"Conversations About God" Part 1

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hello ladies and gentlemen I'm Carlton Pearson and I want you to open your mind to one of the most interesting conversations you will ever be a part of or hear discussed and it's by the one and only Neale Donald Walsch who wrote the book conversations with God we're gonna have a conversation about God with a man who wrote the book conversations with God he wouldn't use this terminology in reference to himself but I would use a church phrase or a biblical phrase call a pusle I believe that he is the apostle of change and a reformer the way he presents his conversation with God which is both theological scientific philosophical very practical it's a book that some people now call their Bible over 15 million of them sold in 36 different languages you need to hear and watch and observe this conversation and you are part of it right now take a look at just a series of questions the answer to which I think can open a door to allow all of humanity each of us individually and the whole of us collectively to create an experience life on this planet and life eternally in a brand new way but these are very practical down-to-earth questions if I could use that turn of phrase so let me share with you what those questions are I'm going to ask you tonight to consider the following questions question number one how is it possible for 7.5 billion people to all say they want the same thing and to be unable to get it we all say on the planet that is the largest number of us there may be a few who don't agree but certainly the largest number of us say that we all want the same thing our priority list is essentially the same we'd like peace prosperity opportunities security love companionship health abundance you know the list isn't that different from person to person and we've got seven and a half billion people yearning for asking for seeking and working for essentially the same thing how is it possible on a planet that considers itself to be highly evolved for seven and a half billion people to be yearning for the same thing and be unable to get it except in the smallest degree by the smallest number of people and when I say the smallest number of people let me just put that into context just to give you an example last year fourteen people on the planet increased their income by more money then 180 million people have in total I didn't say that 14 people have more money I said that just in the past year they increase their income by more money than a hundred and eighty million people have in total just to give you an example of what I'm talking about when I say that the things for which we all yearn as a species are being experienced by a relative handful of people even those of us in this room are part of that handful of people compared to people all over the world for instance did you know as we sit here tonight are you aware that 1.5 billion people do not even have access to clean water as we're sitting here tonight 1.6 billion people believe it or not have no access to electricity we're talking about the year of our Lord 2015 and 1.6 billion people do not have electricity but wait it gets more interesting 2.5 billion people do not even have indoor sanitation that's tough to believe that's a third of the planet go outside to relieve themselves on a planet that calls itself evolved and the question becomes how has it come to pass that we have created such a life for so many and allow it to continue is it possible that there's something we don't understand here about life the understanding of which would change everything and even more profoundly does anybody care you know I I spelt these statistics wherever I go and I always kind of look to see whether people are you know going to sleep a little bit not to make a judgement but I just noticed when I start talking about 2.6 billion people without a bathroom and I looked to see if anybody's eyebrows go up like wow or if people are just like when's he gonna get to the interesting part see because does anybody care is anybody there does anybody see what I see believe so but this really gets down to something that it goes way past the situation in the world today so I didn't come here to beat us all up you know to beat ourselves up about how bad things are that isn't the point because it really gets down to our own individual experience of ourselves because I can tell you that if we shifted each one of us and all the people on the earth if we shifted our experience of ourself none of these other conditions could possibly exist but what has happened on the earth is that we have embraced a belief system we have allowed ourselves to adopt an understanding of life that has nothing to do with the actual reality but we have told ourselves that it does and chief among those beliefs that we have embraced and a very deep almost cellular level is the belief in separation that is the belief that allows us to live the kind of life we're talking about here tonight the belief that we are separate from each other so one of the things I like to talk to when I talk about when I talk to groups around the world is this idea because this one single notion this one single idea if turned around could change everything and I mean virtually overnight virtually overnight but we allowed ourselves to imagine that we are separate from everything and that grew out of our ideas around God which is why it's important for us to take a look at it in the context of the conversations of God material I assume you all know I won't get into my experience my background except just very briefly but to give it to you in four or five sentences what happened was that the age of 50 my life came to a halt life as I knew it everything just stopped