out when when they got 12 years old I took them out one by one on a date and I said this is how a real gentleman a husband will treat you and I showed them I showed them and then III took with them you know a ring and a covenant agreement and I said your virginity is the only thing that you can give to one person one time I said make it special and I at 12 years old calls them to treasure their virginity I could talk about that because my wife is the only woman that I've ever known I'm in my 35th year of marriage she's the only woman in all of these years that I have ever known what keeps me is the power of a decision I made a decision 35 years ago to marry one woman to give my virginity to one woman I made a decision to do that what keeps me is a power of a decision I'm an entomologist the word decision comes in the word Day means off the word says means to cut the word Shawn means the stay table every time you make a decision it is a state of cutting off incision the state of cutting in excision the state of cutting out you cut out cancer you excise cancer circumcisions a state of cutting around but a decision is the state of cutting off and when God says see struggling be still cut it off and know that I am God turn off the telephone turn off the television turn off the computer turn off folks talking in your ear and just chill out so you can get recalibrated to the frequency of God in your life he's saying be still and know that I am God just be still and know chill out and know that I am God because here's a his a powerful thing that happens when that happens when you allow yourself to just be still and know your creativity comes to a maximum your your your innovation comes to a peak when you are allow yourself to just chill out so you just get me out in nature somewhere my creativity comes alive my creativity comes alive my creativity I discovered that up in the Silicon Valley they don't even let their children get introduced to technology until they're about seven years old they don't entertain them at two years old and three years old sitting in the restaurant with some type of electronic digital device because it reduces their capacity for creativity children need to be able to just draw on a piece of paper not in the lines they they just draw they create take them out to the beach and let them create allow the creative gifts just let them be just let them be just let them be it's interesting it can stop your flow can stop your creativity and so when I work with business people here's one of the things that I teach them because I feel like I'm talking to leaders right now now this is not your you know run-of-the-mill kind of Church this is this is c3 San Diego uh I'm not twisted about it you know so if you really want to know how to how do you maximize your innovation ability your creativity here's the thing that there are four different elements you have to have here's number one there must be a problem to solve you've got to have a challenge there must be a problem to solve problems are facts of life problems of facts of life and so just just deal with it but here's a definition of a problem is that which can be solved if it cannot be solved it's a fact of life but problems are part of life they are normal to life they're normal to life if you really want to have creativity innovation there must be a problem to solve you can't innovate if that's not a problem there's got to be a problem you've got to find a way to make it easier an innovation is not an innovation if it's more difficult than what you currently have innovation always makes it more easy but for easier that something is the more genius has to go into it in order to make it easy the more genius has to go into it the more you have to think about it to get it so there must be a problem to solve there must be a problem to solve secondly you must have limited resources because if you've got too much money you'll hire other people who are creative so you've got to be operating with a limited budget so you want to decorate around your your house and you've been to somebody else's house has got a whole lot of money and you don't have that kind of money you have to get creative so you'll be surprised how limited resources can stir your creativity because you don't have the kind of money to be able to hire this kind of staff because they got 150 people and you don't have that kind of money you make be able to hire ten people but you can't hire 150 and so you have to get creative with the ten people that you do have so there must be limited resource there must be a problem to solve there must limited resources his number three there must be a willingness to fail there must be a willingness to fail in order to for your creativity you got to be willing to take some risks it's got to be a little edgy you got to take a risks because nobody who plays it safe ever changes the world so you've got to be you've got to be willing to fail you got to be willing to say I don't know whether this is gonna work or not but let's just try it if it if it if it doesn't work we'll try something else you don't you don't get stuck there you just you try something else so there must be a problem to solve there must be limited resources there must be a willingness to fail and number four there must be a crazy idea you gotta have a crazy idea you gotta say hey hey I don't know whether this is gonna work or not but let's do X Y Z you have to have a crazy idea and you have to have a willingness to fail and you gotta have limited resources limited resources I mean Amazon started in that man's garage in his garage limited resources you start where you are you use what you have and you do all