I had an automobile accident I broke my neck I lost my job I couldn't work I couldn't produce income because I was totally you know unable incapacitated thank you for the word and and so I found myself unable to produce continuing income soon my government benefits ran out soon I simply had no way to produce income and there was nobody around me to give me the kind of assistance I could have used I wound up living on the sidewalk I wound up living on the street for two weeks shy of one year I was a panhandler I'm sure they're here Intel so they're all over just walking the streets asking people if they could share a little that experience being out there for a year it changed my entire life as I could as you can imagine so one but here's when the thing really changed I finally pulled myself by my own bootstraps if you please to use a phrase my father would use I pulled myself up out of that situation and I got back into the swing of things I got a little part-time job that turned into a full-time job it didn't pay a great deal but I was surviving and then I found myself back where I had begun at the age of 20 I was now 51 years old and I was working 12 14 and I'm not exaggerating sometimes 16 hours a day just to stay alive and I would get home at night after working 12 14 16 hours and I would think is this really it I mean is this it at 50 I'm having to do this just to keep myself you know surviving what what's what's up and I didn't want to do it anymore and one night I woke up in the middle of the night I became very angry and I wrote an angry letter to God I I saw a tablet on the coffee table in front of me and I began writing a very angular to God what does it take to make life work okay I'm done just just tell me what does it take to make life work and I ask God what what what have I done to deserve a life of such continuing struggle because you know that was as Bishop said I was I was raised in an environment in which I assumed it had to be my fault it must it must be I'm doing something wrong here so I asked God give me the rules just tell me the rules I'll play I promise I'll play just give me the rules and when you give them to me don't change them because my experience had been as well that I thought I was playing by the rules then the rules would change then I thought I was playing by the new rules and the new rules would change I couldn't keep up with the shifting rules so I thought okay I'm done and I told God you know if you don't if you don't figure something out if you don't give me some answers right now I can recall one night I woke up at 4:20 in the morning threw back the covers I was furious started walking over the house this prowling the house at 4:20 in the morning for no reason at all I thought well you know just trying to find some wisdom and some clarity so I went to where I used to always find wisdom and clarity in the middle of the night but there was nothing decent in the refrigerator that night so I wound up just sitting there you know on the couch naked in the middle of night psychologically emotionally and physically naked just picture that and I think don't try to picture that and and just begging God okay just tell me what I need to know or I'm out of here and I remember actually saying those words bitterly either give me some answers now because I've been following your word for 50 years that guess what it's not working so I want some answers now or I'm out of here and God was sore afraid and call out to all the angels in heaven you know somebody get down there get down there help this guy he's really in trouble and all the Angels to a person like no way we're not dealing with Neal so God said well whatever I'll do it myself and I try to make light of it but the fact is that I did hear that voice that we all hear over my right shoulder and the voice is simply said do you really want answers to all of these questions or are you just venting and I said yeah well you know I am venting but if you've got answers I'd love to have them and with that came the answers that I placed in the writing because I wrote it all down and as I was hearing certain answers of course other questions would occur to me so then I would ask those questions don't write them down well what about this what about that and I had lots of yeah but see how about this and yeah but that it God said well then there's this then there's that it before I knew it before I knew it I was involved in an on paper conversation with God that continued throughout the night six or seven or eight hours later in lost track of time but many hours later I was still writing these questions in receiving these answers that went on for many many many nights and for many many many weeks ultimately for many many months and ultimately for something like 13 years and he didn't realize that he was writing a book that wasn't his intention he was just writing his thoughts and it became a book yeah it was in fact a process of personal journaling I had no intention ever of anybody ever seeing this stuff never occurred to me that anybody would look at my handwritten was all handwritten that anyone would look at my handwritten journals except somewhere along the way it said this will one day become a book and I remember when that came off the pen I said yeah right of course you and a hundred other people are gonna send your middle-of-the-night mental meanderings to a publisher who's going to say we have to get this out of once this guy's talking to God but in fact I did send it first to a stenographer who typed it all out and then on to a number of public because why do you suppose I did that I wanted to test God I thought you know what this is something you've said that's measurable it's a measurable outcome everything else has been conceptual and theological in nature and theoretical in nature as well but this is in fact measurable we'll see about that so I in fact sent it to a couple of publishers not many I think four or five that was it but one of those five publishers actually called me and said this is an astonishing piece of material we're going to publish it I said the hell you say he said no actually we're going we're going to publish it and they did and the rest as they say is is publishing history because the book was published very fast they put it on the so called fast track they got an out within weeks actually of receiving it and the book hit the New York Times bestseller list where it stayed for two and a half years consecutively like you know 137 weeks and it was ultimately published in 37 languages and then it got to the point where it was selling millions of copies I don't say that as a boast I say that as evidence when God says something you better listen she said this will one day become a book and he wasn't kidding so that's my little brief it's four and a half minute history of what how I happened to be here but it's what was said to me and said to all of humanity because I realized of course that this material was never meant for me alone it was in fact meant for Humanity at large and I was invited by God in those books to do two things God gave me two could I could could I put it this way invitations or perhaps assignments that I was invited to accept and the two assignments were go out and change the world's mind about God because they got it all wrong change the world's mind about God and the second assignment give people back to themselves give people back to themselves because they have abandoned themselves not deliberately unknowingly but unknowingly stepped away from their true identity that that billions that people are now living a case of mistaken identity not having any idea who they really are why life is the way it is what's going on here and what the purpose of the whole process is about we think now that is billions of people perhaps not those of you in this room but out there billions of people now have a wrong idea and that's by the way the thing we don't understand that was invited to address the question what is it but I do not understand the understanding of which would change everything the answer is I don't understand Who I am I don't understand why I'm here I don't understand what this place is I mean this place called Earth and physical life and I've got my priorities all wrong I was taught you know I don't know when I was raised I was taught that life is about get the guy get the girl get the car get the job get the house get the spouse get the kids get this better house get the better car get the better job get the better spouse get the better spouse get the better spouse get the office in the corner get the sign on the door get the retirement watch get the cruise tickets get the sickness and get the hell out and that's how I lived my life and that's how an astonishing number of people live their lives as well then it became clear to me ninety-eight percent of the world's people are spending 98 percent of their time on things that don't matter this year and I said 98 percent of the world's people are spending 98 percent of their time on things that have nothing to do with who you are and why you're here and that's why on the planet nothing's working in case you haven't noticed in case you haven't noticed but look around the planet you know we've put systems into place that were designed to make life better for all of us we put a political system into place that was designed with the hopes of creating a way that nations could live in peace and security and harmony at the very least and in fact those systems have not that outcome but exactly the opposite we put economic systems into place the hope of which would produce if not equal abundance at least equal opportunity for abundance among all the peoples of the earth the economic system has not produced that outcome in fact it's produced exactly the opposite we've put environmental systems into place with the hopes of being able to guard and husband our resources and create an ecology that worked for the planet it hasn't done that in fact it's produced exactly the opposite we put social systems into place that were designed to bring us closer together as neighbors and friends and to end to heal and Men the differences between us the social systems have not produced that outcome in fact they produced exactly the opposite and we produced spiritual systems call them religions if you will the purpose of which was to bring us closer to God and closer to each other sadly they've produced all together now exactly the opposite what is it that we don't understand here the understanding of which would change everything is it possible that we don't have all the data but we think we do and we believe in a system that works against itself for a simple and singular reason and that reason is rooted in our theological concept of life itself we believe in a construction of life that says everything is separate from everything else and it began in our theology so I won't go into the whole history of it but in summation you look at your own theological history you'll see where how it arose but we believe in a theology that tells us that God is separate from God exists all right theology will announce and declare that God exists but this God that exists is separate from all of us that is God's over there and we're over here and never the twain shall meet except perhaps on Judgment Day which is the day in which you are in big trouble other than that God is over there and we're over here now that wouldn't be so bad if it ended there if we believe in what I call a separation