that you can do give it everything you've got you'll be surprised how creative that you can become when you've got a problem to solve and you've got limited resources and you're willing to take a risk and you got a crazy idea if you just got a crazy idea I'm just telling you if you ever come home sometimes and shell out be still and know that I am God when you have a crazy idea you engage the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost you ask God for something that is ordinary it doesn't stir the blood of the Holy goose God gets stirred because he is a supernatural God so when you then need his super to come down on your natural and if you're not asking God for something that is super you may not me as well not ask him because God is great and God is good and he wants to do something great in your life is amazing and so I just encourage you to do this unplug from whatever is not feeding your soul unplug from whatever is not feeding your soul and take inventory on your life whatever is not feeding your soul unplug from it if it's not feeding your soul unplug from it because this is draining your energy so you have to be still and know that I am God this is for the season for you to be able to recharge we plug natural things in to recharge but spiritual things must be unplugged to recharge God says you disconnect from man-made stuff you need a digital detox you need to go on a fast you need to withdraw for a while you need to go to the mountains mountains give us perspectives but valleys mature us you have to take your time and get out in nature and let nature begin to prophesy to you and see we didn't even have all of the kind of electronic things in the fast-paced world can you imagine that back during the time of Jesus people were still anxious and stressed out over stuff and it wasn't because they were waiting on the repairman to come and fix the washing machine they didn't have a washing machine nor a dishwasher nor a vacuum cleaner and yet they were still stressed jesus said it in Matthew chapter 6 notice verse 25 to 34 notice what Jesus said to them I love his realistic concern about human beings and our anxieties and stresses notice Jesus says that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food and barns for your heavenly Father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing look at the lilies of the field and how they grow they don't work to make their clothing and yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why did you have so little faith so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat what will we drink what will we wear these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and He will give you everything you need so don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries today's trouble is enough for today see Jesus knew that when you are stressed out you can't make good decisions so he says be still and know that I'm God just trust me be still and know that I'm God whatever it is that you're dealing with whether or not your application is going to be approved whether the loan is going to be approved whether you're gonna be able to sell a certain piece of property whether you'll be able to get into this school how you're gonna pay for your children's schooling and and one thing after another how am I gonna be promoted on my job how do I earn more money how do I pay off this debt that I'm dealing with he says your concern about too many things he says says relax relax just chill out and allow yourself to be refilled and just recount what God has already done for you in the past just recount and let him do something new and when you unplug you get out into nature and you can more readily observe and orient and decide and execute when you get into a new environment the first thing that you do is observe what you are you look at where you are in every new environment and then you begin to orient yourself to that new environment you get the perspective of where what's there and then you decide again to decide means to cut off other options every decision means that you cut off other possibilities you you decide you decide and then you execute you do it you act and there are some people that decide and they never execute and they say you know what imma get married and they never execute they never pop the question they never follow through you have to execute application is the evidence of learning application is the evidence of learning and if you don't ever apply it it means they didn't learn it a disciple a disciple of Christ hear me carefully is not merely a a follower disciple really means learner and there's some people that follow behind you but never learn but a disciple is a learner who then puts a process it B it jump-starts a process here's the process learn do teach learn do teach learn do teach it keeps on going in perpetuity learn do teach it's the cycle of success learn it do it teach it to others learn it do it teach it to others learn it do it teach it to others that's how you empower people you you can't teach what you haven't learned and you can't do it unless you've already become that thing you learn it you do it and did you teach it to others you learn it you do it you teach it to others jesus said the thing that you have learned you've received a mean learned heard and seen in me do those things he says and now in 2nd Timothy 2:2 he says the things that you've seen me do you've watched you've observed you've gotten it from me you've learned it from me commit it to others faithful people who shall be able to teach others also just give it to them just give it away give it away to them and then he tells us in in Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures and that was the thing with sheep you had to make sheep lie down when they were anxious because when they're anxious they have a tendency to just pace like some people when they get upset they can't be still they have to pace but the Lord said he makes me lie down concerning the sheep he makes them lie down beside the steel waters leave them in filled in in green pastures and then he leaves me beside the steel water and then he restores my soul the reason that it says that he leads me beside the still waters it's because steel waters back in that time was the only way that they could get a true reflection of what they looked like they didn't have mirrors so if you really wanted to know what you looked like and it it never showed you on a bathroom with tile in the background when you looked in the steel waters because running water distorts your image you can't see your image and running water he leads me beside the still waters when he does that he begins to restore my soul my mind my emotions my imagination my will he recalibrates me he leads me beside the still waters and allows me to really see for the first time what I look like with the backdrop of the blue sky in the background over me and when I do that I'm not seeing man-made stuff I want to see the reflection of my own face with the backdrop of God's Big Blue Heaven reminding me that the sky is the limit because champions look at the world in a different way because you know you look at some people when their bank accounts get down to zero they look at the zero and it looks like a zero but real champions don't look at a zero and throw their hands up and say I have nothing real champions look at a zero and see the zero as a portal through which they look and can see infinity it's all in how you look it's all in how you look the champion looks through the old because it is an opening that begins to show them a realm of possibility but until your mine has been quieted there will you be still and know that He is God you just be still and know he leads me he leads me he leads me beside the still waters and he restores my soul because you have to become that thing until you I have four daughters in one son and I told my daughters I said you have to become a wife before you become a wife you notice the scripture he that finds a wife finds a good thing notice it didn't say he that finds a woman because not every woman is wife material not every man is husband material there are some people who absolutely should not get married because they are not wife material or husband material he that finds a wife she has already be a wife in her mind she has to already be a wife in her attitude in the way that she comes home at a decent hour she already has to be a wife in the disciplines of her life you don't become that nothing magical is gonna happen in a wedding ceremony if you're not already in your mindset and then there are too many men that are that are running after attractive women and not attractive wives your your it's it's about an attitude an attitude is a frame of mind but an attitude is an external manifestation of an internal feeling and that's why you can always perceive an attitude if a man's wife has an attitude he will know it he will know it he will know it we had a guy in our church in and his wife had gone out to dinner and and he knew immediately when they were in front of their friends you know because he was at dinner and he it was a joke and he says you know my wife is on a seafood diet she eats all the food she can see the whole table laughter but in the car on the ride home there was a tension in the front seat that was discernible it was so thick you could have cut a chunk of it out with a knife and he asked her honey what's wrong nothing he's seeing the attitude and so you see when a man he that finds a wife finds a good thing he finds a wife he that finds a wife is that talking about somebody's wife who's already married he's talking about a single woman who is prepared already mentally as a wife because here's a deal you never rise to the occasion you fall to your highest level of preparation you never rise to the occasion you only fall to your highest level of preparation so when a woman has already become a wife it makes it easy for some how when a man sees her he realizes this is wife material because you see ladies footmen play with they don't want to live with why buy the cow if you can get the milk free I'm so glad this is grown folks church and in the same way ladies make sure that what you're being found by is a husband and not a man because not every man is a husband some of them still haven't grown up you used to you there's a huge difference between a boyfriend a boy in my boyfriend boys play games the differ between aboard a man is one word responsibility not every boyfriend is a husband it's not husband material and and when Nana listened a woman marries a man in hopes that she can change him and a man marries a woman hoping that she'll never change [Laughter] [Applause] while they're courting and dating the man is trying to get the woman to sink down into his arms once they get married he's trying to keep her arms over in a sink it's a different day just be still and know that He is God I want to give you some quick things that are just simple things that we learn simple truths that we learn from observing God's creation just the birds the birds teach us that stress-free living is a blessing you will never see a bird that has a deep freezer with meat for the week the bird knows that God provided their food yesterday and he's gonna take care of them today the bird never stresses over even what's going to happen tomorrow