theology fair enough I mean fair enough whatever your belief system is that's your business but unfortunately it doesn't end there because a theology of separation produces a separation cosmology that is a cosmological understanding among all the world's people even those who don't believe in God because the largest number of people do and the largest number of people believe in a God who is separate from us so that separation theology has created a separation cosmology that is a cosmological way of looking at life that says you know everything in this system is separate from everything else dependent for-sure interdependent yes but separate at its basis nonetheless and that wouldn't be so bad if it ended there but it doesn't end there because the separation cosmology inevitably produces a separation psychology that is individual holding of life as a process in which I am going through life by myself essentially I'm trying to find my life partner I'm trying to find somebody that I could hold hands with through the years but by and large I'm living a life of separation until I can maybe if I'm lucky when I die get back home and get back to God so I'm separate from everyone and a separation sociology wouldn't be so bad we could almost live with that except that a separation psychology produces a separation of sociology that is entire societies whole groups within humanity that imagine themselves to be separate from other groups and regretfully better than other groups and finally a separation sociology inevitably produces a separation pathology pathological behaviors of self-destruction pick up the newspaper if anybody reads newspapers you know newspapers do those things they used to have years ago you could actually hold them in your hands and read them so we have a theology that produces a cosmology that generates a psychology that produces a sociology that generates a pathology pathological behaviors of self destroy all of it solvable all of it resolvable with the embracing of a single simple notion nothing is separate from anything else now the theology that he thought about separation if you if you look in scripture in in Genesis or the beginning genetics Genesis origin God is supposed to have said everything I made is good at the only time it wasn't good was it isn't good that man should be what lonely or alone or separate everything that God created was good the first time it wasn't good was it's not good that humanity should be only or alone or without connection to the whole the inference was that everything else in creation actually was connected and that we humanity wasn't he's when he brings up this separation theology cosmology and psychology and sociology Theo is God of course in Greek logic what is your god logic your theology what are the logistics of what your concept of divinity is is your God angry can your God be angered is your God emotional is God personal enough is he making a list checking it twice gonna find out who's naughty or nice who's coming to town Santa Claus to Jesus so you get confused on what they will to have beards they both have beards they both have beards and they look like Neil dials before isn't it isn't this interesting that that he would be the guy to write a book conversation when got when he looks like God or the image that the world the Western world has had him thought oh well I I actually am the truth is I should just tell you tonight I just told I don't just look like God I am really yeah I know that because whenever I walk into the room that my my wife says my god are you here again so but here's here's the question that God invited us to all explore deeply here it comes Who am I I invite you to leave home tonight I leave here tonight and go home tonight and ask yourself and rest with that question and wrestle with it deeply see the question before humanity is Who am I who are we we are one of two things we come to one of two conclusions either we are either I am simply a biological entity just an expression of physical expression if you please no different from a dolphin or a whale or a bird of the sky except perhaps as to the complexity of my formation but beyond that just a life-form a biological form I live I breathe I die it's over that's it and there are by the way there are not a small number of people who think that's exactly what's true that's exactly what we are or there's a second alternative perhaps it's true that I am larger than that maybe I am a spiritual being a spiritual entity having a body and a mind that's the question I want you to wrestle with tonight I mean ask it you're asking of yourself not just conceptually not just as a concept but functionally if it were a function of your life if you decide you know what I am more than just a biological entity I'm a spiritual creature a spiritual entity having a body and a mind I am NOT my body my body is not who I am it's something that I have my mind is not even Who I am my mind is something that I have if we decide by the way I'm just kind of curious to know how many of you here tonight believe that that is what's true that you are a spiritual entity having a body and a mind with a show of hands okay that's that's almost everybody in the room there are a couple back there and those of you who didn't leave didn't raise your hand please leave the room or another way to say that is we're not just human beings looking for spiritual experiences we're spirit having an earthly encounter but the question becomes why see that's were the screw turns because if you really think that you are a spiritual being having a body and a mind a spirit having a human experience the question is why why and standard theology has given us its answer so that you can get back where you started from so you can get back to heaven that's why so you better mind your P's and Q's you better obey the rules you better know what the rules are and then you better do what you're told to do by the religion of your choice of your understanding and don't color outside the lines or you're not going to get back but why didn't let me see if I understand we came here we brought ourselves here so that we could figure out how to get back why did we leave in the first place see and that those are the kinds of questions they used to ask the priest in catechism class you know the priest would come in in seventh grade sixth grade and teach us catechism teach us all about God and I raised my hand saying father father if our job is to try to get back to heaven why did we leave in the first place see and the priest would say see me after class because he didn't want to have to answer questions like that was in the seventh grade and he would actually come to actually came to my house and said to my mother can you ask your son not to ask questions like that because he's didn't get this disrupting the class so cuz I'm not gonna if I kind of looked at looked back on my life at the age of 71 now I could have said to the priest you ain't seen anything about this one so we're we're gonna really disrupt the class so the question is you have to ask yourself tonight since you most of you agree that you are a spiritual entity with a body and a mind the question is why why did I come here why would I put myself through this thank you very much what's the point and especially if we are to believe that nothing is going to keep us out of heaven that is the place that's the popular word we use for you know the place to which we are going to return so if we accept the notion that our return is not conditional that it's in fact guaranteed then we are really which is why we can't accept that but because then we are really lost okay if I'm not trying to get back if that's not the purpose and the point of my behaviors then what is I invite you to wrestle with that tonight what am I doing here why am I here what is the point of my existence what is the purpose and - once I answer that question to what degree is my day-to-day experience reflective of my new understanding regarding that purpose and that is am i demonstrating that purpose in the day-to-day of my existence or in fact is that about two percent of the activity of my mind is it true that 98% of the world's people are spending 98% of their time on things that don't matter things that have nothing to do with the agenda of the soul and if that's true in what way would my life turn around if I began paying more attention to the agenda of my soul that is more attention to the reason that I am here and a lot less attention to get the guy get the girl get the car get the job get the house get the better car get the better job get the better house etc etc etc I tell you this if people live their whole lives paying attention to the agenda of their soul life would change for those individuals and planet airily across the across the globe virtually overnight but we're a very young species we haven't yet learned that we're not yet clear we've embraced notions about God and about life itself that rule and fuel the engine of our experience now I've got a list here I'm gonna I'm gonna have a little true/false quiz right now see true or false to see what your beliefs about God are you ready for a true or false quiz alright sure if by the way this is directly from the back cover of the book God's message to the world you've got me all wrong and when we get the message about God correctly everything in your life will change I promise you okay true or false God is to be feared true or false God may not even exist somebody said true out there will we and I know who you are and sort of God yes true or false God does exist and is a superhuman male being true or false God demands obedience sure false god sees us as imperfect and we may not return to God in an imperfect state Wow interesting true or false God requires us to believe in God and to worship God in a specific way true or false God is vengeful and God's love can turn to wrath sure were false God was at the war with the devil and that's how this all began true or false God determines what is right or wrong not quite as strong ago did you notice that true or false God's forgiveness is required for us to get into heaven Wow heretics yes because they say the room is full of heathens true or false God has a plan for us why are you here the interesting all right true or false see a little bit of a little bit of equivocation on that way true or false God is on our side true or false God honors self-sacrifice long-suffering preferably in private of quiet in silence and martyrdom true or false God sometimes answers our prayers and sometimes does not true or false God will reward us or punish us on Judgment Day only two more true or false God wants us to return to heaven see you think you're clear true or false last one God is separate from us so all of the statements are false every single one and even in the so called New Thought world we're still hanging on to a few of the ideas well no no no no God has a plan for us no not God's on our side you know God wants us to return to heaven see we're still buying into the daddy story that has nothing to do with what God wants just just to give you an idea if God has a plan for us what would it be see why why would God have a plan for you at a plan for you and a plan for you by the way I know everybody in the front rows has the same name I love their nametags the whole VIP family is right see it but I gotta ask you a quick if God has a plan for you why won't he tell you what it is what kind of a God do we have a God who says I've got a plan for each and every