stress-free living when you look at birds I want you to be still and know that he's God by looking at all of the creation that declared the glory of God you look at the river the river says keep moving no matter what happens in your life keep moving you went through a bad breakup in a relationship keep moving man's rejection is God's direction keep moving no matter what happened keep moving keep moving keep moving don't let what happen to you stun you to the degree that you can't recover keep moving keep moving keep moving the wind tells just don't tell your next move because you can't tell from the wind which way it comes and where it's going in other words and let people feel your impact you can always see the effects of the wind you see its impact he says so is everybody that is born of the Spirit we are just like the wind and don't announce your next move because God's leading you will let with as many as are led by the Spirit of God we don't exactly know we're trusting him but then the rocks the rocks tell us something else The Rock says anchor down but you can't hop from pillar to post that you have to find foundational core issues find the core the karahi that gives you courage if it's not in your core you won't have courage for it anchor down find the rocks the nexus of clouds the cloud says to us it's passing not permanent and whatever you see today is passing not permanent don't get upset because things change when you change it is passing not permanent and at every stage when you walk with God there's a new level of glory the clouds are constantly in motion constantly it's passing not permanent just remind yourself no matter how bad something has happened this too shall pass you look up to the clouds and the clouds are reminded that no matter how large the storm system is is passing this is passing not permanent this is passing not permanent I'm delimit attitudes in my home this is passing not permanent the disrespect this is passing not permanent the financial struggle of living from hand to mouth this is passing not permanent the issues in your own health this is passing not permanent I learned things from the caterpillar the caterpillar reminds me that you can change because the caterpillar out of its own mouth creates the environment in which its metamorphosis will take place they spin their own cocoon that encapsulates them the scripture says that thou art snared by their words and so what comes out of your mouth can create the atmosphere in which your metamorphosis will take place and just because somebody sees you as a worm and your your mode of transportation will change because once the caterpillar has gone through its death like state of being in the cocoon when he comes out you'll never crawl again the mode of transportation you never crawl around in dirty things again he makes you to wear your mode of how you get around and how you do things changes because you've changed kingdoms except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and die it abides alone but if it died my god he will allow something to rise up with strength and power in you you become more than you could have ever been I even look down at the dirt because my granddaddy my granddaddy was a big huge farmer and we had thousands of chickens there we sold the eggs and we even sold the chickens to Campbell Soup and and you just discover that what it taught me is seeing things in the dirt that something beautiful can blossom out of something dirty your past might be dirty but when you get the incorruptible indestructible everliving seed of the word of God seed works in a dirty environment and God can bring something beautiful out of a dirty pass things that you are shame for your family to ever find out and know about you but God God brings something beautiful out of something dirty and then if you ever just look up in sunny San Diego you see the Sun it reminds us that light is always shining somewhere you get on an airplane you'll discover that above the clouds the Sun always shines and even when it's dark on this part of the world the sun is shining in another part of the world the Sun always shine it never goes out at night there is no night for the Sun the Sun is always shining and he says let your light so shine because in us that's not supposed to be in a darkness at all let your light so shine we don't just turn the light on when you get here to see three no no no it's who we are it's who we are whether in the home my dad lived by this motto that no amount of success can compensate for failure at home we have no authority to export what has not been homegrown and if we don't grow in it even while walking if it won't work in your home why would you think that it will work in the world let it shine let it shine and just remember that God says be still and know that I'm God cease thinking about the things and start thinking about the king thank you so much for joining us online we hope you had a powerful experience we want to take this time to personally help you navigate the next steps in becoming connected if you made a decision for Christ today need prayer or want more information about our church go to our website c3 San Diego dot-com and if you didn't get a chance to give online during service and would like to contribute financially you can go to c3 give comm and click on the giving option that works best for you we look forward to hearing from you see you at church you
Channel: Awaken Church
Views: 25,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unplug, recharge, feed, soul, healthy, church, jesus
Id: ps8qdgZdTcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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