one of you but I'm not going to tell you what it is look at her down there 45 years trying to figure it out of course I could just tell you you know and let you know immediately but that what fun would there be in that yeah she's an alcoholic now trying to find my plan so the idea that God has a plan for us sends people scurrying about in various ways taking workshops retreats reading books doing whatever they can do to figure out what that plan is and by what process can I discover it and find out what the plan is so what I was told in conversations with God is I don't have a plan for every one of the 7.5 billion people on the earth I have a desire for all of humanity but my desire sweeps across everyone I do not have individual plans for you you you and you and I'm going to let you spend 50 or 60 years trying to figure it out so I don't have a plan for you give it up my desire is that each of you would create your own plan and know that I am there every moment of your life to empower you to experience it that's my desire but I'm not going to assign a plan for each of you yeah you're supposed to be first baseman for the New York Yankees you're gonna be you're gonna be a quarterback for the New England Patriots and deflate the footballs I hate to deflate you but that is not the plan God is on our side surely that's got to be true and God said really does that mean that I'm on your side but I'm not on the other side whose side am I on and whose side I might know the idea that God is on our side is the most insidious notion that people of religion have placed into the minds of humanity so insidious that it has allowed us to kill other people because God's not on their side gods on our side does that mean that God's on the side of the Los Angeles Dodgers but not the San Francisco Giants I mean how do we you know and by the way this is so deeply ingrained in the culture that that wouldn't they make a touchdown the guy drops to his knees and makes the sign of the Cross as if God gives a damn you know I mean I mean I mean really and what when I I said I wrote an essay about this for Sports Illustrated they did not print it but I thought it would give them it I wrote an essay about this I said you know what if you really want to demonstrate to fifty thousand people in the stadium and five million people watching the game on television drop to your knees and make the sign of the Cross in gratitude to God when your pass is intercepted and the other team wins then drop to your knees and say thank you God that is say thank you to God for every outcome not only those outcomes that apparently benefit you what an interesting point of view Sports Illustrated refused to publish the article but it would have been interesting had they done so so you can just relieve yourself of the notion that God is on your side or anybody's see because that notion in itself separates us from each other and then finally God wants us to return to heaven interesting thought God wants us to return to heaven really where are we now see what is this but what God said to us in conversations with God is you never left heaven I never kicked you out there's no place else to be this is heaven that the kingdom of God exists in many many ways there is the realm of the spiritual the realm of the physical and the realm of pure being among other things have I not told you that in my kingdom there are many mansions do you think that somehow because you're now in physical form that you are outside of the kingdom of God that you exist outside of heaven of course you believe that and you think that your job is to somehow return and earn your way back that's the entire theological construction of billions and billions of people now God comes to tell us a different story first there's no separation between us all things are one thing there is only one thing and all things are part of the one thing there is that means that you are in fact an individual of God you are to God as a drop is to the ocean no different the drop is no different from the ocean except as to size and that's it other than its size take a drop of the ocean and take the ocean and analyze its contents analyze what it is it's of course exactly the same thing so you are to God as a drop is to the ocean that is God lives in as and through you the question then becomes why are we here what is our purpose in being in the realm of physicality or this part of the kingdom of God and that's of course what I asked God okay fair enough if I accept the whole construction why am I here and God said so that divinity can experience itself and divinity can only know itself in its own experience in the realm of the relative because in the realm of the absolute which is how things are in the realm of the spiritual all things are one thing and exist as only one thing that is it is always here it is always now and all there is is love to use human words it's an energy of course but we've given words to that experience so all we experience in the realm of the relative is love here and now that's it it's wonderful it's totally wonderful except that it's only something we can know I can know myself to be loved here and now but I can't experience it and why can't I experience it because there's nothing else and in the absence of what you are not what you are is not did you follow that no in the absence of what you are not what you are is not experienceable so let's just use a simple example simple example let's say I am the light I am the light I'm going to accept that as my notion about myself I am the night the light now in the absence of what I am NOT and what I am NOT of course is the darkness because I am the light so in the absence of the darkness light is not experienceable the only way I can experience myself as the light would be to surround myself by the darkness therefore the master sees the darkness as the greatest gift of the realm of relativity which is why every master has said by the way each in their own way masters know this every spiritual master has said in their own way Ray's not your fist to heaven and curse the darkness not but be a light unto the darkness that you might transform it and know who you really are it's really quite simple so when we condemn the darkness not but transform it by the light that we are suddenly that which is divine experiences itself and says ah now that's who I am and that's the experience of Who I am our opportunity then is to go out into what we would call the darkness and be the full and grandest expression of who we really are that requires us to do some radical things I mean really radical stuff like for instance as somebody once said bless bless bless your enemies and pray for those who persecute you and be in light unto the darkness and other stuff like that so our reason for being here therefore is not to somehow get back to heaven but to experience that we are already in heaven and create the experience and the expression of that in us through us and as us even as we touch others with the same experience or to put it simply your job is to know yourself as a divine you've come here to experience divinity flowing through you in you and as you and there's a very simple way to do that here's the final formula and then I'll stop the closing formula the fastest way to experience any aspect of yourself for which you yearn if you want to experience your abundance your love your compassion your understanding your genius any aspect of yourself any aspect of divinity that you wish to experience that which you wish to experience cause another to experience in their life be the source not the seeker there are two places on the playing board of life there is the seeker and people think of themselves as being in a really good place because I'm a seeker and then there's a place on the playing board called the source to the degree that you hold the place on the playing board called the seeker to that degree you'll be seeking it everywhere in the next book the next seminar the next retreat the next prayer the next understanding of God the next whatever the next person who comes into your life yes they're gonna give it to me but to the degree that you are the source that you source what you wish to experience in the life of another to that degree you discover that what flows through you sticks to you that you couldn't we source it to anybody else unless you already had it and the way to prove to yourself that you have it is to give it to someone else by the way he said in closing this is not a new thought idea this is not New Age theology somebody put this far more brilliantly than I will ever put it several thousand years ago he said do unto others as you would have it done unto you not because it's a sweet ever ism not because it's a wonderful spiritual principle but because that's how it works those are the mechanics of the universe what you give to others will be given to you for a simple reason there's only one of us there's nobody else to give it to so when you leave here tonight make a list of the five things you wish you had more of in your life whatever it might be you want more humor in your life cause another to have more humor in theirs you want more abundance in your life cause another to have more abundance in theirs however little you have you will discover you have enough to share you want more compassion in your life cause another to have more compassion in theirs you want more companionship in your life cause someone else who is desperately seeking companionship somebody in a nursing home somebody in a hospital somebody who experiences themselves as desperately lonely cause someone else to have more more companionship in it whatever you want more of in your life if you want more sex in your life Clark well the point is this is but the point is it works next time on the conversation God will never forgive you because God cannot be hurt damaged defendant or new journey in any way so so forgiveness is not part of God's experience in God's expression neither is it for me the moment that I think that I have to forgive somebody in that moment I do 9 my true what then replaces forgiveness understanding God says that understanding replaces forgiveness in the mind of the master I've learned this in my life I'm a bit older than most of you in this room and I can tell you this my experience has shown me that no one has ever done anything to me that I haven't done in some form or another at some level or another to somebody else everything that has ever been done to me I have in some form or another done to somebody else the only difference is that what I did it I understood it perfectly because it was it was totally okay with me that I did that the only time I don't understand it is when you do it to me it's like me saying how dare you act with me the way I've acted with others how dare you do this but you know what in life what goes around comes around which is why one of the great masters of all time said let those who are without sin among you cast the first stone join us again next time as the conversation continues you
Channel: Carlton D Pearson
Views: 26,978
Rating: 4.8217821 out of 5
Keywords: Carlton Pearson, Gospel of Inclusion, God is not Christian, consciousness, Self actualization, New thought, Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God, Conversations About God, God's Message to the Church, Expanded Consciousness, Streaming Consciousness
Id: rUi2LnXq4mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2015
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